The coup attempt against the American voter..what's the FUTURE !!

Check the 18 yr old voting and the 50-64 age group

That tells you everything

Who has the logic to explain?

Hang on to your guns or flea or both. We are getting close.

there is no coup except for pootey poot's bitch doing vlad's work. & it will be stopped.

Let’s see the proof you claim to have.

silly you....that's mueller's job. i am from the court of public opinion.

tick - tock.

God... the Russian Troll has lost it again...
You'd think they'd be better at it.

Putin sure isn't getting his money worth here

Follow the bouncing ball of the Left-------->

1. Everything we said was a lie, they were the people of truth.

2. When confronted with testimony they insisted----->they were taken out of context, and we were all conspiracy theorists.

3. They came on here and laughed at every thing we pointed to as proof, never happened!

4. You are a Trumpbot if you believe ANY of what you are saying.

NOW NEW SPIN-------->

1. Rosenstein was doing his job.

2. Mcabe was doing his job.

3. Everybody was doing their job but Trump, lol.

Now for the TRILLION DOLLAR QUESTION that all Leftists run from and conservatives REFUSE to pound them with for some reason------->

Did all of you listen to Dandy Andy on 60 minutes? Bet you did! LISTEN TO WHAT HE SAID AGAIN!

When asked why this happened, (paraphrasing) he replied to the tune like this-------> because he fired a loved man meaning possible obstruction, (Comey) and because when confronted with missiles from NK, he believed Putin over his intelligence agency. And then, he asked Comey to try and go easy on general Flynn who was under investigation.

Is that the crux of the Lefts evidence? On its face, could be kinda damning I suppose with great spin on it, yes?

But what did YOU NOT hear?

ANSWER---------->The reason they had for starting the investigation (FISAs etc) which took place LOOOOOOONG before any of this happened!

IN OTHER WORDS----------->What gave them the LEGAL RIGHT to investigate the Trump team while they were engaged in running for the Presidency! Everything rolled out happened AFTER the FISAs were already in place.

And so the Left has no answers for this, nor do they want to touch it because WE ALL KNOW who originally ordered this monitoring of the Trump campaign, and that is exactly why the Left is in a panic. If they can NOT find anything on Trump in regards to collusion with Russia to justify their breaking of the law, then it means that the person(s) who allowed this to happen was/were tyrants.

And who was that person?

I will give you 3 guesses, and the 1st two do not count-)
Check the 18 yr old voting and the 50-64 age group

That tells you everything

Who has the logic to explain?

Hang on to your guns or flea or both. We are getting close.

there is no coup except for pootey poot's bitch doing vlad's work. & it will be stopped.

Let’s see the proof you claim to have.

silly you....that's mueller's job. i am from the court of public opinion.

tick - tock.

God... the Russian Troll has lost it again...
You'd think they'd be better at it.

Putin sure isn't getting his money worth here

Follow the bouncing ball of the Left-------->

1. Everything we said was a lie, they were the people of truth.

2. When confronted with testimony they insisted----->they were taken out of context, and we were all conspiracy theorists.

3. They came on here and laughed at every thing we pointed to as proof, never happened!

4. You are a Trumpbot if you believe ANY of what you are saying.

NOW NEW SPIN-------->

1. Rosenstein was doing his job.

2. Mcabe was doing his job.

3. Everybody was doing their job but Trump, lol.

Now for the TRILLION DOLLAR QUESTION that all Leftists run from and conservatives REFUSE to pound them with for some reason------->

Did all of you listen to Dandy Andy on 60 minutes? Bet you did! LISTEN TO WHAT HE SAID AGAIN!

When asked why this happened, (paraphrasing) he replied to the tune like this-------> because he fired a loved man meaning possible obstruction, (Comey) and because when confronted with missiles from NK, he believed Putin over his intelligence agency. And then, he asked Comey to try and go easy on general Flynn who was under investigation.

Is that the crux of the Lefts evidence? On its face, could be kinda damning I suppose with great spin on it, yes?

