The Dam is Breaking on the Vaccines

The vast majority of researchers (regardless of workplace) pay no attention to related political squabbles. Performing science is their primary interest and their job. Following procedures rooted in scientific methodology is hard work. One short cut, oversight, miscommunication, or other fuckup.. two weeks of group work go up in smoke and heads may not roll yet, but raises and bonuses won't be happening either.

Sure, there are always exceptions who fudge, cheat, lie, cry, and beg their way to their level of utter incompetence (get quickly promoted) since no decent, dedicated employee wants to work with them. They hang out on Twitter.

The entire industry is defunct. Are you kidding?
The vast majority of researchers (regardless of workplace) pay no attention to related political squabbles. Performing science is their primary interest and their job. Following procedures rooted in scientific methodology is hard work. One short cut, oversight, miscommunication, or other fuckup.. two weeks of group work go up in smoke and heads may not roll yet, but raises and bonuses won't be happening either.

Sure, there are always exceptions who fudge, cheat, lie, cry, and beg their way to their level of utter incompetence (get quickly promoted) since no decent, dedicated employee wants to work with them. They hang out on Twitter.
Delusional. You need to get informed.
Some of us knew this long before COVID….along with the long history of enormous fines and penalties levied against big pharma for unbelievable harm committed….and the fact that government agencies were captured long ago…and the fact that MSM was also captured…and the uniparty was captured…would lead any sane informed person to refuse an untested unproven vax offered by a criminal cartel…aka big pharma.

The title of this thread is "The Dam is Breaking on the Vaccines". But knowing about the vaccines broke a lot of OTHER dams too. People doubt seriously our food supply; many people I talk to now recognize the food industry is in bed with the FDA too, and maybe Pharma, and it's all making us sicker.

Here in MI we are under bad air quality due to "wildfire smoke". The number of people I know who don't believe astounding.

When they tried to sell us covid and the vaccines, they failed at more than just that. They will ultimately end up destroying themselves.
The title of this thread is "The Dam is Breaking on the Vaccines". But knowing about the vaccines broke a lot of OTHER dams too. People doubt seriously our food supply; many people I talk to now recognize the food industry is in bed with the FDA too, and maybe Pharma, and it's all making us sicker.

Here in MI we are under bad air quality due to "wildfire smoke". The number of people I know who don't believe astounding.

When they tried to sell us covid and the vaccines, they failed at more than just that. They will ultimately end up destroying themselves.
This certainly explains our nation…

Doug Casey: I don’t pretend to be a medical expert. But I can assure you that it’s better to be young, healthy, rich, and smart than old, sick, poor, and stupid.

It’s obvious that the latter increasingly defines Americans.

There’s no doubt that they have problems with weight and lack of exercise. This has been a problem for decades, but things really got out of control with the COVID scamdemic.

Not only were the gyms closed, but you could forget about even going for a walk in many places. You were supposed to stay in your apartment, wear a pathetic little paper mask, and huddle in a corner to hide from some crazy virus trying to hunt you down like a rat.

Americans were not only forced to put their lives on hold but couldn’t even get into a hospital or see a doctor to handle real medical conditions. I’ll guess that the average American gained 10 to 20 pounds of weight.

Weight is easy to gain but hard to lose in today’s America.

The excess deaths attributed to COVID, and a general degradation of health, were not due to COVID itself, however. COVID was just a severe flu that mostly affected old, fat, and sick people. In fact, government actions killed many more people than the vaunted plague, short term, and long term.

Everything that government touches degrades and degenerates. A good case can be made that government is at least partly responsible for the poor health of Americans. Perhaps it started with the invention of the so-called food pyramid.

Bureaucrats told Americans to consume lots of grains, usually in the form of sugary breakfast cereals and white bread. All of it is heavily processed. Fresh vegetables and fruits only played a minor part in the recommended American diet.

Lobbyists from major corporations found it much more profitable to promote convenience foods than fresh fruits and vegetables.

Before World War 2, the average American woman stayed at home to raise a family and manage the household, cooking meals from scratch. It was a full-time job. Women also acted as a backup system if the male, the main breadwinner, couldn’t work.

Now, however, most women work. They no longer have time to take care of the house and children and cook three edible meals a day for the family. This has given rise to convenience foods.

Convenience foods are processed, preserved, and pre-packaged. They’re very heavy in sugar, fat, salt, and processed carbs. Over hundreds of thousands of years of evolution, when starvation was the norm, these things were rare. Now they’re ubiquitous. But we’re genetically programmed to seek them out.

Processed, preserved, and packaged food tends to be heavy in calories and light on fiber and nutrients. We don’t really get food from farmers anymore but from large corporations, which are in a partnership with the State.

Don’t worry; I’m not a “granola” or a back-to-nature hippy. But large urban populations in industrial societies require some adjustments, and not all of them are welcome. That said, if an unregulated free market was allowed—which is not the case—there’s every reason to believe foods would be both vastly better and cheaper.

I think those are some reasons people are overweight today.
What’s Really Making Many Americans Fat, Sick, Poor, and Stupid - LewRockwell
Apparently you’ve never heard of Doug Casey or the fact he’s offering an opinion.
What's evident is that you can't read and increasingly seek true nutters to provide you information. This has grown much worse as you've recently gained so much girth and become lethargic due to age and gluttony.
Of course you do. You are, I was going to say far too stupid to actually discuss a scientific study, but it is worse than that. You are both too stupid and too indoctrinated to even consider a scientific study. You are a perfect example of arrogant ignorance.

Look in the mirror, dupe.
What's evident is that you can't read and increasingly seek true nutters to provide you information. This has grown much worse as you've recently gained so much girth and become lethargic due to age and gluttony.

You still believe Fauci, Collins, and Walenski. LMFAO.
Why would any mother allow a healthy child be a part of clinical trials? If they had a rare cancer and would die without the possibility of a new drug? O.K. but why would a mother ever allow a healthy child do so?


falsely trusting the untrustworthy

it happens. Don't blame the victim(s)
The CDC lied. They knew no viruses on the surface of mouth, nose or throat would be affected by any COVID-19 "vaccine." Those could still circulate to perpetuate the fraud.

falsely trusting the untrustworthy

it happens. Don't blame the victim(s)
Yes, and the victims pile up every day and for those who still believe in this vaccine, maybe it's because until now you don't know anyone who is a victim of the vaccine?
The CDC lied. They knew no viruses on the surface of mouth, nose or throat would be affected by any COVID-19 "vaccine." Those could still circulate to perpetuate the fraud.

Actually the CDC was the one that immediately walked back Walensky's statements right after she made them. 🤷‍♂️
Some of us knew this long before COVID….along with the long history of enormous fines and penalties levied against big pharma for unbelievable harm committed….and the fact that government agencies were captured long ago…and the fact that MSM was also captured…and the uniparty was captured…would lead any sane informed person to refuse an untested unproven vax offered by a criminal cartel…aka big pharma.

Usually it's the DOJ and FDA who are responsible for levying those enormous fines. Glaxosmithkline was forced to pay 3 billion, for example. If government agencies have indeed been "captured" by these same companies why are they fining and prosecuting them? This how believing in conspiracy theories makes you stupid.

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