The crappiest jury duty ever, Khalid Sheikh Mohammed

They may be legally innocent until they are proven guilty in a court of law. But they freakin confessed. Do we have reason to doubt their confessions?

Probably because the way they got the confessions wasn't exactly legal.
They may be legally innocent until they are proven guilty in a court of law. But they freakin confessed. Do we have reason to doubt their confessions?

I don't know. What do you think? Is a confession obtained after waterboarding someone 183 times a legitimate confession or is it coerced?
I don't know. What do you think? Is a confession obtained after waterboarding someon 183 times a legitimate confession or is it coerced?

[ame=]YouTube - Jesse Ventura Schools Hasselbeck On Waterboarding[/ame]

"You give me a waterboard, one hour, and Dick Cheney and I'll have him confessing to the Sharon Tate murders in one hour."
I don't know. What do you think? Is a confession obtained after waterboarding someon 183 times a legitimate confession or is it coerced?

[ame=]YouTube - Jesse Ventura Schools Hasselbeck On Waterboarding[/ame]

"You give me a waterboard, one hour, and Dick Cheney and I'll have him confessing to the Sharon Tate murders in one hour."

Have you watched this video? Mr Ventura is either wrong or he lied. Plain and simple. Replace the water with beer and you will find it happening on most American college campuses.

Do you have any doubts that KSM is innocent?
Bunch of bull... but notwithstanding that, if you have no doubts of his guilt, you shouldn't have any issues with him being tried.
Have you watched this video? Mr Ventura is either wrong or he lied. Plain and simple. Replace the water with beer and you will find it happening on most American college campuses.

Do you have any doubts that KSM is innocent?

As Jillian said, if you have no problems with the idea that KSM is guilty, then allow him to be tried. I believe he is guilty personally but you never know.

By the way, Mr. Ventura is quite correct. And your example is outrageous and wrong.
Ame®icano;1716658 said:
Most of us are forgetting that we are all innocent until proven guilty. Therefore these terrorists are coming to our Courts as innocent people. With the leftist judges in New York, these terrorists could walk, and be given a pathway to citizenship. Would that be upsetting?

Beside all that, to try these losers in American court is the reciept for disaster. First thing I would like to ask is, how safe it will be for judge and jury, and how safe is for NY? Second, what about the cost of this show? It won't be cheap.

First you correctly point out that the extremist loons on the board have pre-determined guilt or innnocence. Then you say something as absurd as you follow up sentence?

This case will be in Federal Criminal Court in Manhattan. Any Federal Judge appointed over the past 8 years was appointed by the right wingers in the prior admin. Our last mayors were and are Republican. So... so much for your lefty slur... as if being to the left of the loons is a bad thing, anyway. And your conclusion that we in NY somehow can't try this case, when it was our city that got blown up... when the same NY'ers had no problem convicting the blind sheikh for the prior WTC attack is not only ridiculous, but insulting to the people who actually lived through it.

And trying people, instead of locking up people with no evidence, no charges and no trial? I'm cool with it.

You should be, too.

Jillian, how is it possible or even acceptable that an America hating animal like Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, that despises and denounces everything that America stands for, including our Constitution, our laws and our rights can be granted the same rights as you or I, or any American citizen for that matter? I am NOT cool with that.

Also, ow is it possible that such an America hating animal could ever get a fair jury of his peers? What peers? Dont they have to find these peers of his in New York?

This is why you dont give Constitutional rights to enemy combatants of the country in the first place. If they want him to have a ridiculous trial it should have been in the world court or something, not in New York, next door to the spot where he arranged to murder 3000 Americans because of their belief in the same Constitution that he will now be protected by. No way, I am not cool with that.
They may be legally innocent until they are proven guilty in a court of law. But they freakin confessed. Do we have reason to doubt their confessions?

We don't. But Obama does, since they confessed under coercion. That's what this trial is all about.

What will happen is that they'll spend the entire trial time condemning and blaming the last administration. That’s probably intention of moving it to New York.

And where is our Supreme Leader in all of this? Yes, once again he's hiding out while the shit hits the fan. He's over there in Asia letting his AG take the heat on this one. I've never seen Holder look as nervous as he looked during his speech. He knew that he was getting thrown to the wolves while Hubris is shuckin' and jivin' and acting stupidly over some sake with the Japs.
They may be legally innocent until they are proven guilty in a court of law. But they freakin confessed. Do we have reason to doubt their confessions?

technicality! you went to law school? well, maybe you can tell us who collected the forensic evidence?
They may be legally innocent until they are proven guilty in a court of law. But they freakin confessed. Do we have reason to doubt their confessions?

