The Czar of all Czars


Gold Member
Jul 5, 2004
News strikes today that Harvard law Professor Elizabeth Warren will, indeed, will be tapped to help set up the newly authorized Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB).

How Is This Okay?

Second, this strategy is really quite shady. This isn't just the President appointing another czar, like the car czar or pay czar to oversee some temporary program already in motion. Warren will be responsible for creating an entirely new major federal agency from scratch. And the CFPB is arguably the most significant new financial industry regulator since the U.S. Commodities Futures Trading Association was created in 1974. Now we learn that an unconfirmed Presidential appointee will be its central architect. How is that okay?

Whether you are for or against Elizabeth Warren's role in the CFPB here is irrelevant. This question is one of principle: should an appointee who Congress has not vetted have this kind of authority? While it's true that the Treasury Secretary will still have ultimate discretion over the process, it's seems pretty likely that the President promised Warren that she would be the chief influence here. Can you imagine him saying, "Listen Elizabeth. We will probably try to get you confirmed eventually as head, but for now work with Tim and help him create the Bureau, and be sure to run all your ideas by him first." It's hard to imagine she would have agreed to assist unless promised significant authority.

So why is the President legally able to do this? Because the big summer financial regulation bill that spawned the CFPB also provided the President the authority to hire an interim director without confirmation. So obviously he's within his right to hire Warren as a special adviser. That's why it's pretty odd to see Senate Banking Committee Chairman Christopher Dodd (D-CT) having said that he believes any candidate for leading the Bureau should go through the Senate confirmation process. He did, after all, help to write the awful provision in the bill that allows the President to bestow this substantial power on an appointee without Congress' explicit consent.

3 Oddities of Warren's Appointment as Consumer Financial Protection Czar - Daniel Indiviglio - Business - The Atlantic
Beats having the RepubliCON$ holding up her appointment to Kingdom Come to obstruct The People's Business from being conducted.

Good move on Obama. The People will be better off for it.

Congrats Elizabeth...I was waiting for this to happen!
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maybe if conservatarians weren't holding up every.fucking.appointment we could start to address the problems the bill addresses. 3 Fed bank positions empty, leaving the Fed with fewer minds at the table and having to invoke emergency powers to operate? Republicans. Leaving the most important new regulatory agency in a decade without leadership and therefore unable to begin protecting consumers? Republicans.

Hampering recovery? Republicans. if it's bad for America, it's good for Republicans at the moment. And they know this.
So just because it's expedient you libs think it's OK for someone to operate without any accountability to the American people?

Hopefully this department will not get funded...unless and until it gets congressional approval...
Obama IS accounting to the American people by AVOIDING their Business from being rabid RWer.
So just because it's expedient you libs think it's OK for someone to operate without any accountability to the American people?

That's the Democratic way. Little by little, one by one, the demtards will start to smell the tea. Most a are one fry short of a Happy it will take some time.
So just because it's expedient you libs think it's OK for someone to operate without any accountability to the American people?

Hopefully this department will not get funded...unless and until it gets congressional approval...

This department already has congressional approval. The President, attempting to follow a law passed by congress, recommended appointing a person to lead that department. Republicans, derelict in their duties to advise and consent, are more than happy to see the legally-created department not created and not led because preventing its creation will ensure that more consumers get fucked...and that's bad for America...and that's good for Republicans in the short term.
When I think of Tsar, I think of this guy.

Not a nice guy.
Obama IS accounting to the American people by AVOIDING their Business from being rabid RWer.

Rabid? Hardly. I guess with you any reason fomented is a form of long as you agree with it....but what happens when you don't...?

Czars are really Obama's shadow government.....even former Democrat Senator Byrd warned against czars.....

I forget how many czars this makes now.....42?
Obama IS accounting to the American people by AVOIDING their Business from being rabid RWer.

Rabid? Hardly. I guess with you any reason fomented is a form of long as you agree with it....but what happens when you don't...?

Czars are really Obama's shadow government.....even former Democrat Senator Byrd warned against czars.....