But what did YOU NOT hear?

ANSWER---------->The reason they had for starting the investigation (FISAs etc) which took place LOOOOOOONG before any of this happened!

IN OTHER WORDS----------->What gave them the LEGAL RIGHT to investigate the Trump team while they were engaged in running for the Presidency! Everything rolled out happened AFTER the FISAs were already in place.

And so the Left has no answers for this, nor do they want to touch it because WE ALL KNOW who originally ordered this monitoring of the Trump campaign, and that is exactly why the Left is in a panic. If they can NOT find anything on Trump in regards to collusion with Russia to justify their breaking of the law, then it means that the person(s) who allowed this to happen was/were tyrants.

And who was that person?

I will give you 3 guesses, and the 1st two do not count-)
The fact that this won't dent them in ANY WAY, tells us what?
Check the 18 yr old voting and the 50-64 age group

That tells you everything

Who has the logic to explain?

Hang on to your guns or flea or both. We are getting close.

there is no coup except for pootey poot's bitch doing vlad's work. & it will be stopped.

Let’s see the proof you claim to have.

silly you....that's mueller's job. i am from the court of public opinion.

tick - tock.

God... the Russian Troll has lost it again...
You'd think they'd be better at it.

Putin sure isn't getting his money worth here

Follow the bouncing ball of the Left-------->

1. Everything we said was a lie, they were the people of truth.

2. When confronted with testimony they insisted----->they were taken out of context, and we were all conspiracy theorists.

3. They came on here and laughed at every thing we pointed to as proof, never happened!

4. You are a Trumpbot if you believe ANY of what you are saying.

NOW NEW SPIN-------->

1. Rosenstein was doing his job.

2. Mcabe was doing his job.

3. Everybody was doing their job but Trump, lol.

Now for the TRILLION DOLLAR QUESTION that all Leftists run from and conservatives REFUSE to pound them with for some reason------->

Did all of you listen to Dandy Andy on 60 minutes? Bet you did! LISTEN TO WHAT HE SAID AGAIN!

When asked why this happened, (paraphrasing) he replied to the tune like this-------> because he fired a loved man meaning possible obstruction, (Comey) and because when confronted with missiles from NK, he believed Putin over his intelligence agency. And then, he asked Comey to try and go easy on general Flynn who was under investigation.

Is that the crux of the Lefts evidence? On its face, could be kinda damning I suppose with great spin on it, yes?

But what did YOU NOT hear?

ANSWER---------->The reason they had for starting the investigation (FISAs etc) which took place LOOOOOOONG before any of this happened!

IN OTHER WORDS----------->What gave them the LEGAL RIGHT to investigate the Trump team while they were engaged in running for the Presidency! Everything rolled out happened AFTER the FISAs were already in place.

And so the Left has no answers for this, nor do they want to touch it because WE ALL KNOW who originally ordered this monitoring of the Trump campaign, and that is exactly why the Left is in a panic. If they can NOT find anything on Trump in regards to collusion with Russia to justify their breaking of the law, then it means that the person(s) who allowed this to happen was/were tyrants.

And who was that person?

I will give you 3 guesses, and the 1st two do not count-)
The fact that this won't dent them in ANY WAY, tells us what?

Tells you we need a wisdom test for voters to stop the voters being fooled by crooks

Trump will declare this emergency in 12 months before the Iowa primary starts the next election cycle

Trump will do like Andrew Jackson did
Trump will do like Andrew Jackson did

Ya mean kill a bunch of Native Americans?

Like instead of removing Indians to a reservation

Trump will declare New York State leaders as murders of us citizens with their abortion at 9 months pregnant

He will use the military in the same way as Jackson

Remove the New York leaders to a prison or a noose
Trump will do like Andrew Jackson did

Ya mean kill a bunch of Native Americans?

