The Current State of America. What is your level of denial?


Diamond Member
Nov 21, 2021
Some food for thought:

Our country is currently run by an absolutely corrupt system, which has arguably been in place for 30+ years.

Elections donā€™t matter what so ever. Doesnā€™t matter who you vote for or what you vote for. Good men get beat down by the system.

The national debt is skyrocketing and will continue to do so for the foreseeable future.

Inflation is just really beginning now and is going to continue to get much worse.

Rights are only a .gov agency "rule" away from being subverted and a 51% vote away from being removed entirely in most state legislatures.

Political divides between wealthy and those who are not will continue to grow at an exponential pace.

Real taxation rates are north of 70%. So thereā€™s not much more blood political critters (state/local/fed) can squeeze out.

People are getting dumber by the day and itā€™s frightening in it's scope.

Blah.....The only thing I can say for certain is no one alive right now will ever see America "better".....I expect the worst and I bet we get it.
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There's significant evidence that this point has been over a century in the making...The last 30+ years have only been more glaring and quickly accelerating.
Imagine you are a rancher. One of the biggest.

You have a herd of cattle and it's too big for your extremely leveraged ranch so you decided to castrate all the young bulls, convince all the heifers to behave like steers, and give your few remaining bulls a vasectomy.

On top of that you quit fertilizing your hay field, push your cattle into feedlots, then allow wild free grazers into your hay fields.

That's today's America.

Some food for thought:

Our country is currently run by an absolutely corrupt system, which has arguably been in place for 30+ years.

Elections donā€™t matter what so ever. Doesnā€™t matter who you vote for or what you vote for. Good men get beat down by the system.

The national debt is skyrocketing and will continue to do so for the foreseeable future.

Inflation is just really beginning now and is going to continue to get much worse.

Rights are only a .gov agency "rule" away from being subverted and a 51% vote away from being removed entirely in most state legislatures.

Political divides between wealthy and those who are not will continue to grow at an exponential pace.

Real taxation rates are north of 70%. So thereā€™s not much more blood political critters (state/local/fed) can squeeze out.

People are getting dumber by the day and itā€™s frightening in it's scope.

Blah.....The only thing I can say for certain is no one alive right now will ever see America "better".....I expect the worst and I bet we get it.
Mostly true.
Every class of people is destructive to America. But the powerful, rich, and educated can do it faster and more efficiently.
Elections donā€™t matter what so ever. Doesnā€™t matter who you vote for or what you vote for. Good men get beat down by the system.
Elections are irrelevant because anyone that enters the political system is groomed and eventually compromised by the security apparatus long before they emerge on the scene like some evil cicada. There is no Mr Smith to go to Washington to save us because there is actually no one left to object. You won't vote your way out of where we're being led. It's all our fault for ignoring the obvious and blaming each other, and the truth is almost too horrible to face, and I understand this.
Elections are irrelevant because anyone that enters the political system is groomed and eventually compromised by the security apparatus long before they emerge on the scene like some evil cicada. There is no Mr Smith to go to Washington to save us because there is actually no one left to object. You won't vote your way out of where we're being led. It's all our fault for ignoring the obvious and blaming each other, and the truth is almost too horrible to face, and I understand this.
We are on a runaway train with no way to get off. However, some of us have very nice accommodations. :)
Elections are irrelevant because anyone that enters the political system is groomed and eventually compromised by the security apparatus long before they emerge on the scene like some evil cicada. There is no Mr Smith to go to Washington to save us because there is actually no one left to object. You won't vote your way out of where we're being led. It's all our fault for ignoring the obvious and blaming each other, and the truth is almost too horrible to face, and I understand this.
Understanding this is big part of the reasoning why nearly half the nation doesn't vote at all.
Well, if I had to choose between the entitled & spoiled wealthy people and the poor little darlings who sucker punch strangers on the street and murder people on public transportation and who make a jungle (as Senator Biden once said) of public high schools, I know which one I would choose.
Well, if I had to choose between the entitled & spoiled wealthy and the poor little darlings who sucker punch strangers on the street and murder people on public transportation and who make a jungle (as Senator Biden once said) of public high schools, I know which one I would choose.
Problem being that the one you would choose hates you every bit as much as the other, so much so that they stand aside -and indeed aid- the other as they beat you to a bloody pulp.
Understanding this is big part of the reasoning why nearly half the nation doesn't vote at all.
Many vote out of a sense of guilt if they don't. The irony is that only the citizens can save the nation. Elected officials cannot. Also ironic is that if left to the majority there would be regular public hangings in every city until crime virtually disappeared. However, our elected leaders would rather have rampant crime than see the peaceful enjoyment of this land by law-abiding citizens.
There are no clear signs that the patient can recover from this disease .
Let's hope that the BRICS countries can produce a better world , even if the bar presently is set low .

Some food for thought:

Our country is currently run by an absolutely corrupt system, which has arguably been in place for 30+ years.

Elections donā€™t matter what so ever. Doesnā€™t matter who you vote for or what you vote for. Good men get beat down by the system.

The national debt is skyrocketing and will continue to do so for the foreseeable future.

Inflation is just really beginning now and is going to continue to get much worse.

Rights are only a .gov agency "rule" away from being subverted and a 51% vote away from being removed entirely in most state legislatures.

Political divides between wealthy and those who are not will continue to grow at an exponential pace.

Real taxation rates are north of 70%. So thereā€™s not much more blood political critters (state/local/fed) can squeeze out.

People are getting dumber by the day and itā€™s frightening in it's scope.

Blah.....The only thing I can say for certain is no one alive right now will ever see America "better".....I expect the worst and I bet we get it.
Ok, what is your point exactly?


Na, we just need to get rid of Orange man

Government good, people bad.
The system works and it is as honest and efficient as it was when the Founding Fathers created it. The current glitch is a lazy populace combined with the media that has become the propaganda arm of a corrupt administration.
Well, if I had to choose between the entitled & spoiled wealthy people and the poor little darlings who sucker punch strangers on the street and murder people on public transportation and who make a jungle (as Senator Biden once said) of public high schools, I know which one I would choose.
The point as I see it is we have no choice, so your choice if you had one is moot. What you think of choice is merely your opinion.
We are on a runaway train with no way to get off. However, some of us have very nice accommodations. :)
Yep, I got mine and plan on holding on to it till my dirt nap or till I die in place defending it. ;)

I figure it's less than a generation before it comes apart in a fashion that makes the breakup of the Soviet Union look tidy and bloodless.....I might beat the clock or be too feeble to care.
Wow, is this USMB or did I accidentally log into a different site? For the first time, I agree with most of the posts on this thread.

I've mentioned this before, and I know this sounds completely crazy, but there's a sort of prophecyā€¦ for lack of a better wordā€¦ that Trump is going to be the last US president. There's actually a book that was written over 100 years ago called The Last President and the main character is named Baron Trump, and it has all sorts of other truly eerie coincidences.

But it's not just that book, there's other predictive programming type stuff with basically that same message.


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