The Data Is Pouring In And If You Submitted To The Jabs You Should Be Worried, Very Worried!

Yes, well, I meant a downside for the rest of us.

Assuming we haven't ceased to be.

While I appreciate your sentiment, I am pretty sure most on here would celebrate if they found out I died.
Vaccination protects against death.

That seems like a good thing.
A year ago, the antivaxxers here were saying all the normal people would be dead in a year.

That's how doomsday cultists roll. Each time their doomsday fails to arrive, they just push back the date some more.
A year ago, the antivaxxers here were saying all the normal people would be dead in a year.

That's how doomsday cultists roll. Each time their doomsday fails to arrive, they just push back the date some more.

Now it is this winter. Then in the spring when I laugh at them it will be in the fall and then the next year and then the year after that.

Reminds of the old time preachers that used to claim they knew when Jesus was going to come back.
The Epoch is a way-out-there Christian arch-conservative site/newspaper that is best avoided, IMO. I think it's like the Moonies and other Chinese-sponsored propaganda organs, intended to upset Americans and foment anger and controversy. We've got enough of that without help from the Russkies and Chinese.

The vaccines are terrible, terrible news WITHOUT the drama in the OP--I agree. It's not necessary to say "everyone who took them will be dead in three years" or whatnot. Anyone who can't see what an abject failure they are is either in deep denial, has a mental disability, or has been living in a cave the last two years.

I'm convinced the govt has trotted out a steady staple of "bread and circuses" in the form of inflation and gas prices to keep us "entertained" and not focused on the fact that they lied to us, convinced us that these shots would work, and now we're left with heart ailments, increased cancer chances, and getting the infection over and over and over and OVER.

Well. Not me. The vaccinated though.
I wonder which will happen first.....we will all fall over dead or we will finally have proof of the stolen election.
Now it is this winter. Then in the spring when I laugh at them it will be in the fall and then the next year and then the year after that.

Reminds of the old time preachers that used to claim they knew when Jesus was going to come back.

For some real yuks, why don't you laugh at the women with fertility problems, those who lost babies, and men with heart issues because they were lied to about these shots.
and now we're left with heart ailments, increased cancer chances, and getting the infection over and over and over and OVER.

Well. Not me. The vaccinated though.

I took the two shots and yet I do not have any of these things.

I have not fallen over dead, not a single person I know that got the vaccine (which is a lot of people) have had a single problem since their shots.

But hey, keep up the hope, maybe it will happen eventually.
An awful way to go through life.

The OP is overstated. However.

The vaccines are an abject failure. The biggest failure of govt I can remember in a long time--maybe in a century. And we are just at the beginning of the ramifications, which the media is desperately trying to cover.

At best, the vaccinated will get the vaccine-primed mutations over and over and over and over and over.

For some real yuks, why don't you laugh at the women with fertility problems, those who lost babies, and men with heart issues because they were lied to about these shots.

As soon as even a single person I know has any of those issues I will be sure to let you know.
The vaccines are an abject failure. The biggest failure of govt I can remember in a long time--maybe in a century.

I will probably get in trouble for asking, but do you or anyone else that holds your view of the vaccines think Trump at all responsible for this "failure"
I took the two shots and yet I do not have any of these things.

I have not fallen over dead, not a single person I know that got the vaccine (which is a lot of people) have had a single problem since their shots.

But hey, keep up the hope, maybe it will happen eventually.

Stop being a drama queen liar. I am not the one who made the claim that every one who got the shots will die. But the ONLY good the shots did now--"reduce severe disease and death"--even THAT is waning. And the vaccinated are open to getting the vaccine-enabled variations over and over and over and over and over.

That is not even factoring in the suppressed immune system, heart ailments, fertility problems.

But go ahead, defend it. Lick those boots harder.
At best, the vaccinated will get the vaccine-primed mutations over and over and over and over and over.


can you give us some of the signs of the vaccine-primed mutations so will know what to be on the look out for?
As soon as even a single person I know has any of those issues I will be sure to let you know.

I don't care how many friends you have or know. Anecdotes are not what we are talking about here. You're either too stupid to know that or you're being disingenuous. My pick is both.
Stop being a drama queen liar. I am not the one who made the claim that every one who got the shots will die. But the ONLY good the shots did now--"reduce severe disease and death"--even THAT is waning. And the vaccinated are open to getting the vaccine-enabled variations over and over and over and over and over.

That is not even factoring in the suppressed immune system, heart ailments, fertility problems.

But go ahead, defend it. Lick those boots harder.

I am defending people making their own choices without people like you attacking them for it.

But hey, what fun would your life be if you could not do that
can you give us some of the signs of the vaccine-primed mutations so will know what to be on the look out for?

The latest Omicron. Yes. The UK stopped giving stats on how many cases the vaccinated were getting because it was humiliating. This was at least six months ago now.
I am defending people making their own choices without people like you attacking them for it.

But hey, what fun would your life be if you could not do that

No you're not. You're still being a "safe and effective" shill by mocking those of us who saw through the Moral Panic haze. You feel like crap about that, so you mock.

Well, you failed. More pity you.

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