The country is at war with the Republican party

The war is in between OP's ears with his brain vs. TDS, and Trump sticks his brain with a pickle fork like clockwork every 4 minutes and he howls.

A total deflection of reality.
There is so much evidence that the threat is very seriously real and a threat to America..
There are mountains of evidence, not only in every single intelligence agency lead by Trump appointees, but also worldwide intelligence agencie. But Little Trumpsters ignore it or use their favorite deflection, “fake news”.
Considering how easily manipulated Little Trumpsters ignore fact over bullshit
The war is in between OP's ears with his brain vs. TDS, and Trump sticks his brain with a pickle fork like clockwork every 4 minutes and he howls.

A total deflection of reality.
There is so much evidence that the threat is very seriously real and a threat to America..
There are mountains of evidence, not only in every single intelligence agency lead by Trump appointees, but also worldwide intelligence agencie. But Little Trumpsters ignore it or use their favorite deflection, “fake news”.
Considering how easily manipulated Little Trumpsters ignore fact over bullshit

Trump sticks your brain with a pickle fork in 3...2...1... :aargh:
Joe: McConnell won't allow a vote on protecting America Moscow Mitch McConnell will not allow a vote to protect our elections. Why? Because he and the Republican party have to cheat. It's the only way to win. They did it in 2016 and they will do it in 2020. And here's the thing; all intelligence people under Trump have made the claim that Russia attacked and is still attacking our elections, and Moscow Mitch won't vote on it. We are at war with a party that is trying to destroy America. The country has to see the urgency to act against these monsters who are looking to destroy this country.
The war is in between OP's ears with his brain vs. TDS, and Trump sticks his brain with a pickle fork like clockwork every 4 minutes and he howls.

A total deflection of reality.
There is so much evidence that the threat is very seriously real and a threat to America..
There are mountains of evidence, not only in every single intelligence agency lead by Trump appointees, but also worldwide intelligence agencie. But Little Trumpsters ignore it or use their favorite deflection, “fake news”.
Considering how easily manipulated Little Trumpsters ignore fact over bullshit

Trump sticks your brain with a pickle fork in 3...2...1... :aargh:

Trump Derangement Syndrome.
Actually, I am sure this describes Little Trumpsters much better than Trump haters.
Trump lies to his base every single day. Fact checkers who have made claims about Trump's lies, use facts to back up their proclamation of a Trump lie.
Despite the documented lie, with proof that Trump again lied, Little Trumpsters still adore Trumps gigantic posterior. How many of you would buy a used car from someone who you know lied that much? I bet none of you.
de·range·ment | \ di-ˈrānj-mənt

Medical Definition of derangement
1 : a disturbance of normal bodily functioning or operation derangements in the secretion of adaptive hormones— Hans Selye
2 : mental illness

A individual would have to have some sort of mental illness to believe and loyally follow, a known and proven pathological liar. It's just not normal. :2up:
Russia has been dicking around with our elections since 1948. Don't be so naive.

What's most interesting is that the CPUSA and the Democratic Party have such similar goals.

I posted a similar thread yesterday. Little Trumpsters read it, but couldn’t/wouldn’t reply.
Every Intelligence community worldwide knows how hard Russia is trying to destroy our Democratic election process, the same process that follows our Constitution.
People like you always put Trump over your country, ever single time. That is totally anti-American and totally anti-Constitutional. Man, you simpletons are so easy to manipulate.

Doesn't appear that you understood the post that you quoted at all.
The war is in between OP's ears with his brain vs. TDS, and Trump sticks his brain with a pickle fork like clockwork every 4 minutes and he howls.

A total deflection of reality.
There is so much evidence that the threat is very seriously real and a threat to America..
There are mountains of evidence, not only in every single intelligence agency lead by Trump appointees, but also worldwide intelligence agencie. But Little Trumpsters ignore it or use their favorite deflection, “fake news”.
Considering how easily manipulated Little Trumpsters ignore fact over bullshit

Trump sticks your brain with a pickle fork in 3...2...1... :aargh:

Trump Derangement Syndrome.
Actually, I am sure this describes Little Trumpsters much better than Trump haters.
Trump lies to his base every single day. Fact checkers who have made claims about Trump's lies, use facts to back up their proclamation of a Trump lie.
Despite the documented lie, with proof that Trump again lied, Little Trumpsters still adore Trumps gigantic posterior. How many of you would buy a used car from someone who you know lied that much? I bet none of you.
de·range·ment | \ di-ˈrānj-mənt

Medical Definition of derangement
1 : a disturbance of normal bodily functioning or operation derangements in the secretion of adaptive hormones— Hans Selye
2 : mental illness

A individual would have to have some sort of mental illness to believe and loyally follow, a known and proven pathological liar. It's just not normal. :2up:

Link to one of your "fact checkers" that you trust?

