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The Data Proves It A Scam

Are the citizens of the USA going to play along as virus cripples the rest of our lives?

Iā€™m not and wec are organizing a Menā€™s Maskless March on Malls for next Tuesday.

I hope you get Covid bad like some other dumbass deniers.
Not a good thing to wish that on someone, but that seems to be the only way for you bullshit spreading nutters to learn anything.

Yes we already know you lib loon children ā€œhope we get Covidā€ for choosing life liberty and freedom over a wholly exaggerated health issue
Covid has been extremely effective though in eliminating deaths from flu, pneumonia, heart attack, cancer and stroke as hardly anyone dies from those anymore. And you lib losers lap it up

You are choosing IGNORANCE and then spending your time getting others infected with it.

Thats what it takes to belive your crazy horseshit while our ICUs are getting overloaded and 300,000+ people have died since the beginning of the pandemic.

I'm not even talking about any diagnosis, I'm just telling straight count of how many more Americans are dead since pandemic's start compared to all other years.
You're a moron and you need to do better research. Only 18K of those 300K are covid--every one of the rest of them had underlying fatal causes. You can research it, you need the practice.

1. I'm telling you STRAIGHT TOTAL DEATH COUNT, FOR ANY CAUSE.. How the f do you think your "reseach" on the cause of death could possibly contradict that?


You may note the small spike in 2018 - thats what a BAD influenza year looks like. On the right you see 2020 - thats what a deadly novel virus pandemic looks like, with shutdowns, masking and social distancing that nearly exterminated flu for this season.

2. Don't make me laugh, I know damn well where you got that number and it's nothing but ignorant horseshit. Covid kills you by causing PNUEMONIA and Cadiovascular failures, who in their right fucking mind will discount a Covid-19 death with Pneumonia as a contributing factor listed?
You're not the sharpest knife in the drawer are you. Your graph shows a spike of about 15K between '18 and 20. So it bears out that covid is only responsible for 6% of the 300K number that you referenced. "All causes" is not relevant to covid. Go back to school and pay attention this time.

..........Moron, the graph shows well over 300,000 excessive deaths just in 2020, with a sharp spike starting in April.

15k? You are on drugs son.
Excuse me? Jan '18 ~65K, Jul '20 ~80K. 80K-65K=15K. Simple third grade math.

Dummy, those are WEEKLY numbers.
Are the citizens of the USA going to play along as virus cripples the rest of our lives?

Iā€™m not and wec are organizing a Menā€™s Maskless March on Malls for next Tuesday.

I hope you get Covid bad like some other dumbass deniers.
Not a good thing to wish that on someone, but that seems to be the only way for you bullshit spreading nutters to learn anything.

Yes we already know you lib loon children ā€œhope we get Covidā€ for choosing life liberty and freedom over a wholly exaggerated health issue
Covid has been extremely effective though in eliminating deaths from flu, pneumonia, heart attack, cancer and stroke as hardly anyone dies from those anymore. And you lib losers lap it up

You are choosing IGNORANCE and then spending your time getting others infected with it.

Thats what it takes to belive your crazy horseshit while our ICUs are getting overloaded and 300,000+ people have died since the beginning of the pandemic.

I'm not even talking about any diagnosis, I'm just telling straight count of how many more Americans are dead since pandemic's start compared to all other years.
You're a moron and you need to do better research. Only 18K of those 300K are covid--every one of the rest of them had underlying fatal causes. You can research it, you need the practice.

1. I'm telling you STRAIGHT TOTAL DEATH COUNT, FOR ANY CAUSE.. How the f do you think your "reseach" on the cause of death could possibly contradict that?


You may note the small spike in 2018 - thats what a BAD influenza year looks like. On the right you see 2020 - thats what a deadly novel virus pandemic looks like, with shutdowns, masking and social distancing that nearly exterminated flu for this season.

2. Don't make me laugh, I know damn well where you got that number and it's nothing but ignorant horseshit. Covid kills you by causing PNUEMONIA and Cadiovascular failures, who in their right fucking mind will discount a Covid-19 death with Pneumonia as a contributing factor listed?
You're not the sharpest knife in the drawer are you. Your graph shows a spike of about 15K between '18 and 20. So it bears out that covid is only responsible for 6% of the 300K number that you referenced. "All causes" is not relevant to covid. Go back to school and pay attention this time.

..........Moron, the graph shows well over 300,000 excessive deaths just in 2020, with a sharp spike starting in April.

15k? You are on drugs son.
Your graph. Nowhere on it is there even 100K let alone 300K. SMH

....you count the deaths above the yellow line. DUH?

You don't have to do it by eye, you click my link, click on first week you want, then the last week you want and it shows you totals...I'll do it for you.
Are the citizens of the USA going to play along as virus cripples the rest of our lives?

Iā€™m not and wec are organizing a Menā€™s Maskless March on Malls for next Tuesday.

I hope you get Covid bad like some other dumbass deniers.
Not a good thing to wish that on someone, but that seems to be the only way for you bullshit spreading nutters to learn anything.

Yes we already know you lib loon children ā€œhope we get Covidā€ for choosing life liberty and freedom over a wholly exaggerated health issue
Covid has been extremely effective though in eliminating deaths from flu, pneumonia, heart attack, cancer and stroke as hardly anyone dies from those anymore. And you lib losers lap it up

You are choosing IGNORANCE and then spending your time getting others infected with it.

Thats what it takes to belive your crazy horseshit while our ICUs are getting overloaded and 300,000+ people have died since the beginning of the pandemic.

I'm not even talking about any diagnosis, I'm just telling straight count of how many more Americans are dead since pandemic's start compared to all other years.
You're a moron and you need to do better research. Only 18K of those 300K are covid--every one of the rest of them had underlying fatal causes. You can research it, you need the practice.

1. I'm telling you STRAIGHT TOTAL DEATH COUNT, FOR ANY CAUSE.. How the f do you think your "reseach" on the cause of death could possibly contradict that?


