The Data Is Pouring In And If You Submitted To The Jabs You Should Be Worried, Very Worried!

The data clearly demonstrates the irrefutable facts, those who stupidly submitted to the murderous jabs, may very well have doomed themselves, if you forced your kids you belong in hell, children who have been submitted are over 4,000 x more likely to die from any infection as compared to the kids whose parents did the right thing!
I got the J&J shot in May of last year. No issues at all. In fact, I haven't been sick with anything in the last 16 months, not even a sniffle.
I got the J&J shot in May of last year. No issues at all. In fact, I haven't been sick with anything in the last 16 months, not even a sniffle.
More power to you, the problem is the vast majority cannot say that, read the data, its not hyperbolic, its data!
I didn't have problems with the Moderna (except that I caught a bad case of Covid: I can remember when vaccines were supposed to do some good and prevent the disease!!) but my husband did --- he had heart palpitations for some months. Finally, they stopped.
Yes, only two as that is all I felt I needed. I got them during the worst of it because of how hard it hit people with COPD, which I have. I got the shots at the advise of a nurse that spent most of 2020 and 2021 treating the worst of the COVID patients.

I have no regrets at all and still think it was the 100% right thing for me to do.

That you disagree with me means absolutely nothing to me
Did you ever catch Covid anyway?
Did you ever catch Covid anyway?

Not that I know of.

I have only been tested twice, both before medical procedures.

I have never felt bad enough to get tested. Do not really know why people test themselves all the time. But it is their choice so I will not say they are wrong to do so
Not that I know of.

I have only been tested twice, both before medical procedures.

I have never felt bad enough to get tested. Do not really know why people test themselves all the time. But it is their choice so I will not say they are wrong to do so
I never did get tested. I hope I never will.

[Sigh] My husband had a hip replaced recently and had therapists coming to the house ---- wearing great big masks right in the house! We don't, of course, nor does most of the county. I suppose they are pretending we're like lepers. They wanted to ask me a lot of Covid questions, but I refused to cooperate. I hope all this craziness is over soon and people start behaving normally.
I never did get tested. I hope I never will.

[Sigh] My husband had a hip replaced recently and had therapists coming to the house ---- wearing great big masks right in the house! We don't, of course, nor does most of the county. I suppose they are pretending we're like lepers. They wanted to ask me a lot of Covid questions, but I refused to cooperate. I hope all this craziness is over soon and people start behaving normally.

I really have no problem if strangers coming into my house are wearing mask. The point of the mask is not to protect the one wearing it, but those around them. There is really no need to take offense about it, in a lot of countries people have been doing it for decades as a form of common courtesy to those around them if they were not feeling well.
I really have no problem if strangers coming into my house are wearing mask.
I very much have a problem with that: feels to me more like an armed home invasion than a nurse visit! If it were about me (which it wasn't), they'd never get past the front door, be sure. AND they pretended to be introducing themselves by saying their names: but not showing their faces??? I resolved to call people on "introductions" like that if it happens again. I just didn't reply then, including not with my name. And they all want to call me by my first name: they don't show their face, they don't have the manners to call me Mrs. Harpy, but they pretend they are my new best friends. Sheeeeeesh.

I don't react at all to masks in public stores: some older people will wear masks, either because they are browbeaten by their docs or because they are afraid. This is just not my business, but I have decided not to engage in any extended conversation with anyone wearing a mask. I think it's incredibly rude. I can literally remember when we were taught to take off our white gloves before an introduction! And now people hide behind masks?? It feels like hijabs and burkas to me: we're all supposed to turn into Muslims with harim and purdah, I suppose. :102:

Rant off; this has GOT to be off topic, whatever the topic was.
I very much have a problem with that: feels to me more like an armed home invasion than a nurse visit! If it were about me (which it wasn't), they'd never get past the front door, be sure. AND they pretended to be introducing themselves by saying their names: but not showing their faces??? I resolved to call people on "introductions" like that if it happens again. I just didn't reply then, including not with my name. And they all want to call me by my first name: they don't show their face, they don't have the manners to call me Mrs. Harpy, but they pretend they are my new best friends. Sheeeeeesh.

