The Creeps have taken over !


Platinum Member
Oct 10, 2021
Sad day in the Good Old U.S.of A. when a Kennedy is taken
to task by Democrats.Or the Party of stinkin' Liars.
No matter how creepy and cranky his voice.But we've gotten used
to his voice.Now his Politics is under attack.And no more Mister Nice
guy attitude regarding his Hollywood actress wife.J.F.K. Jr. did not
want to expound upon but did admit wife Cheryl Hines " has lost
jobs in Hollywood for supporting my Candidacy.In fact,she lost
one today. " So Cancel Culture is now in full bloom.As Biden
is furthering his destruction of the United States.Hollywood cannot
humanly remain so devout to the Democrat Party.If Silicon Valley
Bank is any bellwether.Many Hollywood elites used that failed bank.
The Academy Awards is also losing big.Each year it is down from the
previous year.Fairly good bellwether of how as Hollywood flies,so flies
their traditional Party { Them Democrats }.
It's time for much needed Rolling Stones music.Or ...
My,my,my don't tell lies
Don't say Hi,like a spider to a fly
Sit up,fed up,low down,go round
Sittin',thinkin',sinkin', drinkin'
Down to the bar ... keep fidelity in yer head.
I said my my,like the spider to the fly
Jump ahead in my web. "
Sad day in the Good Old U.S.of A. when a Kennedy is taken
to task by Democrats.Or the Party of stinkin' Liars.
No matter how creepy and cranky his voice.But we've gotten used
to his voice.Now his Politics is under attack.And no more Mister Nice
guy attitude regarding his Hollywood actress wife.J.F.K. Jr. did not
want to expound upon but did admit wife Cheryl Hines " has lost
jobs in Hollywood for supporting my Candidacy.In fact,she lost
one today. " So Cancel Culture is now in full bloom.As Biden
is furthering his destruction of the United States.Hollywood cannot
humanly remain so devout to the Democrat Party.If Silicon Valley
Bank is any bellwether.Many Hollywood elites used that failed bank.
The Academy Awards is also losing big.Each year it is down from the
previous year.Fairly good bellwether of how as Hollywood flies,so flies
their traditional Party { Them Democrats }.
It's time for much needed Rolling Stones music.Or ...
My,my,my don't tell lies
Don't say Hi,like a spider to a fly
Sit up,fed up,low down,go round
Sittin',thinkin',sinkin', drinkin'
Down to the bar ... keep fidelity in yer head.
I said my my,like the spider to the fly
Jump ahead in my web. "
kennedy must have a hole in his head to think about running
Unfortunately for WE THE PEOPLE........JFK was NOT a Democrat like any others. Like Trump, he was FOR the people, FOR this country, not AGAINST us. He wanted to preserve what we had, not sell it off to our enemies and suck the tax payer dry.

What got him killed was the Leftist Demonicreep lunatics and their greed and avarice.
One of Kennedys most potent speeches before they murdered him, was he had the goods on them and was going to tell the world what they were up to and had planned for us.

They can't outright kill Trump nowadays with everybody having their phones recording video at everything and everybody. So the Demonicreeps started their fraudulent and fake witch hunt. They KNOW they have nothing on Trump, but it keeps OUR eyes averted from all the heinous crimes they are doing behind the scenes.
I guess the tink'n out the Obama set Biden White
House is that all they need do to rule the day with the
Kennedy Name and tradition is to make an example out
a Kennedy.Since there has been no Kennedy in politics since
red-haired Joe Kennedy III faired poorly in trying to get
re-elected.The Kennedy dynasty became jaded.No More
Chris Matthews to sing the Kennedy " Camelot " narrative.
I mean,If Matthews was able to get pushed out at MSNBC
anything is Poss-ee-Bow.
But the real humanity narrative has yet to be made.
That " nothing is certain BUT Death and Taxes ". - {Ben Franklin}
How about Nothing is Certain but Biden's Terrible Presidency,

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