The Dam is Breaking on the Vaccines

No one denied him care. Canadian healthcare is free to citizens. He denied himself the healthcare 🤷‍♂️ :cuckoo:
He also denied his lovely wife her husband and all those beautiful kids their father. But, but, I don't wanna wear a mask! I don't wanna get vaccinated! I don't care if it's provided free! Poor me! :icon_cry: Boo hoo hoo!
The question is also whether or not it was intended for people to die from the vaccine? I asked myself this question and the elites behaved very strangely like the fact that they had covid but everything was fine afterwards and moreover they were exempted from the vaccine while saying that covid was dangerous ?
He also denied his lovely wife her husband and all those beautiful kids their father. But, but, I don't wanna wear a mask! I don't wanna get vaccinated! I don't care if it's provided free! Poor me! :icon_cry: Boo hoo hoo!

The height of selfishness. Imagine choosing Qanon conspiracies as the hill you're literally going to die on. What a fool.
No conspiracy theorists are dumb. Believing in fairytales is dumb. Garnet believed in qanon fairytales, not unlike you. He was dumb. Garnet Harper had a choice and he declined. It's really that simple. Yelling about authoritarianism and your freedumbs is the height of immaturity. He never got on the transplant list. In fact, he passed on even dialysis, which was freely available to him, even when his kidney function was below 5%. This alone could have saved him. He even stopped taking his high blood pressure medicine even though it got as high as 207/117. If you didn't already know a number that high means you don't have much time left on this earth even if you miraculously bring it down over time. This is a man, who had NO CLUE, about health, medicine or basic common sense and he certainly didn't care about his family. This was a man with serious health problems and ignored it all until he was on deaths door. Even if he got the shot, this is not someone you would give a kidney to under any circumstances.
Believing the statements of known liars is what's dumb as hell. Only fools believe what known liars tell them. From the Pentagon to CDC and FDA, we know they are liars and thieves.
Believing the statements of known liars is what's dumb as hell. Only fools believe what known liars tell them. From the Pentagon to CDC and FDA, we know they are liars and thieves.
Apparently government agencies can lie in perpetuity, and some people will always believe them.

The experiment conducted by Yale psychologist Stanley Milgram was begun in 1961. Milgram found that a shocking 80 percent of people will obey any order from an authority figure.
Another tragedy is that Twitter will no longer show what the leading edge of the opposition has to say, unless one subscribes. Fascism pulled the plug on democracy.
So, in other words, he was denied care.

Nope, but he was ineligible to be put on the donor list. Either way, I don't even believe Garnet wanted a kidney. Throughout all his rants he mentioned once that he wasn't eligible and that was that. He didn't even want dialysis. He wanted to cure his own kidneys. This man opted out of everything and eventually he opted out of life.
Apparently government agencies can lie in perpetuity, and some people will always believe them.

The experiment conducted by Yale psychologist Stanley Milgram was begun in 1961. Milgram found that a shocking 80 percent of people will obey any order from an authority figure.

And some people will believe in insane conspiracies no matter how over the top ridiculous they are, and how many times they've been debunked, because the alternative is, actually living in reality, instead of their own fairytale.
Believing the statements of known liars is what's dumb as hell. Only fools believe what known liars tell them. From the Pentagon to CDC and FDA, we know they are liars and thieves.

Prove they are liars. Show me the evidence now.
And some people will believe in insane conspiracies no matter how over the top ridiculous they are, and how many times they've been debunked, because the alternative is, actually living in reality, instead of their own fairytale.
Yes! Everything the lying establish says is right and good. All who oppose or criticize it are conspiracy theorists.

Orwell lives!

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