The Cost of supporting a mad man....$$$$$$$

Suck it up, libs. You're just seeing Trump the way we sane people saw Obama.
You might not have liked Obama's policies but you NEVER saw Obama acting like a flaming asshole every freakin day. Obama never lied like Trump is. Obama was not under investigations for a variety of things from Fraud like Trump U, to Child rape, to colluding with the Russians to win an election.

Obama has class, Trump has none.

New boss , same as the old boss but to say that the Barrypuppet wasn't an arrogant, narcissistic lying piece of commie shit and do it with a straight face is downright comical. One fucking scandal after the other, signing off on false flag DHS/FEMA shooting drills that all of the sudden became "live". Funding al qaeda/ISIS, turning Libya into a total disaster but funding the very terrorists we are allegedly in this "police state" for? Leaving the borders totally wide open......having muslim refugees flown in here covertly and wanting airline pilots to signs NDAs.......please tell me again what a great man that queer sack of shit was.......I need a god laugh.
Just as long as Pres Trump gets the Wall built and dismantles Obozocare.

I don''t care if Trump plays golf every week day and takes his family on vacation every weekend for 8 years.
..... :thup: .. :cool:
I voted for him almost exclusively to stop the flood of illegals. Mission accomplished. Everything else is gravy. He can do what he wants.
So, we never ever needed that wall.

You now how they estimate the number of illrgals crossing the Mexico border? By counting the number they caught.

Think about it.
Suck it up, libs. You're just seeing Trump the way we sane people saw Obama.
You might not have liked Obama's policies but you NEVER saw Obama acting like a flaming asshole every freakin day. Obama never lied like Trump is. Obama was not under investigations for a variety of things from Fraud like Trump U, to Child rape, to colluding with the Russians to win an election.

Obama has class, Trump has none.

New boss , same as the old boss but to say that the Barrypuppet wasn't an arrogant, narcissistic lying piece of commie shit and do it with a straight face is downright comical. One fucking scandal after the other, signing off on false flag DHS/FEMA shooting drills that all of the sudden became "live". Funding al qaeda/ISIS, turning Libya into a total disaster but funding the very terrorists we are allegedly in this "police state" for? Leaving the borders totally wide open......having muslim refugees flown in here covertly and wanting airline pilots to signs NDAs.......please tell me again what a great man that queer sack of shit was.......I need a god laugh.

List the lies Obama said.

Obama did not arm ISIS. Obama sup[ported NATO with air support in the civil war in Libya, Obama did more on the border than Bush did - illegal immigration was down under Obama, Now secret refugees?

No wonder you voted for the orange asshole, you're a dumbass asshole too.
Well, why does EVERY COUNTRY run by a BLACK PERSON suck? To be more specific. EVERY FUCKING COUNTRY through out history are fucking smelly cesspools. ALL OF THEM, through out HISTORY.

Fucking disgusting pathetic excuses. Without exception.


Why are there so many more BLACK SLAVE OWNERS through out history?
I wonder if we can cover those facts during negro history month. Go ahead tiger red. Try and contradict those statements. Does it make your black jaws tighten? Those facts? I bet it does.

I am wondering if it is in anyway related to THE blacks having such a difficult time pronouncing a little 3 letter word....ASK.

Every fucking neighborhood is a run down crime ridden cesspool where they have bars on their own windows. Every country run by blacks smelly run down disgusting shitholes.

Hell, we have a case study right before our eyes. The island of Hispaniola. Want to compare the difference between the Dominican Republic and Haiti?

Awwww, did the truth hurt again? Poor little Tiger red. Now, lets hear it about how we should ALL lower every standard known to man to patronize THE blacks.

The hilarious thing about that is THE blacks are not insulted by that. They fight for lower standards.

Does that surprise you? It's much easier to maintain low standards.

If someone has low standards, everyone has low expectations of them. With low expectations, you can be a lazy azz nigga.
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Does that surprise you? It's much easier to maintain low standards.