I don't know. What do you think? Is a confession obtained after waterboarding someone 183 times a legitimate confession or is it coerced?

Are they legitimate enemy combatants? Jillian, they are terrorists, they have no citizen rights. Btw, wasn't waterboarding legitimate at the time? Pelosi was informed about it, right?
Question for all supporters of this trial: What is the crime that they have been charged with, and since they are being charged, has anyone read them their rights? Not that I believe that they have any rights considering they were captured on the field of battle, but won't this be a bit of a technicality that can exploited by any half brained counsel, that will represent them when it comes to a civil trial on U.S. soil?
They may be legally innocent until they are proven guilty in a court of law. But they freakin confessed. Do we have reason to doubt their confessions?

technicality! you went to law school? well, maybe you can tell us who collected the forensic evidence?

nother technicality,, now that this has been reduced to a "criminal trial" who read them their miranda rights? Their rights have now been violated. case closed let them go.
Ame®icano;1716800 said:
Ame®icano;1716740 said:
True, but terrorists have no right for a civil trial. They have no right for a trial by jury neither. They are not even enemy combatants to they get the Geneva Convention I-IV. They are illegal combatants so all they should get is Geneva III and IV, and that is debatable.

Do they need to invade lower Manhattan? Of course not, they didn't do it on 9-11 niether. I am talking about facing escalated risk of a another terrorist attack. Every resource of jihadists will be focused on the killing New Yorkers again.

On the fifth... America always leans toward sympathizing. But there is more than that. How will civilian courts and laws that protect real citizens be negated in a civilian court that has substantially different rules and procedures, especially since they were originally detained and apprihended in a foreign country and by the military. I have no confidence in these New York American hateing leftist jurists who can hardly wait to see egg on Americas face.

I'm not going to argue that they have a right to a civil trial (as my reading of the relevant law leads me to believe they don't). That's not really the issue though. To say they're some sort of masterful supervillains we need to keep in an island cage is the biggest PR victory you could possible give them. Put the in leg irons, convict them in open court, and then put them in front of a firing squad. It reaffirms our nation's commitment to justice and the rule of law while also showing how weak and impotent their ideology is.

To say that there will be an elevated risk of another attack is without basis. I'm going to let you in on a little secret: they're already prepared to strike again. They were already planning their next strike before the towers fell. They're always planning a strike.

As for Americans sympathizing, no way. People are sympathetic toward victims. We, as a people, have no sympathy for murderous swine. Your entire argument is build around the idea that the people of one of our nation's largest cities are secretly harboring a hatred for this country. That's complete bullshit. If 9/11 should have taught you anything, it's that we're one people. The people of New York City were plenty enough American to be murdered by zealots.

Some I agree with, some I don't.

Americans are sympathetic toward victims. What do you think that will happen in court. Some argue that KSM he confessed to it. He did, but under coercion. Don't think that they're not going to milk that for all that it's worth after all the controversy over waterboarding recently? Underour law, whatever confessed under coercion cannot be used against him. You'll most likely hear something like: "poor Khalid Sheikh Muhammad was waterboarded 183 times before he confessed to everything from masterminding 9/11 to pissing on the toilet seat? His human rights were violated! The human rights of his victims aren't the issue here, his human rights were violated!"

Btw, there will be no firing squad. I think since 2004, death penalty is unconstitutional in New York.

It can't legally be used against him, but unless you find a slate of jurors who have been living under a rock for years, they'll all know about it and it will weigh in their decision. Also, people aren't going to give a fuck that a guy who is behind the deaths of thousands of people was subjected the torture.

New York's death penalty is irrelevant. The charges are being brought in federal court, and there is a federal death penalty (lethal injection).
Ame®icano;1717171 said:
They may be legally innocent until they are proven guilty in a court of law. But they freakin confessed. Do we have reason to doubt their confessions?

I don't know. What do you think? Is a confession obtained after waterboarding someone 183 times a legitimate confession or is it coerced?

Are they legitimate enemy combatants? Jillian, they are terrorists, they have no citizen rights. Btw, wasn't waterboarding legitimate at the time? Pelosi was informed about it, right?

No, because waterboarding is a form of torture.
Ame®icano;1717171 said:
I don't know. What do you think? Is a confession obtained after waterboarding someone 183 times a legitimate confession or is it coerced?

Are they legitimate enemy combatants? Jillian, they are terrorists, they have no citizen rights. Btw, wasn't waterboarding legitimate at the time? Pelosi was informed about it, right?

