The current use of the word liberal to describe anything new


Diamond Member
Sep 15, 2010
People on the right are now using the term "liberal" to mean anything different or new...shocker, thats actually true

  1. 1.
    open to new behavior or opinions and willing to discard traditional values.
    "they have more liberal views toward marriage and divorce than some people"
    • 2.
  2. (of education) concerned mainly with broadening a person's general knowledge and experience, rather than with technical or professional training.
But its the switch that they hope you dont see. New behaviors are considered liberal but the proble comes when people associate everything new as being supported by the Democratic voters or Party. Its easy because anything new you dont like just call it "the left".

So when some guy says he wants to marry his horse, they'll call it liberal. Because any new thing is always supported by Obama, didnt you know
Eh -- it's only applicable as "something new" in the sense that it's "not conservative". But liberal and conservative are not really direct opposites.

I doubt many posters on this forum understand their own terms. Most of the rants here are parrot-chirping. Ask them to explain the point and they melt like the Wicked Witch of the West.
I thought they used it to describe things too complicated for them to understand.

That too! For example: The problem with Global Warming is that: How could MAN be more powerful than GOD?!?!?! STFU LIBERALS!!
People on the right are now using the term "liberal" to mean anything different or new...shocker, thats actually true

  1. 1.
    open to new behavior or opinions and willing to discard traditional values.
    "they have more liberal views toward marriage and divorce than some people"
    • 2.
  2. (of education) concerned mainly with broadening a person's general knowledge and experience, rather than with technical or professional training.
But its the switch that they hope you dont see. New behaviors are considered liberal but the proble comes when people associate everything new as being supported by the Democratic voters or Party. Its easy because anything new you dont like just call it "the left".

So when some guy says he wants to marry his horse, they'll call it liberal. Because any new thing is always supported by Obama, didnt you know
First, you must realize how people think, and what their reasoning is concerning political agendas and policies. People choose a side, and everything after that is fodder for either pro or con conversations and comments. In other words, a person who chooses the "Liberal" path, will criticize everything that is not "Liberal". And, the same holds true for those that consider themselves to be "Moderates", "Conservatives", "Republicans", or "Democrats".

Secondly, people need, or want, approval. So, if they see that they have enough like minded people that approve of their way of thinking, they feel they have support for their position. Some call it peer pressure, some call it a feeling of belonging, and some call it the need to fit in. Whatever the reason(s), people are quick to adopt a certain philosophy, stick with it, normally, and slam everything and everyone that's not instep.

Labels are comfortable and convenient for people, and they use them nine ways to sundown at every opportunity. Even if they use them in the wrong context, to them, it doesn't matter as long as they're using a word, phrase, or term that is catchy and has worked for them in the past. Yes, even the word "Liberal" fits into that category.
People on the right are now using the term "liberal" to mean anything different or new...shocker, thats actually true

  1. 1.
    open to new behavior or opinions and willing to discard traditional values.
    "they have more liberal views toward marriage and divorce than some people"
    • 2.
  2. (of education) concerned mainly with broadening a person's general knowledge and experience, rather than with technical or professional training.
But its the switch that they hope you dont see. New behaviors are considered liberal but the proble comes when people associate everything new as being supported by the Democratic voters or Party. Its easy because anything new you dont like just call it "the left".

So when some guy says he wants to marry his horse, they'll call it liberal. Because any new thing is always supported by Obama, didnt you know

The traditional usage of the world "liberal" is the opposite of authoritarian.

Looking at today's liberal, they are polar opposites as they drown in power and force others to think like them and do their bidding.

Biggie Soda anyone?
People on the right are now using the term "liberal" to mean anything different or new...shocker, thats actually true

  1. 1.
    open to new behavior or opinions and willing to discard traditional values.
    "they have more liberal views toward marriage and divorce than some people"
    • 2.
  2. (of education) concerned mainly with broadening a person's general knowledge and experience, rather than with technical or professional training.
But its the switch that they hope you dont see. New behaviors are considered liberal but the proble comes when people associate everything new as being supported by the Democratic voters or Party. Its easy because anything new you dont like just call it "the left".

So when some guy says he wants to marry his horse, they'll call it liberal. Because any new thing is always supported by Obama, didnt you know

The traditional usage of the world "liberal" is the opposite of authoritarian.

Looking at today's liberal, they are polar opposites as they drown in power and force others to think like them and do their bidding.

