The Culture of IDF Cowardice!

..the Jews were not necessarily 'smarter' merely more incomparably ruthless in their designs...

No. Smarter. The Jewish people knew that in order to hold the territory they needed more than just an idea -- they needed infrastructure, a solid government, economic development, technology, international relationships and trade agreements and a forward thinking into the future.

Arabs in Palestine are still stuck on the whole "lets stab a few Jews and hope for the best" scenario.
... nothing really says criminal occupation like a T-shirt depicting the available target of a pregnant Palestinian woman with the appalling caption: " one shot two kills"...the nobility brings a tear to my eyes! For those of you who dismiss the allegations of war-crimes and the routine use of human shields by IDF soldiers the T-shirt essentially dispels any lingering doubt...what kind of degenerate hate-saturated coward would wear such a thing?

I doubt this is a real shirt. If it is though, pretty sick. Why would they advertise wanting to bring death to pregnant women and their unborn children?

Indeed it is real and it created a bit of a scandal before the media silenced it...the significance of the shirt is that it exposes a culture of hate in which these actions are not out of the ordinary...
Well, advertising their hatred to the point where they are wanting to bring death to pregnant women and their unborn children is unimaginable to me. Something doesn't add up.

There are those in this country who would love that t-shirt if it were based on race instead of nationality.
..the Jews were not necessarily 'smarter' merely more incomparably ruthless in their designs...

No. Smarter. The Jewish people knew that in order to hold the territory they needed more than just an idea -- they needed infrastructure, a solid government, economic development, technology, international relationships and trade agreements and a forward thinking into the future.

Arabs in Palestine are still stuck on the whole "lets stab a few Jews and hope for the best" scenario.

All of which was financed by outside sources...the Arab/Palestinians lived under a colonial-protectorate status for most of their residency, hence economic development was an obstacle...the great irony to your typically ethnocentric delusions is that Israel is now the world's premiere welfare-state, thanks to American taxpayers, each one of whom should be permitted to list Israel as a dependent...and gosh I cannot imagine why Palestinians might want to 'stab a few Jews'??? Possibly six decades of criminal occupation? whaddaya think Einstein? Good god the idiocy is numbing...sigh
No you're dead wrong...the UN merely sponsored--under western political pressure---a ridiculously one-sided partition proposal which granted 56% of Palestine to a Jewish minority that legally owned less than 5% of the land...the problem was created by the Jews who took what they desired at gunpoint!

Again, not my problem. Seems the Israelis were smarter than the Palestinians.

No one here implied it was "your problem' however to the extent that you post opinion on the subject I try to understand your position...the Jews were not necessarily 'smarter' merely more incomparably ruthless in their designs...

No, they were smarter, better educated, better equipped and more socially / politically adept than you people.

On the other hand, Islam, which is the preeminent social and political backwater of our time, never made it out of the first millennium C.E., let alone into the twentieth century that gave us technology which improves and saves lives, greater freedoms, and the ability to help others on an unprecedented scale. In Islamic shariah law, the woman is kept imprisoned at home in an amorphous sack, the infidel is killed brutally or consigned to a lower tier of society, the arts and sciences are stagnant, and every waking moment is an abject act of quivering before an angry, violent Arab warlord partner to a god.

No they were ruthless criminals...essentially the mutt-mix trash of eastern Europe...and you are a pointy-headed bigot who wrongly believes that ranting about Islam somehow mediates or justifies the Jewish trash who stole Palestine...

Nothing but goofy slogans. "Stole Pal'istan"?

It's not difficult to understand why Islamism is so backwater. People like you represent it.

I have no idea why I even reply to your effusive idiocy...stop stalking my comments
Islamic cowardice. Waging war from civilian areas.

Dealt with by superior weapons, tactics and training.

Islamic cowardice. Waging war from civilian areas. All of Palestine is a civilian area you flippant twit...

Dealt with by superior weapons, tactics and training. All paid for by U.S. taxpayers...ISRAEL = WELFARE-STATE
Islamic cowardice. Waging war from civilian areas.

Dealt with by superior weapons, tactics and training.

Islamic cowardice. Waging war from civilian areas. All of Palestine is a civilian area you flippant twit...

Dealt with by superior weapons, tactics and training. All paid for by U.S. taxpayers...ISRAEL = WELFARE-STATE

Such an angry, Louie. Waging war from civilian areas makes those areas war targets. One would think that after the repeated beat downs you people create for yourselves, you would reconsider tactics.

Classic Louie’ism: lace your tirades with bold text in an effort to conceal your profound ignorance.
Again, not my problem. Seems the Israelis were smarter than the Palestinians.

No one here implied it was "your problem' however to the extent that you post opinion on the subject I try to understand your position...the Jews were not necessarily 'smarter' merely more incomparably ruthless in their designs...

No, they were smarter, better educated, better equipped and more socially / politically adept than you people.

On the other hand, Islam, which is the preeminent social and political backwater of our time, never made it out of the first millennium C.E., let alone into the twentieth century that gave us technology which improves and saves lives, greater freedoms, and the ability to help others on an unprecedented scale. In Islamic shariah law, the woman is kept imprisoned at home in an amorphous sack, the infidel is killed brutally or consigned to a lower tier of society, the arts and sciences are stagnant, and every waking moment is an abject act of quivering before an angry, violent Arab warlord partner to a god.

No they were ruthless criminals...essentially the mutt-mix trash of eastern Europe...and you are a pointy-headed bigot who wrongly believes that ranting about Islam somehow mediates or justifies the Jewish trash who stole Palestine...

Nothing but goofy slogans. "Stole Pal'istan"?

It's not difficult to understand why Islamism is so backwater. People like you represent it.

I have no idea why I even reply to your effusive idiocy...stop stalking my comments

Your febrile tirades are a hoot.
In my experience those who refer to people as "human beings" are among those most likely to need to be exterminated.

This speaks volumes. But it asppears to be an accepted mindset in Israel today.
For the sake of clarity, nearly half of Israeli Jews believe in ethnic cleansing

Actually according to a recent poll taken in Israel a firm majority advocate not only 'ethnic-cleansing' but apartheid laws as much for Jewish egalitarianism....they learned quite a bit from the SS/Gestapo huh?
Nothing wrong with people dying so long as it' the right people dying.
Is this not the same mindset that infected Germany during Hitler's reign? Amazing how as time moves on, that the one time victims of such a horrid belief system now perpetuate the exact same beliefs.
Is this not the same mindset that infected Germany during Hitler's reign?

Yep. My issues with Hitler largely deal with his unwillingness to stay inside his own border and to offer the Undesireables an opportunity to leave before taking the actions he did.
...and pray tell us: who exactly are these 'right people?"

Let's start with those who fail to accept their proper place in Society. Add those who are unwilling or incapable of taking care of and supporting themselves. Lastly, the criminal pooulation.
...and pray tell us: who exactly are these 'right people?"

Let's start with those who fail to accept their proper place in Society. Add those who are unwilling or incapable of taking care of and supporting themselves. Lastly, the criminal pooulation.

Adolph has similar ideas about a utopian society in which these 'undesirables' were efficiently exterminated...
...and pray tell us: who exactly are these 'right people?"

Let's start with those who fail to accept their proper place in Society. Add those who are unwilling or incapable of taking care of and supporting themselves. Lastly, the criminal pooulation.

Adolph has similar ideas about a utopian society in which these 'undesirables' were efficiently exterminated...

Similar to Islamic ideology.

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