The D Debates will push Many to the GOP

william the wie

Gold Member
Nov 18, 2009
Preaching solely to the choir is a very bad idea in an election. How bad will it hurt in the election?
They are so divided and SO FASCIST. So anti American.. GOP BETTER POUNCE
The idea of having a lefty loony tune like Rachel Maddow as a debate "moderator" is insane.

Moderators are supposed to be moderate by definition.

The DNC should have hired Keef Olbermann instead
they should try to recreate this old trivia show.


(would it be ok to have a British Subject as a moderator?)
Preaching solely to the choir is a very bad idea in an election. How bad will it hurt in the election?

Almost all of their agendas are so leftist, so Marxist, so uber socialist, so ridiculous as policy in the real world, that I personally think all the middle ground and right should just pop popcorn, sit back and watch the show. It does have potential for entertainment value.
Preaching solely to the choir is a very bad idea in an election. How bad will it hurt in the election?

Interesting tidbit. I know well a few lifelong Democrats who absolutely despise Donald Trump. The thing is, and despite their rabid hatred of the man, they are Catholics who cannot reconcile all the intersectional/LGTBQ/abortion cultural madness the Democratic Party has pushed to the forefront of its running platforms. My question for them recently: who will you vote for, if not the Democratic Party primary winner? Their answer? As confusing as it was interesting. They've never voted Republican or Independent and yet they cannot, on moral grounds, vote for all the aforementioned cultural insanity the Left is pushing, so either they vote Trump or don't vote. Either way that's a win-win for Trump in 2020. I wonder how many other lifelong American Democrats find themselves in a similar position?
The filthy Democrats are their own worst enemy.

Everything out of their mouths is hate and anti Americanism. A party of scumbags.

Only an idiot would vote for a Democrat.
Preaching solely to the choir is a very bad idea in an election. How bad will it hurt in the election?
Moderates are running from the democrats at record pace. The question is; will they again vote for Trump or will they stay home? I see 1984 happening all over again.

This is a very similar situation. Walter F. Mondale also promised to raise taxes to new record heights, unseen for many years. Crazy Bernie, Sleepy Joe, Pocahontas, all have the same platform
Deliberately dumbing the girls down, Hillary Clinton speaks on Trump's fascism at Wellsley, whilst dems victory in California is expressed by homo sapiens shitting in the streets full of typhus-infested rats.
I have a confession to make While I have watched CNBC/NBR, it is the only NBC network I have watched in at least a decade. Even their entertainment channel(s) are too leftist for my tastes. Even with a last name Maddow anyone with the nick name Mad Cow is someone I avoid. How bad is she?
Cal Thomas's list of 10 questions he would have asked the Democrats:

Question 1: Some of you have, or had, the power to change many of the things you now say are wrong with America. Why didn’t you?

Question 2 (for Joe Biden): You and President Obama, for a time, had a Democratic majority in Congress. Why didn’t you reform immigration laws and address homelessness? Your administration deported a lot of people who were in the country illegally, so why criticize President Trump for wanting to follow your example? Do our laws mean nothing?

Question 3: During the second debate, all of you raised your hands when asked if you would provide free health care to immigrants who are here illegally. Aren’t you inviting even more to come to America with such a policy, and wouldn’t that add to our already staggering debt? Follow-up: Trump said we should take care of Americans first. Why would you use American tax dollars to pay for people who break our laws?

Question 4: Is there anything Trump has done that you could praise? Many of you talk as if unemployment hasn’t declined — especially for minorities — and wages haven’t risen. Unemployment is at, or near, record lows and wages are up.

Question 5: Some of you think raising taxes again is a good idea, but with $22 trillion in federal debt and with record amounts of revenue already coming into Washington, isn’t the real problem uncontrolled spending? Follow-up: Are there any government programs you would cut or eliminate?

Question 6: Many of you have a lot of complaints about the United States. Is there anything positive you could say?

Question 7: Many of you have criticized President Trump for confronting Iran and withdrawing from the nuclear deal. Iran is a major sponsor of terrorism in the world and its leaders say they have a religious mandate to wipe out Israel and impose Islamic law on everyone. How would you negotiate with their leaders and what is your plan for fighting terrorism?

Question 8: Some of you say Russia is the greatest existential threat and others name China. Russia has been supporting the Syrian regime of Bashar Assad and the crumbling dictatorship of Nicolas Maduro in Venezuela. Russia has also sent a warship to Cuba. How would you oppose Russia’s adventurism and China’s expansionism? How would you deal with China spying on us?

Question 9 (for Sen. Kamala Harris): You attacked Joe Biden for working with segregationist senators during his time in the Senate. He (and Lyndon Johnson, who pushed through significant civil rights legislation in the ’60s) said it was necessary in order to accomplish anything. If you were in the Senate at that time, would you have refused to work with those senators, possibly scuttling significant legislation that has led to improvements in the lives of many Americans, including African-Americans?

Question 10: There have been 60 million abortions in America since the Supreme Court’s Roe v. Wade decision in 1973. According to the Alan Guttmacher Institute, black women are more than five times as likely as white women to have an abortion. Does this trouble you? Follow-up: Some states allow babies to die if they survive an abortion and some call that infanticide. Are you opposed to that practice?
Cal Thomas: 10 questions Dems should have been asked in debates – But weren’t

Personal note: Thomas went on to say he is highly unlikely to get a chance to ask those questions and nobody in the radical left wing media is going to ask those kinds of questions. And the Democrats are not likely to agree to any forum in which such questions would be asked.

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