The crappiest jury duty ever, Khalid Sheikh Mohammed

Obama is so well liked right now, but can you imagine how the people will turn on him if he ends up being responsible for letting the mastermind of 9/11 go free? He will become the most despised president of all time, and if this case is finished before the next elections, theres no chance he will get relected. People will curse the Obama name for decades if KSM goes free, and it will do massive permanent damage to the democratic party.

I have to think the Obama administration is confident in their case or they wouldnt have done this, but if they are wrong, they are fucked.
It was a very risky decision and the fact that he's letting Holder take responsibility just proves what a cowardly leader he is. Looks like he chose to vote "present" on this one.
It was a very risky decision and the fact that he's letting Holder take responsibility just proves what a cowardly leader he is. Looks like he chose to vote "present" on this one.
It's no different than what Clinton did during Waco. Clinton also put it off on his AG.
Dumb idea. Giving these guys trials in civil court. These guys are TERRORISTS, not American Citizens. This will give them the platform they always wanted. A three ring circus in the making.

What happens if they are aquited?? Anyone who thinks this is a good idea needs to let the rest of us know.
Just imagine if you got picked to be on the jury for Khalid Sheikh Mohammed.
Damn, that would suck.

A few reasons
1. I'm sure the trial will take forever.
2. If you convict, you will probably be a target from some extremist.
3. If you acquit, you will probably be a target from some extremist.

If he's convicted and a suicide bomber blows up the courtroom, will the jurors get 72 virgins?

What a great reward in the hereafter for these Islamic clowns. 72 virgins who smell like goats but have more facial hair. Allah works in strange ways.
Just imagine if you got picked to be on the jury for Khalid Sheikh Mohammed.
Damn, that would suck.

A few reasons
1. I'm sure the trial will take forever.
2. If you convict, you will probably be a target from some extremist.
3. If you acquit, you will probably be a target from some extremist.

If he's convicted and a suicide bomber blows up the courtroom, will the jurors get 72 virgins?

What a great reward in the hereafter for these Islamic clowns. 72 virgins who smell like goats but have more facial hair. Allah works in strange ways.

I recommend the Black Jack Pershing terrorism cure. Piggy bullets via firing squad so that the terrorists don't get any reward.
Obama is so well liked right now, but can you imagine how the people will turn on him if he ends up being responsible for letting the mastermind of 9/11 go free? He will become the most despised president of all time, and if this case is finished before the next elections, theres no chance he will get relected. People will curse the Obama name for decades if KSM goes free, and it will do massive permanent damage to the democratic party.

I have to think the Obama administration is confident in their case or they wouldnt have done this, but if they are wrong, they are fucked.

I agree.
It was a very risky decision and the fact that he's letting Holder take responsibility just proves what a cowardly leader he is. Looks like he chose to vote "present" on this one.

Actually, it shows that he is a brave leader willing to do what the past Administration did not have the nerve to do. To have his Attorney General make the announcement is exactly what is appropriate. But feel free to try to find something, anything to quibble about.
It was a very risky decision and the fact that he's letting Holder take responsibility just proves what a cowardly leader he is. Looks like he chose to vote "present" on this one.
It's no different than what Clinton did during Waco. Clinton also put it off on his AG. case you had not learned it yet, the Attorney General is the President's representative when it comes to legal issues. You FBI/ATF stand offs and Federal Court Cases.

Glad to have been of help.
If he's convicted and a suicide bomber blows up the courtroom, will the jurors get 72 virgins?

What a great reward in the hereafter for these Islamic clowns. 72 virgins who smell like goats but have more facial hair. Allah works in strange ways.

I recommend the Black Jack Pershing terrorism cure. Piggy bullets via firing squad so that the terrorists don't get any reward.

False Urban Legend.
Well bodecea, I sure hope they have a strong case because they are surely going to need it.

What happens if they are aquitted?? What happens if his strong case goes to shit in a civil curtroom and these dirtbags walk??? Think Ol'BO and Holder won't be ducking for cover?? I wonder how long it will take Ol'BO to throw Holder under his famous bus if this isn't a guilty plea???
It sounds like we've finally found a job that would be perfect for Obama. Instead of voting to convict or acquit, he could just mull over the options forever.

Sounds like a job that should have been done by the previous ditherers. Funny how your sice can fuck somehting up and than blame someone else. Fucked it up because they just shot from the hip.:cuckoo:
Well Rayboy. I agree, These guys should have been taken care of long ago. BUT The ball is certainly in Ol'BO's court NOW. He's the one making this godawfull decision. Holder is the front man but I sure don't think he would be doing this without the big dogs okay. Stupid move and one that can certainly backfire. Then what do they do???
What a great reward in the hereafter for these Islamic clowns. 72 virgins who smell like goats but have more facial hair. Allah works in strange ways.

