The Dam is Breaking on the Vaccines

krichton Grumblenuts
Of course I knew this BEFORE Covid, why didn’t you?

I want to highlight the study they did in korea, which I found in your link.

In it, the study discovered that 8 sudden deaths, in korea, had occurred because of the vaccine. Horribly tragic, but your odds of dying from the vaccine are roughly 0.0000181818%. Even if you expand it to just overall deaths in general (21) that is still an infinitesimal number and even if you expand it further to include all cases of VRM myocarditis from severe to almost nothing it's only 480 cases out of 44 million. As of June 6, there have been nearly 35,000 covid deaths in South Korea compared to the 21 VRM deaths from that study. Can we agree that 35K is way way higher number than 21? From the very beginning wacko anti vaxxers have been telling us how low the odds were of dying from covid, and the reasons why we don't even need to wear masks much less get vaccinated and they've beaten that narrative like a dead horse. So if the odds are 0.0000181818% that you'll drop dead from VRM, what's the big deal? The odds are astronomically better than getting covid and dying from that, so what's there to worry about according to antivax logic? If you don't care about 1.1 million covid deaths in the US, why care about 21? I'll tell you why, aside from your ridiculous hypocrisy, it's because this is a religion for you. Spreading misinformation is second nature for you people now. Anything that isn't considered accepted wisdom concerning covid and the vaccine automatically becomes part of your daily antivax dogma sermons.
Says the person who takes medical advice from lawyers. If you ever get cancer one day, hire an attorney and ask him what kinds of medicine you should take. :cuckoo:
Lol. I’m not the dumb fuck who got duped and took the fake vax. You are. Lol.
You vaxxers just keep on losing. One would think you’d learn by now you can’t trust the establishment. It started in the gain of function lab in Wuhan. Lol. Bitter clingers.
Michael Shellenberger’s Public today released a blockbuster story, “First Person Sickened By COVID-19 Was Chinese Scientist Who Oversaw “Gain Of Function” Research That Created Virus,” which generously credits Racket. The story cites three government officials in naming scientist Ben Hu, who was in charge of “gain-of-function” research at the Wuhan Institute of Virology, as the “patient zero” of the Covid-19 pandemic.
This is a major story, contradicting early official explanations pointing to zoonotic cross-species “spillover” at the Huanan Seafood Wholesale Market in Wuhan, colloquially known as the Wuhan wet market. The mystery bat or pangolin suspected of transmitting the disease to humans at that market was never found. The Public story for the first time asserts the source of contamination: a Wuhan Institute scientist fell ill after exposure to a virus engineered at his place of work.
The implications of this are enormous and represent a major problem for the federal health bureaucracy, several intelligence agencies, and the news media, to say nothing of politicians in both parties (but particularly those on the Democratic side) who’ve deflected public interest from the Wuhan Institute and gain-of-function research. The secrets of both the pandemic’s origin and the reason for America’s at-best-sluggish investigation of same have become the mother of all political footballs, and today’s news is likely to be just the first in a series of loud surprises
On Today's Explosive Coronavirus Story
krichton Grumblenuts

Just absolutely appalling and yet we still have idiots who think it’s safe and effective. WTF!

Are you even aware that Jimmy Dore got vaxxed? That both he and his sidekick claim not to be anti-vaxxers?
Bear in mind that in no way am I sanctioning your behavior by continuing to forgive you for having cows like this in public. I sincerely recommend seeking mental help.
Are you even aware that Jimmy Dore got vaxxed? That both he and his sidekick claim not to be anti-vaxxers?
Bear in mind that in no way am I sanctioning your behavior by continuing to forgive you for having cows like this in public. I sincerely recommend seeking mental help.
Yes of course. He unlike you, learned the hard way. You’ll never learn.
Learned what? Everything you've been peddling? Too late, slowpoke. Even Typhoid yawns at your trash. I forgive you.

I'm over here not getting blood clots, cancer, "sudden death" and etc. You only call me "Typhoid" now because you're butthurt and everyone can see it.

The vaccines were an abject failure. If you were a bigger person you could say "I was wrong"...but you're not
I want to highlight the study they did in korea, which I found in your link.

In it, the study discovered that 8 sudden deaths, in korea, had occurred because of the vaccine. Horribly tragic, but your odds of dying from the vaccine are roughly 0.0000181818%. Even if you expand it to just overall deaths in general (21) that is still an infinitesimal number and even if you expand it further to include all cases of VRM myocarditis from severe to almost nothing it's only 480 cases out of 44 million. As of June 6, there have been nearly 35,000 covid deaths in South Korea compared to the 21 VRM deaths from that study. Can we agree that 35K is way way higher number than 21?
Apparently no. Eventually they'll likely go, "Hey, wait a minute..?" then croak.
Why would anyone take an untested experimental injection from a criminal cartel? Are you stupid?
You're calling Jimmy Dore stupid, stupid. I forgive you.
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You're calling Jimmy Dore stupid, stupid. I forgive you.
Anyone who willingly took the jab is obviously stupid. However many like Jimmy came to realize it’s not safe and effective. You though, are a particularly hard headed dumb ass. You still think it’s safe and effective. LMFAO!
Anyone who willingly took the jab is obviously stupid. However many like Jimmy came to realize it’s not safe and effective. You though, are a particularly hard headed dumb ass. You still think it’s safe and effective. LMFAO!
Hey Stupid, like Typhoid you just can't manage to quote me saying any such thing. So kindly quit lying to yourself in public and go get some mental help. I forgive you.

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