The Dallas Death Squad

Oh I see what's going on here. You think the Democrats from 1855 are the same as the Democrats in 2016. And you think because the Nazis referred to themselves as national Socialists, it means the same thing as democratic socialist in the United States. I can tell you that those things have absolutely nothing to do with one another.
The operative word here is "socialist". An ideology of the State controlling all aspects of your life. You don't get free tuition unless the State takes it from somebody else and gives it to you. Both national and so-called democratic socialism are the same thing. It doesn't matter if you call it puppy dog socialism. The ideology is evil to the core.
The white racists have crawled out from under their rocks under Obama.

They are horrified that 90% of whites opposed the racist hatred of fellow whites
Part of the Saul Alinsky tactics you employ here is to tag everyone you disagree with as a racist. It's supposed to shut down any opposition and let the accuser take the high ground. Well, the tactic has run its course and is no longer effective because itt was a bullshit arguments all along. Obama is despised for his flagrant disregard of our Constution and corruption of our governmental departments like State, DOJ, FBI, IRS, Defense, SCOTUS and the Office of the President, not his race.
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The white racists have crawled out from under their rocks under Obama.

They are horrified that 90% of whites opposed the racist hatred of fellow whites
Part of the Saul Alinsky tactics you employ here is to tag everyone you disagree with as a racist. It's supposed to shut down any opposition and let the accuser take the high ground. Well, the tactic has run its course and is no longer effective because itt was a bullshit arguments all along. Obama is despised for his flagrant disregard of our Constution and corruption of our governmental departments like State, DOJ, FBI, IRS, Defense, SCOTUS and the Office of the President, not his race.
You tag everyone you disagree with as socialist.

We all know you read Alinksy daily to apply his tactics to your writing.

The fact is most of the anti-black racism is located on the far right of American politics.
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Oh I see what's going on here. You think the Democrats from 1855 are the same as the Democrats in 2016. And you think because the Nazis referred to themselves as national Socialists, it means the same thing as democratic socialist in the United States. I can tell you that those things have absolutely nothing to do with one another.
The operative word here is "socialist". An ideology of the State controlling all aspects of your life. You don't get free tuition unless the State takes it from somebody else and gives it to you. Both national and so-called democratic socialism are the same thing. It doesn't matter if you call it puppy dog socialism. The ideology is evil to the core.

So I assume you're against the military, fire departments, roads, etc.?
Three of the shooters had high powered rifles and where in an elevated triangulated position. For all you liberal nitwits that is a pre-planned organized coordinated position of attack. So we can take random reaction off the table.

And it was BLM the same group that busted up a "mourning gathering" for the dead in Orlando and the children with cancer group in Missouri. BLM has now positioned itself as the most deadly group since the "weatherman underground" and the bombing of the ROTC building at the University of Washington.

We have an islamic ni99er president and both the islamics and the ni99ers are openly and proudly killing white people. The islamics want you dead because of your faith and the ni99ers because of your color and white democrats want you to apologize and accept these changes.

I do NOT and will NOT accept the use of Christians or white people as fodder to prove tolerance. That is not have one proves tolerance, its only how ones accepts unjust death. And that IS what our islamic ni99er president has given us.
An islamic approved ni99er backed death sentence.

Texas is center of the gun grabbers scope and a little over 100 years ago people from all over this nation gathered for a fight they had little to no chance of winning. Men with rifles shouldered up behind dirt walls and wood fence out numbered by men with cannons for the most basic human right, the right to live.

Certain things in life require you to make changes and yesterday was one. I'm going to sell my website and some other holdings and use it to arm Texans. I'm goint to look for a place in west Texas. I truly think I understand the feelings of those men who stood those dirt walls. I would rather die a FREE TEXAN than a government slave.


How is the sale of your website going?

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