I recommend the Black Jack Pershing terrorism cure. Piggy bullets via firing squad so that the terrorists don't get any reward.

False Urban Legend.

Torture, interrogation and intelligence - Wikileaks
In 1909, before World War I, there were a number of terrorist attacks on the United States forces in the island of Mindanao in the Philippines, by Muslim extremists. General "Black Jack" Pershing was the appointed military governor of the Moro Province. He captured 50 terrorists and ordered them to be tied to posts for execution. Since all the prisoners were Muslim, he asked his men to bring two pigs and slaughter them in front of the prisoners. He then proceeded by dipping bullets into the pig’s blood.
In the process he executed 49 of the terrorists by firing squad. Then, the soldiers dug a big hole in the ground and dumped in the terrorists’ bodies and covered them in pig’s blood and viscera. The last man was set free. For 42 years there was not a single Muslim attack anywhere in the world.
His rationale was quite simple and effective. Since a radical Muslim is willing to give his life for his religion in a Jihad war, killing him would not make much difference. He would be seen as a martyr (shahada).
But the General knew that all Muslims believe in eternal life after death with 72 virgins waiting for them in paradise. He also knew that those that embrace Jihad usually prepare themselves physically and spiritually in case they die in combat.
Since the pig is considered forbidden food (haram) in Islam, Pershing introduced this variable to thwart their hopes to enter Allah’s kingdom. The pig’s blood automatically nullified any prior purification by contaminating their bodies.
My interrogation technique is quite simple. I follow General Pershing’s example and order a pig to be slaughtered near the prisoner. The blood of the animal run's freely toward the prisoner's feet. He will immediately lift his knees to avoid making contact with it. I fill a syringe with the pig’s blood and threaten to inject him in the arm. The prisoner will talk -- and quickly.
Fair? Depends on your perspective. Effective? Extremely.

I found no absolute denial in the "urban legends" page. Besides, legend has it that is exactly how "BLACK" was added to Jack Pershing. If not, how did Black Jack get his blackness??
Very good Ky. Mayby we are going about this all wrong.

All captured terrorists should be threatened with Black Jack Pershings method. Since their religion is all that matters to them. I'll be this would work great. Imagine how they would squeal if this were the threat. No 72 virgins, no paradise. Hmmmmm worth a thought.
Obama is so well liked right now, but can you imagine how the people will turn on him if he ends up being responsible for letting the mastermind of 9/11 go free? He will become the most despised president of all time, and if this case is finished before the next elections, theres no chance he will get relected. People will curse the Obama name for decades if KSM goes free, and it will do massive permanent damage to the democratic party.

I have to think the Obama administration is confident in their case or they wouldnt have done this, but if they are wrong, they are fucked.

I appreciate yer confidence in hymn but he's been wrong about everything so far.. he's clueless.. I think the American people are already beyond pissed with hymn,, and by the time he gets through trying to ram health care, cap and trade, and amnesty for the illegals down our throats,, oh well,,

If you wish to debate with me do so minus the foul and abusive language. The man will not receive a fair trial. Too many "gold-toothed", baseball cap backwards, truck driving ignoarnt red-necks have already found him guilty simply because he is a Muslim.

which part do ya think is untrue? that the gold toothed baseball capbacwards truck driving ignorant (by the way your ignorant ass spelled ignorant wrong) red necks don't get,, is he guilty? is he muslim? which part doyathink? asswipe?
Yes President Obama is well liked today.Holder is the attorney general & will do
the things necessary to have a fair will take quite a while to try this
case & the world will get a chance to see justice done in America.

It has been said that the A.J. has enough on these murderers to win & in my
estimination plenty to get a death sentence.There should no doubt about their
guilt .Waterboarding wont play a part in this trial.Some of the presidents
adversaries has some doubts about the location of the trial.I think it is very
appropiate to have this trial in the carnage took place there.

We will hear a hue & cry about it being dangerous to the big apple but
it will largely be done by the wingnuts on the right.Just the normal
political stuff that happens when some wants to do the right thing.
Yes President Obama is well liked today.Holder is the attorney general & will do
the things necessary to have a fair will take quite a while to try this
case & the world will get a chance to see justice done in America.

It has been said that the A.J. has enough on these murderers to win & in my
estimination plenty to get a death sentence.There should no doubt about their
guilt .Waterboarding wont play a part in this trial.Some of the presidents
adversaries has some doubts about the location of the trial.I think it is very
appropiate to have this trial in the carnage took place there.

We will hear a hue & cry about it being dangerous to the big apple but
it will largely be done by the wingnuts on the right.Just the normal
political stuff that happens when some wants to do the right thing.

I think we get it by now that you liberals think so ill of our fine military men that you believe them incapable of providing a "fair" trial.. We get your disrespect for the military.. they get it too never fear. Yep!

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