The coup attempt against the American voter..what's the FUTURE !!

Jackson removed the Indians with the military

Trump removes the New York leaders for murdering us citizens. Pregnant at 9 months
Trump Accuses Rod Rosenstein Of ‘Coup Attempt’

The media and educators and democrats have totally lost it all

Anger against them will keep rising brcause humans are pre wired to hate hypocrisy

Educators prove hypocrisy because they now go against science with their abortion issue

The media is suppose to report the news so people can learn .. Them doing a cover up with fake news makes their outrageous hypocrisy

The democrats. Their hypocrisy is front and center

This anger rising against these groups will never stop because as time goes on people talk and then CATCHES the clues that prove this 100%. Once they catch this issue they never fall back

The apology now is too late from the deep state fighting it too long makes the apology worthless

A nation then can never be trusted if they don't give the max punishment for high treason acts

So this is America's future
Pres.Trump needs to get busy. They are distracting him with foolishness by manufacturing all sorts of crisis. So he will not be able to to do his job.

Trump plans to shake up the CIA in U.S. intelligence overhaul
Trump plans to shake up the CIA in U.S. intelligence overhaul

there is no coup except for pootey poot's bitch doing vlad's work. & it will be stopped.
Democrats are Russian assets.

Democrats are NOT Russian assets.

There are Useful Idiots on BOTH sides of the aisle.

Most recently, this singular "honor" falls more heavily on the Republican side of the aisle than its counterpart.

Shockingly... traitorously... tragically... oh-so-sadly.

But, let's face it, there are plenty of scumbag Democrats about whom the very same things may be said.

Hyper-partisans whom are willing to overlook very troubling behaviors, simply because they are getting a piece of what they want.

The internet enables and empowers and amplifies their influence, and is an echo-chamber for Kornspiracy Kooks and Doubt Planters.

Hell... we have a handful of posters on this very message board, who may prove to be Russian (or other unfriendly actor-power) trolls.

Such as the Byzantine "blues and greens" namesake... quite possibly trolling from the Third Rome.

Divide and conquer, eh?

Only if we're stupid enough to fall for it.
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All democrats are up to no good and just the Rino republicans

Trump republicans are the saviors of a nation

The majority of The white men
lol... everything that has come out so far regarding trump's ankle grabbing for vlad says otherwise. but you go on with your unfettered basket dwelling trumpanzee loyalty....

7 guilty pleas so far
100+ contacts known so far...
The Moscow Project

Committee to Investigate Russia

As I do with most of every investigation, I wait until it is concluded before passing judgement. I tend to look at evidence not public opinion. That is just me, you seem to feed off your drama.

sure you do. & OJ was always 'innocent' too.... :afro:

OJ is one of the few exceptions, my issue was his DNA was everywhere. I waited for the results of Benghazi, I wait for the results of Kavanaugh, I waited for the results in the Zimmerman case. As far as Trump, if the investigation shows he violated the law, then he needs to be removed.

if you think i want trump to be a treasonous russian asset who sold out his country for more enrichment, then you are sorely mistaken. but it's not looking good for tribbles. & as hard as it is to even grasp that it's a real possibility, i choose not to be ignorant of all the signs pointing to it.

Okay, you have the right to feel that way, I don’t. I waited on Benghazi and I was proved right in waiting. I’ll wait for Mueller and let the chips fall where they may.

do you honestly think all of the people involved with russia that are in trump's orbit haven't also involved him? how about the multitudes of intel heads thinking there's something there? you really think it's all one big oopsie?

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But also many of California votes can be illegal

Democrat leaders have proven 100% they are crooked to the core

So logic says they are criminals who work like criminals

They must be charged with high treason !!

Ask handlers have new material ready. Yah?

The men had judged this as high treason by the democrats

Do you think the men will allow this nation to fall ?

That's the clue

Who has the men

Will WIN !!

you need an avatar, sergi. i can help you out with that.... how'z about this one?

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