You may note the small spike in 2018 - thats what a BAD influenza year looks like. On the right you see 2020 - thats what a deadly novel virus pandemic looks like, with shutdowns, masking and social distancing that nearly exterminated flu for this season.

2. Don't make me laugh, I know damn well where you got that number and it's nothing but ignorant horseshit. Covid kills you by causing PNUEMONIA and Cadiovascular failures, who in their right fucking mind will discount a Covid-19 death with Pneumonia as a contributing factor listed?
You're not the sharpest knife in the drawer are you. Your graph shows a spike of about 15K between '18 and 20. So it bears out that covid is only responsible for 6% of the 300K number that you referenced. "All causes" is not relevant to covid. Go back to school and pay attention this time.

..........Moron, the graph shows well over 300,000 excessive deaths just in 2020, with a sharp spike starting in April.

15k? You are on drugs son.
Excuse me? Jan '18 ~65K, Jul '20 ~80K. 80K-65K=15K. Simple third grade math.

Dummy, those are WEEKLY numbers.
Alright Einstein, why did you put a graph up showing weekly numbers when you are arguing annual numbers in your post. My point still stands. Covid did not make common fatalities disappear. People still died of THOSE maladies. Covid just happened to infect those weakened individuals and hastened their deaths. But they did not die of covid alone. Only 6% of all covid-related fatalities died solely of covid-19. Gee, the guy got run over by an eighteen wheeler and he also tested positive for covid--Hospital reports COD, covid-19.
If you bought the scamā€¦..answer these questions if you dare.

ā€œā€¦. flu has more or less vanished throughout the Southern Hemisphere, and early indicators suggest it will follow suit north of the equator. What can explain this unprecedented decline?

The question is why Covid would have won this battle so completely, for there to be essentially zero flu cases and millions of Covid ones ā€“ surely the flu would have gotten to some people before Covid did?

ā€¦.if correct, would render ridiculous the entire response to Covid, not least because it would mean Covid is far less dangerous than has been widely asserted.

ā€¦masks, social distancing and lockdownsā€¦

...why would these measures have worked so unintentionally well for flu, which has been with us for millennia, but Covid cases are still skyrocketing? Do masks let one particle through and stop another?

...this hand-waving explanation might just be the most awesome act of cognitive dissonance of this entire saga. Experts are claiming, with a straight face, that a laxly enforced hodgepodge of restrictions, which varies wildly between countries and regions, has overnight eradicated an ancient scourge of humanity from the face of the Earth. And in the next breath, they warn that the incidence of another identically transmitted virus is through the roof.

Much more likely in my opinion is that the flu has been confused for Covid in the vast majority of cases.ā€
Flu away: Scientists baffled at disappearance of influenza... but is it really gone, or just masked by Covid-19?

Dummy it was already explained. Same precautions we use against Covid are effective against less contagious influenza that is also vaccinated against.

Influenza CAN'T be confused for covid by testing.

Well, if those precautions are so effective against the flu, how come you're also squawking about Covid cases rising? Are the precautions effective, or aren't they? Are they only effective against flu, but not Covid?

Also, you do realize that not every diagnosed Covid case is actually tested, right?

What part of "LESS CONTAGIOUS influenza that is ALSO VACCIANTED AGAINST" did you not understand when you replied to my post?

Aside from the illiteracy, you mean? Maybe it was the part where the flu vaccine has NEVER, EVER been that effective since its inception.

According to the CDC:

While vaccine effectiveness (VE) can vary, recent studies show that flu vaccination reduces the risk of flu illness by between 40% and 60%

What part of REDUCING CHANCE OF ILLNESS BY 40-60% do you not get?

40-60% Vaccine immunity + less contagious + Covid 19 prevention measures = near full herd immunity to influenza.

What part of that seems unlikely to you?

What part of "That doesn't make the flu entirely disappear any other year" did YOU not get?

The part that seems unlikely is that you leftists keep insisting that we need to panic over Covid and it's completely out of control, but want us to believe the masks and social distancing that aren't enough for Covid have managed to completely eradicate influenza this year.

I don't know if you don't see that your argument shifts from sentence to sentence, or you're just hoping I'm as shit-stupid as you are and won't notice it myself.
Retards like him always prove they have reading comprehension problems.
Are the citizens of the USA going to play along as virus cripples the rest of our lives?

Iā€™m not and wec are organizing a Menā€™s Maskless March on Malls for next Tuesday.

I hope you get Covid bad like some other dumbass deniers.
Not a good thing to wish that on someone, but that seems to be the only way for you bullshit spreading nutters to learn anything.

Yeah, moron, like the seasonal flu, I'm not shivering in my boots over a disease that has over a 99% recovery rate in healthy people under 60 (and I am over that). You just keep hiding in your basement from the boogie man and you shouldn't be affected by my freedom.
Facts like that never register with retards like Him on the recovery rate. :iyfyus.jpg:
Are the citizens of the USA going to play along as virus cripples the rest of our lives?

Iā€™m not and wec are organizing a Menā€™s Maskless March on Malls for next Tuesday.

I hope you get Covid bad like some other dumbass deniers.
Not a good thing to wish that on someone, but that seems to be the only way for you bullshit spreading nutters to learn anything.

Yes we already know you lib loon children ā€œhope we get Covidā€ for choosing life liberty and freedom over a wholly exaggerated health issue
Covid has been extremely effective though in eliminating deaths from flu, pneumonia, heart attack, cancer and stroke as hardly anyone dies from those anymore. And you lib losers lap it up

You are choosing IGNORANCE and then spending your time getting others infected with it.

Thats what it takes to belive your crazy horseshit while our ICUs are getting overloaded and 300,000+ people have died since the beginning of the pandemic.

I'm not even talking about any diagnosis, I'm just telling straight count of how many more Americans are dead since pandemic's start compared to all other years.
You're a moron and you need to do better research. Only 18K of those 300K are covid--every one of the rest of them had underlying fatal causes. You can research it, you need the practice.
He will bit research any facts as they choose fear and feelings over fact .

Good job quoting total horsecrap and thinking it's true.