Like instead of removing Indians to a reservation

Trump will declare New York State leaders as murders of us citizens with their abortion at 9 months pregnant

He will use the military in the same way as Jackson

Remove the New York leaders to a prison or a noose
Putin is definitely losing money on you dude...
And again
This was against the America voter to stop their will

Coup attempt to stop the American voter

The American voter stops a president by voting him out not by partisan hacks

We'll get our chance in 2020.

More Americans voted for Sec. Clinton than Trumpybear

Even more Americans voted against Trumpybear than that.

If it turned out he was acting as a Russian Agent they would have been neglectful considering all the known lies the Trumpsters had told.

California voters made it seem democrats were stronger than in reality

The media helped the crazies of the democrats to get into conservative faces

California voting so much for democrats was republicans not showing up because of the intimidation

All over the nation

The republicans won the vote where no intimidation. With the early votes and mail in votes

The mid terms. Had the republicans sitting home because of the having to mix with the crazies

This is about to be stopped

Maxine waters in prison for life for brainwashing for intimidating at voting places
Trump will do like Andrew Jackson did

Ya mean kill a bunch of Native Americans?
And you will move to a raw nation that needs building as a great empire. Go for it. Live off the land and grow an economy you can appreciate. You must do it with no violence and killing of course. Create your own technologies for a greater life. Not those hateful white guy technologies that you live off of. You guys do the talk and not the walk in most every thing. And we have been sold this by pure propaganda.
Let’s see the proof you claim to have.

silly you....that's mueller's job. i am from the court of public opinion.

tick - tock.

So you have absolutely nothing but unfounded claims and uneducated opinion. Thanks for the admission.

lol... everything that has come out so far regarding trump's ankle grabbing for vlad says otherwise. but you go on with your unfettered basket dwelling trumpanzee loyalty....

37 indictments so far
7 guilty pleas so far
100+ contacts known so far...
The Moscow Project

Committee to Investigate Russia

As I do with most of every investigation, I wait until it is concluded before passing judgement. I tend to look at evidence not public opinion. That is just me, you seem to feed off your drama.

sure you do. & OJ was always 'innocent' too.... :afro:

OJ is one of the few exceptions, my issue was his DNA was everywhere. I waited for the results of Benghazi, I wait for the results of Kavanaugh, I waited for the results in the Zimmerman case. As far as Trump, if the investigation shows he violated the law, then he needs to be removed.
And again
This was against the America voter to stop their will

Coup attempt to stop the American voter

The American voter stops a president by voting him out not by partisan hacks

We'll get our chance in 2020.

More Americans voted for Sec. Clinton than Trumpybear

Even more Americans voted against Trumpybear than that.

If it turned out he was acting as a Russian Agent they would have been neglectful considering all the known lies the Trumpsters had told.

California voters made it seem democrats were stronger than in reality

The media helped the crazies of the democrats to get into conservative faces

California voting so much for democrats was republicans not showing up because of the intimidation

All over the nation

The republicans won the vote where no intimidation. With the early votes and mail in votes

The mid terms. Had the republicans sitting home because of the having to mix with the crazies

This is about to be stopped

Maxine waters in prison for life for brainwashing for intimidating at voting places

Hahaha you make me laugh.

You can't exclude California or the 20 other states that voter for Her Majesty....

Poor cons for having their little cherry blossom faces gotten into.....

Please explain what you mean by "Maxine waters in prison for life for brainwashing for intimidating at voting places"? If you're going to throw her into the Gulag for life on Trumped up charges, please make up charges that have some kind of logic or sense in the real world.

Are you a Russian Social Justice Warrior?
And again
This was against the America voter to stop their will

Coup attempt to stop the American voter

The American voter stops a president by voting him out not by partisan hacks

We'll get our chance in 2020.

More Americans voted for Sec. Clinton than Trumpybear

Even more Americans voted against Trumpybear than that.

If it turned out he was acting as a Russian Agent they would have been neglectful considering all the known lies the Trumpsters had told.

