The CRUSADES explained

http:The Battle of Tours (October 732),[27] also called the Battle of Poitiers and in Arabic: معركة بلاط الشهداء‎ (ma'arakat Balâṭ ash-Shuhadâ - Battle of the Palace of Martyrs)[28][29][30] was fought in an area between the cities of Poitiers and Tours, in north-central France, near the village of Moussais-la-Bataille, about 20 kilometres (12 mi) northeast of Poitiers. The location of the battle was close to the border between the Frankish realm and then-independent Aquitaine. The battle pitted Frankish and Burgundian[31][32] forces under Austrasian Mayor of the Palace Charles Martel against an army of the Umayyad Caliphate led by 'Abdul Rahman Al Ghafiqi, Governor-General of al-Andalus//

The battle of Tours in Central France finally stopped the Muslim Caliphate which had conquered all of Northern Africa, Spain, Sicily, and failed to conquer France and the rest of Europe.

A turning point in the War against RADICAL ISLAM in Medieval times.

There's no real evidence that Tours was anything more than a raiding party.

But do keep on with your paranoia.

There's a big sweaty Arab man hiding under your bed right now.
This thread is about the CRUSADES..........remember............

BACK ON TOPIC.............The MUSLIM CALIPHATE was stopped.........A turning point against the ISLAMIC States trying to dominate the world,

The events leading up to the Crusades were to retake the LANDS taken BY MUSLIMS. EVENTUALLY leading to take back the Jerusalem
List of battles 301 1300 - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

A period of battle after battle after battle..........WARS to retake current day EUROPE and other areas of the world to drive back the CALIPHATES

Siege of Bari - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

The siege of Bari took place 1068–71, during the Middle Ages, when Norman forces, under the command of Robert Guiscard, laid siege to the city of Bari, a major stronghold of the Byzantines in Italy and the capital of the Catepanate of Italy, starting from August 5, 1068. Bari was captured on April 16, 1071 when Robert Guiscard entered the city, ending the Byzantine presence in southern Italy

Result Decisive Norman victory, the Byzantines retreat from Southern Italy
thanks for the continuation history Gents . Facts shut the lefties and muslim sympathizers up plus they inform the good people that just aren't fully aware of muslim expansion into Europe and the rest of the world . The muslims converted Christians and others at the point of the sword and the invading muslims have been killing and murdering since the earliest days of their invention of 'islam' . That's about 1300 years of murder and invasion if I'm not mistaken . Anyway , thanks for the history because a lot of people just aren't aware of what muslims have done and what they want to continue to do .
As a historical discussion, the Crusades were fascinating.

As a strategy the PC Police use to transparently deflect for the PC-protected religion, not so much.


You need to give JoeB a break here. He was not blessed with average intelligence, and so all he is capable of is this pattern of spouting a bunch of idiotic crap about "Zionists" and whathaveyou hoping it will stick.

Those who trot out their "crusades" card to justify Islamic attitudes towards the west never quite get around to asking the same question in reverse, so their ignorant twaddle serves only the purpose of propaganda.
Except it claims that Islam is a religion and it's spent the last 2 hours defending Islam.

Crazy huh.

I think you don't understand the difference between "defending" and saying', "Hey, maybe this is a fight that has nothing to do with us."

You don't think and the result of that short-coming, is that YOU DO NOT REALIZE THAT THERE IS NO DIFFERENCE.

The PC Police just tosses out the Crusades to deflect for the PC-protected religion.

I don't think they're being serious.


Guy, when you sign up to fight against the bad old Muzzies, I'll take your whelping seriously.

There is nothing going on over there that's worth ONE MORE American life.
So when you deflect to the Crusades, you ARE being serious?



1) I'm not deflecting.

2) I think it's perfectly reasonable to point out that if you want to go back hundreds of years to prove Islamic Savagery, as a lot of your fellow Right Wing Nuts do, then the Crusades, Inquisitions, burning of witches are all fair game.

3) You do understand that the Crusades really do have an effect on how the Islamic World views the west, don't you?
I don't even have to go back a day to prove Islamic savagery...or do you really live under a rock?
The Crusades happened a long, long time ago...most of the world has managed to grow up and get the fuck over it...why not you Islamic world?
Oh, were you raised by some kind of animal, or alien invader? Most decent mothers would have taught they children that "two wrongs do not make it right". Just because some Christians crusaded into the so-called "holy land" thousands of years ago is absolutely no excuse for present day sub-human behavior being exhibited by your cherished muslims.

Mother's should teach their children that two wrongs do not make a right. And Mother's should also teach their children that it is NEVER WRONG to defend innocent people from the savagery of a brutal cult.

