The CRUSADES explained

yep , the little I know about it it looks to me like the muslims started it by invading hundreds of years ago and now it looks like they are just continuing with 'isis' . If isis types were to win then the socalled peaceful muslims would just fall in line and go along so they could get along .
Again you ignorance shines through........................

I was talking about the History I've already shown.............when they controlled most of the land from Mongolia to almost Constantinople....................

They were the SEED of the OTTOMANS....................and Turkey was beaten in WWI and lost their control........which is why they didn't fight in WWII...............

But you said WWII was when they were defeated? Do you even proofread? Actualy, the Ottoman Empire had been in decline long before WWI. It had lost Romania, Serbia, Greece, Egypt, Tunis, Morroco, Algeria, etc.

And then some wonderful British people said, "Hey, if you Arabs rise up in revolt against the Ottomans, we promise to give you their land!"

Yeah that was bright.

Yet they had no problem committing GENOCIDE on the Armenians and placing their heads on pikes now did they.

and Americans had no problem committing genocide on Native Americans and collecting the scalps of women and children.
Again you twist the facts of the thread to defend your position.

aka YOU quote a phrase used against your sugar daddy.............

What have you brought to this thread but LIES..............what sites have you quoted to confirm your position...........

Other than you are an Atheist who enjoys attacking any religion..........and ignore the barbaric attrocities of ISIS and would rather blame Christians for acts made over 800 years ago............that we have proven to initially be caused by the Muslims invading them.


Well, guy, Living in the 8th century without WiFi or book learning, I'd probably believe in whatever sky pixies happened to be around.

I don't "Blame" Christians for the crusades, I just point out they had a lasting effect on how that part of the world sees the west. So does colonialism, where most of those countries were looted by the British or the French at some point.

But again- why is the MY Problem, exactly? You guys stir up the hornets and then bitch about getting stung.
As you ignore why the Crusades happened to begin with all together................The Church sanctioned it as they knew it was the way to get the numbers needed to turn the tide.......................

The Church sanctioned it because there was a Pope who was fighting against an Anti-Pope.

And it was an incredibly stupid idea that actualy made matters worse.
As you ignore why the Crusades happened to begin with all together................The Church sanctioned it as they knew it was the way to get the numbers needed to turn the tide.......................

The Church sanctioned it because there was a Pope who was fighting against an Anti-Pope.

And it was an incredibly stupid idea that actualy made matters worse.
aka the West had been driving them out of their regions from the hundreds of years of WAR in the name of ISLAM VIA THE CALIPHATE..............

and here they are coming again..............

In you little world they should have just put out a WELCOME MAT.
Unless mothers are qualified history teachers, you should probably take what she says with a grain of salt.

Point is, both sides could list a whole bunch of greivences on the other in their 1400 year game of "My Sky Pixie has a bigger dick than Your Sky Pixie"


AHH!! So only the high priests of history, can teach history?

And this barbarism you feel is somehow offset by your irrational references to reality as being a function of a "Sky-pixie"?

LOL! You are one seriously disordered mental-case.

(The Reader should expect the above cited contributor to launch into a tirade which should likely include the words: DENIER!, HERETIC!, REACTIONARY! and the always entertaining Kafir... in the fairly near future.)
Again you twist the facts of the thread to defend your position.

aka YOU quote a phrase used against your sugar daddy.............

What have you brought to this thread but LIES..............what sites have you quoted to confirm your position...........

Other than you are an Atheist who enjoys attacking any religion..........and ignore the barbaric attrocities of ISIS and would rather blame Christians for acts made over 800 years ago............that we have proven to initially be caused by the Muslims invading them.


Well, guy, Living in the 8th century without WiFi or book learning, I'd probably believe in whatever sky pixies happened to be around.

I don't "Blame" Christians for the crusades, I just point out they had a lasting effect on how that part of the world sees the west. So does colonialism, where most of those countries were looted by the British or the French at some point.

