The Dam is Breaking on the Vaccines

270,227,181 Americans have had the shots ...none of them are Fox noise believers ... ya got to be mentally retarded to buy into their broadcast ... everybody with a brain knows that ...
Pfizer advertising is on Fox all the time.

And btw 2004 called and wants its talking points back.
Found it for ya, sparky and gipper. No thanks to MisterBeale. Turns out this was a result reported after performing extremely speculative mathematics upon some German data. It was published in Cureus Journal of Medical Science. One might mistake that for a respectable, reliable, mainstream, establishment source. But no, it's just nerdy, wacko BS packed into a fancy wrapper:
  • Overall, we rate the Cureus Journal of Medical Science as a mild pseudoscience journal based on publishing poor studies that require retractions. We also rate them Mixed for factual reporting due to failed fact checks.
Ruh roh.. ya still got lotsa nothin'
Would I have done it? No. But you're going to completely blame this on the mother and not, say the pharma cos or better yet, the agencies who are supposed to watch over these things? FDA? CDC?

The mistrust is rampant. I went out to lunch with friends this week. All four of us completely distrust the medical establishment now. We all go to functional med/alternative providers. All four of us have advanced degrees.
Advanced degrees in medicine?
Actor Mike Batayeh, known for his role in Breaking Bad and Sleeper Cell, has died age 52 on Thursday, June 1.

Batayeh had passed away from a heart attack while asleep in his home in Michigan, United States.

His death came as a shock as he did not have a history of heart issues, his sister had told to TMZ.

The global warming got him

They're still dropping
for ya, sparky and gipper. No thanks to MisterBeale. Turns out this was a result reported after performing extremely speculative mathematics upon some German data. It was published in Cureus Journal of Medical Science. One might mistake that for a respectable, reliable, mainstream, establishment source. But no, it's just nerdy, wacko BS packed into a fancy wrapper:
  • Overall, we rate the Cureus Journal of Medical Science as a mild pseudoscience journal based on publishing poor studies that require retractions. We also rate them Mixed for factual reporting due to failed fact checks.
Ruh roh.. ya still got lotsa nothin'

"He is a member of the Council on Foreign Relations.[11]"


". . . Princeton University professor and former CFR member Stephen F. Cohen described the Council as “America’s single most important non-governmental foreign-policy organization”, whose primary role is to “define the accepted, legitimate, orthodox parameters of discussion.” According to Cohen, “the CFR really is what the Soviets used to call the very top-level of the Nomenklatura.”

And no less than John J. McCloy, the longtime chairman of the Council and advisor to several US presidents, recalled about his time in Washington: “Whenever we needed a man we thumbed through the roll of the Council members and put through a call to New York [i.e., the CFR headquarters].”


Who Will Fact Check the Fact Checkers?​

Who Will Fact Check the Fact Checkers?

Corbett • 06/20/2020
"We've all come across online fact checkers that purport to warn us away from independent media sites under the guise of protecting us from fake news. But who is behind these fact check sites? How do they operate? And if these ham-fisted attempts at soft censorship aren't the solution to online misinformation, what is? Join James for this week's important edition of The Corbett Report podcast, where we explore the murky world of information gatekeeping and ask "Who will fact check the fact checkers?"
:auiqs.jpg:Tin foil hats didn't exist until conspiracy nuts stumbled upon social media.
". . . But the hat goes back further in cultural history: It can be traced back in a very weird and prescient short story written in 1927 by Julian Huxley, brother of the better-known author Aldous and half-brother to Nobel laureate Andrew.. . . "
Okay, so now that you know that they don't actually work, how are you planning to improve your hat?
The fact that, when you are losing an argument, all you have, are denial, name calling, attacking sources, and using fallacious arguments? That is enough for me. Thanks.


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