Tell me again how what you say is based on fact and not feelings.
Itā€™s plain for all to see that you are hysterical about furthering the hoax while we fact based freedom lovers donā€™t resort to name calling and cursing in stating our position.
You gave ZERO right to force me into my basement in order to satisfy and quell your health fears. ZERO.
:thankusmile: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:

donā€™t forget to mention as well how retarded they are by not only getting into name calling all the time when they canā€™t refute the facts but how they have the most fucked up logic in the world listening and hanging onto every word the idiot box in the living room tells them as the gospel truth instead of listening to the best doctors in the country as political chic has provided too many times till she was blue in the face just to watch these shills pretend she did not post it because these credible doctors speaking this,their words do not go along with their warped opinions so they do the convient thing,pretend she did not post it and ignore it.:abgg2q.jpg:

all the while everytime they open their mouth ignoring them,they do this in every post.lol:dig::abgg2q.jpg:
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No one doubt's Herr Hitler's penchant for performing for fanatical cheering mobs, with his shrill, grievance-fraught nationalism.

Screen Shot 2020-12-21 at 7.51.10 PM.png

Mach Deutschland wieder groƟartig!

The Nazis were socialists, as are Democrats, and stood for the very same agenda as your sort does.
In reality, Hitler reviled both right and left, although denizens of both ideological antipodes will point at the other as being nazis. You might ponder why Hitler and his fellow nationalists, vehemently determined to make Germany great again, were so hellbent on exterminating their opposite numbers, communists. Do you now need to pretend that communists must be right-wing?

Screen Shot 2020-12-21 at 7.36.22 PM.png

You can pretend that nazis are rotarians if it makes you feel good. As a matter of record, the neo-nazis at Daily Stormer have consistently supported and twice endorsed their Glorious Leader. That fact cannot be escaped. They also cling to the hope that Trump can vanquish democracy.

Now, please try to stop mindlessly flailing the pom poms for a moment, and rationally address cogent matters that are mysterious for most Americans who are not members of your cult:

Why would Republican governors, secretaries of state, state attorneys general, and other election officials supervise voting and tabulation, conduct multiple recounts and audits, and certify the results? Why would Republican judges across America, including Trump appointees, right up to the Supreme Court, reject as frivolous and/or without merit dozens of challenges to our democratic system of self-governance?

Do you fantasize that they're all in cahoots in a vast conspiracy hatched by Trump's Attorney General, his cybersecurity chief, and others that continues to lure in Republican office holders right up to the Senate majority leader?

Rather than postulate such a ludicrous scenario, would Occam's Razor not suggest to you that most Americans voted against Trump because most Americans had, consistently and relentlessly, registered their disapproval of him in poll after poll over the full span of his tenure?

Or were all independent polling services also complicit and under the diabolical control of the conservative Federalist Society's evil genius, George Conway?

Screen Shot 2020-12-21 at 7.57.03 PM.png

"Ooops! You caught me!"
Are the citizens of the USA going to play along as virus cripples the rest of our lives?

Iā€™m not and wec are organizing a Menā€™s Maskless March on Malls for next Tuesday.

I hope you get Covid bad like some other dumbass deniers.
Not a good thing to wish that on someone, but that seems to be the only way for you bullshit spreading nutters to learn anything.

Yes we already know you lib loon children ā€œhope we get Covidā€ for choosing life liberty and freedom over a wholly exaggerated health issue
Covid has been extremely effective though in eliminating deaths from flu, pneumonia, heart attack, cancer and stroke as hardly anyone dies from those anymore. And you lib losers lap it up

You are choosing IGNORANCE and then spending your time getting others infected with it.

Thats what it takes to belive your crazy horseshit while our ICUs are getting overloaded and 300,000+ people have died since the beginning of the pandemic.

I'm not even talking about any diagnosis, I'm just telling straight count of how many more Americans are dead since pandemic's start compared to all other years.
You're a moron and you need to do better research. Only 18K of those 300K are covid--every one of the rest of them had underlying fatal causes. You can research it, you need the practice.

1. I'm telling you STRAIGHT TOTAL DEATH COUNT, FOR ANY CAUSE.. How the f do you think your "reseach" on the cause of death could possibly contradict that?


You may note the small spike in 2018 - thats what a BAD influenza year looks like. On the right you see 2020 - thats what a deadly novel virus pandemic looks like, with shutdowns, masking and social distancing that nearly exterminated flu for this season.

2. Don't make me laugh, I know damn well where you got that number and it's nothing but ignorant horseshit. Covid kills you by causing PNUEMONIA and Cadiovascular failures, who in their right fucking mind will discount a Covid-19 death with Pneumonia as a contributing factor listed?
Who in their right mind would discount a pneumonia death with covid as a contributing factor. Who in their right mind would call the death of a terminal cancer patient in a long term care facility who was intentionally infected with covid by democratic governors in WA and NY a covid death? I'll tell you who, democrats who are trying to cover their incompetent asses.
If you bought the scamā€¦..answer these questions if you dare.

ā€œā€¦. flu has more or less vanished throughout the Southern Hemisphere, and early indicators suggest it will follow suit north of the equator. What can explain this unprecedented decline?

The question is why Covid would have won this battle so completely, for there to be essentially zero flu cases and millions of Covid ones ā€“ surely the flu would have gotten to some people before Covid did?

ā€¦.if correct, would render ridiculous the entire response to Covid, not least because it would mean Covid is far less dangerous than has been widely asserted.

ā€¦masks, social distancing and lockdownsā€¦

...why would these measures have worked so unintentionally well for flu, which has been with us for millennia, but Covid cases are still skyrocketing? Do masks let one particle through and stop another?

...this hand-waving explanation might just be the most awesome act of cognitive dissonance of this entire saga. Experts are claiming, with a straight face, that a laxly enforced hodgepodge of restrictions, which varies wildly between countries and regions, has overnight eradicated an ancient scourge of humanity from the face of the Earth. And in the next breath, they warn that the incidence of another identically transmitted virus is through the roof.

Much more likely in my opinion is that the flu has been confused for Covid in the vast majority of cases.ā€
Flu away: Scientists baffled at disappearance of influenza... but is it really gone, or just masked by Covid-19?