California voters made it seem democrats were stronger than in reality

The media helped the crazies of the democrats to get into conservative faces

California voting so much for democrats was republicans not showing up because of the intimidation

All over the nation

The republicans won the vote where no intimidation. With the early votes and mail in votes

The mid terms. Had the republicans sitting home because of the having to mix with the crazies

This is about to be stopped

Maxine waters in prison for life for brainwashing for intimidating at voting places

Hahaha you make me laugh.

You can't exclude California or the 20 other states that voter for Her Majesty....

Poor cons for having their little cherry blossom faces gotten into.....

Please explain what you mean by "Maxine waters in prison for life for brainwashing for intimidating at voting places"? If you're going to throw her into the Gulag for life on Trumped up charges, please make up charges that have some kind of logic or sense in the real world.

Are you a Russian Social Justice Warrior?

California guilty of voter intimidation

Proof is the difference in mail in votes and early votes to the voting day where the crazies are told by democrats to get into their faces
And again
This was against the America voter to stop their will

Coup attempt to stop the American voter

The American voter stops a president by voting him out not by partisan hacks

We'll get our chance in 2020.

More Americans voted for Sec. Clinton than Trumpybear

Even more Americans voted against Trumpybear than that.

If it turned out he was acting as a Russian Agent they would have been neglectful considering all the known lies the Trumpsters had told.

California voters made it seem democrats were stronger than in reality

The media helped the crazies of the democrats to get into conservative faces

California voting so much for democrats was republicans not showing up because of the intimidation

All over the nation

The republicans won the vote where no intimidation. With the early votes and mail in votes

The mid terms. Had the republicans sitting home because of the having to mix with the crazies

This is about to be stopped

Maxine waters in prison for life for brainwashing for intimidating at voting places

Hahaha you make me laugh.

You can't exclude California or the 20 other states that voter for Her Majesty....

Poor cons for having their little cherry blossom faces gotten into.....

Please explain what you mean by "Maxine waters in prison for life for brainwashing for intimidating at voting places"? If you're going to throw her into the Gulag for life on Trumped up charges, please make up charges that have some kind of logic or sense in the real world.

Are you a Russian Social Justice Warrior?

California guilty of voter intimidation

Proof is the difference in mail in votes and early votes to the voting day where the crazies are told by democrats to get into their faces

So you don't deny it. Interesting.

Why do RSJWer's advocate for Maxine Waters to be jailed for life?
California voting day harmed the non crazies

Maxine waters and other leaders has poisoned the crazies minds to cause trouble That is to scare non crazies to not show up

Making it harder for non crazy people

Maxine waters should be in prison like most democrat leaders

Inciting violence is a crime
But also many of California votes can be illegal

Democrat leaders have proven 100% they are crooked to the core

So logic says they are criminals who work like criminals

They must be charged with high treason !!
But also many of California votes can be illegal

Democrat leaders have proven 100% they are crooked to the core

So logic says they are criminals who work like criminals

They must be charged with high treason !!

Ask handlers have new material ready. Yah?
But also many of California votes can be illegal

Democrat leaders have proven 100% they are crooked to the core

So logic says they are criminals who work like criminals

They must be charged with high treason !!

Ask handlers have new material ready. Yah?

The men had judged this as high treason by the democrats

Do you think the men will allow this nation to fall ?

That's the clue

Who has the men

Will WIN !!
Check the 18 yr old voting and the 50-64 age group

That tells you everything

Who has the logic to explain?

Hang on to your guns or flea or both. We are getting close.

there is no coup except for pootey poot's bitch doing vlad's work. & it will be stopped.

Let’s see the proof you claim to have.

silly you....that's mueller's job. i am from the court of public opinion.

tick - tock.

God... the Russian Troll has lost it again...
You'd think they'd be better at it.

Putin sure isn't getting his money worth here

Follow the bouncing ball of the Left-------->

1. Everything we said was a lie, they were the people of truth.

2. When confronted with testimony they insisted----->they were taken out of context, and we were all conspiracy theorists.

