The Data Is Pouring In And If You Submitted To The Jabs You Should Be Worried, Very Worried!

I took the two shots and yet I do not have any of these things.

I have not fallen over dead, not a single person I know that got the vaccine (which is a lot of people) have had a single problem since their shots.

But hey, keep up the hope, maybe it will happen eventually.

Oh just two shots? No boosters? Why not? If two of the safe and effective, best vaccines ever--after all you know no one who suffered ill effects--were great, why not go for all four?
No you're not. You're still being a "safe and effective" shill by mocking those of us who saw through the Moral Panic haze. You feel like crap about that, so you mock.

Well, you failed. More pity you.

yes, I am mocking you, that is true. I am mocking your doom and gloom predictions that have yet to materialize

I do not feel like crap about anything, you should know better than that.
Oh just two shots? No boosters? Why not? If two of the safe and effective, best vaccines ever--after all you know no one who suffered ill effects--were great, why not go for all four?

Yes, only two as that is all I felt I needed. I got them during the worst of it because of how hard it hit people with COPD, which I have. I got the shots at the advise of a nurse that spent most of 2020 and 2021 treating the worst of the COVID patients.

I have no regrets at all and still think it was the 100% right thing for me to do.

That you disagree with me means absolutely nothing to me
yes, I am mocking you, that is true. I am mocking your doom and gloom predictions that have yet to materialize

I do not feel like crap about anything, you should know better than that.

I have no predictions. I don't have to make any. The vaccines are already an abject failure, based on what we know TODAY. As I type this.

Do not confuse me with the OP. If you need to you can look at the pictures.
The vaccines are terrible, terrible news WITHOUT the drama in the OP--I agree. It's not necessary to say "everyone who took them will be dead in three years" or whatnot. Anyone who can't see what an abject failure they are is either in deep denial, has a mental disability, or has been living in a cave the last two years.

I'm convinced the govt has trotted out a steady staple of "bread and circuses" in the form of inflation and gas prices to keep us "entertained" and not focused on the fact that they lied to us, convinced us that these shots would work, and now we're left with heart ailments, increased cancer chances, and getting the infection over and over and over and OVER.

Well. Not me. The vaccinated though.
The "drama" of the op? Wake the fuck up or shut the fuck up! They have forced 200 + million American men, women, and children to submit to them, then totally censored out the data regarding injuries, and deaths, billions worldwide! The first real tip off to the global catastrophic die off, came not from the murderers, but rather the bean-counters, the insurance industry, who straight up told you that what they were seeing was absolutely fucking unprecedented, an enormous die off in the age brackets between 18-49, the absolute prime of human life! They stated categorically that the figures they were seeing, which were 40% - 60% increases in deaths within that bracket, were NOT due to the virus!

I think that is pretty fucking dramatic don't you??? The idiots you see on this forum mocking the science, are the absolute cream of the idiot crop, total impossible levels of stupidity, making sub-moronic statements such as "his 15-minutes has long passed" in reference to Malone, the preeminent mRNA expert on planet earth, you cannot make up that level of stupid, such stupid required decades of careful public school administered "intellectual aborting!" Read the data and then tell us about fucking drama you retard, in the UK they are flat out revealing that kids who submitted are now over 4,000 x more likely to die from ANY virus/infection as compared to those kids who did not submit, gee whiz that seems pretty damn dramatic to me....
Yes, only two as that is all I felt I needed. I got them during the worst of it because of how hard it hit people with COPD, which I have. I got the shots at the advise of a nurse that spent most of 2020 and 2021 treating the worst of the COVID patients.

I have no regrets at all and still think it was the 100% right thing for me to do.

That you disagree with me means absolutely nothing to me

If you have COPD you should have been eligible for all FOUR shots. But you did not get them. Huh. Did the nurse give you some inside information on how little they were working? The ill patients she saw in the hospital who had two shots, one booster, two boosters?


If two shots were great, why not three or four? Don't hide behind "my personal choice". That's not what you were saying earlier.
The "drama" of the op? Wake the fuck up or shut the fuck up! They have forced 200 + million American men, women, and children to submit to them, then totally censored out the data regarding injuries, and deaths, billions worldwide! The first real tip off to the global catastrophic die off, came not from the murderers, but rather the bean-counters, the insurance industry, who straight up told you that what they were seeing was absolutely fucking unprecedented, an enormous die off in the age brackets between 18-49, the absolute prime of human life! They stated categorically that the figures they were seeing, which were 40% - 60% increases in deaths within that bracket, were NOT due to the virus!

I think that is pretty fucking dramatic don't you??? The idiots you see on this forum mocking the science, are the absolute cream of the idiot crop, total impossible levels of stupidity, making sub-moronic statements such as "his 15-minutes has long passed" in reference to Malone, the preeminent mRNA expert on planet earth, you cannot make up that level of stupid, such stupid required decades of careful public school administered "intellectual aborting!" Read the data and then tell us about fucking drama you retard, in the UK they are flat out revealing that kids who submitted are now over 4,000 x more likely to die from ANY virus/infection as compared to those kids who did not submit, gee whiz that seems pretty damn dramatic to me....

Listen, I mostly agree with you. The shots are awful. They should have never, never been approved. In any "normal" times they would not have been.

But to say everyone who got them will be dead in three years is NUTS. That's nuts. People have poles lodged in their skulls and survive. (!). You cannot say "everyone" will die of ANYTHING. And some people will trip in their bathroom and die, sadly. Life is very strange like this.

Just tone down the hyperbole. The facts don't need them.
If you have COPD you should have been eligible for all FOUR shots

I am.

But you did not get them. Huh. Did the nurse give you some inside information on how little they were working?

I did not. She thought I should but respected my feelings on the matter. Weird how some people can do that. I guess it is one of the perks of marriage.

