The Dam is Breaking on the Vaccines

Just be happy. You have constructed a world of self imposed misery. See how combative you are. Why, I cannot physically hurt you over the internet? Is it the ideas you fear?

The truth is often the most threatening to people, because it's like waving a needle close to the bubble they've built around themselves.
Wrong. I know nothing about Qanon and you’ve just admitted to being a fool AGAIN.

You know "nothing" about Qanon, and yet you repeat their lies day and night. Where do you suppose most of the most popular antivax propaganda comes from? hmmm
Get back under your bed and stay there. It’s so scary out there.

ps. Take your phone with you so you can get your propaganda fix from MSNBC and CNN.

As usual, you are never able to rebut the truth when faced with it, all you do is throw a tantrum, post a meme and then continue proselytizing over the same tired old antivax propaganda I or someone else just debunked.
I’m not the one scared to death of a virus. You’re so scared you willingly took an untested and ineffective injection from a criminal cabal, because you’re a dupe.

Following medical advice during a pandemic means you're smart, not scared. Being scared is being too dumb to do so because of some irrational fear that a vaccine will give you cancer, turn you into a zombie, will magnetize you, will track you through 5g networks, etc., etc. This is what being actually terrified looks like. It's being so afraid you'd gladly shut your eyes to the truth and and fall back on fantasy and fan fiction even when ppl around you are being hospitalized or dying left and right.
Following medical advice during a pandemic means you're smart, not scared. Being scared is being too dumb to do so because of some irrational fear that a vaccine will give you cancer, turn you into a zombie, will magnetize you, will track you through 5g networks, etc., etc. This is what being actually terrified looks like. It's being so afraid you'd gladly shut your eyes to the truth and and fall back on fantasy and fan fiction even when ppl around you are being hospitalized or dying left and right.
They are still lying and you still believe them. Lol.
Truly amazing the evil committed by the Vax Cult.

All vaccinations are required, not just covid. Those are the rules. He chose death and Qanon vaccine conspiracies over his five daughters and his wife. You gotta give it to him. He has his priorities down and he stuck to his convictions and that's what matters :laugh:
All vaccinations are required, not just covid. Those are the rules. He chose death and Qanon vaccine conspiracies over his five daughters and his wife. You gotta give it to him. He has his priorities down and he stuck to his convictions and that's what matters :laugh:
Authoritians see nothing wrong with killing people for no reason other than they refused to abide by authoritarian dictates.
Lol. Authoritians are dumb and they readily prove it.

Heil Hitler!!!

No conspiracy theorists are dumb. Believing in fairytales is dumb. Garnet believed in qanon fairytales, not unlike you. He was dumb. Garnet Harper had a choice and he declined. It's really that simple. Yelling about authoritarianism and your freedumbs is the height of immaturity. He never got on the transplant list. In fact, he passed on even dialysis, which was freely available to him, even when his kidney function was below 5%. This alone could have saved him. He even stopped taking his high blood pressure medicine even though it got as high as 207/117. If you didn't already know a number that high means you don't have much time left on this earth even if you miraculously bring it down over time. This is a man, who had NO CLUE, about health, medicine or basic common sense and he certainly didn't care about his family. This was a man with serious health problems and ignored it all until he was on deaths door. Even if he got the shot, this is not someone you would give a kidney to under any circumstances.
Apparently a lifelong diabetic. Likely ate Tylenol like candy.

No conspiracy theorists are dumb. Believing in fairytales is dumb. Garnet believed in qanon fairytales, not unlike you. He was dumb. Garnet Harper had a choice and he declined. It's really that simple. Yelling about authoritarianism and your freedumbs is the height of immaturity. He never got on the transplant list. In fact, he passed on even dialysis, which was freely available to him, even when his kidney function was below 5%. This alone could have saved him. He even stopped taking his high blood pressure medicine even though it got as high as 207/117. If you didn't already know a number that high means you don't have much time left on this earth even if you miraculously bring it down over time. This is a man, who had NO CLUE, about health, medicine or basic common sense and he certainly didn't care about his family. This was a man with serious health problems and ignored it all until he was on deaths door. Even if he got the shot, this is not someone you would give a kidney to under any circumstances.
Still clinging to ignorance even in the face of enormous evidence proving you’re a dupe.

Meghan said her husband tried to heal himself naturally and thought he was making progress but he died from a bleeding stroke on May 22, 2023, from a lifetime of diabetes.
People with diabetes are more likely to have serious complications from COVID-19. In general, people with diabetes are more likely to have more severe symptoms and complications when infected with any virus.
(and may have been taking Tylenol despite any govt mandated warnings on the label)
Acetaminophen is associated with a significantly increased risk of newly developing renal impairment in adults. Physicians who prescribe acetaminophen should be aware of potential adverse renal effects.

(and may have been taking Tylenol despite any govt mandated warnings on the label)
So you’re fine with denying care to someone diabetic and unvaxxed resulting in his death.

Got it Adolf.

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