But again- why is the MY Problem, exactly? You guys stir up the hornets and then bitch about getting stung.

What and who you 'blame' is irrelevant, as the species of thought through which which you reason is known as relativism... and Relativists are idiots. Their input being useful purely for the entertainment of the we, the non-idiots.

Should you ever find yourself capable of dealing with cause and effect, please... be sure to check back with us.
aka the West had been driving them out of their regions from the hundreds of years of WAR in the name of ISLAM VIA THE CALIPHATE..............

and here they are coming again..............

In you little world they should have just put out a WELCOME MAT.

You kn ow, when you nutters say "Caliphate" like that's a real thing, I just have to laugh at you.

What would you be without your irrational fears?
What and who you 'blame' is irrelevant, as the species of thought through which which you reason is known as relativism... and Relativists are idiots. Their input being useful purely for the entertainment of the we, the non-idiots.

Should you ever find yourself capable of dealing with cause and effect, please... be sure to check back with us.

Sure, I understand cause and effect.

If we support Zionism, invade their countries and mock their religion, we really, really shouldn't whine about a little blow back.

Especially when we arm the guys who turn on us like we did with bin Laden.

AHH!! So only the high priests of history, can teach history?

And this barbarism you feel is somehow offset by your irrational references to reality as being a function of a "Sky-pixie"?

LOL! You are one seriously disordered mental-case.

(The Reader should expect the above cited contributor to launch into a tirade which should likely include the words: DENIER!, HERETIC!, REACTIONARY! and the always entertaining Kafir... in the fairly near future.)

When you are done beating up those straw men, let me know.

There are no sky pixies, and watching you guys claim Naked Guy on a Stick is better than Guy from the desert is kind of silly to watch.

Now, if we can get to the point where people stop believing in Gods and Religions and Prophets... that would an accomplishment.
How about now? How about 2015. Is there a problem? Who is creating the problem? Is there a particular religious group that is causing upheaval worldwide? Do the Crusades have anything to do with this problem? Are Christians creating no-go zones and demanding death to all those who mock Jesus? Find a video of Christians chanting Jesus, Jesus while they slaughter school children at their desk? No? Then why are we making it an issue? When ever Obama deflects, he's up to something.

And to prove a point, Lakota, what was the % of Native Americans that had a problem with the Washington Redskins in the 60's, 70's, 80's, 90's, and why so shy about your discontent? Why did Obama have to tell you to be offended before you became offended?
Obama takes the spotlight off of his behind the scenes agenda by making a football team's name your agenda. Good work.

Aren't Zionist taking over Israel under the Jewish delusion that God gave them the land , so ancient history is come back to haunt us. Radical anything is not good.

When Samuel Clemens went to the Middle East in the late 1800's he described a desolate deserted piece of land where he saw a, as in one, nomad. That was the extent of Israel. The delusion that we handed over a thriving metropolis to Israel at the end of WW2 is not factual. The Jews have made Israel what it is today. Britain gave them the land, and God gathered them home.
The question you seem to overlook completely is, "Aren't the Muslims trying to take over Israel under the delusion that God wants them to have the land?" Radical Islam is not good.

AHH!! So only the high priests of history, can teach history?

And this barbarism you feel is somehow offset by your irrational references to reality as being a function of a "Sky-pixie"?

LOL! You are one seriously disordered mental-case.

(The Reader should expect the above cited contributor to launch into a tirade which should likely include the words: DENIER!, HERETIC!, REACTIONARY! and the always entertaining Kafir... in the fairly near future.)

When you are done beating up those straw men, let me know.

ROFLMNAO! Adorable... you project 'sky pixies', which is straw reasoning, even as you lament straw reasoning.

I NEVER tire of Leftists committing the very crimes they are projecting upon others.

In point of fact, my reasoning spoke directly to your argument, refuting it entirely, through biting sarcasm, pointing to the feckless, irrational nature of such.

There are no sky pixies...

