The Crime Is The Castration Of The Crime-Stoppers


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Gold Supporting Member
Oct 6, 2008
Only the most willfully blind can deny that the FBI and the CIA have been reversed from neutral crime-fighters, to agencies of corruption working for the, Democrats.

1. "Can The FBI Be Salvaged?" The Washington, D.C.-based Federal Bureau of Investigation has lost all credibility as a disinterested investigatory agency. Now we learn from a whistleblower that the agency was allegedly investigating moms and dads worried about the teaching of critical race theory in their kids’ schools.

2. In truth, since 2015, the FBI has been constantly in the news – and mostly in a negative and constitutionally disturbing light.
The fired former Director James Comey injected himself into the 2016 political race by constantly editorializing on his ongoing investigation of candidate Hillary Clinton’s email leaks.

3. In a bizarre twist, the public learned later that Comey had allowed Hillary Clinton’s own private computer contractor – CrowdStrike – to run the investigation of the hack. The private firm was allowed to keep possession of pertinent hard drives central to the investigation. How odd that CrowdStrike’s point man was Shawn Henry, a former high-ranking FBI employee.
During the Robert Mueller special investigation, the FBI implausibly claimed it had no idea how requested information on FBI cell phones had mysteriously disappeared.
It was also under Comey’s directorship that the FBI submitted inaccurate requests for warrants to a FISA court. Elements of one affidavit to surveil Trump supporter Carter Page were forged by FBI lawyer Kevin Clinesmith, who later pleaded guilty to a felony."

4. "DOJ Inspector General Says Department Must Address Concerns About Politicization
The Department of Justice (DOJ) must address deepening concerns that it’s not insulated from political influence, the agency’s watchdog stated in a new report.

The DOJ failed to follow policies and procedures designed to protect it from accusations that it’s politicized or partially applying the law in a number of cases, including while investigating Donald Trump’s campaign during the 2016 election and in leaks to the media, Inspector General Michael Horowitz noted.

“Numerous national events in the past year have crystalized the urgency for the department to address this challenge in a meaningful way,” he wrote, including the discovery that the DOJ under the Trump administration obtained communications to and from members of Congress and accusations that protesters were cleared from Lafayette Square in Washington on June 1, 2020, for political purposes." DOJ Inspector General Says Department Must Address Concerns About Politicization - [your]NEWS

5. "Democrats Close Ranks around Garland's Politicization of DOJ › 2021 › 10 › democrats-close-ranks-around-garlands-politicization-of-doj
Democrats Close Ranks around Garland's Politicization of DOJ. Attorney General nominee Merrick Garland testifies during his confirmation hearing in Washington, D.C., February 22, 2021. (Drew ...

Under Democrat's, America has become more corrupt than their Bolshevik predecessors.
Only the most willfully blind can deny that the FBI and the CIA have been reversed from neutral crime-fighters, to agencies of corruption working for the, Democrats.

1. "Can The FBI Be Salvaged?" The Washington, D.C.-based Federal Bureau of Investigation has lost all credibility as a disinterested investigatory agency. Now we learn from a whistleblower that the agency was allegedly investigating moms and dads worried about the teaching of critical race theory in their kids’ schools.

2. In truth, since 2015, the FBI has been constantly in the news – and mostly in a negative and constitutionally disturbing light.
The fired former Director James Comey injected himself into the 2016 political race by constantly editorializing on his ongoing investigation of candidate Hillary Clinton’s email leaks.

3. In a bizarre twist, the public learned later that Comey had allowed Hillary Clinton’s own private computer contractor – CrowdStrike – to run the investigation of the hack. The private firm was allowed to keep possession of pertinent hard drives central to the investigation. How odd that CrowdStrike’s point man was Shawn Henry, a former high-ranking FBI employee.
During the Robert Mueller special investigation, the FBI implausibly claimed it had no idea how requested information on FBI cell phones had mysteriously disappeared.
It was also under Comey’s directorship that the FBI submitted inaccurate requests for warrants to a FISA court. Elements of one affidavit to surveil Trump supporter Carter Page were forged by FBI lawyer Kevin Clinesmith, who later pleaded guilty to a felony."

4. "DOJ Inspector General Says Department Must Address Concerns About Politicization
The Department of Justice (DOJ) must address deepening concerns that it’s not insulated from political influence, the agency’s watchdog stated in a new report.

The DOJ failed to follow policies and procedures designed to protect it from accusations that it’s politicized or partially applying the law in a number of cases, including while investigating Donald Trump’s campaign during the 2016 election and in leaks to the media, Inspector General Michael Horowitz noted.

“Numerous national events in the past year have crystalized the urgency for the department to address this challenge in a meaningful way,” he wrote, including the discovery that the DOJ under the Trump administration obtained communications to and from members of Congress and accusations that protesters were cleared from Lafayette Square in Washington on June 1, 2020, for political purposes." DOJ Inspector General Says Department Must Address Concerns About Politicization - [your]NEWS

5. "Democrats Close Ranks around Garland's Politicization of DOJ › 2021 › 10 › democrats-close-ranks-around-garlands-politicization-of-doj
Democrats Close Ranks around Garland's Politicization of DOJ. Attorney General nominee Merrick Garland testifies during his confirmation hearing in Washington, D.C., February 22, 2021. (Drew ...

Under Democrat's, America has become more corrupt than their Bolshevik predecessors.

Victor Davis Hanson? Haahahaha.. You have got to be kidding.

It's time to do a complete house cleaning of the FBI or defund them.


6. "The FBI hired the disreputable ex-British spy Christopher Steele as a contractor, while he was peddling his fantasy – the Clinton-bought dossier – to Obama government officials and the media.

Former FBI general counsel James Baker was reportedly the subject of a federal investigation. He allegedly conducted prominent meetings both with media outlets that later leaked lurid tales from the Steele dossier. He also met repeatedly with the now-indicted Perkins Coe attorney Michael Sussman.

Comey himself, through third-party intermediaries, leaked to the media his own confidential memos detailing private meetings with President Trump. His assurances both to Congress and to Trump that the president was not the current subject of FBI investigations were either misleading or outright lies."

Is it too late for the Democrats to appoint Lavrentiy Beria as head of the FBI????​

7. "In sworn testimony to the House Intelligence Committee, Comey on some 245 occasions claimed he could not remember or had no knowledge of key elements of his own “Russian Collusion” investigation.

Comey’s replacement, acting FBI director Andrew McCabe, was fired for leaking sensitive information to the media. He then lied on at least three occasions about his role to federal attorneys and his own FBI investigators.

McCabe is now a paid CNN consultant who often has offered misleading information on the Russian collusion hoax that he helped promulgate."

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