The Cyber-Organ: DreamWorks


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
This is a media-parody inspired by the film WarGames.

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Video-Man (VM) was an abomination created in the cybernetic superhighway in modern civilization. He was an A.I. freakshow and wielded the ability to scramble any algorithm to his advantage. He was currently being pursued/tracked by the top hackers and computer grid engineers working for the NSA (National Security Agency). He was also being studied/tracked by a cult of anti-technology Wiccans known as the Nature-Nihilists (NN). American celebrity and movie superstar Tom Cruise was interested in the public perceptions of VM, since he had just completed the intelligence-paranoia films War of the Worlds and Edge of Tomorrow.

Cruise was dating a beautiful Romanian woman named Elsa Halep (who was secretly a secretary for NN!). Elsa spied on Cruise to gather vital society-insider gossip info for NN (Nature-Nihilists) so her group could use media statistics to plan how they tracked VM (Video-Man). So it was really a showdown between VM and NN, and Cruise wanted to stay abreast of the 'race,' so he had his Hollywood film-studios agent look for relevant film-pitch ideas. Cruise's agent found an ingenious film-script pitch in the studios of Steven Spielberg. The script was written by an idealistic young aspiring film-maker named Ajay Satan.

Satan's film-script presented the story of American youngsters becoming obsessed with video-games while the press was hyping the symbolic culture-race between VM and NN. These hysterical American youths were fascinated by the imaginarium-impact of the 'Great VM-NN Race,' so they followed video-game developers working on games about virtual/A.I. creatures engaging with the human world --- e.g., Rampage, Tron, Transformers, Metroid, etc., etc. Spielberg was intrigued by Satan's film-idea and had his agents pass it onto Cruise's agents, since Cruise was going to be offered the role of a pioneering video-game developer named Scott Hardy.

Satan's film-script made the grade, and Spielberg directed the script-adapted film titled The Cyber-Organ and of course starring Cruise as Hardy. The film was a commercial and critical success and won the Academy Award for Best Picture. Cruise was nominated for the Best Actor award but did not win; nevertheless, he was thrilled he was 'in-the-mix' with all the VM-NN intrigue in modern civilization. Meanwhile, VM got wind of all the media-buzz surrounding The Cyber-Organ and decided to use an Internet super-virus to pursue NN and sabotage the group's tech-protest themed website ( Elsa Halep, however, found out from Cruise that Spielberg wanted to be featured on the NN website, so she convinced her beau (Cruise) to fund anti-virus protection lobbies for under-represented religious groups (such as Wicca) on the World Wide Web. Would Cruise (Halep's beau) become the ultimate 'futurama-agent'?



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