The Dam Breaks: 4 More States To Audit 2020 Election

Gosh it sounds real good but there is no provision in the constitution for removing a president other than impeachment for a crime. While he's committed a shit ton of crimes since starting as POTUS there is no provision for removing him because of some audits.

I also can't find this on any major news outlet.
You can’t remove a president who isn’t president.
Seriously, those people who still fighting the November 2020 election need counseling.
More states are preparing to conduct a forensic audit of the 2020 election.

"Delegates from Georgia, Alaska, Colorado and Nevada have all toured the floor of the Maricopa County forensic audit in Arizona this week, suggesting further audits potentially coming across the country.

As the forensic audit of the 2020 election results from Arizona’s Maricopa County is currently taking place, delegates from all across the country are flocking to observe the enormous effort that is currently taking place in the Veterans Memorial Coliseum. As National File reported, the first state to send people to observe the audit was Pennsylvania, with Doug Mastriano, the pro-Trump Pennsylvania state senator, joining two other Pennsylvania lawmakers, Representative Rob Kauffman and Senator Cris Dush. “This audit is so secure, transparent and organized that other states want to duplicate the process,” Mastriano said at the time.

Up next were Nevada, whose delegates joined the audit floor on Monday, led by NVGOP Chair Mike McDonald,swiftly followed by Georgia on Tuesday. Reports from last week had already confirmed that Georgia were sending delegates, with Nevada being more of an unexpected arrival to those not in the know. John Fredricks told Steve Bannon last week that the Georgia delegation would be led by Vernon Jones, joined by State Senator Brandon Beach and Burt Jones, who may be running for Lieutenant Governor of the state."

If you want to see grown men cry, stayed tuned to that charade. The reports came out and showed nothing remotely like election fraud.

I hope they have a thousand audits because the result will be the same.
The only flood you will see is tears from those whining into their MAGA caps.
Suck eggs.
More states are preparing to conduct a forensic audit of the 2020 election.

"Delegates from Georgia, Alaska, Colorado and Nevada have all toured the floor of the Maricopa County forensic audit in Arizona this week, suggesting further audits potentially coming across the country.

As the forensic audit of the 2020 election results from Arizona’s Maricopa County is currently taking place, delegates from all across the country are flocking to observe the enormous effort that is currently taking place in the Veterans Memorial Coliseum. As National File reported, the first state to send people to observe the audit was Pennsylvania, with Doug Mastriano, the pro-Trump Pennsylvania state senator, joining two other Pennsylvania lawmakers, Representative Rob Kauffman and Senator Cris Dush. “This audit is so secure, transparent and organized that other states want to duplicate the process,” Mastriano said at the time.

Up next were Nevada, whose delegates joined the audit floor on Monday, led by NVGOP Chair Mike McDonald,swiftly followed by Georgia on Tuesday. Reports from last week had already confirmed that Georgia were sending delegates, with Nevada being more of an unexpected arrival to those not in the know. John Fredricks told Steve Bannon last week that the Georgia delegation would be led by Vernon Jones, joined by State Senator Brandon Beach and Burt Jones, who may be running for Lieutenant Governor of the state."

Why are you leading with an article from almost 3 months ago? The only state mentioned that has been permitted to begin the process for an audit is Georgia, and it's being duked out in court, as the 4th count proving Biden won.

No dam is bursting, folks. Sorry. I'm sure it was a fun field trip, but cooler heads prevailed when they got home.
Why are you leading with an article from almost 3 months ago? The only state mentioned that has been permitted to begin the process for an audit is Georgia, and it's being duked out in court, as the 4th count proving Biden won.

No dam is bursting, folks. Sorry. I'm sure it was a fun field trip, but cooler heads prevailed when they got home.
We sure as shit don't want to find out the truth here. That's why you Dems are taking it to court. After all Biden is doing such a swell job, isn't he?
BTW, who is instructing Biden?
Why does he keep saying he's been instructed to call on certain people during press conferences. Who is in charge of Biden?
It’s almost as if Biden is making sure Afghanistan is a colossal fuck up as to distract from the audits and election fraud.