If someone has low standards, everyone has low expectations of them. With low expectations, you can be a lazy azz nigga.
Plus they are such a fucking disaster that they willfully allow themselves to be used by the party of the KKK and the party of slavery for political gain.

Turns out the democrats found out that owning their minds is a whole lot easier.

Just give them enough to never make a difference but enough to quiet them down all while they are convinced they are nothing but victims of the group that set them free.

What an unreal disaster. Personally, I think it is funny how this tigerred59 loser is still a slave.

I use to give a shit. I no longer give a shit.
To Trump supporters.......thus far, this man and his family, his visits to the Fla., etc....has cost you hillbillies, 12 million dollars...and that's just within the first 100 days. Now your guy, is wanting a commi$$$on to prove he won the popular vote.

Question, have you gotten them good paying jobs yet? Cause your gonna need it!!
Thanks for admitting we support you as well. Maybe we can cut your benefits to help out our great president.
To Trump supporters.......thus far, this man and his family, his visits to the Fla., etc....has cost you hillbillies, 12 million dollars...and that's just within the first 100 days. Now your guy, is wanting a commi$$$on to prove he won the popular vote.

Question, have you gotten them good paying jobs yet? Cause your gonna need it!!

And uh, where is the healthcare that will be better, cheaper, and happen fast, fast?

Lying Donald Trump has proven once and for all a sucker is born every second.

He also proves that you can fool some of the people ALL of the time. As in "You fool all of the people, some of the time, and some of the people all of the time, but you can't fool all of the people all of the time.

Idiots in denial of just how bad this Presidency is, not just for the United States, but for the rest of the world as well, fall into the "some of the people all of the time". Your Emperor has no clothes, and no brains, and no temperment for this job. At age 70, he is not suddenly going to change and become the man you think you elected.

If you are happy with the job he is doing, I question your motives. They have nothing to do with your supposed values of "Truth, justice and the American way".
To Trump supporters.......thus far, this man and his family, his visits to the Fla., etc....has cost you hillbillies, 12 million dollars...and that's just within the first 100 days. Now your guy, is wanting a commi$$$on to prove he won the popular vote.

Question, have you gotten them good paying jobs yet? Cause your gonna need it!!

And uh, where is the healthcare that will be better, cheaper, and happen fast, fast?

Lying Donald Trump has proven once and for all a sucker is born every second.
Perhaps if the scum in washington would stop obstructing him, you would know where it is?
To Trump supporters.......thus far, this man and his family, his visits to the Fla., etc....has cost you hillbillies, 12 million dollars...and that's just within the first 100 days. Now your guy, is wanting a commi$$$on to prove he won the popular vote.

Question, have you gotten them good paying jobs yet? Cause your gonna need it!!

And uh, where is the healthcare that will be better, cheaper, and happen fast, fast?

Lying Donald Trump has proven once and for all a sucker is born every second.

He also proves that you can fool some of the people ALL of the time. As in "You fool all of the people, some of the time, and some of the people all of the time, but you can't fool all of the people all of the time.

Idiots in denial of just how bad this Presidency is, not just for the United States, but for the rest of the world as well, fall into the "some of the people all of the time". Your Emperor has no clothes, and no brains, and no temperment for this job. At age 70, he is not suddenly going to change and become the man you think you elected.

If you are happy with the job he is doing, I question your motives. They have nothing to do with your supposed values of "Truth, justice and the American way".
Except for the fact you believe everything the democrats tell you and since EVERYTHING the democrats say is a lie, well that makes you a very specific kind of stupid.

Not to mention a babbling hypocrite.
To Trump supporters.......thus far, this man and his family, his visits to the Fla., etc....has cost you hillbillies, 12 million dollars...and that's just within the first 100 days. Now your guy, is wanting a commi$$$on to prove he won the popular vote.