Dummy it was already explained. Same precautions we use against Covid are effective against less contagious influenza that is also vaccinated against.

Influenza CAN'T be confused for covid by testing.

Well, if those precautions are so effective against the flu, how come you're also squawking about Covid cases rising? Are the precautions effective, or aren't they? Are they only effective against flu, but not Covid?

Also, you do realize that not every diagnosed Covid case is actually tested, right?

What part of "LESS CONTAGIOUS influenza that is ALSO VACCIANTED AGAINST" did you not understand when you replied to my post?

Aside from the illiteracy, you mean? Maybe it was the part where the flu vaccine has NEVER, EVER been that effective since its inception.

According to the CDC:

While vaccine effectiveness (VE) can vary, recent studies show that flu vaccination reduces the risk of flu illness by between 40% and 60%

What part of REDUCING CHANCE OF ILLNESS BY 40-60% do you not get?

40-60% Vaccine immunity + less contagious + Covid 19 prevention measures = near full herd immunity to influenza.

What part of that seems unlikely to you?

What part of "That doesn't make the flu entirely disappear any other year" did YOU not get?

I got every part of that FALSE statement.

Flu did not completely disapear, it just got very rare.

It's not any less than any other year, but hospitals don't get paid for flu. Soooo, the class EVERYTHING as covid. Critical thinking, try it sometime.
None of these covid apologists are capable of critical thinking,as pc pointed out earlier,all of a sudden this year we are not hearing anything a about the yearly flu virus that for decades we heard every year killed people,now all of a sudden no talk about it.these retarded morons canā€™t see the coverup going on why there is no talk about it anymore the fact they are ruling flu virus deaths as covid as pc proved earlier,you might as well be talking to a brick wall when explaining It to these trolls.lol
Are the citizens of the USA going to play along as virus cripples the rest of our lives?

Iā€™m not and wec are organizing a Menā€™s Maskless March on Malls for next Tuesday.

I hope you get Covid bad like some other dumbass deniers.
Not a good thing to wish that on someone, but that seems to be the only way for you bullshit spreading nutters to learn anything.

Yes we already know you lib loon children ā€œhope we get Covidā€ for choosing life liberty and freedom over a wholly exaggerated health issue
Covid has been extremely effective though in eliminating deaths from flu, pneumonia, heart attack, cancer and stroke as hardly anyone dies from those anymore. And you lib losers lap it up

You are choosing IGNORANCE and then spending your time getting others infected with it.

Thats what it takes to belive your crazy horseshit while our ICUs are getting overloaded and 300,000+ people have died since the beginning of the pandemic.

I'm not even talking about any diagnosis, I'm just telling straight count of how many more Americans are dead since pandemic's start compared to all other years.
You're a moron and you need to do better research. Only 18K of those 300K are covid--every one of the rest of them had underlying fatal causes. You can research it, you need the practice.

1. I'm telling you STRAIGHT TOTAL DEATH COUNT, FOR ANY CAUSE.. How the f do you think your "reseach" on the cause of death could possibly contradict that?


You may note the small spike in 2018 - thats what a BAD influenza year looks like. On the right you see 2020 - thats what a deadly novel virus pandemic looks like, with shutdowns, masking and social distancing that nearly exterminated flu for this season.

2. Don't make me laugh, I know damn well where you got that number and it's nothing but ignorant horseshit. Covid kills you by causing PNUEMONIA and Cadiovascular failures, who in their right fucking mind will discount a Covid-19 death with Pneumonia as a contributing factor listed?
You're not the sharpest knife in the drawer are you. Your graph shows a spike of about 15K between '18 and 20. So it bears out that covid is only responsible for 6% of the 300K number that you referenced. "All causes" is not relevant to covid. Go back to school and pay attention this time.

..........Moron, the graph shows well over 300,000 excessive deaths just in 2020, with a sharp spike starting in April.

15k? You are on drugs son.
Excuse me? Jan '18 ~65K, Jul '20 ~80K. 80K-65K=15K. Simple third grade math.

Dummy, those are WEEKLY numbers.
Alright Einstein, why did you put a graph up showing weekly numbers when you are arguing annual numbers in your post. My point still stands. Covid did not make common fatalities disappear. People still died of THOSE maladies. Covid just happened to infect those weakened individuals and hastened their deaths. But they did not die of covid alone. Only 6% of all covid-related fatalities died solely of covid-19. Gee, the guy got run over by an eighteen wheeler and he also tested positive for covid--Hospital reports COD, covid-19.
:thankusmile: :clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap:

Iā€™m afraid logic and common sense like that never registers with these morons.:iyfyus.jpg:
Are the citizens of the USA going to play along as virus cripples the rest of our lives?

Iā€™m not and wec are organizing a Menā€™s Maskless March on Malls for next Tuesday.

I hope you get Covid bad like some other dumbass deniers.
Not a good thing to wish that on someone, but that seems to be the only way for you bullshit spreading nutters to learn anything.

Yes we already know you lib loon children ā€œhope we get Covidā€ for choosing life liberty and freedom over a wholly exaggerated health issue
Covid has been extremely effective though in eliminating deaths from flu, pneumonia, heart attack, cancer and stroke as hardly anyone dies from those anymore. And you lib losers lap it up

You are choosing IGNORANCE and then spending your time getting others infected with it.

Thats what it takes to belive your crazy horseshit while our ICUs are getting overloaded and 300,000+ people have died since the beginning of the pandemic.

I'm not even talking about any diagnosis, I'm just telling straight count of how many more Americans are dead since pandemic's start compared to all other years.
You're a moron and you need to do better research. Only 18K of those 300K are covid--every one of the rest of them had underlying fatal causes. You can research it, you need the practice.

1. I'm telling you STRAIGHT TOTAL DEATH COUNT, FOR ANY CAUSE.. How the f do you think your "reseach" on the cause of death could possibly contradict that?


