The Dam is Breaking on the Vaccines

It is easier to fool a man than it is to explain to him how he has been fooled. People like you in denial of facts are willfully blind to facts and evidence that contradicts their worldview.

So in other words, you have nothing, no proof, no evidence, just more qanon fairytales that you freely believe but can never be proven, because they're so ridiculous. Thanks for the confirmation.
It seems that the life expectancy for people who have been vaccinated is 2 to 10 years? But there is also the fact that not all vaccinated people have injuries so far and this is a good thing and there is also the fact that young vaccinated athletes have heart problems? All this seems very mysterious as if there is a lot to take into account to understand what is happening or will happen? Do you have any ideas?
I add hoping to get opinions? That there are many side effects already confirm but what I noticed is that my relatives who have been injured "seems" to have a connection with the fact that they were already weak where they had their injury which leads me to think that the vaccine to worsen their case?

It is for 4 of them and there is also the fact that 2 of them had the same batch and that the neighborhood around some of the people died suddenly so I ask again we saw people injured but they have different health problems and that's what I want to understand and discuss.
But there is also the fact that not all vaccinated people have injuries so far and this is a good thing and there is also the fact that young vaccinated athletes have heart problems? All this seems very mysterious as if there is a lot to take into account to understand what is happening or will happen?
My 2¢ (not trying to tell you anything you don't already know):

There is definitely "a lot to take into account" and things change. We don't know everything. We can only learn as we go. By doing. Try this. Try that. Then go from there. Doing nothing is never a long term option. Entropy buries those who refuse to adapt. Such is life.
My 2¢ (not trying to tell you anything you don't already know):

There is definitely "a lot to take into account" and things change. We don't know everything. We can only learn as we go. By doing. Try this. Try that. Then go from there. Doing nothing is never a long term option. Entropy buries those who refuse to adapt. Such is life.
My 2¢ (not trying to tell you anything you don't already know):

There is definitely "a lot to take into account" and things change. We don't know everything. We can only learn as we go. By doing. Try this. Try that. Then go from there. Doing nothing is never a long term option. Entropy buries those who refuse to adapt. Such is life.

All the vaccine fanatics now: "Things change".



Nothing less.
You are too kind . Never pays . See it as an opportunity to re- introduce Slavery and public flogging . But nothing extreme .

To these folks, an apology and an admission of wrong is as bad--if not worse--than public flogging. That's why science is in the shape it's in, see. No one can "question the science"'s always "settled" by experts, apparently.

Sure, right. We see how that worked out....
So in other words, you have nothing, no proof, no evidence, just more qanon fairytales that you freely believe but can never be proven, because they're so ridiculous. Thanks for the confirmation.
It just get worse and worse and…

How is Israel, one of the most highly vaxxed countries, faring? Shocking data from largest healthcare organization shows staggering increase in cardiac arrest, and # of people dying post vaccination.
348% increase in Cardiac Arrest rate, 35% increase in Stroke rate. Israel's '21-'22 leap in morbidity has not been addressed or explained.
July 27, 2023
Firstly, we can observe that Cardiac Arrest diagnoses nearly doubled from 2020 to 2021 and more than doubled from 2021 to 2022. This is an extremely concerning trend, as it is showing acceleration.


In 2020, there was 1 cardiac arrest per 251,256 population. In 2021, there was 1 cardiac arrest per 130,890 population. In 2022, there was 1 cardiac arrest per 58,275 population.
How is Israel, one of the most highly vaxxed countries, faring? Shocking data from largest healthcare organization shows staggering increase in cardiac arrest, and # of people dying post vaccination.
It seems that the life expectancy for people who have been vaccinated is 2 to 10 years? But there is also the fact that not all vaccinated people have injuries so far and this is a good thing and there is also the fact that young vaccinated athletes have heart problems? All this seems very mysterious as if there is a lot to take into account to understand what is happening or will happen? Do you have any ideas?
First one must remember that it was an experiment, and nobody except the perpetrators know the terms and details of the experiment. Secondly, one must remember that the differences in toxicity between the many batches has been determined and even admitted by the companies. Indeed, very recently in testimony in Australia, Pfizer execs admitted that company employees received different batches than the public at large.

It is a scam.
First one must remember that it was an experiment, and nobody except the perpetrators know the terms and details of the experiment.
Because it's all top secret. They're somehow no longer required to publish their "methodology" and have completely eliminated all "peer review." Even the employees doing all the work have no clue since they only hire folks who are rotten to begin with and can't tie their own shoes, let alone remember anything that's happened at work.
Secondly, one must remember that the differences in toxicity between the many batches has been determined and even admitted by the companies. Indeed, very recently in testimony in Australia, Pfizer execs admitted that company employees received different batches than the public at large.
Just remember,.. "nobody except the perpetrators know the terms and details of the experiment."
It is a scam.

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