The Curious Thread. Why do you believe or disbelieve?

Any religion. Any faith. Why do you believe in it....or DO NOT believe in it? Bad experiences? Don't believe a higher power can sit back and watch babies and children die? People get horrific diseases and suffer? Or just suffer, period?
Or do you believe in whatever "path" you are on due to personal experience to that higher power?

Believers and non believers...this thread is for you. Say what you will. It's all just opinion anyway and you are entitled to it. tell. Why? Either way.

No judgement from me, either. Whatever floats your proverbial boats, says I.
If I were to just knee-jerk look at the universe and humans intellectually... with all of our processes and characteristics.. there is simply no possible way we came to be by randomness, and all of our observations of what randomness produces agrees with me.

I think we were designed by God. Designed to desire him. We seek a higher power. And those who reject faith fill this installed desire with other things, such as government or people/leaders.
. there is simply no possible way we came to be by randomness,
This expresses a fundamental misunderstanding about how randomness is involved. The fact is, evolution might look sloppy, road kill for example.
But evolution is orderly at least in that it tends to refine design. It's a meritocracy.

The randomness thing is merely the spark that lights the fuse.
- Trust those that seek the truth, distrust those that claim to have found it. - paraphrase of words attributed to the Buddha
Which, in essence, means, trust only your own eyes, ears, senses and judgement.
The study is frustrating but the vision it provides is worth the effort.

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