Biggie Soda anyone?
That, too. With the root word the same as that of liberty they instead believe in socialistic ideology. The opposite of liberty and choice.
But the human natural need to belong overwhelms the lefties considerably. They must fit in and appear cool. So much so that objectivity, introspection and analysis fly out the window. They have no idea how backwards and hypocritical they are.
People on the right are now using the term "liberal" to mean anything different or new...shocker, thats actually true

  1. 1.
    open to new behavior or opinions and willing to discard traditional values.
    "they have more liberal views toward marriage and divorce than some people"
    • 2.
  2. (of education) concerned mainly with broadening a person's general knowledge and experience, rather than with technical or professional training.
But its the switch that they hope you dont see. New behaviors are considered liberal but the proble comes when people associate everything new as being supported by the Democratic voters or Party. Its easy because anything new you dont like just call it "the left".

So when some guy says he wants to marry his horse, they'll call it liberal. Because any new thing is always supported by Obama, didnt you know

The traditional usage of the world "liberal" is the opposite of authoritarian.

Looking at today's liberal, they are polar opposites as they drown in power and force others to think like them and do their bidding.

Biggie Soda anyone?
That, too. With the root word the same as that of liberty they instead believe in socialistic ideology. The opposite of liberty and choice.

Bullshit. That ain't what Liberal means.

But the human natural need to belong overwhelms the lefties considerably. They must fit in and appear cool. So much so that objectivity, introspection and analysis fly out the window. They have no idea how backwards and hypocritical they are.

-- and now you're on to "lefties" and that ain't what Liberal means either.

The traditional usage of the world "liberal" is the opposite of authoritarian.

Looking at today's liberal, they are polar opposites as they drown in power and force others to think like them and do their bidding.

Biggie Soda anyone?

There ^^ is the contradiction right there.
First definition is correct. Second one directly contradicts it.

Doublethink is here.
People on the right are now using the term "liberal" to mean anything different or new...shocker, thats actually true

  1. 1.
    open to new behavior or opinions and willing to discard traditional values.
    "they have more liberal views toward marriage and divorce than some people"
    • 2.
  2. (of education) concerned mainly with broadening a person's general knowledge and experience, rather than with technical or professional training.
But its the switch that they hope you dont see. New behaviors are considered liberal but the proble comes when people associate everything new as being supported by the Democratic voters or Party. Its easy because anything new you dont like just call it "the left".

So when some guy says he wants to marry his horse, they'll call it liberal. Because any new thing is always supported by Obama, didnt you know

The traditional usage of the world "liberal" is the opposite of authoritarian.

Looking at today's liberal, they are polar opposites as they drown in power and force others to think like them and do their bidding.

Biggie Soda anyone?
That, too. With the root word the same as that of liberty they instead believe in socialistic ideology. The opposite of liberty and choice.

Bullshit. That ain't what Liberal means.

But the human natural need to belong overwhelms the lefties considerably. They must fit in and appear cool. So much so that objectivity, introspection and analysis fly out the window. They have no idea how backwards and hypocritical they are.

-- and now you're on to "lefties" and that ain't what Liberal means either.

The traditional usage of the world "liberal" is the opposite of authoritarian.

Looking at today's liberal, they are polar opposites as they drown in power and force others to think like them and do their bidding.

Biggie Soda anyone?

There ^^ is the contradiction right there.
First definition is correct. Second one directly contradicts it.

Doublethink is here.
The root is liber meaning free and unrestricted. Anything but a lefty/democrat's belief. They are about restriction and stifling change and choice.
People on the right are now using the term "liberal" to mean anything different or new...shocker, thats actually true

  1. 1.
    open to new behavior or opinions and willing to discard traditional values.
    "they have more liberal views toward marriage and divorce than some people"
    • 2.
  2. (of education) concerned mainly with broadening a person's general knowledge and experience, rather than with technical or professional training.
But its the switch that they hope you dont see. New behaviors are considered liberal but the proble comes when people associate everything new as being supported by the Democratic voters or Party. Its easy because anything new you dont like just call it "the left".

So when some guy says he wants to marry his horse, they'll call it liberal. Because any new thing is always supported by Obama, didnt you know

The traditional usage of the world "liberal" is the opposite of authoritarian.

Looking at today's liberal, they are polar opposites as they drown in power and force others to think like them and do their bidding.

Biggie Soda anyone?
That, too. With the root word the same as that of liberty they instead believe in socialistic ideology. The opposite of liberty and choice.

Bullshit. That ain't what Liberal means.

But the human natural need to belong overwhelms the lefties considerably. They must fit in and appear cool. So much so that objectivity, introspection and analysis fly out the window. They have no idea how backwards and hypocritical they are.

