The Dam is Breaking on the Vaccines

It is sad. I was raised by a medical science head librarian and a literary expert. Spell checking medical journal abstracts at seven. Editing them at eight. Bachelor of Science degree at twenty-one. That's why know-nothing blowhards like gipper and Typhoid never phase me in the least. They clearly don't trust science because they've never actually experienced any. Lived or worked with others deeply involved. Up close and in person for any prolonged period.

Medical science is certainly always fair game for criticism. These punters just have no clue where to even begin discussing such subjects intelligently.

And yet for all that, I knew enough not to inject myself with that spike protein poison multiple times and you went all in.

Tell that to the hundreds of thousands who have died of covid in China, once they lifted all covid restrictions and lockdowns, and bear in mind this was from omicron and not the deadlier versions of alpha and delta. None of these ppl were exposed to a real vaccine. How many out of those would have lived if they had? I would say nearly all of them except a small portion of the very elderly and immunocompromised. You and a large subsection of this country are a testament to how easy it is to dupe dumb Americans.


Apparently you’d gladly take it. Lol
View attachment 796452
Apparently you’d gladly take it. Lol

You know why you love posting memes so much? It's because this is your substitute for having a brain, or at least using one. You're equivalent to the religious nutter on the street screaming about the apocalypse coming in 2023, and when asked to prove it, just goes to his handy bible and starts quoting random scripture. You are a full blown conspiracy theory nutter. There's no conspiracy or propaganda you don't fully support, it doesn't matter if it's from Qanon or Russia, or from Bob from the corner store, as long as it aligns with your political views, even if it makes zero sense, because you'll just cover up your continual ignorance with more memes that mean nothing to anyone but other nutters.
And yet for all that, I knew enough not to inject myself with that spike protein poison multiple times and you went all in.


Sue has been vaccinated, Jimmy Dore has been vaccinated, Trump, Tucker Carlson and the entire fox news crew has been vaccinated, prominent antivaxxer, mrna scientist and snake oil saleman, Robert Malone and all his antivaxxer scientist friends have been vaccinated. Probably boosted as well. I would not be shocked at all if laywer and loon RFK jr who pretends he's a scientist, got vaccinated. Notice a pattern?
Sue has been vaccinated, Jimmy Dore has been vaccinated, Trump, Tucker Carlson and the entire fox news crew has been vaccinated, prominent antivaxxer, mrna scientist and snake oil saleman, Robert Malone and all his antivaxxer scientist friends have been vaccinated. Probably boosted as well. I would not be shocked at all if laywer and loon RFK jr who pretends he's a scientist, got vaccinated. Notice a pattern?
Considering his own substance abuse issues and having four kids, divorcing his wife for substance abuse, then fighting with her family over her remains adds whole new dimension of weird:
You know why you love posting memes so much? It's because this is your substitute for having a brain, or at least using one. You're equivalent to the religious nutter on the street screaming about the apocalypse coming in 2023, and when asked to prove it, just goes to his handy bible and starts quoting random scripture. You are a full blown conspiracy theory nutter. There's no conspiracy or propaganda you don't fully support, it doesn't matter if it's from Qanon or Russia, or from Bob from the corner store, as long as it aligns with your political views, even if it makes zero sense, because you'll just cover up your continual ignorance with more memes that mean nothing to anyone but other nutters.
I knew this meme would hit home. It so perfectly describes you and all authoritarian vaxxers. Now you have to live with the fact…you’re a dumb fuck.
Sue has been vaccinated, Jimmy Dore has been vaccinated, Trump, Tucker Carlson and the entire fox news crew has been vaccinated, prominent antivaxxer, mrna scientist and snake oil saleman, Robert Malone and all his antivaxxer scientist friends have been vaccinated. Probably boosted as well. I would not be shocked at all if laywer and loon RFK jr who pretends he's a scientist, got vaccinated. Notice a pattern?

Liar. I haven't had a vaccine in years and years, including the Covid vaccines.

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