You may note the small spike in 2018 - thats what a BAD influenza year looks like. On the right you see 2020 - thats what a deadly novel virus pandemic looks like, with shutdowns, masking and social distancing that nearly exterminated flu for this season.

2. Don't make me laugh, I know damn well where you got that number and it's nothing but ignorant horseshit. Covid kills you by causing PNUEMONIA and Cadiovascular failures, who in their right fucking mind will discount a Covid-19 death with Pneumonia as a contributing factor listed?
You're not the sharpest knife in the drawer are you. Your graph shows a spike of about 15K between '18 and 20. So it bears out that covid is only responsible for 6% of the 300K number that you referenced. "All causes" is not relevant to covid. Go back to school and pay attention this time.

..........Moron, the graph shows well over 300,000 excessive deaths just in 2020, with a sharp spike starting in April.

15k? You are on drugs son.
Excuse me? Jan '18 ~65K, Jul '20 ~80K. 80K-65K=15K. Simple third grade math.

Dummy, those are WEEKLY numbers.
Alright Einstein, why did you put a graph up showing weekly numbers when you are arguing annual numbers in your post. My point still stands. Covid did not make common fatalities disappear. People still died of THOSE maladies. Covid just happened to infect those weakened individuals and hastened their deaths. But they did not die of covid alone. Only 6% of all covid-related fatalities died solely of covid-19. Gee, the guy got run over by an eighteen wheeler and he also tested positive for covid--Hospital reports COD, covid-19.

Take that 6% and shove it up you know what. 6% is just death certificates that list ONLY Covid-19 as cause. Why the hell would you not count a Covid-19 death if it has a comorbidity like Pneumonia or a cardiovascular failure, which is what Covid-19 COMMONLY CAUSES. Rightwingers on the internetz repeat nonsence like that to each other without understanding wtf they are even talking about.

And AGAIN, that has nothing to do with total death counts.

Total excessive death numbers are just weekly excessive death counts ADDED UP.

Here you go, all chewed up for you:



This death count will go up over time, because not all deaths have been recorded yet for the last 2 months or so. Also, these are not counts above regular deaths expectancy, these are OVER UPPER THRESHOLD of expectancy denoted by the yellow line.
Are the citizens of the USA going to play along as virus cripples the rest of our lives?

Iā€™m not and wec are organizing a Menā€™s Maskless March on Malls for next Tuesday.

I hope you get Covid bad like some other dumbass deniers.
Not a good thing to wish that on someone, but that seems to be the only way for you bullshit spreading nutters to learn anything.

Yes we already know you lib loon children ā€œhope we get Covidā€ for choosing life liberty and freedom over a wholly exaggerated health issue
Covid has been extremely effective though in eliminating deaths from flu, pneumonia, heart attack, cancer and stroke as hardly anyone dies from those anymore. And you lib losers lap it up

You are choosing IGNORANCE and then spending your time getting others infected with it.

Thats what it takes to belive your crazy horseshit while our ICUs are getting overloaded and 300,000+ people have died since the beginning of the pandemic.

I'm not even talking about any diagnosis, I'm just telling straight count of how many more Americans are dead since pandemic's start compared to all other years.
You're a moron and you need to do better research. Only 18K of those 300K are covid--every one of the rest of them had underlying fatal causes. You can research it, you need the practice.

1. I'm telling you STRAIGHT TOTAL DEATH COUNT, FOR ANY CAUSE.. How the f do you think your "reseach" on the cause of death could possibly contradict that?


You may note the small spike in 2018 - thats what a BAD influenza year looks like. On the right you see 2020 - thats what a deadly novel virus pandemic looks like, with shutdowns, masking and social distancing that nearly exterminated flu for this season.

2. Don't make me laugh, I know damn well where you got that number and it's nothing but ignorant horseshit. Covid kills you by causing PNUEMONIA and Cadiovascular failures, who in their right fucking mind will discount a Covid-19 death with Pneumonia as a contributing factor listed?
Who in their right mind would discount a pneumonia death with covid as a contributing factor.

YOU my dear, YOU are the one that discounts it from Covid deaths count by claiming that only Covid deaths without any other comorbidities count. DUH
Are the citizens of the USA going to play along as virus cripples the rest of our lives?

Iā€™m not and wec are organizing a Menā€™s Maskless March on Malls for next Tuesday.

I hope you get Covid bad like some other dumbass deniers.
Not a good thing to wish that on someone, but that seems to be the only way for you bullshit spreading nutters to learn anything.

Yes we already know you lib loon children ā€œhope we get Covidā€ for choosing life liberty and freedom over a wholly exaggerated health issue
Covid has been extremely effective though in eliminating deaths from flu, pneumonia, heart attack, cancer and stroke as hardly anyone dies from those anymore. And you lib losers lap it up

You are choosing IGNORANCE and then spending your time getting others infected with it.

Thats what it takes to belive your crazy horseshit while our ICUs are getting overloaded and 300,000+ people have died since the beginning of the pandemic.

I'm not even talking about any diagnosis, I'm just telling straight count of how many more Americans are dead since pandemic's start compared to all other years.
You're a moron and you need to do better research. Only 18K of those 300K are covid--every one of the rest of them had underlying fatal causes. You can research it, you need the practice.

1. I'm telling you STRAIGHT TOTAL DEATH COUNT, FOR ANY CAUSE.. How the f do you think your "reseach" on the cause of death could possibly contradict that?


You may note the small spike in 2018 - thats what a BAD influenza year looks like. On the right you see 2020 - thats what a deadly novel virus pandemic looks like, with shutdowns, masking and social distancing that nearly exterminated flu for this season.

2. Don't make me laugh, I know damn well where you got that number and it's nothing but ignorant horseshit. Covid kills you by causing PNUEMONIA and Cadiovascular failures, who in their right fucking mind will discount a Covid-19 death with Pneumonia as a contributing factor listed?
You're not the sharpest knife in the drawer are you. Your graph shows a spike of about 15K between '18 and 20. So it bears out that covid is only responsible for 6% of the 300K number that you referenced. "All causes" is not relevant to covid. Go back to school and pay attention this time.