-- and now you're on to "lefties" and that ain't what Liberal means either.

The traditional usage of the world "liberal" is the opposite of authoritarian.

Looking at today's liberal, they are polar opposites as they drown in power and force others to think like them and do their bidding.

Biggie Soda anyone?

There ^^ is the contradiction right there.
First definition is correct. Second one directly contradicts it.

Doublethink is here.
The root is liber meaning free and unrestricted. Anything but a lefty/democrat's belief. They are about restriction and stifling change and choice.

"Left" and "Right" are both about "stifling change and choice" in the sense of wanting things their way.

But at least you have distinguished Liberal from leftist. That's a start. :thup:
People on the right are now using the term "liberal" to mean anything different or new...shocker, thats actually true

  1. 1.
    open to new behavior or opinions and willing to discard traditional values.
    "they have more liberal views toward marriage and divorce than some people"
    • 2.
  2. (of education) concerned mainly with broadening a person's general knowledge and experience, rather than with technical or professional training.
But its the switch that they hope you dont see. New behaviors are considered liberal but the proble comes when people associate everything new as being supported by the Democratic voters or Party. Its easy because anything new you dont like just call it "the left".

So when some guy says he wants to marry his horse, they'll call it liberal. Because any new thing is always supported by Obama, didnt you know

The traditional usage of the world "liberal" is the opposite of authoritarian.

Looking at today's liberal, they are polar opposites as they drown in power and force others to think like them and do their bidding.

Biggie Soda anyone?
That, too. With the root word the same as that of liberty they instead believe in socialistic ideology. The opposite of liberty and choice.

Bullshit. That ain't what Liberal means.

But the human natural need to belong overwhelms the lefties considerably. They must fit in and appear cool. So much so that objectivity, introspection and analysis fly out the window. They have no idea how backwards and hypocritical they are.

-- and now you're on to "lefties" and that ain't what Liberal means either.

The traditional usage of the world "liberal" is the opposite of authoritarian.

Looking at today's liberal, they are polar opposites as they drown in power and force others to think like them and do their bidding.

Biggie Soda anyone?

There ^^ is the contradiction right there.
First definition is correct. Second one directly contradicts it.

Doublethink is here.
The root is liber meaning free and unrestricted. Anything but a lefty/democrat's belief. They are about restriction and stifling change and choice.

Yeah, if its one thing liberals are against...Its change :rolleyes:

Oh gawd
People on the right are now using the term "liberal" to mean anything different or new...shocker, thats actually true

  1. 1.
    open to new behavior or opinions and willing to discard traditional values.
    "they have more liberal views toward marriage and divorce than some people"
    • 2.
  2. (of education) concerned mainly with broadening a person's general knowledge and experience, rather than with technical or professional training.
But its the switch that they hope you dont see. New behaviors are considered liberal but the proble comes when people associate everything new as being supported by the Democratic voters or Party. Its easy because anything new you dont like just call it "the left".

So when some guy says he wants to marry his horse, they'll call it liberal. Because any new thing is always supported by Obama, didnt you know

The traditional usage of the world "liberal" is the opposite of authoritarian.

Looking at today's liberal, they are polar opposites as they drown in power and force others to think like them and do their bidding.

Biggie Soda anyone?
That, too. With the root word the same as that of liberty they instead believe in socialistic ideology. The opposite of liberty and choice.

Bullshit. That ain't what Liberal means.

But the human natural need to belong overwhelms the lefties considerably. They must fit in and appear cool. So much so that objectivity, introspection and analysis fly out the window. They have no idea how backwards and hypocritical they are.

-- and now you're on to "lefties" and that ain't what Liberal means either.

The traditional usage of the world "liberal" is the opposite of authoritarian.

Looking at today's liberal, they are polar opposites as they drown in power and force others to think like them and do their bidding.

Biggie Soda anyone?

There ^^ is the contradiction right there.
First definition is correct. Second one directly contradicts it.

Doublethink is here.
The root is liber meaning free and unrestricted. Anything but a lefty/democrat's belief. They are about restriction and stifling change and choice.

"Left" and "Right" are both about "stifling change and choice" in the sense of wanting things their way.

But at least you have distinguished Liberal from leftist. That's a start. :thup:
I've done that for a long time. Lefties and democrats are today's neocons. Rigidly stuck in the 1960's.
People on the right are now using the term "liberal" to mean anything different or new...shocker, thats actually true

  1. 1.
    open to new behavior or opinions and willing to discard traditional values.
    "they have more liberal views toward marriage and divorce than some people"
    • 2.
  2. (of education) concerned mainly with broadening a person's general knowledge and experience, rather than with technical or professional training.
But its the switch that they hope you dont see. New behaviors are considered liberal but the proble comes when people associate everything new as being supported by the Democratic voters or Party. Its easy because anything new you dont like just call it "the left".

