The Dam is Breaking on the Vaccines


No, I think you're and idiot, wasn't that apparent? lol
Of course you do. You are, I was going to say far too stupid to actually discuss a scientific study, but it is worse than that. You are both too stupid and too indoctrinated to even consider a scientific study. You are a perfect example of arrogant ignorance.
The vast majority of researchers (regardless of workplace) pay no attention to related political squabbles. Performing science is their primary interest and their job. Following procedures rooted in scientific methodology is hard work. One short cut, oversight, miscommunication, or other fuckup.. two weeks of group work go up in smoke and heads may not roll yet, but raises and bonuses won't be happening either.

Sure, there are always exceptions who fudge, cheat, lie, cry, and beg their way to their level of utter incompetence (get quickly promoted) since no decent, dedicated employee wants to work with them. They hang out on Twitter.
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Lol. You STILL don’t know the CDC works for big pharma. Lol. WTF!

The CDC, FDA, and NIH and…..are all captured agencies. Nothing they say can be trusted.

Please get informed.

What's funny is that Qanon takes the exact same position. Coincidence? :laugh:

Go ahead and show me the memes proving your claim lol
What's funny is that Qanon takes the exact same position. Coincidence? :laugh:

Go ahead and show me the memes proving your claim lol
Dupe. Thinks anyone who opposes the criminal establishment must be Qanon. Lol.

Get back under your bed. It’s much too scary out there.
Dupe. Thinks anyone who opposes the criminal establishment must be Qanon. Lol.

Get back under your bed. It’s much too scary out there.

You're not opposing anything. That's only the reality you and Qanon have created in your minds. It doesn't mean it actually exists. That's why you have memes instead of evidence.
Dupe. Thinks anyone who opposes the criminal establishment must be Qanon. Lol.

Get back under your bed. It’s much too scary out there.
Speaking of the criminal establishment, this was an article former congress women Dr. McKinney referred to on the 27th.


How the US gov’t built a shadow structure that enabled COVID vax ‘bioterrorism’​

" . . . Following his death, social media posts surfaced in which Cabrera Adames suggested he developed the rare heart disease after he received two doses of a COVID vaccine.

“I got a damn Myocarditis from taking a f—ing vaccine. (I got 2 doses of Pfizer) And I knew it! Many people warned me,” Cabrera Adames wrote on social media.

He also said the vaccine was a work requirement.

“But guess what? It was compulsory or I couldn’t work. I am an international professional athlete and I am playing in Spain. I have no health problem, nothing, not hereditary, no asthma, NOTHING! I suddenly collapsed to the ground in the middle of a match and almost died. I’m still recovering and I’ve had 11 different cardiology tests done and guess? They find nothing.”

Cabrera Adames’s collapse happened during a 2021 Spanish Amateur Basketball League game. He fainted during the game and was later transported to a hospital on a stretcher. . . "

What percentage of medical research is funded by pharmaceutical companies?

Furthermore, of all funding for clinical trials in the United States, nearly 75% currently comes from corporate sponsors. In addition, scientists employed by pharmaceutical companies play an important role in evaluating the efficacy, safety, and cost-effectiveness of new drugs.Jul 2, 2003

What percentage of medical research is funded by pharmaceutical companies?

Furthermore, of all funding for clinical trials in the United States, nearly 75% currently comes from corporate sponsors. In addition, scientists employed by pharmaceutical companies play an important role in evaluating the efficacy, safety, and cost-effectiveness of new drugs.Jul 2, 2003

Some of us knew this long before COVID….along with the long history of enormous fines and penalties levied against big pharma for unbelievable harm committed….and the fact that government agencies were captured long ago…and the fact that MSM was also captured…and the uniparty was captured…would lead any sane informed person to refuse an untested unproven vax offered by a criminal cartel…aka big pharma.

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