Question, have you gotten them good paying jobs yet? Cause your gonna need it!!
well i knew a few people who grabbed one of them good paying part time obama jobs they count?....
Spread the part time job lie like a good little ignorant Trumpette.
lets see you prove im a trumpet dave,i have 50,000 + posts here should be easy enough,right?...and prove that a hell of a lot of those jobs were not part time.....back up your shit dave....
To Trump supporters.......thus far, this man and his family, his visits to the Fla., etc....has cost you hillbillies, 12 million dollars...and that's just within the first 100 days. Now your guy, is wanting a commi$$$on to prove he won the popular vote.

Question, have you gotten them good paying jobs yet? Cause your gonna need it!!
Why does EVERY COUNTRY run by a BLACK PERSON suck?
Cause white people always manage to find a way there to fuck it up for em'. There's not one country, including the US, where black leadership gets fucked by white people. Yaw the motherfuckin problem, find a fuckin mirror you nut suckin bitch
To Trump supporters.......thus far, this man and his family, his visits to the Fla., etc....has cost you hillbillies, 12 million dollars...and that's just within the first 100 days. Now your guy, is wanting a commi$$$on to prove he won the popular vote.

Question, have you gotten them good paying jobs yet? Cause your gonna need it!!

And uh, where is the healthcare that will be better, cheaper, and happen fast, fast?

Lying Donald Trump has proven once and for all a sucker is born every second.
CNN went to Texas to interview people who still support Trump and the surprise was over whelming, these hicks loved the fuck out of this guy still and could care less what he thing however stuck out....all those that were interviewed, where small business owners...the same owners, who are looking to stiff mf's on their healthcare, the same mf's that are waiting on the new tax laws and the exact same mf's who love the min. wage....not one single unemployed or low wage earner did who's a redneck did CNN approach!!
To Trump supporters.......thus far, this man and his family, his visits to the Fla., etc....has cost you hillbillies, 12 million dollars...and that's just within the first 100 days. Now your guy, is wanting a commi$$$on to prove he won the popular vote.

Question, have you gotten them good paying jobs yet? Cause your gonna need it!!
Why does EVERY COUNTRY run by a BLACK PERSON suck?
Cause white people always manage to find a way there to fuck it up for em'. There's not one country, including the US, where black leadership gets fucked by white people. Yaw the motherfuckin problem, find a fuckin mirror you nut suckin bitch

Man I like you.
To Trump supporters.......thus far, this man and his family, his visits to the Fla., etc....has cost you hillbillies, 12 million dollars...and that's just within the first 100 days. Now your guy, is wanting a commi$$$on to prove he won the popular vote.

Question, have you gotten them good paying jobs yet? Cause your gonna need it!!
Why does EVERY COUNTRY run by a BLACK PERSON suck?
Cause white people always manage to find a way there to fuck it up for em'. There's not one country, including the US, where black leadership gets fucked by white people. Yaw the motherfuckin problem, find a fuckin mirror you nut suckin bitch

Man I like you.
And you should..dumb mf'
To Trump supporters.......thus far, this man and his family, his visits to the Fla., etc....has cost you hillbillies, 12 million dollars...and that's just within the first 100 days. Now your guy, is wanting a commi$$$on to prove he won the popular vote.

Question, have you gotten them good paying jobs yet? Cause your gonna need it!!

And uh, where is the healthcare that will be better, cheaper, and happen fast, fast?

Lying Donald Trump has proven once and for all a sucker is born every second.
Perhaps if the scum in washington would stop obstructing him, you would know where it is?
Get the fuck outta here, you morons have the majority.
To Trump supporters.......thus far, this man and his family, his visits to the Fla., etc....has cost you hillbillies, 12 million dollars...and that's just within the first 100 days. Now your guy, is wanting a commi$$$on to prove he won the popular vote.

Question, have you gotten them good paying jobs yet? Cause your gonna need it!!
Why does EVERY COUNTRY run by a BLACK PERSON suck?
Cause white people always manage to find a way there to fuck it up for em'. There's not one country, including the US, where black leadership gets fucked by white people. Yaw the motherfuckin problem, find a fuckin mirror you nut suckin bitch

Man I like you.
And you should..dumb mf'

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