The Curious Flynn-Kislyak Call Gets Curiouser


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016
The Curious Flynn-Kislyak Call Gets Curiouser
It is likely that Kislyak, like so many other Obama-friendly foreigners, was in cahoots with the Democrats to entrap Team Trump before and after the election.

The Curious Flynn-Kislyak Call Gets Curiouser - American Greatness
23 May 2020 ~~ By Julie Kelly

he infamous phone call between then-incoming National Security Advisor Michael Flynn and Russian Ambassador Sergei Kislyak, like so many tales of Russian collusion, is not as it first appeared.
In light of new evidence, it’s likely there’s no truth to the running narrative about the December 29, 2016 phone call that has been the basis of Flynn’s legal nightmare for more than three years. The case against the three-star general, concocted by Barack Obama’s corrupt FBI, centers on the accusation that Flynn discussed U.S. sanctions with Kislyak and later lied about it to the FBI.
And now that we know Flynn’s name in the call was never masked—as the Washington Post reported last week, it was surveillance conducted by the FBI, not by national security officials—Kislyak’s involvement deserves more scrutiny.
Let us first dispel with the notion that Barack Obama imposed “sanctions” to retaliate for the Kremlin’s alleged election interference. The word “sanctions,” in fact, never appears in Obama’s executive order, which was issued the same day as the Flynn-Kislyak call and more than seven weeks after Election Day; the (barely) three-page document is filled with irrelevant gobbledygook. It was a slap-on-the-wrist, or as one senior Obama aide called the measures, a “symbolic” gesture.
I repeatedly have suggested that Kislyak was a willing partner with the Obama White House in executing the Russian collusion hoax. Kislyak served as the Russian ambassador to the United States for the entirety of Obama’s presidency; he visited the Obama White House at least 22 times.
People now are pushing for the release of the Flynn-Kislyak call transcript. Undoubtedly, it will expose new holes in the collusion falsity and perhaps reveal who raised the issue of sanctions in the first place. If it was Kislyak, it will add more substance to the idea he was just another collusion hoaxster doing Barack Obama’s dirty work.

An interesting take on the never ending saga. Was Kislyak in on the frame up of Gen. Flynn?
Hmm...., you don’t suppose that Russian Ambassador Sergei Kislyak has a bank account somewhere that show deposits that match up with withdrawals from the DNC, The Clinton Foundation or HRC election war chest?
We know factually that Obama was openly agreeable with colluding with Russia as proven by the open microphone conversation with Medvedev.
In retrospect Democrats have always had a relationship with Communist Russia and still with Russia after it's collapse. See the histories of collusion with Russia by FDR, Ted Kennedy, Clinton and ultimately Barack Hussein Obama...
Strangely the Russian threat was never mentioned by the Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrat or paid attention reagrding the Kenyan fraud before his election(s). But were our media honest?
The Deep State right now:

(Hint: it's the Coffin)

The Curious Flynn-Kislyak Call Gets Curiouser
It is likely that Kislyak, like so many other Obama-friendly foreigners, was in cahoots with the Democrats to entrap Team Trump before and after the election.

The Curious Flynn-Kislyak Call Gets Curiouser - American Greatness
23 May 2020 ~~ By Julie Kelly

he infamous phone call between then-incoming National Security Advisor Michael Flynn and Russian Ambassador Sergei Kislyak, like so many tales of Russian collusion, is not as it first appeared.
In light of new evidence, it’s likely there’s no truth to the running narrative about the December 29, 2016 phone call that has been the basis of Flynn’s legal nightmare for more than three years. The case against the three-star general, concocted by Barack Obama’s corrupt FBI, centers on the accusation that Flynn discussed U.S. sanctions with Kislyak and later lied about it to the FBI.
And now that we know Flynn’s name in the call was never masked—as the Washington Post reported last week, it was surveillance conducted by the FBI, not by national security officials—Kislyak’s involvement deserves more scrutiny.
Let us first dispel with the notion that Barack Obama imposed “sanctions” to retaliate for the Kremlin’s alleged election interference. The word “sanctions,” in fact, never appears in Obama’s executive order, which was issued the same day as the Flynn-Kislyak call and more than seven weeks after Election Day; the (barely) three-page document is filled with irrelevant gobbledygook. It was a slap-on-the-wrist, or as one senior Obama aide called the measures, a “symbolic” gesture.
I repeatedly have suggested that Kislyak was a willing partner with the Obama White House in executing the Russian collusion hoax. Kislyak served as the Russian ambassador to the United States for the entirety of Obama’s presidency; he visited the Obama White House at least 22 times.
People now are pushing for the release of the Flynn-Kislyak call transcript. Undoubtedly, it will expose new holes in the collusion falsity and perhaps reveal who raised the issue of sanctions in the first place. If it was Kislyak, it will add more substance to the idea he was just another collusion hoaxster doing Barack Obama’s dirty work.

