The Day The Republicans Shot Their Legs Off

Remember those 60+ times the House Republicans put on some theater for the rubes and repealed Obamacare when Obama was President?

Remember once they had the House, the Senate, and the White House they suddenly stopped trying to repeal Obamacare and set out instead to just sabotage it?

Because you know and I know they have no replacement. They only know how to attack, not how to actually do things.

And then one day in 2017, they passed a bill in the House not to repeal Obamacare, but to repeal some parts of it.

That's the day they shot their legs off and handed the Democrats the House majority with a pretty blue ribbon.

A House majority which is now inflicting some serious karma for all those Benghazi hearings, and Clinton email hearings, and Birther Donald trying to get Obama forcibly removed from office.

Your point about the political grandstanding is valid.

But, imo, they lost the House because Trump did not build the Wall and was slow moving on Trade.

He allowed himself to get distracted with stupid foreign policy bullshit.

If the Republicans had a health care reform program instead of lying about it, or if Trump didn't lie and say he did, the House would still be Republican.

Instead, Trump has made Obamacare even more entrenched, and it has become the third rail for Republicans.

The GOP really has no solutions for anything. They only know how to criticize the plans of other people who are trying to do the heavy lifting.

They are cowards and liars.

If their replacement was worse or just as bad, that would not have gained them anything.

Exactly my point. A point I have been making since arriving on this forum. The Republicans had nor have no health care plan. And neither did Trump.

And boy oh boy did that piss off the pseudocons every time I asked them what the GOP/Trump replacement for Obamacare was.

Once the GOP and Trump got Congress and the White House, even the dumbest of the dumb can see now they never had a plan.

And yet the rubes STILL won't admit to themselves they were massively hoaxed. They continue to line up to be lied to by Trump.

They DESERVE to be lied to.

Well, in their defense, it is quite possible there is no good answer.

There is no defense for lying and saying you have a replacement. NONE. No excuses.

Trump spits in the faces of his rubes. He can only have the utmost contempt for his supporters to lie to them like that.

"You're going to have such great health care at a tiny fraction of the cost, and it's going to be so easy!"

Because you know and I know they have no replacement.
Well of course they don't. They had 40 years, and Obamacare was the best idea they could come up with. Then President Blackenstein ate their lunch, so this dog and pony show is all they have left.
Your point about the political grandstanding is valid.

But, imo, they lost the House because Trump did not build the Wall and was slow moving on Trade.

He allowed himself to get distracted with stupid foreign policy bullshit.
If the Republicans had a health care reform program instead of lying about it, or if Trump didn't lie and say he did, the House would still be Republican.

Instead, Trump has made Obamacare even more entrenched, and it has become the third rail for Republicans.

The GOP really has no solutions for anything. They only know how to criticize the plans of other people who are trying to do the heavy lifting.

They are cowards and liars.

If their replacement was worse or just as bad, that would not have gained them anything.
Exactly my point. A point I have been making since arriving on this forum. The Republicans had nor have no health care plan. And neither did Trump.

And boy oh boy did that piss off the pseudocons every time I asked them what the GOP/Trump replacement for Obamacare was.

Once the GOP and Trump got Congress and the White House, even the dumbest of the dumb can see now they never had a plan.

And yet the rubes STILL won't admit to themselves they were massively hoaxed. They continue to line up to be lied to by Trump.

They DESERVE to be lied to.

Well, in their defense, it is quite possible there is no good answer.
There is no defense for lying and saying you have a replacement. NONE. No excuses.

Trump spits in the faces of his rubes. He can only have the utmost contempt for his supporters to lie to them like that.

"You're going to have such great health care at a tiny fraction of the cost, and it's going to be so easy!"

It was the GOP congress that did the Grandstanding.

Your assumptions that the grandstanding, done by other people, means that Trump has contempt for his supporters,

seems like more an excuse for your own contempt and hatred, than anything to do with Trump's internal thoughts and feelings.
We should be getting rid of ObamaCare. The sooner the better.
I would love to see Obamacare repealed AND REPLACED.

And there's the rub. There's the lie. Trump has no replacement. He lied. Bigly.

So we are going to end up with UHC, thanks to the Republicans defaulting.

What you don't realize is that we did have the republican health care plan before Obamacare.

Reagan changed health care in the 80s. He privatized almost all public facilities and gave all control of our health care over to private insurance companies. He actually exempted them from ant trust laws. The insurance companies immediately instituted their "pre existing condition" clause. Which threw tens of millions of Americans off insurance. Leaving a record of it so that no other insurance company will cover them or offer a policy that they could afford. They introduced us to lifetime caps which when it came to serious conditions like cancer, heart disease or birth defects, left millions more without coverage or a way to buy it. While those of us who did have insurance saw the benefits decrease while the premiums, copayments and deductibles skyrocket.

The mess we had before Obamacare was the reason why the people demanded reform. We didn't get the proper reform but we got some. The preexisting conditions clause was removed. Kids can stay on their parent's policy until 26, preventative care is covered along with many other things because of the new regulations in Obamacare.

I personally believe in competition. We haven't had real competition in the health care insurance industry in decades. The only real competition would be a public option. Give people the choice to be on private or switch over to a public option.

Introduce real competition and we will see priavate insurance companies change a lot quickly to keep their customers.

Another problem with the old system and now Obamacare, those who are young didn't and don't have to contribute. They are allowed to not pay into the insurance system yet use the medical care here and usually don't pay the bill which is then cost shifted to those of us who can. So our medical bills are much higher than they should be.

If republicans changed our system again, we will be back to the system they forced on us before Obamacare. Most people don't want that.
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It was the GOP congress that did the Grandstanding.
Hmm, maybe we need to try this in a bigger font:

"You're going to have such great health care at a tiny fraction of the cost, and it's going to be so easy!"

The "Grandstanding" refers to the action of holding a vote that they knew would not have any impact, while not having an agreed upon replacement policy.

Definition of GRANDSTAND

grandstanded; grandstanding; grandstands
Definition of grandstand (Entry 3 of 3)

intransitive verb

: to play or act so as to impress onlookers

It is valid to accuse the GOP congress of grandstanding, because that is what they actually DID. Making a promise without looking at the details, is not "grandstanding".

Words have actual meanings.

I know to you, that they are just pieces of poop to throw at people you don't like.

That is just you, being a bad person.

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