The Dam is Breaking on the Vaccines

OMG! You are a true believer in liars. Lol.


You're lost. You're trapped in your own reality where you can't distinguish between real and fake. You're probably desperately searching every inch of the dark web every day, looking for other lost loons like yourself. This must be whats it like to be a flat earther.
You're lost. You're trapped in your own reality where you can't distinguish between real and fake. You're probably desperately searching every inch of the dark web every day, looking for other lost loons like yourself. This must be whats it like to be a flat earther.
Right back at you. Dupe.
You mean the cult like belief the vax is safe and effective. And if you get the jab you won’t get sick or transmit the virus. Or my personal favorite and the one that’s super culty…covid is a disease of the unvaxxed and they’re the only ones dying from covid.
Big Farmer Gates and the jesuit elf Fau Chi knew from the start that no "vaccine" can do a thing against viruses on the mucosal surfaces of nose, mouth and throat. Any "vaccine" is worthless against these particular viruses, which can be re-transmitted onto other scapegoats and victims.
You're lost. You're trapped in your own reality where you can't distinguish between real and fake. You're probably desperately searching every inch of the dark web every day, looking for other lost loons like yourself. This must be whats it like to be a flat earther.
It’s all crashing down on your head. Will you ever wake up?
Why do you waist your time with such a nimrod?
After everything that’s been exposed, its hard to believe there are still Americans ignorant enough to believe the vax safe and effective.

He certainly is a nimrod.
After everything that’s been exposed, its hard to believe there are still Americans ignorant enough to believe the vax safe and effective.

He certainly is a nimrod.
Amazing how the Covid dissidents who were eventually proven right still have an aura of disrepute, while the experts who stated falsehoods with such assurance still hold positions of authority and influence. #Kennedy24
I was talking to a way back at the local Rural King when the vaccines were new, he refused to get one because he was concerned about becoming magnetic.
I would have taken the shot if I'd thought it would turn me into Magneto.
Thats my point makes one wonder if its job related.
I suspect some covidians are lonely shut-ins who consume strictly state run media. As such, they are completely unaware of the truth about the vax and the criminal activities of big pharma. When exposed to the truth, they immediately think it’s conspiracy theory shit because they’ve never heard it.
There once a chicken named Little
Who kept tripping over his fiddle
Then he'd run around and yell
"Ouch, what the hell!
"The sky must surely be falling!"
There once a chicken named Little
Who kept tripping over his fiddle
Then he'd run around and yell
"Ouch, what the hell!
"The sky must surely be falling!"
You got duped by a criminal cabal. Just admit it.
There once a chicken named Little
Who kept tripping over his fiddle
Then he'd run around and yell
"Ouch, what the hell!
"The sky must surely be falling!"
Yet you still believe every word.
There once a chicken named Little
Who kept tripping over his fiddle
Then he'd run around and yell
"Ouch, what the hell!
"The sky must surely be falling!"
The Great Dr Fauci (aka The Science) blatantly and purposefully lied to you. Why do you still believe him?

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