The CRUSADES explained

Maybe the religious forum isn't for you, Joe. Do we have a bitter nasty piece of work forum?

Jesus came for the sick not the well.

If Joe is seeking the answers and solutions to end the nastiness in the world he hates so much
what better place to seek answers than among people who have found ways to risk above the sickness and not fall into it.
Guy, you can't claim victory when you haven't even made an argument.

Here's the thing. God is what primitive people called all the things they didn't understand.

But we have science and space shuttles and internet now.

So the notion of us playing "Our Sky Pixie can Kick your Sky Pixie's Ass" is just kind of silly.

Hi JoeB131
I think it would help to make a distinction between the
manmade gods idols and religions,
and understand that there are universal laws that are true regardless.
Like you mention science.

Man didn't invent the laws of science, but we use them as tools to create.
and yes scientific knowledge has also led to abuse of technology to destroy.

laws of science exist first
and then man tries to discover those and write them down and use them.

same with religions that
discover universal laws and try to write them down and live by them.

these aren't perfect either,
and yes religions can be abused just like science can be.

so we try to stop the abuses, and make corrections,
and stick to the pre existing laws and not overwrite them with fake religion or fake science.

we try to be consistent.
you are right these can be and are abused.
but that doesn't change the fact there are
universal laws underneath that exist anyway,
even if humans get these wrong when we attempt to define these laws using our own manmade terms for them.
Maybe the religious forum isn't for you, Joe. Do we have a bitter nasty piece of work forum?

1) This is the History Forum.

2) Pointing out that you religious types believe in backward superstitions is hardly being "bitter".

When I realized that there wasn't a God and those Nuns had been lying to me for all those years, my life actually got a lot better.
Jesus came for the sick not the well.

If Joe is seeking the answers and solutions to end the nastiness in the world he hates so much
what better place to seek answers than among people who have found ways to risk above the sickness and not fall into it.

religion doesn't solve nastiness. Religion CAUSES nastiness. Religion gives nasty people validation to be nasty because their Imaginary Friend in the Sky says their bad behavior is okay.

And, yes, the Muslims are just as guilty of this as CHristians are.
So what term DO you want to use for this.

Do you agree to call Hitler a Jihadist?

No, that's fucking retarded.

Hitler was a Christian. Hitler did everything he did with the full endorsement of the Pope because the Pope was shitting his dress over the thought that those bad old Communists might abolish religion and then he'd have to get on a sex offender registry.
Whatever forum it is your lack of respect for those you don't believe what you do is appalling. You realizing there is no God won't be confirmed until you die. Personally I think you are in for a rude awakening, nevertheless, whatever you believe is no reason for me to treat you as poorly as you treat others. It's called common decency.
There is a God, and the Nuns didn't lie to you. Satan is..........
Too bad the Nuns didn't teach you how to treat others.

Hitler was about as Christian as you are. And neither of you developed any social skills. I doubt the Nuns were responsible for that.
Whatever forum it is your lack of respect for those you don't believe what you do is appalling. You realizing there is no God won't be confirmed until you die. Personally I think you are in for a rude awakening, nevertheless, whatever you believe is no reason for me to treat you as poorly as you treat others. It's called common decency.
There is a God, and the Nuns didn't lie to you. Satan is..........
Too bad the Nuns didn't teach you how to treat others.

Actually, if I died and met your God, the first thing I'd say is,


That's probably what I would say.

However, Satan is the last of my worries, as he's largely a construct of mythology. He's barely mentioned in the bible. This video nails it.

Satan plays a large role in the Bible. He is responsible for bone cancer, and every other ailment he can throw at mankind. You not believing it doesn't make it fallacy. God never said that humans would not see trouble. That's your errant belief. He said He'd get us through it, and reward our faith in Him with eternal life.
Why would you worry about someone you are so faithful to? You dismiss God, and thrill Satan. He is indeed the least of your worries. For now anyway......

When you meet "my" God, your mouth will be smarter than you are and will utter nothing. Your knees are smarter than you too. They will hit the ground without your understanding.
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So what term DO you want to use for this.

Do you agree to call Hitler a Jihadist?

No, that's fucking retarded.

Hitler was a Christian. Hitler did everything he did with the full endorsement of the Pope because the Pope was shitting his dress over the thought that those bad old Communists might abolish religion and then he'd have to get on a sex offender registry.

Ok JoeB131
if you call Hitler a Christian, while Christians are saying no that's twisted.
that's why people are calling Jihadists Muslims, but Muslims protest and say no that's twisted.

I get it.

You don't trust Christians not to abuse their power and start wreaking havoc.
And other people don't trust Muslims not to let Jihadist take over and start waging war.