No, because waterboarding is a form of torture.

Why Congress did not say so when Bush asked them?
Ame®icano;1717228 said:
Ame®icano;1717171 said:
Are they legitimate enemy combatants? Jillian, they are terrorists, they have no citizen rights. Btw, wasn't waterboarding legitimate at the time? Pelosi was informed about it, right?

No, because waterboarding is a form of torture.

Why Congress did not say so when Bush asked them?

Congress was never informed about the use of waterboarding until after he had already been doing it for half a year.

Informing Congress is irrelevant though. That wouldn't make an illegal action legal.
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Ame®icano;1716800 said:
I'm not going to argue that they have a right to a civil trial (as my reading of the relevant law leads me to believe they don't). That's not really the issue though. To say they're some sort of masterful supervillains we need to keep in an island cage is the biggest PR victory you could possible give them. Put the in leg irons, convict them in open court, and then put them in front of a firing squad. It reaffirms our nation's commitment to justice and the rule of law while also showing how weak and impotent their ideology is.

To say that there will be an elevated risk of another attack is without basis. I'm going to let you in on a little secret: they're already prepared to strike again. They were already planning their next strike before the towers fell. They're always planning a strike.

As for Americans sympathizing, no way. People are sympathetic toward victims. We, as a people, have no sympathy for murderous swine. Your entire argument is build around the idea that the people of one of our nation's largest cities are secretly harboring a hatred for this country. That's complete bullshit. If 9/11 should have taught you anything, it's that we're one people. The people of New York City were plenty enough American to be murdered by zealots.

Some I agree with, some I don't.

Americans are sympathetic toward victims. What do you think that will happen in court. Some argue that KSM he confessed to it. He did, but under coercion. Don't think that they're not going to milk that for all that it's worth after all the controversy over waterboarding recently? Underour law, whatever confessed under coercion cannot be used against him. You'll most likely hear something like: "poor Khalid Sheikh Muhammad was waterboarded 183 times before he confessed to everything from masterminding 9/11 to pissing on the toilet seat? His human rights were violated! The human rights of his victims aren't the issue here, his human rights were violated!"

Btw, there will be no firing squad. I think since 2004, death penalty is unconstitutional in New York.

It can't legally be used against him, but unless you find a slate of jurors who have been living under a rock for years, they'll all know about it and it will weigh in their decision. Also, people aren't going to give a fuck that a guy who is behind the deaths of thousands of people was subjected the torture.

New York's death penalty is irrelevant. The charges are being brought in federal court, and there is a federal death penalty (lethal injection).

1. libtards don't believe in the DP and 2. he's off scott free on technicality, our criminal trial law I believe and you can correct me if I'm wrong says he has to have had his Miranda Rights read to him.. and He gets a jury of his peers.. (oh goody other terrorists) and 3. evidence has to be beyond a shadow of a doubt,, that's gonna be hard cause no one was assigned to collect the forensics.. so guess what, more than likely he is a free man..
Ame®icano;1716800 said:
Some I agree with, some I don't.

Americans are sympathetic toward victims. What do you think that will happen in court. Some argue that KSM he confessed to it. He did, but under coercion. Don't think that they're not going to milk that for all that it's worth after all the controversy over waterboarding recently? Underour law, whatever confessed under coercion cannot be used against him. You'll most likely hear something like: "poor Khalid Sheikh Muhammad was waterboarded 183 times before he confessed to everything from masterminding 9/11 to pissing on the toilet seat? His human rights were violated! The human rights of his victims aren't the issue here, his human rights were violated!"

Btw, there will be no firing squad. I think since 2004, death penalty is unconstitutional in New York.

It can't legally be used against him, but unless you find a slate of jurors who have been living under a rock for years, they'll all know about it and it will weigh in their decision. Also, people aren't going to give a fuck that a guy who is behind the deaths of thousands of people was subjected the torture.

New York's death penalty is irrelevant. The charges are being brought in federal court, and there is a federal death penalty (lethal injection).

1. libtards don't believe in the DP and 2. he's off scott free on technicality, our criminal trial law I believe and you can correct me if I'm wrong says he has to have had his Miranda Rights read to him.. and He gets a jury of his peers.. (oh goody other terrorists) and

The right to a jury of your peers simply means the makeup of the jury has to reflect the community. Also, the Miranda warning is not a legal requirement.

3. evidence has to be beyond a shadow of a doubt,, that's gonna be hard cause no one was assigned to collect the forensics.. so guess what, more than likely he is a free man..

The forensics aren't really relevant if you have enough supporting evidence.

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