The country is at war with the Republican party


Platinum Member
Nov 20, 2018
Joe: McConnell won't allow a vote on protecting America Moscow Mitch McConnell will not allow a vote to protect our elections. Why? Because he and the Republican party have to cheat. It's the only way to win. They did it in 2016 and they will do it in 2020. And here's the thing; all intelligence people under Trump have made the claim that Russia attacked and is still attacking our elections, and Moscow Mitch won't vote on it. We are at war with a party that is trying to destroy America. The country has to see the urgency to act against these monsters who are looking to destroy this country.
Joe: McConnell won't allow a vote on protecting America Moscow Mitch McConnell will not allow a vote to protect our elections. Why? Because he and the Republican party have to cheat. It's the only way to win. They did it in 2016 and they will do it in 2020. And here's the thing; all intelligence people under Trump have made the claim that Russia attacked and is still attacking our elections, and Moscow Mitch won't vote on it. We are at war with a party that is trying to destroy America. The country has to see the urgency to act against these monsters who are looking to destroy this country.
The country has to see the urgency to act against these monsters who are looking to destroy this country.
both parties are monsters nowadays looking to destroy this country...
Joe: McConnell won't allow a vote on protecting America Moscow Mitch McConnell will not allow a vote to protect our elections. Why? Because he and the Republican party have to cheat. It's the only way to win. They did it in 2016 and they will do it in 2020. And here's the thing; all intelligence people under Trump have made the claim that Russia attacked and is still attacking our elections, and Moscow Mitch won't vote on it. We are at war with a party that is trying to destroy America. The country has to see the urgency to act against these monsters who are looking to destroy this country.

This is an example of why Congress has such low approval ratings. At any given time an elected official can table a bill and not allow a vote. If it’s not the Speaker it’s the Senate Majority leader. Instead of sucking up to SIGs and worrying about re-election campaigns, try actually doing the work you were elected to do. EVERY member of Congress can cast an up or down vote. That includes bills one finds abhorrent or those attached with poison pill” in them. Anything less than this should be treated as a form of obstruction.
Joe: McConnell won't allow a vote on protecting America Moscow Mitch McConnell will not allow a vote to protect our elections. Why? Because he and the Republican party have to cheat. It's the only way to win. They did it in 2016 and they will do it in 2020. And here's the thing; all intelligence people under Trump have made the claim that Russia attacked and is still attacking our elections, and Moscow Mitch won't vote on it. We are at war with a party that is trying to destroy America. The country has to see the urgency to act against these monsters who are looking to destroy this country.
Morning Joe has the worst case of TDS on TV today. He is leading the charge for the anti-Trumpers so he may not be the best source for news.
Joe: McConnell won't allow a vote on protecting America Moscow Mitch McConnell will not allow a vote to protect our elections. Why? Because he and the Republican party have to cheat. It's the only way to win. They did it in 2016 and they will do it in 2020. And here's the thing; all intelligence people under Trump have made the claim that Russia attacked and is still attacking our elections, and Moscow Mitch won't vote on it. We are at war with a party that is trying to destroy America. The country has to see the urgency to act against these monsters who are looking to destroy this country.

DeanRd is that you? Naïveté and ignorance of history are the hallmarks of the modern Democrat, along with a glaring inability to perceive, identify or prioritize crucial moral issues of the day as they pertain to the mutual good of every human being, children in particular. As you post this asininity, postmodernist far left ideologues are taking apart the guts of American Civilization perversion by perversion; rabidly anti-American Democrat Candidates are campaigning not for the average American Citizen, but for immigrants illegal and otherwise; and every last bastion of traditional American culture, society, religion, constitutional rights and freedoms are under relentless attack by a hard left core of the Democratic Party who is anti-fact, anti-truth, anti-American and anti-human. And yet, in your blind hatred for one man, your serving, elected President, you find the idiocy; the complete lack of responsibility, humanity and common sense to declare civilization over because some Republican lawmaker failed to do something MSNBC brainwashed you into believing was vital to your next breath. Such irresponsible, willful ignorance is a tragedy for every other thinking human being alive.
Joe and Mika, who had her face wrapped in bandages and was bleeding from plastic surgery through the bandages, showed up at Mar A Lago on Christmas eve. They had not been invited.
When they knocked on the door and wanted to come in. A security guard asked them to stay outside while he went and got Trump.
Trump took a look at Mika bleeding and told Joe and Mika he didn't want them at his Christmas eve party.
Well that was IT!
Since then Joe and Mika have had a massive hard-on for Trump.
Joe: McConnell won't allow a vote on protecting America Moscow Mitch McConnell will not allow a vote to protect our elections. Why? Because he and the Republican party have to cheat. It's the only way to win. They did it in 2016 and they will do it in 2020. And here's the thing; all intelligence people under Trump have made the claim that Russia attacked and is still attacking our elections, and Moscow Mitch won't vote on it. We are at war with a party that is trying to destroy America. The country has to see the urgency to act against these monsters who are looking to destroy this country.
Present some evidence that they cheated in 2016
Joe: McConnell won't allow a vote on protecting America Moscow Mitch McConnell will not allow a vote to protect our elections. Why? Because he and the Republican party have to cheat. It's the only way to win. They did it in 2016 and they will do it in 2020. And here's the thing; all intelligence people under Trump have made the claim that Russia attacked and is still attacking our elections, and Moscow Mitch won't vote on it. We are at war with a party that is trying to destroy America. The country has to see the urgency to act against these monsters who are looking to destroy this country.

The only reason why mcconnell isn't allowing those bills to come up for a vote is because mcconnell is up for reelection next year. People in his state don't like him and he has a challenger who people do like. So mcconnell is probably hoping for help from russia to get reelected.