Now, given this mutual mistrust
how do we go about policing to prevent religious abuses without abridging religious freedom.

I suggest holding any religious organization or corporation
that licenses itself through the state to operate
to agree to the same Bill of Rights and 14th Amendment that govt has to follow.
Where individuals and beliefs are protected equally,
any grievances are redressed by due process, and consensus may be
required to resolve conflicts involving clashing beliefs so nobody's creed is violated excluded or discriminated against.

Do you agree that Constitutional principles
would then preclude anyone from abusing religion
like Hitler did or Jihadists do?

You can have religious freedom but cannot impose it on others,
There must be free will participation by informed consent,
and that is where the Hitler's and Jihadists of the world go wrong
is where they impose laws and punishments without due process,
acting as judge jury and executioner. So Constitutional standards
enforced equally by all followers would respect both religious freedom
and would also prohibit abuses, and everyone can choose to agree to this where it is not forced by coercion.

Would that help solve the problem of religious and political abuses?
Satan plays a large role in the Bible. He is responsible for bone cancer, and every other ailment he can throw at mankind. You not believing it doesn't make it fallacy. God never said that humans would not see trouble. That's your errant belief. He said He'd get us through it, and reward our faith in Him with eternal life.

So god lets Satan give children BOne Cancer, just like he let Satan murder the Children of Job to prove that Job wouldn't love God. That kind of make God kind of a prick. I mean, if they were real. I mean, Satan is what God made him. I'd almost hold him blameless. But God, who let us not forget, is omnipotent and omniscient, he knew what Satan was going to do the minute he created him.

Doesn't that make God the Asshole?

Why would you worry about someone you are so faithful to? You dismiss God, and thrill Satan. He is indeed the least of your worries. For now anyway......

I don't worry about God. I worry about stupid shits like you electing morons like George W. Bush because he's "Right with Jesus" and then watching him fuck things up for everyone.

When you meet "my" God, your mouth will be smarter than you are and will utter nothing. Your knees are smarter than you too. They will hit the ground without your understanding.

I refuse to believe that the universe is so badly designed that your God is in charge of it.
Whatever forum it is your lack of respect for those you don't believe what you do is appalling. You realizing there is no God won't be confirmed until you die. Personally I think you are in for a rude awakening, nevertheless, whatever you believe is no reason for me to treat you as poorly as you treat others. It's called common decency.
There is a God, and the Nuns didn't lie to you. Satan is..........
Too bad the Nuns didn't teach you how to treat others.

Actually, if I died and met your God, the first thing I'd say is,


That's probably what I would say.

However, Satan is the last of my worries, as he's largely a construct of mythology. He's barely mentioned in the bible. This video nails it.

Dear JoeB131 I have good news for you if you really want to see the cure of all cureable illness.
Spiritual healing ministries have successfully cured cases of cancer (and also other diseases)
by removing obstructions that prevent mind and body from healing naturally as designed.

Normally the body can shed cancer cells. But unforgiveness and holding onto resentment
and stress creates blocks where disease can build up in the body.
So spiritual healing based on forgiveness therapy facilitates natural healing
so the body can better fight and beat cancer.

For children born with diseases, some of these have been cured
by praying for removing generational sickness that otherwise blocks cure and health.

Not all diseases can be cured, but that's true of any treatment.

The successful results of spiritual healing have helped save
so many people who regained their minds, lives, health and relationships,
the positive results far outweigh the cases of only partial healing or no effect at all which is rare.
Most people report better health on some level after spiritual healing to remove negative blocks from unforgiven
conflicts that cause stress and burden on their mental and/or physical health, not to mention their relations with others.

See sources at freespiritualhealing Resources for Healing and Forgiveness Therapy
I personally know a volunteer counselor who focuses on healing cancer patients
and their families, and who has even helped an atheist friend of mine to get rid of demon rages
caused by abuse. So even an atheist can receive this help to forgive and heal of sickness.
His case was one of the worst, where the doctors are still amazed he is alive from all
the damage done to his body from drugs during the years he carried this rage and suppressed it.
His other friends have died of drug abuse, and he is the only one functioning and able to
recover from severe rage and anxiety disorders. the first step was to remove the demons,
and that part was done by Christian spiritual healing and deliverance so he could regain control of his mind back to normal.
After that, he could work out his recovery and medical treatment on his own. But not until after the demons were removed first. See Scott Peck's books on treating schizophrenic patients this way, to remove demonic voices and obsessions, also listed on that resource page.

This is good news that so many diseases could be cured by addressing the root case,
where medicine alone is not enough.
Satan plays a large role in the Bible. He is responsible for bone cancer, and every other ailment he can throw at mankind. You not believing it doesn't make it fallacy. God never said that humans would not see trouble. That's your errant belief. He said He'd get us through it, and reward our faith in Him with eternal life.