..........Moron, the graph shows well over 300,000 excessive deaths just in 2020, with a sharp spike starting in April.

15k? You are on drugs son.
Excuse me? Jan '18 ~65K, Jul '20 ~80K. 80K-65K=15K. Simple third grade math.

Dummy, those are WEEKLY numbers.
Alright Einstein, why did you put a graph up showing weekly numbers when you are arguing annual numbers in your post. My point still stands. Covid did not make common fatalities disappear. People still died of THOSE maladies. Covid just happened to infect those weakened individuals and hastened their deaths. But they did not die of covid alone. Only 6% of all covid-related fatalities died solely of covid-19. Gee, the guy got run over by an eighteen wheeler and he also tested positive for covid--Hospital reports COD, covid-19.

Take that 6% and shove it up you know what. 6% is just death certificates that list ONLY Covid-19 as cause. Why the hell would you not count a Covid-19 death if it has a comorbidity like Pneumonia or a cardiovascular failure, which is what Covid-19 COMMONLY CAUSES. Rightwingers on the internetz repeat nonsence like that to each other without understanding wtf they are even talking about.

And AGAIN, that has nothing to do with total death counts.

Total excessive death numbers are just weekly excessive death counts ADDED UP.

Here you go, all chewed up for you:



This death count will go up over time, because not all deaths have been recorded yet for the last 2 months or so. Also, these are not counts above regular deaths expectancy, these are OVER UPPER THRESHOLD of expectancy denoted by the yellow line.
Gee, my cardiologist will be happy to find out that covid 19 caused my cardiovascular disease. Moronic statements like that expose you for the idiot you are and I have no time for your shit.
Are the citizens of the USA going to play along as virus cripples the rest of our lives?

Iā€™m not and wec are organizing a Menā€™s Maskless March on Malls for next Tuesday.

I hope you get Covid bad like some other dumbass deniers.
Not a good thing to wish that on someone, but that seems to be the only way for you bullshit spreading nutters to learn anything.

Yes we already know you lib loon children ā€œhope we get Covidā€ for choosing life liberty and freedom over a wholly exaggerated health issue
Covid has been extremely effective though in eliminating deaths from flu, pneumonia, heart attack, cancer and stroke as hardly anyone dies from those anymore. And you lib losers lap it up

You are choosing IGNORANCE and then spending your time getting others infected with it.

Thats what it takes to belive your crazy horseshit while our ICUs are getting overloaded and 300,000+ people have died since the beginning of the pandemic.

I'm not even talking about any diagnosis, I'm just telling straight count of how many more Americans are dead since pandemic's start compared to all other years.
You're a moron and you need to do better research. Only 18K of those 300K are covid--every one of the rest of them had underlying fatal causes. You can research it, you need the practice.

1. I'm telling you STRAIGHT TOTAL DEATH COUNT, FOR ANY CAUSE.. How the f do you think your "reseach" on the cause of death could possibly contradict that?


You may note the small spike in 2018 - thats what a BAD influenza year looks like. On the right you see 2020 - thats what a deadly novel virus pandemic looks like, with shutdowns, masking and social distancing that nearly exterminated flu for this season.

2. Don't make me laugh, I know damn well where you got that number and it's nothing but ignorant horseshit. Covid kills you by causing PNUEMONIA and Cadiovascular failures, who in their right fucking mind will discount a Covid-19 death with Pneumonia as a contributing factor listed?
You're not the sharpest knife in the drawer are you. Your graph shows a spike of about 15K between '18 and 20. So it bears out that covid is only responsible for 6% of the 300K number that you referenced. "All causes" is not relevant to covid. Go back to school and pay attention this time.

..........Moron, the graph shows well over 300,000 excessive deaths just in 2020, with a sharp spike starting in April.

15k? You are on drugs son.
Excuse me? Jan '18 ~65K, Jul '20 ~80K. 80K-65K=15K. Simple third grade math.

Dummy, those are WEEKLY numbers.
Alright Einstein, why did you put a graph up showing weekly numbers when you are arguing annual numbers in your post. My point still stands. Covid did not make common fatalities disappear. People still died of THOSE maladies. Covid just happened to infect those weakened individuals and hastened their deaths. But they did not die of covid alone. Only 6% of all covid-related fatalities died solely of covid-19. Gee, the guy got run over by an eighteen wheeler and he also tested positive for covid--Hospital reports COD, covid-19.

Take that 6% and shove it up you know what. 6% is just death certificates that list ONLY Covid-19 as cause. Why the hell would you not count a Covid-19 death if it has a comorbidity like Pneumonia or a cardiovascular failure, which is what Covid-19 COMMONLY CAUSES. Rightwingers on the internetz repeat nonsence like that to each other without understanding wtf they are even talking about.

And AGAIN, that has nothing to do with total death counts.

Total excessive death numbers are just weekly excessive death counts ADDED UP.

Here you go, all chewed up for you:



This death count will go up over time, because not all deaths have been recorded yet for the last 2 months or so. Also, these are not counts above regular deaths expectancy, these are OVER UPPER THRESHOLD of expectancy denoted by the yellow line.
Gee, my cardiologist will be happy to find out that covid 19 caused my cardiovascular disease. Moronic statements like that expose you for the idiot you are and I have no time for your shit.
:thankusmile: :yes_text12:
Are the citizens of the USA going to play along as virus cripples the rest of our lives?

Iā€™m not and wec are organizing a Menā€™s Maskless March on Malls for next Tuesday.

I hope you get Covid bad like some other dumbass deniers.
Not a good thing to wish that on someone, but that seems to be the only way for you bullshit spreading nutters to learn anything.

Yes we already know you lib loon children ā€œhope we get Covidā€ for choosing life liberty and freedom over a wholly exaggerated health issue
Covid has been extremely effective though in eliminating deaths from flu, pneumonia, heart attack, cancer and stroke as hardly anyone dies from those anymore. And you lib losers lap it up

You are choosing IGNORANCE and then spending your time getting others infected with it.

Thats what it takes to belive your crazy horseshit while our ICUs are getting overloaded and 300,000+ people have died since the beginning of the pandemic.

