The cover up inside the cover up of benghazi


Gold Member
Aug 11, 2009
Don't tell me the Obama didn't know our embassy was in huge trouble. This is beyond huge.

"British say weapons they left at U.S. consulate in Benghazi are missing"

"CAIRO -- When British diplomats abandoned their offices in Benghazi over the summer after the British ambassador’s motorcade was attacked with rocket-propelled grenades, their security detail left its weapons and vehicles in the custody of the U.S. consulate in that eastern Libyan city.

Now that cache of weapons is missing amid signs that the Islamist militants suspected in the Sept. 11 attacks on the U.S. consulate and a nearby annex remain active, despite Libyan government demands that they disband."

"The June 11 attack on British Ambassador Sir Dominic Asquith as he drove through Benghazi is among a list of 230 security incidents, 48 in Benghazi alone, that U.S. officials compiled to show how dangerous Libya had become. Two of Asquith’s security guards were wounded in the attack. In contrast to the Americans, who remained in Benghazi, the British determined that the city was too dangerous and closed their offices."

British say weapons they left at U.S. consulate in Benghazi are missing - Wire World News - The Sacramento Bee
Oh it gets worse;

"Before withdrawing, however, British officials reached an agreement with the U.S. consulate to leave their weapons and vehicles at the poorly guarded U.S. compound.

“We are working with the U.S. to establish what, if anything, has happened to this equipment,” British news agencies quoted an unnamed Foreign Office spokesman as saying.

The issue of the missing weapons and vehicles came to light during testimony Wednesday at a congressional hearing in Washington, where Lt. Col. Andrew Wood of the Utah National Guard, who headed a 16-member U.S. military security force in Libya, revealed that the British would return periodically to Benghazi and reclaim the weapons, then give them back to the Americans when they left the city again."
Obama's watergate timeline;

1. The United States embassy in Benghazi saw security cuts prior to the attack.

2. The embassy had ‘inappropriately low’ security at the Benghazi post.

3. The terrorists, on Facebook, warned of attacks on western targets in the run-up to September 11th. Intelligence missed these threats.

4. Jihadists twice set off explosives at the consulate prior to the incident that killed Ambassador Chris Stevens, and announced threats on Facebook about escalating attacks on Western targets in the run-up to the 9/11.*

5.*A Libyan embassy security official got no reply to requests for more security.

6. Security requests made by the Libyan mission were ‘denied’ by Washington officials.

7. On September 11th, the United States embassy in Benghazi, Libya was attacked. The security at the embassy was easily breached, allowing what appeared to be an organized group of militants gain access.

8. Though details of the attack were unknown, the Obama administration, the State Department and many members of the media immediately and confidently began blaming the attack on an amateur American movie trailer that appeared on YouTube that very few people even knew existed.

9. Just three days after the attack, a report came to light that showed that the State Department had credible information regarding a potential attack on American embassies 48 hours before the attack took place.

10. The United States begins running advertisements in Pakistan featuring President Obama and Secretary of State Hilary Clinton apologizing for the film trailer they claim was responsible for the attack.

11. Fifteen days after the attack, a media report showed that United States intelligence officials had learned that the event was a planned terrorist attack by Al Qaeda affiliates and had nothing to do with a video.

12. Even though the State Department knew within 24 hours that the attack was terrorist related and all evidence suggested that the anti-Islam video had nothing to do with the attack, the video theory had already taken root in the American media. The maker of the film was arrested.

Poor Richard's News - Obama’s Watergate: Timeline of the Benghazi terror attack
Don't tell me the Obama didn't know our embassy was in huge trouble. This is beyond huge.

"British say weapons they left at U.S. consulate in Benghazi are missing"

"CAIRO -- When British diplomats abandoned their offices in Benghazi over the summer after the British ambassador’s motorcade was attacked with rocket-propelled grenades, their security detail left its weapons and vehicles in the custody of the U.S. consulate in that eastern Libyan city.

Now that cache of weapons is missing amid signs that the Islamist militants suspected in the Sept. 11 attacks on the U.S. consulate and a nearby annex remain active, despite Libyan government demands that they disband."

"The June 11 attack on British Ambassador Sir Dominic Asquith as he drove through Benghazi is among a list of 230 security incidents, 48 in Benghazi alone, that U.S. officials compiled to show how dangerous Libya had become. Two of Asquith’s security guards were wounded in the attack. In contrast to the Americans, who remained in Benghazi, the British determined that the city was too dangerous and closed their offices."

British say weapons they left at U.S. consulate in Benghazi are missing - Wire World News - The Sacramento Bee

this story will grow exponentially.

[ame=]the benghazi affair (part one) - YouTube[/ame]
It's a huge fuck up times 10. Obama and Hillary and drunkin' Joe have got to go. They are so clueless.

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