The Countdown is On....

11 days and no police report, which is public knowledge, has come from the Ferguson P.D.

Perhaps because the investigation is ongoing? As a rule, the police will not divulge the reports until the investigation is complete. And if the investigation is complete, the evidence and reports will remain sealed at least until after the Grand Jury makes its decision. It's just the way it works. Sorry, they're job is not to accommodate you and your desires.

Yeah yeah, I know... "cover up!"

And I think you mean "public record," not "public knowledge."

If Wilson was badly injured by Brown, as Faux Noise's "source" states, then why haven't they posted photos of him like the Orlando P.D. did of Zimmerman?

Why should they?

Give it time, you'll be able to get your jollies eventually. I'm sure the pictures will be released and you'll be able to get off while looking at the photos of the beaten and bruised cop.

Where's the FPD autopsy results?

The PD doesn't perform the autopsy. Autopsies are performed by the morgue. They are independent of the police departments so as to remain impartial. They do not release the results of autopsies while there is still an active investigation.

As the old saying goes, if you have nothing to hide, then hide nothing. Keep the quivering little mass of semi-human protoplasm with a badge in Nebraska if he's so fucking scared, but release the photos of his battered head and bulging fracked eyeball.

They also say that if you are not guilty you don't need a lawyer, but guess what? That's exactly when you need a lawyer.

The fact of the matter is this, nothing they say or do will satisfy you. You have already convicted Wilson. You don't care about the truth. You. Don't. Care. YOU want a lynching. I'm surprised you're not on your way to wherever Wilson is with a rope. Nothing less than the man's death will satisfy you.

Because you don't care about the truth.

"Autopsies are performed by the morgue"

What a brilliant, educated comment. Let's see... and independent entity from the Ferguson PD:

ST. LOUIS COUNTY - St. Louis County Police have released preliminary results of an autopsy done on the body of 18-year-old Michael Brown.
It shows he died as the result of gunshot wounds. Police won't specify how many times the teen was shot.
The autopsy was done by the St. Louis County Medical Examiner's office On Sunday, the day after Brown was shot.
Police won't release any further details of the autopsy, pending the results of toxicology tests. Those should be available in the next four weeks.
The final and full autopsy should be available at that time."""

Gee, this independent body wouldn't even say how many holes they found. Maybe they got them mixed up with natural body orifices.

Michael Brown's preliminary autopsy shows 'gunshot wounds'

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