The Dam is Breaking on the Vaccines

Unfortunately for you the medical profession has proven themselves untrustworthy. Apparently you missed it.
Can we see the studies on the trust worthieness of the medical healthcare system? I have said for years we need an evidence based system, not profit based.
Unfortunately for you the medical profession has proven themselves untrustworthy. Apparently you missed it.

Sorry you have had the experience, but when you have known and loved and lived with someone for more than 30 years, you learn to trust them.
I'm over here not getting blood clots, cancer, "sudden death" and etc. You only call me "Typhoid" now because you're butthurt and everyone can see it.

The vaccines were an abject failure. If you were a bigger person you could say "I was wrong"...but you're not

Tell that to the hundreds of thousands who have died of covid in China, once they lifted all covid restrictions and lockdowns, and bear in mind this was from omicron and not the deadlier versions of alpha and delta. None of these ppl were exposed to a real vaccine. How many out of those would have lived if they had? I would say nearly all of them except a small portion of the very elderly and immunocompromised. You and a large subsection of this country are a testament to how easy it is to dupe dumb Americans.
Tell that to the hundreds of thousands who have died of covid in China, once they lifted all covid restrictions and lockdowns, and bear in mind this was from omicron and not the deadlier versions of alpha and delta. None of these ppl were exposed to a real vaccine. How many out of those would have lived if they had? I would say nearly all of them except a small portion of the very elderly and immunocompromised. You and a large subsection of this country are a testament to how easy it is to dupe dumb Americans.
Lol. This from someone who still believes these lying corrupt criminals. Lol.
Tell that to the hundreds of thousands who have died of covid in China, once they lifted all covid restrictions and lockdowns, and bear in mind this was from omicron and not the deadlier versions of alpha and delta. None of these ppl were exposed to a real vaccine. How many out of those would have lived if they had? I would say nearly all of them except a small portion of the very elderly and immunocompromised. You and a large subsection of this country are a testament to how easy it is to dupe dumb Americans.
The vax likely saved no one, but it harmed many.

Sorry you have had the experience, but when you have known and loved and lived with someone for more than 30 years, you learn to trust them.
It is sad. I was raised by a medical science head librarian and a literary expert. Spell checking medical journal abstracts at seven. Editing them at eight. Bachelor of Science degree at twenty-one. That's why know-nothing blowhards like gipper and Typhoid never phase me in the least. They clearly don't trust science because they've never actually experienced any. Lived or worked with others deeply involved. Up close and in person for any prolonged period.

Medical science is certainly always fair game for criticism. These punters just have no clue where to even begin discussing such subjects intelligently.
It is sad. I was raised by a medical science head librarian and a literary expert. Spell checking medical journal abstracts at seven. Editing them at eight. Bachelor of Science degree at twenty-one. That's why know-nothing blowhards like gipper and Typhoid never phase me in the least. They clearly don't trust science because they've never actually experienced any. Lived or worked with others deeply involved. Up close and in person for any prolonged period.

Medical science is certainly always fair game for criticism. These punters just have no clue where to even begin discussing such subjects intelligently.
He can’t be telling the truth, can he?

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