The crappiest jury duty ever, Khalid Sheikh Mohammed

Good question. It would be much better if it were a judge - and if cameras were banned. Less of a circus, wouldn't you think?

I think cameras should be banned from courtrooms in general.

I dissagree. Justice should be dispenced in the light of day. Many men and somew women have been executed for crimes they did not commit. I would much rather have all court proceedings at least videoed. Transcripts do not capture all of the events in court. Like the judge sleeping:lol:
Ame®icano;1716740 said:
Ame®icano;1716700 said:
1. Since when civil trials are just a formality? In what country? Not in this one! Innocent until proven guilty. Beyond a resonable doubt. Jury of 12 peers.. Any of this ring a bell?
2. Based on what? If aquitted after "serving" years in US prisons and camps, and as innocent man they have certain rights, citizenship and damages among them.
3. Who's talking about KSM powers?

Look, KSM and others will probably still get convicted and will probably be executed. But, the craziness is that they could get off, and they could scream coersion, and they could launch a defense and get into their upbringing.

Why are we making effort to give them more opportunites to showcase themselves and lighten the justice for what they did?

Just watch, publicized trial will make these guys seem more human and people will forget what they did. We're gonna watch, and the whole world is gonna watch. What do you think terrorists reaction is gonna be like?

1. O please. There are tons of cases were the verdict is known before the case begins and it's pretty naive to state otherwise. Hell, the guy confessed to the act. You think the jury is going to just ignore that?
2. That's simply not accurate.
3. So, what, you think AQ has an army that will invade lower Manhattan?
4. Sure, they could get off. Just like I could walk outside my house right now and get hit by an asteroid.
5. The trial isn't going to make them more human. It's going to make them look even more triple fuck crazy.

True, but terrorists have no right for a civil trial. They have no right for a trial by jury neither. They are not even enemy combatants to they get the Geneva Convention I-IV. They are illegal combatants so all they should get is Geneva III and IV, and that is debatable.

Do they need to invade lower Manhattan? Of course not, they didn't do it on 9-11 niether. I am talking about facing escalated risk of a another terrorist attack. Every resource of jihadists will be focused on the killing New Yorkers again.

On the fifth... America always leans toward sympathizing. But there is more than that. How will civilian courts and laws that protect real citizens be negated in a civilian court that has substantially different rules and procedures, especially since they were originally detained and apprihended in a foreign country and by the military. I have no confidence in these New York American hateing leftist jurists who can hardly wait to see egg on Americas face.

I'm not going to argue that they have a right to a civil trial (as my reading of the relevant law leads me to believe they don't). That's not really the issue though. To say they're some sort of masterful supervillains we need to keep in an island cage is the biggest PR victory you could possible give them. Put the in leg irons, convict them in open court, and then put them in front of a firing squad. It reaffirms our nation's commitment to justice and the rule of law while also showing how weak and impotent their ideology is.

To say that there will be an elevated risk of another attack is without basis. I'm going to let you in on a little secret: they're already prepared to strike again. They were already planning their next strike before the towers fell. They're always planning a strike.

As for Americans sympathizing, no way. People are sympathetic toward victims. We, as a people, have no sympathy for murderous swine. Your entire argument is build around the idea that the people of one of our nation's largest cities are secretly harboring a hatred for this country. That's complete bullshit. If 9/11 should have taught you anything, it's that we're one people. The people of New York City were plenty enough American to be murdered by zealots.
But that actually is the issue. Obama and Holderman are not following the law of the land; so to speak.

That's not true. A criminal defendant doesn't have to be an American citizen to be tried in our court system.
you're an idot. Nothing. I am speaking my mind. Don't like it? shove off butch.

But that actually is the issue. Obama and Holderman are not following the law of the land; so to speak.

That's not true. A criminal defendant doesn't have to be an American citizen to be tried in our court system.

Exactly. But we wouldn't have this discussion if they had never been brought onto American soil. But they were, and we are.
Ame®icano;1716740 said:
1. O please. There are tons of cases were the verdict is known before the case begins and it's pretty naive to state otherwise. Hell, the guy confessed to the act. You think the jury is going to just ignore that?
2. That's simply not accurate.
3. So, what, you think AQ has an army that will invade lower Manhattan?
4. Sure, they could get off. Just like I could walk outside my house right now and get hit by an asteroid.
5. The trial isn't going to make them more human. It's going to make them look even more triple fuck crazy.

True, but terrorists have no right for a civil trial. They have no right for a trial by jury neither. They are not even enemy combatants to they get the Geneva Convention I-IV. They are illegal combatants so all they should get is Geneva III and IV, and that is debatable.