I'm not even talking about any diagnosis, I'm just telling straight count of how many more Americans are dead since pandemic's start compared to all other years.
You're a moron and you need to do better research. Only 18K of those 300K are covid--every one of the rest of them had underlying fatal causes. You can research it, you need the practice.

1. I'm telling you STRAIGHT TOTAL DEATH COUNT, FOR ANY CAUSE.. How the f do you think your "reseach" on the cause of death could possibly contradict that?


You may note the small spike in 2018 - thats what a BAD influenza year looks like. On the right you see 2020 - thats what a deadly novel virus pandemic looks like, with shutdowns, masking and social distancing that nearly exterminated flu for this season.

2. Don't make me laugh, I know damn well where you got that number and it's nothing but ignorant horseshit. Covid kills you by causing PNUEMONIA and Cadiovascular failures, who in their right fucking mind will discount a Covid-19 death with Pneumonia as a contributing factor listed?
Who in their right mind would discount a pneumonia death with covid as a contributing factor.

YOU my dear, YOU are the one that discounts it from Covid deaths count by claiming that only Covid deaths without any other comorbidities count. DUH
Are the citizens of the USA going to play along as virus cripples the rest of our lives?

Iā€™m not and wec are organizing a Menā€™s Maskless March on Malls for next Tuesday.

I hope you get Covid bad like some other dumbass deniers.
Not a good thing to wish that on someone, but that seems to be the only way for you bullshit spreading nutters to learn anything.

Yes we already know you lib loon children ā€œhope we get Covidā€ for choosing life liberty and freedom over a wholly exaggerated health issue
Covid has been extremely effective though in eliminating deaths from flu, pneumonia, heart attack, cancer and stroke as hardly anyone dies from those anymore. And you lib losers lap it up

You are choosing IGNORANCE and then spending your time getting others infected with it.

Thats what it takes to belive your crazy horseshit while our ICUs are getting overloaded and 300,000+ people have died since the beginning of the pandemic.

I'm not even talking about any diagnosis, I'm just telling straight count of how many more Americans are dead since pandemic's start compared to all other years.
You're a moron and you need to do better research. Only 18K of those 300K are covid--every one of the rest of them had underlying fatal causes. You can research it, you need the practice.

1. I'm telling you STRAIGHT TOTAL DEATH COUNT, FOR ANY CAUSE.. How the f do you think your "reseach" on the cause of death could possibly contradict that?


You may note the small spike in 2018 - thats what a BAD influenza year looks like. On the right you see 2020 - thats what a deadly novel virus pandemic looks like, with shutdowns, masking and social distancing that nearly exterminated flu for this season.

2. Don't make me laugh, I know damn well where you got that number and it's nothing but ignorant horseshit. Covid kills you by causing PNUEMONIA and Cadiovascular failures, who in their right fucking mind will discount a Covid-19 death with Pneumonia as a contributing factor listed?
You're not the sharpest knife in the drawer are you. Your graph shows a spike of about 15K between '18 and 20. So it bears out that covid is only responsible for 6% of the 300K number that you referenced. "All causes" is not relevant to covid. Go back to school and pay attention this time.

..........Moron, the graph shows well over 300,000 excessive deaths just in 2020, with a sharp spike starting in April.

15k? You are on drugs son.
Excuse me? Jan '18 ~65K, Jul '20 ~80K. 80K-65K=15K. Simple third grade math.

Dummy, those are WEEKLY numbers.
Alright Einstein, why did you put a graph up showing weekly numbers when you are arguing annual numbers in your post. My point still stands. Covid did not make common fatalities disappear. People still died of THOSE maladies. Covid just happened to infect those weakened individuals and hastened their deaths. But they did not die of covid alone. Only 6% of all covid-related fatalities died solely of covid-19. Gee, the guy got run over by an eighteen wheeler and he also tested positive for covid--Hospital reports COD, covid-19.

Take that 6% and shove it up you know what. 6% is just death certificates that list ONLY Covid-19 as cause. Why the hell would you not count a Covid-19 death if it has a comorbidity like Pneumonia or a cardiovascular failure, which is what Covid-19 COMMONLY CAUSES. Rightwingers on the internetz repeat nonsence like that to each other without understanding wtf they are even talking about.

And AGAIN, that has nothing to do with total death counts.

Total excessive death numbers are just weekly excessive death counts ADDED UP.

Here you go, all chewed up for you:



This death count will go up over time, because not all deaths have been recorded yet for the last 2 months or so. Also, these are not counts above regular deaths expectancy, these are OVER UPPER THRESHOLD of expectancy denoted by the yellow line.
Gee, my cardiologist will be happy to find out that covid 19 caused my cardiovascular disease. Moronic statements like that expose you for the idiot you are and I have no time for your shit.

You cardiologist, knowing your poor cardiovascular health record would advise you to be extra careful to not catch Covid, as it is much more likely to be lethal for you.

But even in healthy people Covid inflamation can be severe enough to cause multiple site clots which may require amputation and other surgical intervention, if not an outright death.
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Are the citizens of the USA going to play along as virus cripples the rest of our lives?

Iā€™m not and wec are organizing a Menā€™s Maskless March on Malls for next Tuesday.

I hope you get Covid bad like some other dumbass deniers.
Not a good thing to wish that on someone, but that seems to be the only way for you bullshit spreading nutters to learn anything.

Yes we already know you lib loon children ā€œhope we get Covidā€ for choosing life liberty and freedom over a wholly exaggerated health issue
Covid has been extremely effective though in eliminating deaths from flu, pneumonia, heart attack, cancer and stroke as hardly anyone dies from those anymore. And you lib losers lap it up

You are choosing IGNORANCE and then spending your time getting others infected with it.

Thats what it takes to belive your crazy horseshit while our ICUs are getting overloaded and 300,000+ people have died since the beginning of the pandemic.

I'm not even talking about any diagnosis, I'm just telling straight count of how many more Americans are dead since pandemic's start compared to all other years.
You're a moron and you need to do better research. Only 18K of those 300K are covid--every one of the rest of them had underlying fatal causes. You can research it, you need the practice.