So god lets Satan give children BOne Cancer, just like he let Satan murder the Children of Job to prove that Job wouldn't love God. That kind of make God kind of a prick. I mean, if they were real. I mean, Satan is what God made him. I'd almost hold him blameless. But God, who let us not forget, is omnipotent and omniscient, he knew what Satan was going to do the minute he created him.

Doesn't that make God the Asshole?

Why would you worry about someone you are so faithful to? You dismiss God, and thrill Satan. He is indeed the least of your worries. For now anyway......

I don't worry about God. I worry about stupid shits like you electing morons like George W. Bush because he's "Right with Jesus" and then watching him fuck things up for everyone.

When you meet "my" God, your mouth will be smarter than you are and will utter nothing. Your knees are smarter than you too. They will hit the ground without your understanding.

I refuse to believe that the universe is so badly designed that your God is in charge of it.

Dear JoeB131 Substitute "laws of Nature" for laws of God
and realize you cannot fight nature.

If smoking causes cancer, then you can't expect nature to radically reverse the effects of smoking.
You would have to quit the unhealthy behavior to stop the unhealthy consequences.

The more we get rid of unhealthy, imbalanced, and abusive behavior
you will see improvement of human health and the health of the planet.

Even Buddhists teach this without attributing it to a personal God.
There are laws of cause and effect in NATURE,
and of course the actions that are balanced and in harmony will produce healthy results
and the actions that are in conflict and cause disruption will yield negative results.

In this way, humans can learn by experience, by trial and error, by reason and free will
to seek what brings positive results and satisfaction in harmony with the whole,
and to avoid what causes conflicts suffering and negative results.

these are natural laws and all humans are subject to them.
aka the West had been driving them out of their regions from the hundreds of years of WAR in the name of ISLAM VIA THE CALIPHATE..............

and here they are coming again..............

In you little world they should have just put out a WELCOME MAT.

You kn ow, when you nutters say "Caliphate" like that's a real thing, I just have to laugh at you.

What would you be without your irrational fears?

Referring to the history of the Caliphate that took SPAIN is irrational fear...................

I suppose they are waking from their graves and coming to get us.........right.....................

You are a lunatic.
Maybe the religious forum isn't for you, Joe. Do we have a bitter nasty piece of work forum?

1) This is the History Forum.

2) Pointing out that you religious types believe in backward superstitions is hardly being "bitter".

When I realized that there wasn't a God and those Nuns had been lying to me for all those years, my life actually got a lot better.

Hi JoeB131 There is nothing wrong or unbiblical about being a secular gentile under natural laws.
The same laws of Restorative Justice still apply.
My friends who are Atheist with the peace and justice movement
get along perfectly in harmony with Christians because of our shared faith in Restorative Justice.
If you read up on these methods of nonviolence
especially "nonviolent communication" I think you will be relieved
to know that Christians actively work with secular humanists on peace and justice
in effective ways that respect all views. Please look into Restorative Justice
and how this reconciles with Christianity. Sam Reese Sheppard Jr.
is a Buddhist activist with the peace and justice movement against the death penalty,
and you may also like Bernie Glassman a Zen Buddhist Jewish peace activist
who is all inclusive and universal in his approach to equal justice in society.

Many people find fulfillment this way, and it is not against the Bible
for gentiles to follow the natural laws by conscience and become a law unto themselves.
Christ Jesus still fulfills the natural laws by Restorative Justice that even secular humanists believe in.
Jesus came for the sick not the well.

If Joe is seeking the answers and solutions to end the nastiness in the world he hates so much
what better place to seek answers than among people who have found ways to risk above the sickness and not fall into it.

religion doesn't solve nastiness. Religion CAUSES nastiness. Religion gives nasty people validation to be nasty because their Imaginary Friend in the Sky says their bad behavior is okay.

And, yes, the Muslims are just as guilty of this as CHristians are.

No JoeB131
it is the UNFORGIVENESS that causes nastiness.

And yes you are right this is just as true for Muslims as Christians where unforgiveness causes nastiness.
some call this FEAR instead of love.

Even the Buddhists will teach to act out of
Wisdom (not fear of the unknown or ignorance)
Compassion (not anger or aggression)
Generosity (not greed)
in order to avoid suffering in life or making it worse.

This is just natural law, of how human nature works, independent of religion.
ROFLMNAO! Adorable... you project 'sky pixies', which is straw reasoning, even as you lament straw reasoning.

I NEVER tire of Leftists committing the very crimes they are projecting upon others.