So when some guy says he wants to marry his horse, they'll call it liberal. Because any new thing is always supported by Obama, didnt you know

The traditional usage of the world "liberal" is the opposite of authoritarian.

Looking at today's liberal, they are polar opposites as they drown in power and force others to think like them and do their bidding.

Biggie Soda anyone?
That, too. With the root word the same as that of liberty they instead believe in socialistic ideology. The opposite of liberty and choice.

Bullshit. That ain't what Liberal means.

But the human natural need to belong overwhelms the lefties considerably. They must fit in and appear cool. So much so that objectivity, introspection and analysis fly out the window. They have no idea how backwards and hypocritical they are.

-- and now you're on to "lefties" and that ain't what Liberal means either.

The traditional usage of the world "liberal" is the opposite of authoritarian.

Looking at today's liberal, they are polar opposites as they drown in power and force others to think like them and do their bidding.

Biggie Soda anyone?

There ^^ is the contradiction right there.
First definition is correct. Second one directly contradicts it.

Doublethink is here.
The root is liber meaning free and unrestricted. Anything but a lefty/democrat's belief. They are about restriction and stifling change and choice.

Yeah, if its one thing liberals are against...Its change :rolleyes:

Oh gawd
So-called liberals are against change. They refuse to consider any empirical data that challenges their outdated 1960's ideology.
I had a car that kind of drove like this thread. All over the road. Had to get new tires and front end work.
The traditional usage of the world "liberal" is the opposite of authoritarian.

Looking at today's liberal, they are polar opposites as they drown in power and force others to think like them and do their bidding.

Biggie Soda anyone?
That, too. With the root word the same as that of liberty they instead believe in socialistic ideology. The opposite of liberty and choice.

Bullshit. That ain't what Liberal means.

But the human natural need to belong overwhelms the lefties considerably. They must fit in and appear cool. So much so that objectivity, introspection and analysis fly out the window. They have no idea how backwards and hypocritical they are.

-- and now you're on to "lefties" and that ain't what Liberal means either.

The traditional usage of the world "liberal" is the opposite of authoritarian.

Looking at today's liberal, they are polar opposites as they drown in power and force others to think like them and do their bidding.

Biggie Soda anyone?

There ^^ is the contradiction right there.
First definition is correct. Second one directly contradicts it.

Doublethink is here.
The root is liber meaning free and unrestricted. Anything but a lefty/democrat's belief. They are about restriction and stifling change and choice.

Yeah, if its one thing liberals are against...Its change :rolleyes:

Oh gawd
So-called liberals are against change. They refuse to consider any empirical data that challenges their outdated 1960's ideology.

Yeah, they stand against new thinking like gay rights and stuff
Now that's funny, Liberals open to new opinions. Yeah that's what I see, Liberals listening to Conservative opinions and saying "Hmmm now that's a perspective I hadn't considered..." BWAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! Liberals have turned into PC Nazis who demand compliance with every last word of their Government Control, Equality, Fairness agenda or they call you a Racist, stupid idiot, Redneck or something worse. Yeah open to new opinions. OMG please.
That, too. With the root word the same as that of liberty they instead believe in socialistic ideology. The opposite of liberty and choice.

Bullshit. That ain't what Liberal means.

But the human natural need to belong overwhelms the lefties considerably. They must fit in and appear cool. So much so that objectivity, introspection and analysis fly out the window. They have no idea how backwards and hypocritical they are.

-- and now you're on to "lefties" and that ain't what Liberal means either.

The traditional usage of the world "liberal" is the opposite of authoritarian.

Looking at today's liberal, they are polar opposites as they drown in power and force others to think like them and do their bidding.

Biggie Soda anyone?

There ^^ is the contradiction right there.
First definition is correct. Second one directly contradicts it.

Doublethink is here.
The root is liber meaning free and unrestricted. Anything but a lefty/democrat's belief. They are about restriction and stifling change and choice.

Yeah, if its one thing liberals are against...Its change :rolleyes:

Oh gawd
So-called liberals are against change. They refuse to consider any empirical data that challenges their outdated 1960's ideology.

Yeah, they stand against new thinking like gay rights and stuff
The homo rights misnomer is a fifty-year-old issue that has been debunked by true forward thinkers.

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