The only reason any politician would not want to make our election safe from russia or other nations interfering is because that politician wants the help from russia or other nation.

It's getting disgusting. The gop have known they can't win an honest election for a long time. So they do what they've been doing for a long time. Cheat. Pass ID laws that cause people to not be able to vote, gerrymander states to make people's vote useless, not putting enough voting machines in polling places or old machines that don't work well. Last election a voting place was moved out of the town to a place with no public transportation making it nearly impossible for people to vote.

The ONLY way to stop all this is to not vote for a republican. Get your friends to vote and not vote republican. Republicans won't do anything to make our elections secure and safe so they don't belong in our government. Vote for people who will make our elections secure and safe.

It's very important to vote. Not just yourself but everyone you know. Get as many people to vote as possible. Help people to get registered and vote. Hold voting parties. Organize carpools to help people get to their polling place. Do everything you know to get as many people to vote as possible. Get your friends to do the same thing.
Joe: McConnell won't allow a vote on protecting America Moscow Mitch McConnell will not allow a vote to protect our elections. Why? Because he and the Republican party have to cheat. It's the only way to win. They did it in 2016 and they will do it in 2020. And here's the thing; all intelligence people under Trump have made the claim that Russia attacked and is still attacking our elections, and Moscow Mitch won't vote on it. We are at war with a party that is trying to destroy America. The country has to see the urgency to act against these monsters who are looking to destroy this country.

The only reason why mcconnell isn't allowing those bills to come up for a vote is because mcconnell is up for reelection next year. People in his state don't like him and he has a challenger who people do like. So mcconnell is probably hoping for help from russia to get reelected.

The only reason any politician would not want to make our election safe from russia or other nations interfering is because that politician wants the help from russia or other nation.

It's getting disgusting. The gop have known they can't win an honest election for a long time. So they do what they've been doing for a long time. Cheat. Pass ID laws that cause people to not be able to vote, gerrymander states to make people's vote useless, not putting enough voting machines in polling places or old machines that don't work well. Last election a voting place was moved out of the town to a place with no public transportation making it nearly impossible for people to vote.

The ONLY way to stop all this is to not vote for a republican. Get your friends to vote and not vote republican. Republicans won't do anything to make our elections secure and safe so they don't belong in our government. Vote for people who will make our elections secure and safe.

It's very important to vote. Not just yourself but everyone you know. Get as many people to vote as possible. Help people to get registered and vote. Hold voting parties. Organize carpools to help people get to their polling place. Do everything you know to get as many people to vote as possible. Get your friends to do the same thing.

The bills the House has sent over deserve no attention. We're not going that way.
Joe: McConnell won't allow a vote on protecting America Moscow Mitch McConnell will not allow a vote to protect our elections. Why? Because he and the Republican party have to cheat. It's the only way to win. They did it in 2016 and they will do it in 2020. And here's the thing; all intelligence people under Trump have made the claim that Russia attacked and is still attacking our elections, and Moscow Mitch won't vote on it. We are at war with a party that is trying to destroy America. The country has to see the urgency to act against these monsters who are looking to destroy this country.
Civil war is the only answer.

True. Yes it is.
Joe: McConnell won't allow a vote on protecting America Moscow Mitch McConnell will not allow a vote to protect our elections. Why? Because he and the Republican party have to cheat. It's the only way to win. They did it in 2016 and they will do it in 2020. And here's the thing; all intelligence people under Trump have made the claim that Russia attacked and is still attacking our elections, and Moscow Mitch won't vote on it. We are at war with a party that is trying to destroy America. The country has to see the urgency to act against these monsters who are looking to destroy this country.

Fake story
Russia has been dicking around with our elections since 1948. Don't be so naive.

What's most interesting is that the CPUSA and the Democratic Party have such similar goals.

I posted a similar thread yesterday. Little Trumpsters read it, but couldn’t/wouldn’t reply.
Every Intelligence community worldwide knows how hard Russia is trying to destroy our Democratic election process, the same process that follows our Constitution.
People like you always put Trump over your country, ever single time. That is totally anti-American and totally anti-Constitutional. Man, you simpletons are so easy to manipulate.
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every last bastion of traditional American culture, society, religion, constitutional rights and freedoms are under relentless attack by a hard left core of the Democratic Party who is anti-fact, anti-truth, anti-American and anti-human.

If your fake vicarious victim card grows any bigger, you'll have to register as a yacht.
Joe: McConnell won't allow a vote on protecting America Moscow Mitch McConnell will not allow a vote to protect our elections. Why? Because he and the Republican party have to cheat. It's the only way to win. They did it in 2016 and they will do it in 2020. And here's the thing; all intelligence people under Trump have made the claim that Russia attacked and is still attacking our elections, and Moscow Mitch won't vote on it. We are at war with a party that is trying to destroy America. The country has to see the urgency to act against these monsters who are looking to destroy this country.

The big tech companies have more influence over our elections than the Russians ever did.
The war is in between OP's ears with his brain vs. TDS, and Trump sticks his brain with a pickle fork like clockwork every 4 minutes and he howls.
We are at war with a party that is trying to destroy America.


"We are at war" - Republicans are "trying to destroy America."

Republicans are going bonkers, true. Their subservience to the orange blob is shameful, a blot on U.S. history, and it must end, the sooner the better.

It is not a good idea for Democrats to jump right into the same swamp, and ramp up the rhetoric and the screeching to their level, and go bonkers themselves. That, in fact, would endanger the country, if all voters have to choose from are two flavors of insanity.

There is enough evidence for what Republicans have become during the last four decades, how that is having deleterious effects on the nation. Much rides on the Democrats' capacity calmly and reasonably to make that case to voters. Trying to out-spectacle president Spectacle would be a gross failure.

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