Therefore a Mother would teach her children that the Crusades, wherein Christian's rescued Christians from the savage rule of Muslims, were NOT WRONG; that such was decidedly RIGHT... and a very GOOD THING. That the Crusades were a very minor series of battles fought in RESPONSE TO AND WHICH QUELLED A MASSIVE INVASION of a demonic cult, the result of which is what we know today, as "The Dark Ages!".
http:The Battle of Tours (October 732),[27] also called the Battle of Poitiers and in Arabic: معركة بلاط الشهداء‎ (ma'arakat Balâṭ ash-Shuhadâ - Battle of the Palace of Martyrs)[28][29][30] was fought in an area between the cities of Poitiers and Tours, in north-central France, near the village of Moussais-la-Bataille, about 20 kilometres (12 mi) northeast of Poitiers. The location of the battle was close to the border between the Frankish realm and then-independent Aquitaine. The battle pitted Frankish and Burgundian[31][32] forces under Austrasian Mayor of the Palace Charles Martel against an army of the Umayyad Caliphate led by 'Abdul Rahman Al Ghafiqi, Governor-General of al-Andalus//

The battle of Tours in Central France finally stopped the Muslim Caliphate which had conquered all of Northern Africa, Spain, Sicily, and failed to conquer France and the rest of Europe.

A turning point in the War against RADICAL ISLAM in Medieval times.

There's no real evidence that Tours was anything more than a raiding party.

But do keep on with your paranoia.

There's a big sweaty Arab man hiding under your bed right now.
This thread is about the CRUSADES..........remember............

BACK ON TOPIC.............The MUSLIM CALIPHATE was stopped.........A turning point against the ISLAMIC States trying to dominate the world,

The events leading up to the Crusades were to retake the LANDS taken BY MUSLIMS. EVENTUALLY leading to take back the Jerusalem
The why did the Crusaders sack Constantinople when it was under Byzantine rule?
lots of people talk about the Crusades but they talk about the Crusades like they know what they are talking about . Liars can then exploit ignorance and claim that the Crusaders were as bad as the islamic jihadists 'jihads' that are murdering today . Anyway , this video explains the Crusades and the reason for the Crusades . --- Take Five Minutes And Watch The Spread Of Islam Via Jihad Before The Crusades 8902 Dc Gazette# --- check it out , see what you think .

interesting factoid

obama has killed more folks with his dronestrikers

then the spanish Inquisition

yeah , I don't know mrobama drone kill numbers but I was surprised to hear that the Inquisition killed something like 2500 people total in all its years of operation .
lots of people talk about the Crusades but they talk about the Crusades like they know what they are talking about . Liars can then exploit ignorance and claim that the Crusaders were as bad as the islamic jihadists 'jihads' that are murdering today . Anyway , this video explains the Crusades and the reason for the Crusades . --- Take Five Minutes And Watch The Spread Of Islam Via Jihad Before The Crusades 8902 Dc Gazette# --- check it out , see what you think .

interesting factoid

obama has killed more folks with his dronestrikers

then the spanish Inquisition

Yet the right claims Oblama has done nothing against Muslim terrorist...Which is it going to be?
http:The Battle of Tours (October 732),[27] also called the Battle of Poitiers and in Arabic: معركة بلاط الشهداء‎ (ma'arakat Balâṭ ash-Shuhadâ - Battle of the Palace of Martyrs)[28][29][30] was fought in an area between the cities of Poitiers and Tours, in north-central France, near the village of Moussais-la-Bataille, about 20 kilometres (12 mi) northeast of Poitiers. The location of the battle was close to the border between the Frankish realm and then-independent Aquitaine. The battle pitted Frankish and Burgundian[31][32] forces under Austrasian Mayor of the Palace Charles Martel against an army of the Umayyad Caliphate led by 'Abdul Rahman Al Ghafiqi, Governor-General of al-Andalus//

The battle of Tours in Central France finally stopped the Muslim Caliphate which had conquered all of Northern Africa, Spain, Sicily, and failed to conquer France and the rest of Europe.

A turning point in the War against RADICAL ISLAM in Medieval times.

There's no real evidence that Tours was anything more than a raiding party.

But do keep on with your paranoia.

There's a big sweaty Arab man hiding under your bed right now.
This thread is about the CRUSADES..........remember............

BACK ON TOPIC.............The MUSLIM CALIPHATE was stopped.........A turning point against the ISLAMIC States trying to dominate the world,

The events leading up to the Crusades were to retake the LANDS taken BY MUSLIMS. EVENTUALLY leading to take back the Jerusalem
The why did the Crusaders sack Constantinople when it was under Byzantine rule?
I referred to the beginning the 4th Crusade, which you are referencing the Crusade had grown to killing all who were in their path, including their own....................

The 4th Crusade actually weakened the defenses against the rise of the OTTOMANS............The Crusades were eventually a failure..............they eventually turned against the very reason they started to begin with............To protect Europe and keep Constantinople from falling to the Turks of that day and age.

It's failure, led to Centuries of control by the Turks.................who were not defeated again until WWII.
http:The Battle of Tours (October 732),[27] also called the Battle of Poitiers and in Arabic: معركة بلاط الشهداء‎ (ma'arakat Balâṭ ash-Shuhadâ - Battle of the Palace of Martyrs)[28][29][30] was fought in an area between the cities of Poitiers and Tours, in north-central France, near the village of Moussais-la-Bataille, about 20 kilometres (12 mi) northeast of Poitiers. The location of the battle was close to the border between the Frankish realm and then-independent Aquitaine. The battle pitted Frankish and Burgundian[31][32] forces under Austrasian Mayor of the Palace Charles Martel against an army of the Umayyad Caliphate led by 'Abdul Rahman Al Ghafiqi, Governor-General of al-Andalus//

The battle of Tours in Central France finally stopped the Muslim Caliphate which had conquered all of Northern Africa, Spain, Sicily, and failed to conquer France and the rest of Europe.