I don't react at all to masks in public stores: some older people will wear masks, either because they are browbeaten by their docs or because they are afraid. This is just not my business, but I have decided not to engage in any extended conversation with anyone wearing a mask. I think it's incredibly rude. I can literally remember when we were taught to take off our white gloves before an introduction! And now people hide behind masks?? It feels like hijabs and burkas to me: we're all supposed to turn into Muslims with harim and purdah, I suppose. :102:

Rant off; this has GOT to be off topic, whatever the topic was.

To each their own. You are free to take offense at anything you wish. One of the joys of our country.
Now we know why big Pharma wanted a law that they can't be sued over their vaccines.....
The data clearly demonstrates the irrefutable facts, those who stupidly submitted to the murderous jabs, may very well have doomed themselves, if you forced your kids you belong in hell, children who have been submitted are over 4,000 x more likely to die from any infection as compared to the kids whose parents did the right thing!

Epoch times! Hilarious. Yep I am shaking in my boots.
Another fascist democrat demanding fascism, scared shitless are you, you should be, like the other fascist you are very likely gonna be stone cold dead within three years, most likely this winter, and you of course denounce Malone, the man who holds most of the patents on mRNA as a kook, you cannot make that up, a fascist street tool, the product of the public school system without a jot of scientific curiosity or understanding, denouncing the irrefutable science developed by one of the finest medical minds ever produced by humanity, that is some rich delusion.... :banana:
If you think I am demanding fascism then you are more retarded than you sound. I’m only asking that they property categorize this idiomatic thread of yours Which they have now done. Bravo!

If you think I am demanding fascism then you are more retarded than you sound. I’m only asking that they property categorize this idiomatic thread of yours Which they have now done. Bravo!
You are a fucking textbook moron, you demanded the censoring of the thread and you got that ludicrously stupid intellectual thug to do so for you, you fucking disgust me, you are a fascist, you ran and whined for no better reason than you were agitated by the truth you fear, you are beneath contempt, the data you fucking retard is indisputable, you have three years or less killer, you should be afraid, very very afraid, good riddance to your worthless fascist ass, I hope you dissolve into a brown pool of fascist goo you sick fucker, you dare brag about what you did! :fu:
You are a fucking textbook moron, you demanded the censoring of the thread and you got that ludicrously stupid intellectual thug to do so for you, you fucking disgust me, you are a fascist, you ran and whined for no better reason than you were agitated by the truth you fear, you are beneath contempt, the data you fucking retard is indisputable, you have three years or less killer, you should be afraid, very very afraid, good riddance to your worthless fascist ass, I hope you dissolve into a brown pool of fascist goo you sick fucker, you dare brag about what you did! :fu:
I don’t demand shit. And the thread wasn’t censored it was properly categorized.
I was supposed to be dead like 12 months ago from the jab according to the conspiracy kooks. What happened?
The data clearly demonstrates the irrefutable facts, those who stupidly submitted to the murderous jabs, may very well have doomed themselves, if you forced your kids you belong in hell, children who have been submitted are over 4,000 x more likely to die from any infection as compared to the kids whose parents did the right thing!

Invisible shark got him
No doubt about it

Community devastated after Sydney dad, 41, dies while surfing​

Brianne Tolj
Tue, 2 August 2022, 1:45 am·2-min read
A 41-year-old dad who died suddenly during his regular morning surf has been remembered as a “kind and caring” man by his local community.
Carl Robinson, a local real estate agent and “big personality”, was paddling in the water at Cronulla beach at around 7am on July 15 when four fellow surfers noticed him suddenly slump over, his friend and colleague Liz Stevens told Yahoo News Australia.
It’s understood the surfers — including three teenage boys who often rode waves with Mr Robinson — saw the dad’s head in the water and rushed over to help after realising something was wrong.

It's always something strenuous that's getting em
Protection from serious illness and death seems like a pretty good benefit to me.

You got that for about 8 weeks. Maybe three months at the outside. Now, you're just prone to getting more infections over and over and over and over.

Great vaccines. Yep.

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