In point of fact, my reasoning spoke directly to your argument, refuting it entirely, through biting sarcasm, pointing to the feckless, irrational nature of such.

Kids, the above ^^^^ Is what happens when a stupid person tries to sound smart.

There are not... and no one here, or anywhere else is known to have referenced such, except the lowly and wholly irrational anti-theist. Yet, they reference the 'sky-pixie' as if it were the purest essence of reason.

Your concession is duly noted and summarily accepted.

Guy, you can't claim victory when you haven't even made an argument.

Sure ya can... I raced a guy a few years back, who had a 1200 HP Vette. That thing was a monster... I had absolutely no chance of winning... unless my superior luck prevailed and pulled me through another one.

Ya see, I had a 500HP Z28. So, well, even you should be able to do that math on the probabilities in that one.

Well, the tree rockets down to the go light and I give it my patented launch, the wheels come up and we're gone! I get the wholeshot, but as expected I see him bustin' out a split second behind me and almost instantly making up the car I stole from him, then... he just fades away and I go on about keepin' the pointy end up front, until it's over.

It turns out that dude detonated his tranny somewhere short of the 60' and as a result, I declared victory when I passed through the trap, nearly a full 1/8th mile ahead of 'im. (FYI: See that's the point of racing... to see who wins, by getting to the end, first.)

So... Where you offered a fatally flawed argument and I recognize it as such, then belittle and berate you for it... That's me winning, with the argument that you and your argument suck, and why they suck... Again. that is OKA: Me winning.

See, to win in debate, the absolutely LEAST that one must do, is that one must advance a logically valid, intellectually sound position, which also provides for an effective contest of the opposing point of view.

Those who fail, as you manage to do with remarkable consistency, LOSE, with remarkable consistency.

See how that works, dumbass?
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Jesus came for the sick not the well.

If Joe is seeking the answers and solutions to end the nastiness in the world he hates so much
what better place to seek answers than among people who have found ways to risk above the sickness and not fall into it.

religion doesn't solve nastiness. Religion CAUSES nastiness. Religion gives nasty people validation to be nasty because their Imaginary Friend in the Sky says their bad behavior is okay.

And, yes, the Muslims are just as guilty of this as CHristians are.

No JoeB131
it is the UNFORGIVENESS that causes nastiness.

And yes you are right this is just as true for Muslims as Christians where unforgiveness causes nastiness.
some call this FEAR instead of love.

Even the Buddhists will teach to act out of
Wisdom (not fear of the unknown or ignorance)
Compassion (not anger or aggression)
Generosity (not greed)
in order to avoid suffering in life or making it worse.

This is just natural law, of how human nature works, independent of religion.

All great stuff. But ya forgot to mention that Islam and Anti-theism, which is to say The Ideological Left... is EVIL. Therefore, they both reject the principles you noted.
Jesus came for the sick not the well.

If Joe is seeking the answers and solutions to end the nastiness in the world he hates so much
what better place to seek answers than among people who have found ways to risk above the sickness and not fall into it.

religion doesn't solve nastiness. Religion CAUSES nastiness. Religion gives nasty people validation to be nasty because their Imaginary Friend in the Sky says their bad behavior is okay.

And, yes, the Muslims are just as guilty of this as CHristians are.

No JoeB131
it is the UNFORGIVENESS that causes nastiness.

And yes you are right this is just as true for Muslims as Christians where unforgiveness causes nastiness.
some call this FEAR instead of love.

Even the Buddhists will teach to act out of
Wisdom (not fear of the unknown or ignorance)
Compassion (not anger or aggression)
Generosity (not greed)
in order to avoid suffering in life or making it worse.

This is just natural law, of how human nature works, independent of religion.

All great stuff. But ya forgot to mention that Islam and Anti-theism, which is to say The Ideological Left... is EVIL. Therefore, they both reject the principles you noted.

Sure, people who reject out of FEAR and Unforgiveness invite evil and suffering and all manner of ill will.

Likewise people who FORGIVE and invite wisdom and truth, healing and compassion,
justice and peace for all humanity offset the forces of evil and ill will.

I know Muslims and Atheists on the side of Christ
who believe and work for the same Restorative Justice that Christ Jesus represents.

Even the Samaritan once considered the most unholiest of people
can serve as the good example of being your neighbor in Christ.
Dear JoeB131 I have good news for you if you really want to see the cure of all cureable illness.
Spiritual healing ministries have successfully cured cases of cancer (and also other diseases)
by removing obstructions that prevent mind and body from healing naturally as designed.

You know what, when I hear crazy shit like this, I just have to laugh you off.

Okay, so if Faith Healing is a real thing and all.... how come God doesn't cure Amputees?

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