A turning point in the War against RADICAL ISLAM in Medieval times.

There's no real evidence that Tours was anything more than a raiding party.

But do keep on with your paranoia.

There's a big sweaty Arab man hiding under your bed right now.
This thread is about the CRUSADES..........remember............

BACK ON TOPIC.............The MUSLIM CALIPHATE was stopped.........A turning point against the ISLAMIC States trying to dominate the world,

The events leading up to the Crusades were to retake the LANDS taken BY MUSLIMS. EVENTUALLY leading to take back the Jerusalem
The why did the Crusaders sack Constantinople when it was under Byzantine rule?
I referred to the beginning the 4th Crusade, which you are referencing the Crusade had grown to killing all who were in their path, including their own....................

The 4th Crusade actually weakened the defenses against the rise of the OTTOMANS............The Crusades were eventually a failure..............they eventually turned against the very reason they started to begin with............To protect Europe and keep Constantinople from falling to the Turks of that day and age.

It's failure, led to Centuries of control by the Turks.................who were not defeated again until WWII.
mrobama is not doing enough in his pin prick strikes against isis and isis is spreading and growing 'moonglow' . mrobama fail to support the 'pesh merga' and recently denied requested help to Jordan in the last week or so from what I have heard .
How about now? How about 2015. Is there a problem? Who is creating the problem? Is there a particular religious group that is causing upheaval worldwide? Do the Crusades have anything to do with this problem? Are Christians creating no-go zones and demanding death to all those who mock Jesus? Find a video of Christians chanting Jesus, Jesus while they slaughter school children at their desk? No? Then why are we making it an issue? When ever Obama deflects, he's up to something.

And to prove a point, Lakota, what was the % of Native Americans that had a problem with the Washington Redskins in the 60's, 70's, 80's, 90's, and why so shy about your discontent? Why did Obama have to tell you to be offended before you became offended?
Obama takes the spotlight off of his behind the scenes agenda by making a football team's name your agenda. Good work.

Aren't Zionist taking over Israel under the Jewish delusion that God gave them the land , so ancient history is come back to haunt us. Radical anything is not good.
lots of people talk about the Crusades but they talk about the Crusades like they know what they are talking about . Liars can then exploit ignorance and claim that the Crusaders were as bad as the islamic jihadists 'jihads' that are murdering today . Anyway , this video explains the Crusades and the reason for the Crusades . --- Take Five Minutes And Watch The Spread Of Islam Via Jihad Before The Crusades 8902 Dc Gazette# --- check it out , see what you think .

interesting factoid

obama has killed more folks with his dronestrikers

then the spanish Inquisition

Yet the right claims Oblama has done nothing against Muslim terrorist...Which is it going to be?
Since when did Obama have anything to do with the Crusades.............this goes to all..............

This whole discussion is about BLOW back on his statements.......................Who basically condemned the Crusades and compared them to modern day terrorism.............................

What his statement didn't show is the Conquest of the West and Europe by Muslims during this time period.................

And that the original CALL TO ARMS of the Crusades was to save Constantinople from the TURKS of that day.

Later, the Crusades changed to utter insanity as they killed their own as they didn't have the numbers or the money to proceed................Unsupported they chose the path to kill and main their own kind who refused to support them, in kind of a PAYBACK SITUATION....................

To them they came to fight for the church..................ONLY TO BE ABANDONED BY THE they attacked the church in response............leading to losses and expansion of the TURKS.
As a historical discussion, the Crusades were fascinating.

As a strategy the PC Police use to transparently deflect for the PC-protected religion, not so much.


You need to give JoeB a break here. He was not blessed with average intelligence, and so all he is capable of is this pattern of spouting a bunch of idiotic crap about "Zionists" and whathaveyou hoping it will stick.

Those who trot out their "crusades" card to justify Islamic attitudes towards the west never quite get around to asking the same question in reverse, so their ignorant twaddle serves only the purpose of propaganda.


Let's take a second to consider Joe's point. "The JEWS"... according to Joe and his Cult of Islam and the Ideological Left, are 'Zionists'; which is to say Jews intent upon Conquest and Colonialism.

ROFLMNAO! Now I've said that Joe and his cult are little more than EVIL. And we know that EVIL's #1 tactic is DECEIT.

So lets go to map, so that we can show the Reader, just how far these Jews have gone in their conquest to TURN THE WORLD INTO JEWS! (Just for the sake of full disclosure the Green is Current Islam and the Yellow is where Islam is presently working on plans to expand.)


SOoo... does that help demonstrate the intrinsic evil that is Joe and it's Islamo-Leftist Cult?
(Ya see they're claiming that THE JEWS are the problem and the Muslims, well... they're just trying to peacefully co-exist with their neighbors.)

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