No wonder they have the Taliban the list of names of Afghans that helped Americans.
Democrats are saboteurs.
Notice how they continually blame someone else for their crimes.
We sure as shit don't want to find out the truth here. That's why you Dems are taking it to court. After all Biden is doing such a swell job, isn't he?
BTW, who is instructing Biden?
Why does he keep saying he's been instructed to call on certain people during press conferences. Who is in charge of Biden?
That was just explained on The Five by Greg Gutfeld: The Democrat Party put Biden up to get him "elected", not to govern.

They knew his mental incapacity beforehand. They knew he could not govern. They knew they could control him.

:laughing0301: His own abject stupidity reveals that FACT...and the fact that they can't prevent his revealing it every time he takes questions or speaks his "instructions" on camera.
Accuse others of what you are doing. That is their tactic.
Usually....they accuse their opponents of the same thing they are guilty of themselves.

Obama usually sent out memos to us when I was working as a federal employee......and it was about weird topics like Human-Trafficking.
WTF do we have to do with human-trafficking????
It's a classic Marxist tactic....."Turn and accuse your opponent of EXACTLY what you are doing to cause confusion."
More states are preparing to conduct a forensic audit of the 2020 election.

"Delegates from Georgia, Alaska, Colorado and Nevada have all toured the floor of the Maricopa County forensic audit in Arizona this week, suggesting further audits potentially coming across the country.

As the forensic audit of the 2020 election results from Arizona’s Maricopa County is currently taking place, delegates from all across the country are flocking to observe the enormous effort that is currently taking place in the Veterans Memorial Coliseum. As National File reported, the first state to send people to observe the audit was Pennsylvania, with Doug Mastriano, the pro-Trump Pennsylvania state senator, joining two other Pennsylvania lawmakers, Representative Rob Kauffman and Senator Cris Dush. “This audit is so secure, transparent and organized that other states want to duplicate the process,” Mastriano said at the time.

Up next were Nevada, whose delegates joined the audit floor on Monday, led by NVGOP Chair Mike McDonald,swiftly followed by Georgia on Tuesday. Reports from last week had already confirmed that Georgia were sending delegates, with Nevada being more of an unexpected arrival to those not in the know. John Fredricks told Steve Bannon last week that the Georgia delegation would be led by Vernon Jones, joined by State Senator Brandon Beach and Burt Jones, who may be running for Lieutenant Governor of the state."

I have had it up to the top of my head with these audits. Tens of thousands of votes slipped in with no apparent origen found in state after state. A febal mindless puppet getting record breaking number of votes and doing it in the last minutes of the election in every state. Forget the under handed tactics of hillary, her pay to play, her life of crime Forget 4 years of false evidence, the daily delusional democrats trash talking our government on all crazed major media networks. A CIA and FBI that does these people's dirty deeds walking free, selling their books. Military Generals who work for the State Department apologising for their race and gender. This is a complete cluster fuck break down of a nation and we all have a front row seat,
I have had it up to the top of my head with these audits. Tens of thousands of votes slipped in with no apparent origen found in state after state. A febal mindless puppet getting record breaking number of votes and doing it in the last minutes of the election in every state. Forget the under handed tactics of hillary, her pay to play, her life of crime Forget 4 years of false evidence, the daily delusional democrats trash talking our government on all crazed major media networks. A CIA and FBI that does these people's dirty deeds walking free, selling their books. Military Generals who work for the State Department apologising for their race and gender. This is a complete cluster fuck break down of a nation and we all have a front row seat,
Amen! Well said.
It’s obvious it was a giant fraud from the illegal election changes (by bypassing the state legislatures );to tens of thousands of missing votes in each key state, to huge fraudulent voting rolls

I do think Xiden won Michigan

Trump won Georgia , Wisconsin, Arizona and Pennsylvania
Xiden won Colorado as Denver is a mega leftist city

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