Do they need to invade lower Manhattan? Of course not, they didn't do it on 9-11 niether. I am talking about facing escalated risk of a another terrorist attack. Every resource of jihadists will be focused on the killing New Yorkers again.

On the fifth... America always leans toward sympathizing. But there is more than that. How will civilian courts and laws that protect real citizens be negated in a civilian court that has substantially different rules and procedures, especially since they were originally detained and apprihended in a foreign country and by the military. I have no confidence in these New York American hateing leftist jurists who can hardly wait to see egg on Americas face.

I'm not going to argue that they have a right to a civil trial (as my reading of the relevant law leads me to believe they don't). That's not really the issue though. To say they're some sort of masterful supervillains we need to keep in an island cage is the biggest PR victory you could possible give them. Put the in leg irons, convict them in open court, and then put them in front of a firing squad. It reaffirms our nation's commitment to justice and the rule of law while also showing how weak and impotent their ideology is.

To say that there will be an elevated risk of another attack is without basis. I'm going to let you in on a little secret: they're already prepared to strike again. They were already planning their next strike before the towers fell. They're always planning a strike.

As for Americans sympathizing, no way. People are sympathetic toward victims. We, as a people, have no sympathy for murderous swine. Your entire argument is build around the idea that the people of one of our nation's largest cities are secretly harboring a hatred for this country. That's complete bullshit. If 9/11 should have taught you anything, it's that we're one people. The people of New York City were plenty enough American to be murdered by zealots.

Some I agree with, some I don't.

Americans are sympathetic toward victims. What do you think that will happen in court. Some argue that KSM he confessed to it. He did, but under coercion. Don't think that they're not going to milk that for all that it's worth after all the controversy over waterboarding recently? Underour law, whatever confessed under coercion cannot be used against him. You'll most likely hear something like: "poor Khalid Sheikh Muhammad was waterboarded 183 times before he confessed to everything from masterminding 9/11 to pissing on the toilet seat? His human rights were violated! The human rights of his victims aren't the issue here, his human rights were violated!"

Btw, there will be no firing squad. I think since 2004, death penalty is unconstitutional in New York.
But that actually is the issue. Obama and Holderman are not following the law of the land; so to speak.

Does anyone think it's pure coincidence that Holder drops this turd the day Obama splits the country for 10 days?
Ame®icano;1716800 said:
Ame®icano;1716740 said:
True, but terrorists have no right for a civil trial. They have no right for a trial by jury neither. They are not even enemy combatants to they get the Geneva Convention I-IV. They are illegal combatants so all they should get is Geneva III and IV, and that is debatable.

Do they need to invade lower Manhattan? Of course not, they didn't do it on 9-11 niether. I am talking about facing escalated risk of a another terrorist attack. Every resource of jihadists will be focused on the killing New Yorkers again.

On the fifth... America always leans toward sympathizing. But there is more than that. How will civilian courts and laws that protect real citizens be negated in a civilian court that has substantially different rules and procedures, especially since they were originally detained and apprihended in a foreign country and by the military. I have no confidence in these New York American hateing leftist jurists who can hardly wait to see egg on Americas face.

I'm not going to argue that they have a right to a civil trial (as my reading of the relevant law leads me to believe they don't). That's not really the issue though. To say they're some sort of masterful supervillains we need to keep in an island cage is the biggest PR victory you could possible give them. Put the in leg irons, convict them in open court, and then put them in front of a firing squad. It reaffirms our nation's commitment to justice and the rule of law while also showing how weak and impotent their ideology is.

To say that there will be an elevated risk of another attack is without basis. I'm going to let you in on a little secret: they're already prepared to strike again. They were already planning their next strike before the towers fell. They're always planning a strike.

As for Americans sympathizing, no way. People are sympathetic toward victims. We, as a people, have no sympathy for murderous swine. Your entire argument is build around the idea that the people of one of our nation's largest cities are secretly harboring a hatred for this country. That's complete bullshit. If 9/11 should have taught you anything, it's that we're one people. The people of New York City were plenty enough American to be murdered by zealots.

Some I agree with, some I don't.

Americans are sympathetic toward victims. What do you think that will happen in court. Some argue that KSM he confessed to it. He did, but under coercion. Don't think that they're not going to milk that for all that it's worth after all the controversy over waterboarding recently? Underour law, whatever confessed under coercion cannot be used against him. You'll most likely hear something like: "poor Khalid Sheikh Muhammad was waterboarded 183 times before he confessed to everything from masterminding 9/11 to pissing on the toilet seat? His human rights were violated! The human rights of his victims aren't the issue here, his human rights were violated!"

Btw, there will be no firing squad. I think since 2004, death penalty is unconstitutional in New York.

I believe while the trial will be in NY, it is a federal trial, not a state trial. The Feds still have the death penalty.
But that actually is the issue. Obama and Holderman are not following the law of the land; so to speak.