If two shots were great, why not three or four? Don't hide behind "my personal choice". That's not what you were saying earlier.

Actually, that is what I have always said. I never supported any Govt mandates for the vaccines. I have always argued people should do what they think is best for them
yes, I am mocking you, that is true. I am mocking your doom and gloom predictions that have yet to materialize

I do not feel like crap about anything, you should know better than that.

This is the ONLY benefit the vaccines have left: severe illness and death. And as I said, quickly waning. From my area:

I am.

I did not. She thought I should but respected my feelings on the matter. Weird how some people can do that. I guess it is one of the perks of marriage.

Actually, that is what I have always said. I never supported any Govt mandates for the vaccines. I have always argued people should do what they think is best for them

You have not answered the question. Your argument earlier was that you didn't know anyone who suffered any ill effects from the vaccine. Since you have COPD why didn't you get the RECOMMENDED boosters?

"Personal choice" will be acknowledgment that you knew the vaccines were not worth the protection. So you are mocking what you secretly believe.

This is the ONLY benefit the vaccines have left: severe illness and death. And as I said, quickly waning. From my area:

View attachment 677607

I can't imagine why Golfing Gator would laugh at this. There are 6 people in the ICU with Covid. Four of them vaccinated. This is EXACTLY what the vaccines were supposed to protect against, but have not.

Abject. Failure.
If you have COPD you should have been eligible for all FOUR shots. But you did not get them. Huh. Did the nurse give you some inside information on how little they were working? The ill patients she saw in the hospital who had two shots, one booster, two boosters?


If two shots were great, why not three or four? Don't hide behind "my personal choice". That's not what you were saying earlier.
I've never encountered a so-called "libertarian" who lapped at the jackboots of The State, with the kind of zeal and gusto which that poseur does.
You have not answered the question. Your argument earlier was that you didn't know anyone who suffered any ill effects from the vaccine. Since you have COPD why didn't you get the RECOMMENDED boosters?

"Personal choice" will be acknowledgment that you knew the vaccines were not worth the protection. So you are mocking what you secretly believe.


I do not know anyone that has suffered any ill effects from the vaccine.

Personal choice is that I felt that threat of COVID had passed and that the worst of it was over so I did not feel the need.

I am not real big on taking meds I feel I do not need. I do not even use my inhaler near as much as they say I should, instead relying on exercise to keep my COPD under control as much as I can.

I almost never get a flu shot either as I do not find them necessary.

I am 100% comfortable with my choices, that you do not like them just does not matter even a tiny bit.
Listen, I mostly agree with you. The shots are awful. They should have never, never been approved. In any "normal" times they would not have been.

But to say everyone who got them will be dead in three years is NUTS. That's nuts. People have poles lodged in their skulls and survive. (!). You cannot say "everyone" will die of ANYTHING. And some people will trip in their bathroom and die, sadly. Life is very strange like this.

Just tone down the hyperbole. The facts don't need them.
You are in abject denial of your peril, its not hyperbole, it is fact and all you need do is open your fucking eyes and see it! In 2014 the most respected, and secret product of the United States vast intelligence apparatus, the Deagle reports forecast(it goes into the presidents daily brief)apprised then US president Obama of a very precipitous, dare we say "dramatic" drop off of the US population, from 330-million down to just 99-million by 2025, somebody leaked it to the media, but not the entire thing, we had no context for the forecast, nonetheless US media pounced all over it for a week, the Deagle report is highly respected within the community(intel)and they were clearly advising Obama that the US would see a sudden, catastrophic die off of some 200 + million men, women, and children by 2025.

Then in 2019 for president Trump, Deagle doubled down and reissued the forecast, this time with the caveat that it was not due to a pandemic, but rather a radical financial realignment in the west, predicated upon the total collapse of the western economic system, we still lacked real context for the full report, again which was in the presidents daily brief. However we can now easily extrapolate exactly what Deagle was apprising Obama, and later Trump of, they were explaining to them the catastrophic fallout from the "WEF's Great Reset!" I suggest you look it over, because Deagles depopulation figures, score eerily close to the exact number of Americans who submitted to those jabs!

You are in abject denial of your peril, its not hyperbole, it is fact and all you need do is open your fucking eyes and see it! In 2014 the most respected, and secret product of the United States vast intelligence apparatus, the Deagle reports forecast(it goes into the presidents daily brief)apprised then US president Obama of a very precipitous, dare we say "dramatic" drop off of the US population, from 330-million down to just 99-million by 2025, somebody leaked it to the media, but not the entire thing, we had no context for the forecast, nonetheless US media pounced all over it for a week, the Deagle report is highly respected within the community(intel)and they were clearly advising Obama that the US would see a sudden, catastrophic die off of some 200 + million men, women, and children by 2025.

Then in 2019 for president Trump, Deagle doubled down and reissued the forecast, this time with the caveat that it was not due to a pandemic, but rather a radical financial realignment in the west, predicated upon the total collapse of the western economic system, we still lacked real context for the full report, again which was in the presidents daily brief. However we can now easily extrapolate exactly what Deagle was apprising Obama, and later Trump of, they were explaining to them the catastrophic fallout from the "WEF's Great Reset!" I suggest you look it over, because Deagles depopulation figures, score eerily close to the exact number of Americans who submitted to those jabs!

So an investment in the Funeral Home/Burial business might be winning issue?

PS. Vote for American Women.
The data clearly demonstrates the irrefutable facts, those who stupidly submitted to the murderous jabs, may very well have doomed themselves, if you forced your kids you belong in hell, children who have been submitted are over 4,000 x more likely to die from any infection as compared to the kids whose parents did the right thing!

Lol, you are an idiot. Hilarious

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