An interesting take on the never ending saga. Was Kislyak in on the frame up of Gen. Flynn?
Hmm...., you don’t suppose that Russian Ambassador Sergei Kislyak has a bank account somewhere that show deposits that match up with withdrawals from the DNC, The Clinton Foundation or HRC election war chest?
We know factually that Obama was openly agreeable with colluding with Russia as proven by the open microphone conversation with Medvedev.
In retrospect Democrats have always had a relationship with Communist Russia and still with Russia after it's collapse. See the histories of collusion with Russia by FDR, Ted Kennedy, Clinton and ultimately Barack Hussein Obama...
Strangely the Russian threat was never mentioned by the Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrat or paid attention reagrding the Kenyan fraud before his election(s). But were our media honest?

In other words you got nothing but speculation, innuendo, and questions no one can answer all of which amounts to big, fat zero.
The Curious Flynn-Kislyak Call Gets Curiouser
It is likely that Kislyak, like so many other Obama-friendly foreigners, was in cahoots with the Democrats to entrap Team Trump before and after the election.

The Curious Flynn-Kislyak Call Gets Curiouser - American Greatness
23 May 2020 ~~ By Julie Kelly

he infamous phone call between then-incoming National Security Advisor Michael Flynn and Russian Ambassador Sergei Kislyak, like so many tales of Russian collusion, is not as it first appeared.
In light of new evidence, it’s likely there’s no truth to the running narrative about the December 29, 2016 phone call that has been the basis of Flynn’s legal nightmare for more than three years. The case against the three-star general, concocted by Barack Obama’s corrupt FBI, centers on the accusation that Flynn discussed U.S. sanctions with Kislyak and later lied about it to the FBI.
And now that we know Flynn’s name in the call was never masked—as the Washington Post reported last week, it was surveillance conducted by the FBI, not by national security officials—Kislyak’s involvement deserves more scrutiny.
Let us first dispel with the notion that Barack Obama imposed “sanctions” to retaliate for the Kremlin’s alleged election interference. The word “sanctions,” in fact, never appears in Obama’s executive order, which was issued the same day as the Flynn-Kislyak call and more than seven weeks after Election Day; the (barely) three-page document is filled with irrelevant gobbledygook. It was a slap-on-the-wrist, or as one senior Obama aide called the measures, a “symbolic” gesture.
I repeatedly have suggested that Kislyak was a willing partner with the Obama White House in executing the Russian collusion hoax. Kislyak served as the Russian ambassador to the United States for the entirety of Obama’s presidency; he visited the Obama White House at least 22 times.
People now are pushing for the release of the Flynn-Kislyak call transcript. Undoubtedly, it will expose new holes in the collusion falsity and perhaps reveal who raised the issue of sanctions in the first place. If it was Kislyak, it will add more substance to the idea he was just another collusion hoaxster doing Barack Obama’s dirty work.

An interesting take on the never ending saga. Was Kislyak in on the frame up of Gen. Flynn?
Hmm...., you don’t suppose that Russian Ambassador Sergei Kislyak has a bank account somewhere that show deposits that match up with withdrawals from the DNC, The Clinton Foundation or HRC election war chest?
We know factually that Obama was openly agreeable with colluding with Russia as proven by the open microphone conversation with Medvedev.
In retrospect Democrats have always had a relationship with Communist Russia and still with Russia after it's collapse. See the histories of collusion with Russia by FDR, Ted Kennedy, Clinton and ultimately Barack Hussein Obama...
Strangely the Russian threat was never mentioned by the Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrat or paid attention reagrding the Kenyan fraud before his election(s). But were our media honest?

In other words you got nothing but speculation, innuendo, and questions no one can answer all of which amounts to big, fat zero.
Another nail in ol sandy shanks made up tales of russian collusion ... oh it must sting to write hundreds of lies and distortions only to be shown the truth.

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