That's not true. A criminal defendant doesn't have to be an American citizen to be tried in our court system.

Point is that the US Congress working with the US President and the US Supreme Court, set up the military tribunals eveidence was gathered on both sides and the Tribunals had started. Now we start all over again with the Obama Dog & Pony Show.

Tell me why?

Give me one good reason that the tribunals were not good enough, that we have to go back to square one and spend another couple million.

For Justice?

Or Politics?

I say its all political and stupid.
Personally, I think it's justice served that this man will be sentenced to death in the same place that he helped mastermind such suffering. Poetic Justice in fact.
But that actually is the issue. Obama and Holderman are not following the law of the land; so to speak.

That's not true. A criminal defendant doesn't have to be an American citizen to be tried in our court system.

These are not criminal defendents. These are foreign terrorists.

They have the right to be tried before a military tribunal, and when convicted - shot by a firing squad or hung by the neck till dead.
Ame®icano;1716658 said:
Most of us are forgetting that we are all innocent until proven guilty. Therefore these terrorists are coming to our Courts as innocent people. With the leftist judges in New York, these terrorists could walk, and be given a pathway to citizenship. Would that be upsetting?

Beside all that, to try these losers in American court is the reciept for disaster. First thing I would like to ask is, how safe it will be for judge and jury, and how safe is for NY? Second, what about the cost of this show? It won't be cheap.

First you correctly point out that the extremist loons on the board have pre-determined guilt or innnocence. Then you say something as absurd as you follow up sentence?

This case will be in Federal Criminal Court in Manhattan. Any Federal Judge appointed over the past 8 years was appointed by the right wingers in the prior admin. Our last mayors were and are Republican. So... so much for your lefty slur... as if being to the left of the loons is a bad thing, anyway. And your conclusion that we in NY somehow can't try this case, when it was our city that got blown up... when the same NY'ers had no problem convicting the blind sheikh for the prior WTC attack is not only ridiculous, but insulting to the people who actually lived through it.

And trying people, instead of locking up people with no evidence, no charges and no trial? I'm cool with it.

You should be, too.
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But that actually is the issue. Obama and Holderman are not following the law of the land; so to speak.

That's not true. A criminal defendant doesn't have to be an American citizen to be tried in our court system.

Point is that the US Congress working with the US President and the US Supreme Court, set up the military tribunals eveidence was gathered on both sides and the Tribunals had started. Now we start all over again with the Obama Dog & Pony Show.

Tell me why?

Give me one good reason that the tribunals were not good enough, that we have to go back to square one and spend another couple million.

For Justice?

Or Politics?

I say its all political and stupid.

couple of million, boy are you optimistic, the aclu is gonna come up filthy rich.
Ame®icano;1716800 said:
I'm not going to argue that they have a right to a civil trial (as my reading of the relevant law leads me to believe they don't). That's not really the issue though. To say they're some sort of masterful supervillains we need to keep in an island cage is the biggest PR victory you could possible give them. Put the in leg irons, convict them in open court, and then put them in front of a firing squad. It reaffirms our nation's commitment to justice and the rule of law while also showing how weak and impotent their ideology is.

To say that there will be an elevated risk of another attack is without basis. I'm going to let you in on a little secret: they're already prepared to strike again. They were already planning their next strike before the towers fell. They're always planning a strike.

As for Americans sympathizing, no way. People are sympathetic toward victims. We, as a people, have no sympathy for murderous swine. Your entire argument is build around the idea that the people of one of our nation's largest cities are secretly harboring a hatred for this country. That's complete bullshit. If 9/11 should have taught you anything, it's that we're one people. The people of New York City were plenty enough American to be murdered by zealots.

Some I agree with, some I don't.

Americans are sympathetic toward victims. What do you think that will happen in court. Some argue that KSM he confessed to it. He did, but under coercion. Don't think that they're not going to milk that for all that it's worth after all the controversy over waterboarding recently? Underour law, whatever confessed under coercion cannot be used against him. You'll most likely hear something like: "poor Khalid Sheikh Muhammad was waterboarded 183 times before he confessed to everything from masterminding 9/11 to pissing on the toilet seat? His human rights were violated! The human rights of his victims aren't the issue here, his human rights were violated!"

Btw, there will be no firing squad. I think since 2004, death penalty is unconstitutional in New York.

I believe while the trial will be in NY, it is a federal trial, not a state trial. The Feds still have the death penalty.

DP,, it ain't never gonna happen.. libtards don't believe in the DP..
I dont envy them. I went to law school to avoid jury duty.
They may be legally innocent until they are proven guilty in a court of law. But they freakin confessed. Do we have reason to doubt their confessions?

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