The country is at war with the Republican party

Joe: McConnell won't allow a vote on protecting America Moscow Mitch McConnell will not allow a vote to protect our elections. Why? Because he and the Republican party have to cheat. It's the only way to win. They did it in 2016 and they will do it in 2020. And here's the thing; all intelligence people under Trump have made the claim that Russia attacked and is still attacking our elections, and Moscow Mitch won't vote on it. We are at war with a party that is trying to destroy America. The country has to see the urgency to act against these monsters who are looking to destroy this country.

Mitch McConnell received donations from voting machine company lobbyists before blocking election security bills

"Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell squashed two bills intended to ensure voting security on Thursday, just one day after former special counsel Robert Mueller warned that Russians were attempting to sabotage the 2020 presidential elections 'as we sit here.'

"McConnell said he wouldn't allow a vote on the bills because they were 'so partisan,' but, as previously reported, earlier this year McConnell received a slew of donations from four of the top voting machine lobbyists in the country."
We know there is no coincidence. The Republicans in Trump's orbit are all about enriching themselves, and they could give two shits about oath of office.
Joe: McConnell won't allow a vote on protecting America Moscow Mitch McConnell will not allow a vote to protect our elections. Why? Because he and the Republican party have to cheat. It's the only way to win. They did it in 2016 and they will do it in 2020. And here's the thing; all intelligence people under Trump have made the claim that Russia attacked and is still attacking our elections, and Moscow Mitch won't vote on it. We are at war with a party that is trying to destroy America. The country has to see the urgency to act against these monsters who are looking to destroy this country.
The country has to see the urgency to act against these monsters who are looking to destroy this country.
both parties are monsters nowadays looking to destroy this country...
Mitch McConnell is in the Republican party blocking the vote to protect our elections. Our intelligence agencies already informed us of the emergency.

If leftists, dems, and liberals weren't such pussies and thin-skinned the "Russian interference" wouldn't have any effect.

Maybe I find memes from other countries informative.
That argument makes absolutely no sense whatsoever. Where do you people come up with this stupid shit? What does any of that have to do with the price of apples? Not a damn thing. What a joke.
Present some evidence that they cheated in 2016

They can't.
There was no obstruction.
There was no collusion.
There was no Russian interference in the election.
It has been proven hundreds of times on this forum. The fact that you are floating around in the space of denials and fantasy is your problem. Reality will show you a new direction in time.
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Joe: McConnell won't allow a vote on protecting America Moscow Mitch McConnell will not allow a vote to protect our elections. Why? Because he and the Republican party have to cheat. It's the only way to win. They did it in 2016 and they will do it in 2020. And here's the thing; all intelligence people under Trump have made the claim that Russia attacked and is still attacking our elections, and Moscow Mitch won't vote on it. We are at war with a party that is trying to destroy America. The country has to see the urgency to act against these monsters who are looking to destroy this country.
The country has to see the urgency to act against these monsters who are looking to destroy this country.
both parties are monsters nowadays looking to destroy this country...
Mitch McConnell is in the Republican party blocking the vote to protect our elections. Our intelligence agencies already informed us of the emergency.
doesnt take away what i said.....
Yes it does, because it shows you have no idea what an "emergency" is.
what part of both parties are monsters dont you understand?...if you need me to explain it to you let me know...
Changing the goal post to include both parties is a losing hand. No one is blocking free and fair elections other than McConnell.
I’ve git an idea....

A joint bill that protects from foreign electronic influence in elections via cyber security AND protects against voter fraud by requiring a Government issued Photo ID with residential address to cast a vote.
Present some evidence that they cheated in 2016

They can't.
There was no obstruction.
There was no collusion.
There was no Russian interference in the election.
It has been proven hundreds of times on this forum.

Then it should be a simple matter for you to repost some of this proof.
Nah, that's okay. I've posted and proven enough. IF Trump's cultists haven't gotten it by now, they never will. Time for Congress to take over. We have all the evidence and proof we need now.
I’ve git an idea....

A joint bill that protects from foreign electronic influence in elections via cyber security AND protects against voter fraud by requiring a Government issued Photo ID with residential address to cast a vote.
That wouldn't help because Kris Kobach purged millions of voters illegally, and the south closed 868 polls in mostly minority areas to keep them from voting. So the ID wouldn't have done those people any good. And that by the way, was how the election was stolen.
That wouldn't help because Kris Kobach purged millions of voters illegally, and the south closed 868 polls in mostly minority areas to keep them from voting. So the ID wouldn't have done those people any good. And that by the way, was how the election was stolen.

Whatever. I have no use for politics, politicians or political parties. I’m a “bullets, not ballots” type of guy.
That wouldn't help because Kris Kobach purged millions of voters illegally, and the south closed 868 polls in mostly minority areas to keep them from voting. So the ID wouldn't have done those people any good. And that by the way, was how the election was stolen.

Whatever. I have no use for politics, politicians or political parties. I’m a “bullets, not ballots” type of guy.
Then why are you here?
Joe: McConnell won't allow a vote on protecting America Moscow Mitch McConnell will not allow a vote to protect our elections. Why? Because he and the Republican party have to cheat. It's the only way to win. They did it in 2016 and they will do it in 2020. And here's the thing; all intelligence people under Trump have made the claim that Russia attacked and is still attacking our elections, and Moscow Mitch won't vote on it. We are at war with a party that is trying to destroy America. The country has to see the urgency to act against these monsters who are looking to destroy this country.
The country has to see the urgency to act against these monsters who are looking to destroy this country.
both parties are monsters nowadays looking to destroy this country...
Mitch McConnell is in the Republican party blocking the vote to protect our elections. Our intelligence agencies already informed us of the emergency.