Since when did it become acceptable to be intellectually lazy and use fact checkers? :uhh:
The war is in between OP's ears with his brain vs. TDS, and Trump sticks his brain with a pickle fork like clockwork every 4 minutes and he howls.

A total deflection of reality.
There is so much evidence that the threat is very seriously real and a threat to America..
There are mountains of evidence, not only in every single intelligence agency lead by Trump appointees, but also worldwide intelligence agencie. But Little Trumpsters ignore it or use their favorite deflection, “fake news”.
Considering how easily manipulated Little Trumpsters ignore fact over bullshit

Trump sticks your brain with a pickle fork in 3...2...1... :aargh:

Trump Derangement Syndrome.
Actually, I am sure this describes Little Trumpsters much better than Trump haters.
Trump lies to his base every single day. Fact checkers who have made claims about Trump's lies, use facts to back up their proclamation of a Trump lie.
Despite the documented lie, with proof that Trump again lied, Little Trumpsters still adore Trumps gigantic posterior. How many of you would buy a used car from someone who you know lied that much? I bet none of you.
de·range·ment | \ di-ˈrānj-mənt

Medical Definition of derangement
1 : a disturbance of normal bodily functioning or operation derangements in the secretion of adaptive hormones— Hans Selye
2 : mental illness

A individual would have to have some sort of mental illness to believe and loyally follow, a known and proven pathological liar. It's just not normal. :2up:

Link to one of your "fact checkers" that you trust?

Since when did it become acceptable to be intellectually lazy and use fact checkers? :uhh:

Actually, using fact checkers is more ambitious, than taking Trump or any politician for their word. And that's where laziness comes into play, just sucking down what politicians say and not checking on the truth is lazy...
I also use studies done by experts involved in institutional experts.
Fact heckers I also use:
Fact-checking U.S. politics | PolitiFact Which the right loved when it gave Obama the "lie of the year".
Lie of the Year: 'If you like your health care plan, you can keep it'
Congressional Research Service (Library of Congress)
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The war is in between OP's ears with his brain vs. TDS, and Trump sticks his brain with a pickle fork like clockwork every 4 minutes and he howls.

The funny thing is, the GOP is as much the country as he is. It must chap his drawers that their votes count as much as his.
The war is in between OP's ears with his brain vs. TDS, and Trump sticks his brain with a pickle fork like clockwork every 4 minutes and he howls.

A total deflection of reality.
There is so much evidence that the threat is very seriously real and a threat to America..
There are mountains of evidence, not only in every single intelligence agency lead by Trump appointees, but also worldwide intelligence agencie. But Little Trumpsters ignore it or use their favorite deflection, “fake news”.
Considering how easily manipulated Little Trumpsters ignore fact over bullshit

Trump sticks your brain with a pickle fork in 3...2...1... :aargh:

Trump Derangement Syndrome.
Actually, I am sure this describes Little Trumpsters much better than Trump haters.
Trump lies to his base every single day. Fact checkers who have made claims about Trump's lies, use facts to back up their proclamation of a Trump lie.
Despite the documented lie, with proof that Trump again lied, Little Trumpsters still adore Trumps gigantic posterior. How many of you would buy a used car from someone who you know lied that much? I bet none of you.
de·range·ment | \ di-ˈrānj-mənt

Medical Definition of derangement
1 : a disturbance of normal bodily functioning or operation derangements in the secretion of adaptive hormones— Hans Selye
2 : mental illness

A individual would have to have some sort of mental illness to believe and loyally follow, a known and proven pathological liar. It's just not normal. :2up:

Link to one of your "fact checkers" that you trust?

Since when did it become acceptable to be intellectually lazy and use fact checkers? :uhh:

Actually, using fact checkers is more ambitious, than taking Trump or any politician for their word. And that's where laziness comes into play, just sucking down what politicians say and not checking on the truth is lazy...
I also use studies done by experts involved in institutional experts.
Fact heckers I also use:
Fact-checking U.S. politics | PolitiFact Which the right loved when it gave Obama the "lie of the year".
Lie of the Year: 'If you like your health care plan, you can keep it'
Congressional Research Service (Library of Congress)

Here's one of the people that run FactCheck:
Annndd..It all goes back to Poyntner. :death:

The Tampa Bay Times is a leftist trash rag, all the fact-checkers go back to the leftist that runs The Tampa Bay Times, fail!

