The current state of affairs in Iraq is a DIRECT result of Obama's campaign promis

Remodeling Maidiac

Diamond Member
Jun 13, 2011
Kansas City
He promised to get our troops out of Iraq over & over.
Yes, he followed the Bush time line with one HUGE exception.

The US military & Iraq wanted a status of forces agreement. Obama PRETENDED he did to.

Our generals asked for 14 to 18k soldiers.
Obama rejected
Our generals asked for 10k
Obama rejected & countered with 2 or 3k.
The iraqi government took that to mean Obama wasn't serious and rejected it.

Obama whittled it down to the point that he knew it would be rejected as insufficient to keep the nation secure and he could then claim that he kept his campaign promise.

Thus, the massive implosion currently under way in Iraq and all the deaths and all the missing/stolen military armaments are because of him & him alone

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