There are not... and no one here, or anywhere else is known to have referenced such, except the lowly and wholly irrational anti-theist. Yet, they reference the 'sky-pixie' as if it were the purest essence of reason.

Your concession is duly noted and summarily accepted.
yeah. ISIL Isn't hitler. Boko Harem isn't Hitler. Saddam Wasn't Hitler. and, no, none of these things are OUR problems. It's the Oil Companies Problem. It's the Zionists problem. It isn't OUR problem.

....Here's the thing. The Zionists and Oil companies want us in wars in that region, but what's in it for the rest of us?

Dear JoeB131
I'd say ALL the above are acting as Hitler's by oppressing people.
And YES Saddam committed genocidal violence in the spirit of antichrist as did Hitler
and so do the Boko Haram.

All of these acts of retribution WITHOUT due process of laws are antichrist.

And YES when corporations and Zionists ALSO act without defense and protection of individual rights,
they too are acting as OPPRESSORS and not respecting due process and right to petition for redress of grievances
as just govt is called to do by natural laws of democratic governance.

So YES these are also antichrist if they rebel against natural laws of peace justice and freedom.
If they abuse authority for GREED for power that is antichrist.
I'd say ALL the above are acting as Hitler's by oppressing people.
And YES Saddam committed genocidal violence in the spirit of antichrist as did Hitler
and so do the Boko Haram.

All of these acts of retribution WITHOUT due process of laws are antichrist.

Lady, when you start babbling about "anti-Christ", I just can't take you seriously. I mean, I really just can't.
ROFLMNAO! Adorable... you project 'sky pixies', which is straw reasoning, even as you lament straw reasoning.

I NEVER tire of Leftists committing the very crimes they are projecting upon others.

In point of fact, my reasoning spoke directly to your argument, refuting it entirely, through biting sarcasm, pointing to the feckless, irrational nature of such.

Kids, the above ^^^^ Is what happens when a stupid person tries to sound smart.

There are not... and no one here, or anywhere else is known to have referenced such, except the lowly and wholly irrational anti-theist. Yet, they reference the 'sky-pixie' as if it were the purest essence of reason.

Your concession is duly noted and summarily accepted.

Guy, you can't claim victory when you haven't even made an argument.

Here's the thing. God is what primitive people called all the things they didn't understand.

But we have science and space shuttles and internet now.

So the notion of us playing "Our Sky Pixie can Kick your Sky Pixie's Ass" is just kind of silly.
You don't have to share my opinions for me to treat you with common decency. I shouldn't have to believe what you believe to be treated with respect. You lack the ability to see beyond your own importance.

Maybe the religious forum isn't for you, Joe.
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Islam started the crusades by invading the holy land and shutting the Christians out? And they created the whole mess to begin with? Well, bucko, we already knew that, and muslims are ever ready to prove what ash*les they are with that made up imaginary religion of theirs. They chop a head here and there, do mass executions, burn people to death that is their thing. Islam means submission. I won't in a million years submit to the imaginary flying spaghetti monster. Death to Allah.
I'd say ALL the above are acting as Hitler's by oppressing people.
And YES Saddam committed genocidal violence in the spirit of antichrist as did Hitler
and so do the Boko Haram.

All of these acts of retribution WITHOUT due process of laws are antichrist.

Lady, when you start babbling about "anti-Christ", I just can't take you seriously. I mean, I really just can't.

OK JoeB131
So what term DO you want to use for this.

Do you agree to call Hitler a Jihadist?
And say that all Jews Christians and Muslims should unite and agree to stop ALL Jihadists?

My point is not to confuse with religious labels, blaming Christians or Muslims etc.

What COMMON TERM would you use to call this so EVERYONE
is is agreement regardless what faith we are or aren't.

Retributive Justice?
Anyone who enforces Retributive Justice is causing damage by waging war, and anyone who
enforces Restorative Justice is on the side of justice and peace for all humanity?

is is Coercion by force?
And the proper way to enforce laws is by consensus by free choice?

What do you call the offending factor behind political oppression, violence and injustice?

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