The Damage of the Depression Wasn't Economic


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 6, 2008
60,647 was political.
The damage was to our Constitution, and to the noble experiment in self-governance.

1. America was the dream of fine and noble men, who viewed their fellow citizens as equally fine and noble.
They understood human nature, and tried their best to write the operating manual of America, the United States Constitution, to check avarice and baser instincts, and to balance differing views.

But....Murphy was an optimist.

And men with a need for power found a tool to corrupt government....
"You never let a serious crisis go to waste. And what I mean by that it's an opportunity to do things you think you could not do before."
Rahm Emanuel things that would be considered illegal.
And should be.

2. .The fear engendered by the recession that began under Herbert Hoover was the perfect tool, the serious crisis, that lesser men than our Founders could use to usurp power, and ignore the Constitution.
Economist Alan Reynolds writes: “People were left with the feeling that massive economic contractions could occur at any moment, without warning, without cause. That fear has been exploited ever since as the major justification for virtually unlimited federal intervention in economic affairs.”
Alan Reynolds, “What Do We Know About the Great Crash?” National Review, November 9, 1979, p. 1416.

3. Few ever speak of any depressions or recessions prior to the "Great Depression."
Know how many there were?
Over thirty.

List of recessions in the United States - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Without the unprecedented governmental mistakes of Herbert Hoover, and the copy-cat policies of Franklin Roosevelt, the hard times would have ended in two or three years at the most, and likely sooner than that. But massive political bungling instead prolonged the misery for over 10 years.
Unemployment in 1930 averaged a mildly recessionary 8.9 percent, up from 3.2 percent in 1929. It shot up rapidly until peaking out at more than 25 percent in 1933.

a. In 1931, in some of the darkest days of the Great Depression and the middle of the Hoover administration, unemployment rate stood at 17.4 %. Seven years later, after five years of FDR, and literally hundreds of wildly ambitious new government programs, more than doubling of federal spending, the national unemployment rate stood at – 17.4 %. At no point during the 1930’s did unemployment go below 14 %.

b. Arthur Schlesinger, Jr., liberal New Deal historian wrote in The National Experience, in 1963, “Though the policies of the Hundred Days had ended despair, they had not produce recovery…” He also wrote honestly about the devastating crash of 1937- in the midst of the “second New Deal” and Roosevelt’s second term. “The collapse in the months after September 1937 was actually more severe than it had been in the first nine months of the depression: national income fell 13 %, payrolls 35 %, durable goods production 50 %, profits 78% .

Could anyone have done any better?
For sure.....if they had wanted to.
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The GOP tried but it was an effort too late..The Dems decided to listen to the people and help out, what resulted was democratic party dominance, something the GOP is still butt hurt over to this day....
Actually it was both...

... plus morale damage...

... to the nation's psyche.

The seed of the greed...

... of the 60's and on unto today...

... was sown in the deprivation...

... of the Great Depression.
The Federal reserve crashed the economy by withdrawing 1/3 of the money supply.

FDR averaged 20% unemployment from his inauguration until Hitler conquered France in 1940. Worst economic record ih human history, eclipsing the 7 Biblical lean years
Same old shit thread.....just post the last one and you will find the same old partisan lines of logic..
The GOP tried but it was an effort too late..The Dems decided to listen to the people and help out, what resulted was democratic party dominance, something the GOP is still butt hurt over to this day....

"The Dems decided to listen to the people and help out,..."


Why are you sooooo committed to post truly inane and false opinion pieces....without even the most flimsiest of documentation????

Simply to increase your post totals????

How about you restrict yourself to the equally incisive "Oh, yeah...sez you!!!!"

Look....stay with this thread for an education.
Or....take a cookie and go back to bed.
The whole "depression era" solutions were screwed up, proven fact. Hoover turned FDR into a hero, just like GW turned Obama into one. I will admit though that FDR was a pretty good war President, but economically, he was Obungles in a wheelchair.

PC, you will get a lot of vitriol from the left on this one for sure though. Why? Because by rewriting history, FDR is the only far leftist they ever elected who still has the mantra of success. JFK wasn't a far leftist, and neither was Clinton, at least his administrations governance wasn't, for whatever reason you choose to give.