1. I'm telling you STRAIGHT TOTAL DEATH COUNT, FOR ANY CAUSE.. How the f do you think your "reseach" on the cause of death could possibly contradict that?


You may note the small spike in 2018 - thats what a BAD influenza year looks like. On the right you see 2020 - thats what a deadly novel virus pandemic looks like, with shutdowns, masking and social distancing that nearly exterminated flu for this season.

2. Don't make me laugh, I know damn well where you got that number and it's nothing but ignorant horseshit. Covid kills you by causing PNUEMONIA and Cadiovascular failures, who in their right fucking mind will discount a Covid-19 death with Pneumonia as a contributing factor listed?
Who in their right mind would discount a pneumonia death with covid as a contributing factor.

YOU my dear, YOU are the one that discounts it from Covid deaths count by claiming that only Covid deaths without any other comorbidities count. DUH

Unrepenting moron is what you are.

There is ZERO reason to not count Covid-19 death with Pneumonia as anything but a text-book case of Covid-19 death.
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Who in their right mind would discount a pneumonia death with covid as a contributing factor. Who in their right mind would call the death of a terminal cancer patient in a long term care facility who was intentionally infected with covid by democratic governors in WA and NY a covid death? I'll tell you who, democrats who are trying to cover their incompetent asses.
Since a failed casino operator and faded reality-tv performer proclaimed that he had the pandemic "under control!" that there were "very few!" people with it, and "They're getting better! They're all getting better!" it might be easier for you to fall into lock step behind your omniscient and omnipotent master, nose deeply inserted, and just adopt his refusal to acknowledge that he has led the nation to #1 on earth in deaths (322,343) and infections (18,184,737) rather than try to contrive your alternate morbidity and mortality rates designed to excuse your Cry Baby Loser.

Your Trumpy agenda is far too transparent. Pretending that you are an epidemiological actuary with expertise that far exceeds credentialed professionals with considerable experience in the science fails.

Accept reality. There is no way that you can make it go "Poof!"

... Dr. Sally Aiken, the president of the National Association of Medical Examiners (NAME). In some jurisdictions, including cities such as Chicago and Milwaukee, medical examiners are involved in determining the cause of death for every suspected COVID-19 case. In those jurisdictions, medical examiners review medical records even of patients who die in hospitals to ensure that the symptoms and any testing indicate that the patient did indeed die of COVID-19.

Having medical examiners confirm COVID-19 deaths can create more uniformity and clearer documentation... On a death certificate, there are spaces to list an immediate cause of death, as well as the chain of events that led to that final disease or incident. There are also spaces for adding contributing factors.

For COVID-19, the immediate cause of death might be listed as respiratory distress, with the second line reading ā€œdue to COVID-19.ā€ Contributing factors such as heart disease, diabetes or high blood pressure would then be listed further down. This has led to some confusion by people arguing that the ā€œrealā€ cause of death was heart disease or diabetes, Aiken said, but thatā€™s not the case.

ā€œWithout the COVID19 being the last straw or the thing that led to the chain of events that led to death, they probably wouldnā€™t have died,ā€ she said.

No one doubt's Herr Hitler's penchant for performing for fanatical cheering mobs, with his shrill, grievance-fraught nationalism.

View attachment 432023
Mach Deutschland wieder groƟartig!

The Nazis were socialists, as are Democrats, and stood for the very same agenda as your sort does.
In reality, Hitler reviled both right and left, although denizens of both ideological antipodes will point at the other as being nazis. You might ponder why Hitler and his fellow nationalists, vehemently determined to make Germany great again, were so hellbent on exterminating their opposite numbers, communists. Do you now need to pretend that communists must be right-wing?

View attachment 432012

You can pretend that nazis are rotarians if it makes you feel good. As a matter of record, the neo-nazis at Daily Stormer have consistently supported and twice endorsed their Glorious Leader. That fact cannot be escaped. They also cling to the hope that Trump can vanquish democracy.

Now, please try to stop mindlessly flailing the pom poms for a moment, and rationally address cogent matters that are mysterious for most Americans who are not members of your cult:

Why would Republican governors, secretaries of state, state attorneys general, and other election officials supervise voting and tabulation, conduct multiple recounts and audits, and certify the results? Why would Republican judges across America, including Trump appointees, right up to the Supreme Court, reject as frivolous and/or without merit dozens of challenges to our democratic system of self-governance?

Do you fantasize that they're all in cahoots in a vast conspiracy hatched by Trump's Attorney General, his cybersecurity chief, and others that continues to lure in Republican office holders right up to the Senate majority leader?

Rather than postulate such a ludicrous scenario, would Occam's Razor not suggest to you that most Americans voted against Trump because most Americans had, consistently and relentlessly, registered their disapproval of him in poll after poll over the full span of his tenure?

Or were all independent polling services also complicit and under the diabolical control of the conservative Federalist Society's evil genius, George Conway?

View attachment 432031
"Ooops! You caught me!"

Worry not.....I'm here to instruct you.....

Jot this down so you don't continue to appear the indoctrinated fool:

The Founders, classical liberals, conservatives
a. individualism, free markets, and limited constitutional government.

Fascists, Nazis, Liberals, Progressives, Socialists, Communists
b. the collective, command and control regulation of private industry, and overarching government that can order every aspect of the private citizen's life....right down to control of his thoughts and speech.

None of the totalitarian forms of political plague have the slightest concern for human life: not communism (gulags), not Nazism (concentration camps), not Liberalism (abortion), not Progressivism (eugenics), not socialism (theft), not fascism (murder).

They only differ in the final outcome: slavery, serfdom, or death.

They all follow Trotsky: "We must rid ourselves once and for all of the Quaker-Papist babble about the sanctity of human life."

Whether personal beliefs, or what we call 'politics,' or perhaps 'religion,' the real idea that determines what we will do in any and every situation, is one simple idea. Either one believes that human lives are sacred, or one believes that they can be exchanged to achieve some secular material goal.

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