I forget how many czars this makes now.....42?

Save the RW blog links for some asshat who cares.

Get some facts: List of U.S. executive branch czars - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Obama IS accounting to the American people by AVOIDING their Business from being rabid RWer.

Like Jon Cannon who had been Obama’s choice as second in command at the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), until allegations of financial “irregularities” surfaced at the now-defunct America’s Clean Water Foundation, where Cannon once served on the board.

How about Scott Polakoff who was forced to take an open-ended “leave of absence” from the Treasury Department, after internal audits uncovered his allowance of backdated capital infusions, “which,” as one news report put it, “could amount to cooking the books for IndyMac and other institutions” that are key players in the current financial system meltdown.

And how can you forget Van Jones an admitted communist and 911 truther.

Obama's failed nominees don't inspire confidence
Obama IS accounting to the American people by AVOIDING their Business from being rabid RWer.

Rabid? Hardly. I guess with you any reason fomented is a form of long as you agree with it....but what happens when you don't...?

Czars are really Obama's shadow government.....even former Democrat Senator Byrd warned against czars.....

I forget how many czars this makes now.....42?

Save the RW blog links for some asshat who cares.

Get some facts: List of U.S. executive branch czars - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

So you are some asshat who doesn't care....? I don't doubt it...altho i bet you cared when GWB was prez...

If you look at the historical figures the only presidents with double digit numbers of czars appointed without Senate confirmation were...

FDR (17)
GWB (27)
Obama (33)....and climbing....
News strikes today that Harvard law Professor Elizabeth Warren will, indeed, will be tapped to help set up the newly authorized Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB).

It already exists....and, she was one of it's advocates.

Ya' wanna know about the credit-card-hu$tle....ya' talk to her.

She' THE BEST PERSON for the job (of CFPB-oversight).....unless, of course, you're paranoid o' Oklahoma-braniacs!!

[ame=]YouTube - The Usury States of America (Prof. Warren and Bill Maher)[/ame]
[ame=]YouTube - The Case for Elizabeth Warren[/ame]
[ame=]YouTube - Elizabeth Warren Explains the Financial Mess in Terms Anyone Can Understand![/ame]​
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Beats having the RepubliCON$ holding up her appointment to Kingdom Come to obstruct The People's Business from being conducted.

Good move on Obama. The People will be better off for it.

Congrats Elizabeth...I was waiting for this to happen!
Same, HERE!!!!!!

maybe if conservatarians weren't holding up every.fucking.appointment we could start to address the problems the bill addresses. 3 Fed bank positions empty, leaving the Fed with fewer minds at the table and having to invoke emergency powers to operate? Republicans. Leaving the most important new regulatory agency in a decade without leadership and therefore unable to begin protecting consumers? Republicans.

Hampering recovery? Republicans. if it's bad for America, it's good for Republicans at the moment. And they know this.
It will take a while but we'll clean up the mess these asswipe demonRats are making. Yes WE WILL.
So just because it's expedient you libs think it's OK for someone to operate without any accountability to the American people?

Hopefully this department will not get funded...unless and until it gets congressional approval...

This department already has congressional approval. The President, attempting to follow a law passed by congress, recommended appointing a person to lead that department. Republicans, derelict in their duties to advise and consent, are more than happy to see the legally-created department not created and not led because preventing its creation will ensure that more consumers get fucked...and that's bad for America...and that's good for Republicans in the short term.
.....And, maintaining the Status Quo in business-as-usual (i.e. how we got where we are, presently).
Obama IS accounting to the American people by AVOIDING their Business from being rabid RWer.

Rabid? Hardly. I guess with you any reason fomented is a form of long as you agree with it....but what happens when you don't...?

Czars are really Obama's shadow government.....even former Democrat Senator Byrd warned against czars.....

I forget how many czars this makes now.....42?
There's no need to get all flustered by slang......


"In the United States, the term czar has been used by the media :eek: to refer to appointed executive branch officials since at least 1930s."​

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