3. They came on here and laughed at every thing we pointed to as proof, never happened!

4. You are a Trumpbot if you believe ANY of what you are saying.

NOW NEW SPIN-------->

1. Rosenstein was doing his job.

2. Mcabe was doing his job.

3. Everybody was doing their job but Trump, lol.

Now for the TRILLION DOLLAR QUESTION that all Leftists run from and conservatives REFUSE to pound them with for some reason------->

Did all of you listen to Dandy Andy on 60 minutes? Bet you did! LISTEN TO WHAT HE SAID AGAIN!

When asked why this happened, (paraphrasing) he replied to the tune like this-------> because he fired a loved man meaning possible obstruction, (Comey) and because when confronted with missiles from NK, he believed Putin over his intelligence agency. And then, he asked Comey to try and go easy on general Flynn who was under investigation.

Is that the crux of the Lefts evidence? On its face, could be kinda damning I suppose with great spin on it, yes?

But what did YOU NOT hear?

ANSWER---------->The reason they had for starting the investigation (FISAs etc) which took place LOOOOOOONG before any of this happened!

IN OTHER WORDS----------->What gave them the LEGAL RIGHT to investigate the Trump team while they were engaged in running for the Presidency! Everything rolled out happened AFTER the FISAs were already in place.

And so the Left has no answers for this, nor do they want to touch it because WE ALL KNOW who originally ordered this monitoring of the Trump campaign, and that is exactly why the Left is in a panic. If they can NOT find anything on Trump in regards to collusion with Russia to justify their breaking of the law, then it means that the person(s) who allowed this to happen was/were tyrants.

And who was that person?

I will give you 3 guesses, and the 1st two do not count-)

silly you....that's mueller's job. i am from the court of public opinion.

tick - tock.

So you have absolutely nothing but unfounded claims and uneducated opinion. Thanks for the admission.

lol... everything that has come out so far regarding trump's ankle grabbing for vlad says otherwise. but you go on with your unfettered basket dwelling trumpanzee loyalty....

37 indictments so far
7 guilty pleas so far
100+ contacts known so far...
The Moscow Project

Committee to Investigate Russia

As I do with most of every investigation, I wait until it is concluded before passing judgement. I tend to look at evidence not public opinion. That is just me, you seem to feed off your drama.

sure you do. & OJ was always 'innocent' too.... :afro:

OJ is one of the few exceptions, my issue was his DNA was everywhere. I waited for the results of Benghazi, I wait for the results of Kavanaugh, I waited for the results in the Zimmerman case. As far as Trump, if the investigation shows he violated the law, then he needs to be removed.

if you think i want trump to be a treasonous russian asset who sold out his country for more enrichment, then you are sorely mistaken. but it's not looking good for tribbles. & as hard as it is to even grasp that it's a real possibility, i choose not to be ignorant of all the signs pointing to it.
So you have absolutely nothing but unfounded claims and uneducated opinion. Thanks for the admission.

lol... everything that has come out so far regarding trump's ankle grabbing for vlad says otherwise. but you go on with your unfettered basket dwelling trumpanzee loyalty....

37 indictments so far
7 guilty pleas so far
100+ contacts known so far...
The Moscow Project

Committee to Investigate Russia

As I do with most of every investigation, I wait until it is concluded before passing judgement. I tend to look at evidence not public opinion. That is just me, you seem to feed off your drama.

sure you do. & OJ was always 'innocent' too.... :afro:

OJ is one of the few exceptions, my issue was his DNA was everywhere. I waited for the results of Benghazi, I wait for the results of Kavanaugh, I waited for the results in the Zimmerman case. As far as Trump, if the investigation shows he violated the law, then he needs to be removed.

if you think i want trump to be a treasonous russian asset who sold out his country for more enrichment, then you are sorely mistaken. but it's not looking good for tribbles. & as hard as it is to even grasp that it's a real possibility, i choose not to be ignorant of all the signs pointing to it.

Okay, you have the right to feel that way, I don’t. I waited on Benghazi and I was proved right in waiting. I’ll wait for Mueller and let the chips fall where they may.

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