The Poynter Institute is a nonprofit, 501(c)(3) school of journalism and the controlling shareholder of the Times Publishing Company, which owns the Tampa Bay Times and the national fact-checking website PolitiFact. Located in St. Petersburg, Florida,

The Annenberg Public Policy Center - Ballotpedia

See who's behind the green curtain. :04:
"Poynter owns PolitiFact, a fact-checking site that has long been accused of regularly finding conservative politicians to be far more duplicitous than their Democrat counterparts. A look at Poynter’s major donors should explain its SPLC connections and left-leaning bias. Under the heading “Largest funders of Poynter” on the organization’s website, one finds the prolific Open Society Foundations, run by progressive billionaire George Soros. Another major donor is the Tides Foundation, which also happens to be “[one of] the largest contributors to” the notorious leftist agitating group Media Matters, reports. Media Matters, founded by Clintonite David Brock, focuses most of its efforts on trying to shut down conservative media voices. Free-market libertarian billionaire Charles Koch’s charitable foundation is also a donor, which shows an interesting connection between global capitalism and radical progressives like Soros."

Poynter Institute Goes Down in Flames over Fake News

Kathleen Hall Jamieson - Wikipedia
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Joe: McConnell won't allow a vote on protecting America Moscow Mitch McConnell will not allow a vote to protect our elections. Why? Because he and the Republican party have to cheat. It's the only way to win. They did it in 2016 and they will do it in 2020. And here's the thing; all intelligence people under Trump have made the claim that Russia attacked and is still attacking our elections, and Moscow Mitch won't vote on it. We are at war with a party that is trying to destroy America. The country has to see the urgency to act against these monsters who are looking to destroy this country.

1. Voter ID
2. National voter registration database
3. Only overseas US military gets absentee ballots
4. No Illegals, nonliving or fake voters
Stop Putin!
Joe: McConnell won't allow a vote on protecting America Moscow Mitch McConnell will not allow a vote to protect our elections. Why? Because he and the Republican party have to cheat. It's the only way to win. They did it in 2016 and they will do it in 2020. And here's the thing; all intelligence people under Trump have made the claim that Russia attacked and is still attacking our elections, and Moscow Mitch won't vote on it. We are at war with a party that is trying to destroy America. The country has to see the urgency to act against these monsters who are looking to destroy this country.
The country has to see the urgency to act against these monsters who are looking to destroy this country.
both parties are monsters nowadays looking to destroy this country...
Mitch McConnell is in the Republican party blocking the vote to protect our elections. Our intelligence agencies already informed us of the emergency.
Joe: McConnell won't allow a vote on protecting America Moscow Mitch McConnell will not allow a vote to protect our elections. Why? Because he and the Republican party have to cheat. It's the only way to win. They did it in 2016 and they will do it in 2020. And here's the thing; all intelligence people under Trump have made the claim that Russia attacked and is still attacking our elections, and Moscow Mitch won't vote on it. We are at war with a party that is trying to destroy America. The country has to see the urgency to act against these monsters who are looking to destroy this country.

The big tech companies have more influence over our elections than the Russians ever did.
You mean like Trump's hero Wikileaks?
Joe: McConnell won't allow a vote on protecting America Moscow Mitch McConnell will not allow a vote to protect our elections. Why? Because he and the Republican party have to cheat. It's the only way to win. They did it in 2016 and they will do it in 2020. And here's the thing; all intelligence people under Trump have made the claim that Russia attacked and is still attacking our elections, and Moscow Mitch won't vote on it. We are at war with a party that is trying to destroy America. The country has to see the urgency to act against these monsters who are looking to destroy this country.