If WWII had never happened, FDR would have been considered one of the WORST Presidents in history, because the depression probably would not have been solved at all until Truman or Eisenhower took office, maybe even JFK......who knows. That time frame would have been seen as the incompetence of Hoover AND FDR. If the events in history had followed that path, it is highly unlikely that Obungles would have ever got elected, or would certainly have lost his re-election bid, because his portrayal of being FDR like would have been a perceived negative, instead of a positive.
The more interesting question is, with his horrific record of economic failure, how was FDR re-elected three times? And had he been healthy, there is little doubt he would have re-elected a few more times before he died a natural death.

Actually it was both...

... plus morale damage...

... to the nation's psyche.

The seed of the greed...

... of the 60's and on unto today...

... was sown in the deprivation...

... of the Great Depression.

I love your post, walt....but I want to stay with details today that focus on just one of the debilitations.
The Federal reserve crashed the economy by withdrawing 1/3 of the money supply.

FDR averaged 20% unemployment from his inauguration until Hitler conquered France in 1940. Worst economic record ih human history, eclipsing the 7 Biblical lean years

More monkey business with "average"....

In 1933, the rate was nearly 1940 it was 14.45.....
The GOP tried but it was an effort too late..The Dems decided to listen to the people and help out, what resulted was democratic party dominance, something the GOP is still butt hurt over to this day....

"The Dems decided to listen to the people and help out,..."


Why are you sooooo committed to post truly inane and false opinion pieces....without even the most flimsiest of documentation????

Simply to increase your post totals????

How about you restrict yourself to the equally incisive "Oh, yeah...sez you!!!!"

Look....stay with this thread for an education.
Or....take a cookie and go back to bed.

There's no way you just went there....
Same old shit thread.....just post the last one and you will find the same old partisan lines of logic..

One can always recognize a Leftist Roosevelt supporter by the vulgarity.

And, will not be 'the same'....other than the indictment of Franklin Roosevelt. New facts and details in every thread.
Same old shit thread.....just post the last one and you will find the same old partisan lines of logic..

One can always recognize a Leftist Roosevelt supporter by the vulgarity.

And, will not be 'the same'....other than the indictment of Franklin Roosevelt. New facts and details in every thread.
Your use of illiterate trends in character assassination reminds me of the flushing a diaper down the toilet gag done by toddlers...
The more interesting question is, with his horrific record of economic failure, how was FDR re-elected three times? And had he been healthy, there is little doubt he would have re-elected a few more times before he died a natural death.


I want to keep this thread to the specifics of the title....but here's the short answer:

1. O'Sullivan's First Law (a.k.a. O'Sullivan's Law), paraphrased by George Will as stating that any institution that is not libertarian and classically liberal will, over time, become collectivist and statist.

O'Sullivan's First Law: All organizations that are not actually right-wing will over time become left-wing. I cite as supporting evidence the ACLU, the Ford Foundation, and the Episcopal Church. The reason is, of course, that people who staff such bodies tend to be the sort who don't like private profit, business, making money, the current organization of society, and, by extension, the Western world. At which point Michels's Iron Law of Oligarchy takes over — and the rest follows.

2. Michels's Iron Law of Oligarchy The "iron law of oligarchy" states that all forms of organization, regardless of how democratic they may be at the start, will eventually and inevitably develop oligarchic tendencies, thus making true democracy practically and theoretically impossible, especially in large groups and complex organizations. The relative structural fluidity in a small-scale democracy succumbs to "social viscosity" in a large-scale organization. According to the "iron law," democracy and large-scale organization are incompatible. Iron law of oligarchy - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The GOP tried but it was an effort too late..The Dems decided to listen to the people and help out, what resulted was democratic party dominance, something the GOP is still butt hurt over to this day....

"The Dems decided to listen to the people and help out,..."


Why are you sooooo committed to post truly inane and false opinion pieces....without even the most flimsiest of documentation????

Simply to increase your post totals????

How about you restrict yourself to the equally incisive "Oh, yeah...sez you!!!!"

Look....stay with this thread for an education.
Or....take a cookie and go back to bed.

There's no way you just went there....
Complete and utter Asian dementia complex...
Same old shit thread.....just post the last one and you will find the same old partisan lines of logic..

One can always recognize a Leftist Roosevelt supporter by the vulgarity.

And, will not be 'the same'....other than the indictment of Franklin Roosevelt. New facts and details in every thread.
Your use of illiterate trends in character assassination reminds me of the flushing a diaper down the toilet gag done by toddlers...