If leftists, dems, and liberals weren't such pussies and thin-skinned the "Russian interference" wouldn't have any effect.

Maybe I find memes from other countries informative.
That argument makes absolutely no sense whatsoever. Where do you people come up with this stupid shit? What does any of that have to do with the price of apples? Not a damn thing. What a joke.

No votes were changed.
No voting machines were hacked.
No vote totals were changed or hacked.

Some dudes in other countries posted memes on Twitter and Facebook.
Most if not all are true.
They do it to cause discord.
They only people who react are the weak, thin-skinned lefties.

You TDS has eaten your brain.
The only election security bill we need to pass is one that allows us to deport Democrats.
Present some evidence that they cheated in 2016

They can't.
There was no obstruction.
There was no collusion.
There was no Russian interference in the election.
It has been proven hundreds of times on this forum. The fact that you are floating around in the space of denials and fantasy is your problem. Reality will show you a new direction in time.
No it never has

You are lying

If it had been you could easily demonstrate this proof

So fire away and post some evidence
Present some evidence that they cheated in 2016

They can't.
There was no obstruction.
There was no collusion.
There was no Russian interference in the election.
It has been proven hundreds of times on this forum.

Then it should be a simple matter for you to repost some of this proof.
Nah, that's okay. I've posted and proven enough. IF Trump's cultists haven't gotten it by now, they never will. Time for Congress to take over. We have all the evidence and proof we need now.
You have posted but never proven anything

Post some evidence because you have never done so
Joe: McConnell won't allow a vote on protecting America Moscow Mitch McConnell will not allow a vote to protect our elections. Why? Because he and the Republican party have to cheat. It's the only way to win. They did it in 2016 and they will do it in 2020. And here's the thing; all intelligence people under Trump have made the claim that Russia attacked and is still attacking our elections, and Moscow Mitch won't vote on it. We are at war with a party that is trying to destroy America. The country has to see the urgency to act against these monsters who are looking to destroy this country.

Mitch McConnell received donations from voting machine company lobbyists before blocking election security bills

"Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell squashed two bills intended to ensure voting security on Thursday, just one day after former special counsel Robert Mueller warned that Russians were attempting to sabotage the 2020 presidential elections 'as we sit here.'

"McConnell said he wouldn't allow a vote on the bills because they were 'so partisan,' but, as previously reported, earlier this year McConnell received a slew of donations from four of the top voting machine lobbyists in the country."
We know there is no coincidence. The Republicans in Trump's orbit are all about enriching themselves, and they could give two shits about oath of office.
We know there is no coincidence. The Republicans in Trump's orbit are all about enriching themselves, and they could give two shits about oath of office.
It's a Huuge family tradition with "Mr Gimme"

Trump Was Already Screwing New York Taxpayers 36 Years Ago

"In 1982, the indomitable Wayne Barrett reported on ‘Mr. Gimme, the tax break whiz kid’..."

"Barrett spells out the corporate welfare Trump is getting for his building projects around town — 'his $168 million, 42-year tax break at the Grand Hyatt Hotel (dubbed the biggest tax give-away in state history)' — and how 'Mr. Gimme' is also consistently reneging on his promises of civic improvements in return.

"We also get mention of Trump’s savage consigliere, Roy Cohn, who helps facilitate the favoritism shown to the future POTUS by crooked politicians and corrupt judges.

"Thirty-six years later, Barrett’s reporting sounds as current as tomorrow’s breaking news: ‘Mr. Trump has been joined here,’ concluded the MTA brief, ‘on the totally sufficient ground that he is the principal wrongdoer. He is independently liable to plaintiffs for the tort of misleading plaintiffs into relying on his promise when he did not intend to keep it.’ ”

Total MAGA!
Joe: McConnell won't allow a vote on protecting America Moscow Mitch McConnell will not allow a vote to protect our elections. Why? Because he and the Republican party have to cheat. It's the only way to win. They did it in 2016 and they will do it in 2020. And here's the thing; all intelligence people under Trump have made the claim that Russia attacked and is still attacking our elections, and Moscow Mitch won't vote on it. We are at war with a party that is trying to destroy America. The country has to see the urgency to act against these monsters who are looking to destroy this country.
Democrats all 30 million illegals to interfere in our elections lol GTFO
Joe: McConnell won't allow a vote on protecting America Moscow Mitch McConnell will not allow a vote to protect our elections. Why? Because he and the Republican party have to cheat. It's the only way to win. They did it in 2016 and they will do it in 2020. And here's the thing; all intelligence people under Trump have made the claim that Russia attacked and is still attacking our elections, and Moscow Mitch won't vote on it. We are at war with a party that is trying to destroy America. The country has to see the urgency to act against these monsters who are looking to destroy this country.
Morning Joe has the worst case of TDS on TV today. He is leading the charge for the anti-Trumpers so he may not be the best source for news.
Real TDS is the idea that it`s okay for the president of the United States to mock the handicapped and spit on our POWs and Gold Star families. That`s not Deranged?

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