Fake story
Prove it.
Joe: McConnell won't allow a vote on protecting America Moscow Mitch McConnell will not allow a vote to protect our elections. Why? Because he and the Republican party have to cheat. It's the only way to win. They did it in 2016 and they will do it in 2020. And here's the thing; all intelligence people under Trump have made the claim that Russia attacked and is still attacking our elections, and Moscow Mitch won't vote on it. We are at war with a party that is trying to destroy America. The country has to see the urgency to act against these monsters who are looking to destroy this country.
Morning Joe has the worst case of TDS on TV today. He is leading the charge for the anti-Trumpers so he may not be the best source for news.
You are a failure. You debated nothing.
Joe: McConnell won't allow a vote on protecting America Moscow Mitch McConnell will not allow a vote to protect our elections. Why? Because he and the Republican party have to cheat. It's the only way to win. They did it in 2016 and they will do it in 2020. And here's the thing; all intelligence people under Trump have made the claim that Russia attacked and is still attacking our elections, and Moscow Mitch won't vote on it. We are at war with a party that is trying to destroy America. The country has to see the urgency to act against these monsters who are looking to destroy this country.
The country has to see the urgency to act against these monsters who are looking to destroy this country.
both parties are monsters nowadays looking to destroy this country...
Mitch McConnell is in the Republican party blocking the vote to protect our elections. Our intelligence agencies already informed us of the emergency.
doesnt take away what i said.....
Joe: McConnell won't allow a vote on protecting America Moscow Mitch McConnell will not allow a vote to protect our elections. Why? Because he and the Republican party have to cheat. It's the only way to win. They did it in 2016 and they will do it in 2020. And here's the thing; all intelligence people under Trump have made the claim that Russia attacked and is still attacking our elections, and Moscow Mitch won't vote on it. We are at war with a party that is trying to destroy America. The country has to see the urgency to act against these monsters who are looking to destroy this country.
The country has to see the urgency to act against these monsters who are looking to destroy this country.
both parties are monsters nowadays looking to destroy this country...
Mitch McConnell is in the Republican party blocking the vote to protect our elections. Our intelligence agencies already informed us of the emergency.
doesnt take away what i said.....
Yes it does, because it shows you have no idea what an "emergency" is.
Joe: McConnell won't allow a vote on protecting America Moscow Mitch McConnell will not allow a vote to protect our elections. Why? Because he and the Republican party have to cheat. It's the only way to win. They did it in 2016 and they will do it in 2020. And here's the thing; all intelligence people under Trump have made the claim that Russia attacked and is still attacking our elections, and Moscow Mitch won't vote on it. We are at war with a party that is trying to destroy America. The country has to see the urgency to act against these monsters who are looking to destroy this country.
The country has to see the urgency to act against these monsters who are looking to destroy this country.
both parties are monsters nowadays looking to destroy this country...
Mitch McConnell is in the Republican party blocking the vote to protect our elections. Our intelligence agencies already informed us of the emergency.
doesnt take away what i said.....
Yes it does, because it shows you have no idea what an "emergency" is.
what part of both parties are monsters dont you understand?...if you need me to explain it to you let me know...
Joe: McConnell won't allow a vote on protecting America Moscow Mitch McConnell will not allow a vote to protect our elections. Why? Because he and the Republican party have to cheat. It's the only way to win. They did it in 2016 and they will do it in 2020. And here's the thing; all intelligence people under Trump have made the claim that Russia attacked and is still attacking our elections, and Moscow Mitch won't vote on it. We are at war with a party that is trying to destroy America. The country has to see the urgency to act against these monsters who are looking to destroy this country.
The country has to see the urgency to act against these monsters who are looking to destroy this country.
both parties are monsters nowadays looking to destroy this country...
Mitch McConnell is in the Republican party blocking the vote to protect our elections. Our intelligence agencies already informed us of the emergency.

If leftists, dems, and liberals weren't such pussies and thin-skinned the "Russian interference" wouldn't have any effect.

Maybe I find memes from other countries informative.
Joe: McConnell won't allow a vote on protecting America Moscow Mitch McConnell will not allow a vote to protect our elections. Why? Because he and the Republican party have to cheat. It's the only way to win. They did it in 2016 and they will do it in 2020. And here's the thing; all intelligence people under Trump have made the claim that Russia attacked and is still attacking our elections, and Moscow Mitch won't vote on it. We are at war with a party that is trying to destroy America. The country has to see the urgency to act against these monsters who are looking to destroy this country.

Mitch McConnell received donations from voting machine company lobbyists before blocking election security bills

"Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell squashed two bills intended to ensure voting security on Thursday, just one day after former special counsel Robert Mueller warned that Russians were attempting to sabotage the 2020 presidential elections 'as we sit here.'

"McConnell said he wouldn't allow a vote on the bills because they were 'so partisan,' but, as previously reported, earlier this year McConnell received a slew of donations from four of the top voting machine lobbyists in the country."

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