Translation: "Dang....I wish I could find even a single error in that OP!!!!"
The more interesting question is, with his horrific record of economic failure, how was FDR re-elected three times? And had he been healthy, there is little doubt he would have re-elected a few more times before he died a natural death.


I want to keep this thread to the specifics of the title....but here's the short answer:

1. O'Sullivan's First Law (a.k.a. O'Sullivan's Law), paraphrased by George Will as stating that any institution that is not libertarian and classically liberal will, over time, become collectivist and statist.

O'Sullivan's First Law: All organizations that are not actually right-wing will over time become left-wing. I cite as supporting evidence the ACLU, the Ford Foundation, and the Episcopal Church. The reason is, of course, that people who staff such bodies tend to be the sort who don't like private profit, business, making money, the current organization of society, and, by extension, the Western world. At which point Michels's Iron Law of Oligarchy takes over — and the rest follows.

2. Michels's Iron Law of Oligarchy The "iron law of oligarchy" states that all forms of organization, regardless of how democratic they may be at the start, will eventually and inevitably develop oligarchic tendencies, thus making true democracy practically and theoretically impossible, especially in large groups and complex organizations. The relative structural fluidity in a small-scale democracy succumbs to "social viscosity" in a large-scale organization. According to the "iron law," democracy and large-scale organization are incompatible. Iron law of oligarchy - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Well that was certainly a lesson at metal masturbation,but, it hardly addresses the nature of the question....
The GOP tried but it was an effort too late..The Dems decided to listen to the people and help out, what resulted was democratic party dominance, something the GOP is still butt hurt over to this day....

"The Dems decided to listen to the people and help out,..."


Why are you sooooo committed to post truly inane and false opinion pieces....without even the most flimsiest of documentation????

Simply to increase your post totals????

How about you restrict yourself to the equally incisive "Oh, yeah...sez you!!!!"

Look....stay with this thread for an education.
Or....take a cookie and go back to bed.

There's no way you just went there....
Complete and utter Asian dementia complex...


The Liberal White Flag......this early in the discussion.


Here's your cookie.....
Same old shit thread.....just post the last one and you will find the same old partisan lines of logic..

One can always recognize a Leftist Roosevelt supporter by the vulgarity.

And, will not be 'the same'....other than the indictment of Franklin Roosevelt. New facts and details in every thread.
Your use of illiterate trends in character assassination reminds me of the flushing a diaper down the toilet gag done by toddlers...

Translation: "Dang....I wish I could find even a single error in that OP!!!!"
There are so many it is hardly worth addressing...Which is the case with your previous spamulicious post on the very same issue..
The more interesting question is, with his horrific record of economic failure, how was FDR re-elected three times? And had he been healthy, there is little doubt he would have re-elected a few more times before he died a natural death.


I want to keep this thread to the specifics of the title....but here's the short answer:

1. O'Sullivan's First Law (a.k.a. O'Sullivan's Law), paraphrased by George Will as stating that any institution that is not libertarian and classically liberal will, over time, become collectivist and statist.

O'Sullivan's First Law: All organizations that are not actually right-wing will over time become left-wing. I cite as supporting evidence the ACLU, the Ford Foundation, and the Episcopal Church. The reason is, of course, that people who staff such bodies tend to be the sort who don't like private profit, business, making money, the current organization of society, and, by extension, the Western world. At which point Michels's Iron Law of Oligarchy takes over — and the rest follows.

2. Michels's Iron Law of Oligarchy The "iron law of oligarchy" states that all forms of organization, regardless of how democratic they may be at the start, will eventually and inevitably develop oligarchic tendencies, thus making true democracy practically and theoretically impossible, especially in large groups and complex organizations. The relative structural fluidity in a small-scale democracy succumbs to "social viscosity" in a large-scale organization. According to the "iron law," democracy and large-scale organization are incompatible. Iron law of oligarchy - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Well that was certainly a lesson at metal masturbation,but, it hardly addresses the nature of the question....

"All organizations that are not actually right-wing will over time become left-wing....."

The press, academia, the entire chattering class.

Why does everything have to be spoon-fed to you Liberals?

This why?

"Let me give you a little tip: if you want liberalism to continue in this country, you have to realize that liberal students are being let down by their professors! They have liberal school teachers, and read the liberal press! Because of this weak preparation, they are unable to argue, to think beyond the first knee-jerk impulse. They can’t put together a logical thought. Now, compare that to a college Republican…"

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