The Deafening Silence From Media Matters

Wonder if Soros can buy someone off??

It does pay to be a billionair ya know.
Seriously, you have to wonder how they've been able to get away with it so long. Long ago they've admitted they have a leftwing agenda, and even then their tax exempt status remained unchallenged.
The partisan left wing organisation is not very silent about it's desire to sabotage
Fox news, free speech.....and it's obsession for all out rebel warfare against Fox News.
In other words, any media that is not a lockstep mouthpiece for the left and media matters and their liar execs and partisan donors will be defamed.
The bullies and abusers using fear and constant lies.....certainly sounds like the left.
The audacity of cowardice....:eusa_shifty:
Funny bit of information;

They got this status under the evul Booosh!

Aint that some gratitude.
Most likely it's because they can't defend their own position..........

This has been a long time coming.
According to the Fox article...Mediamatters can advocate or oppose anything they want as long as that advocacy or opposition is done in "full and fair exposition of pertinent facts to permit an individual or the public to form an independent opinion or conclusion,".

Mediamatters typically does not advocate or oppose Fox's positions on the issues, from what little I've read from them. What I see them doing is advocating or opposing Fox's credibility and accuracy regarding their process they use to create stories.

What I guess this means is that Mediamatters can bash Fox all they want for thier conservative friendly long as they present Fox's positions fairly, as well as thier position that Fox is biased.

I went to MM to see for myself. Let's look at this article (whoops, can't post RL's yet, but it's called Fox Falsely Suggests NEA Members' Dues Will Fund Obama's Re-Election Campaign, July 05, 2011 1:08 pm ET by Melody Johnson)

It seems that MM does restate Fox's positions with both video and quotes, then presents it's position. If MM does this regularly, it doesn't seem like they should lose tax exemption. It seems to me that it would be impossible to point out how biased Fox is without actualy showing what they said.

I'm kind of undecided.
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Seriously, you have to wonder how they've been able to get away with it so long. Long ago they've admitted they have a leftwing agenda, and even then their tax exempt status remained unchallenged.

Since when do you have to not have opinions in order to be tax exempt?

The law is fairly clear - they're not allowed to endorse candidates.

They don't have to be "unbiased".

Do you feel just as outraged at all the Conservative "watchdog groups" that are also tax-exempt, like and Media Research Group?
Do you feel just as outraged at all the Conservative "watchdog groups" that are also tax-exempt, like and Media Research Group?

Who did Bozell's Media Research Center declare war on?

Is it 'war' that he exposed you leftists who get your "news" from comedy central as uninformed and ignorant?

{In the real world – outside Stewart’s smug bubble – this is garbage. A 2008 survey by the Pew Research Center asked media consumers three questions: which party was in control of Congress (Democrats), who was the secretary of state (Condi Rice) and who was the prime minister of Britain (Gordon Brown).

Let’s document how the viewers of “Hannity &Colmes” were better informed than Stewart’s “Daily Show” gigglers on basic political facts. Hannity viewers beat Stewart’s on the Democratic majority (84 percent to 65 percent correct answers), Condi Rice (a dramatic 73 percent to 48 percent gap) and Gordon Brown (49 percent to 36). Overall, as a percentage getting all three questions right, Hannity won 42-30. }

Jon Stewart vs. Fox Facts

Hey, those who relied on "Gilligans Island" for their education on the constitution and turn to Jon Stewart for news WILL vote for Barack Obama, but informed they are not.
Let’s document how the viewers of “Hannity &Colmes” were better informed than Stewart’s “Daily Show” gigglers on basic political facts. Hannity viewers beat Stewart’s on the Democratic majority (84 percent to 65 percent correct answers), Condi Rice (a dramatic 73 percent to 48 percent gap) and Gordon Brown (49 percent to 36). Overall, as a percentage getting all three questions right, Hannity won 42-30. }

Your Bozell collumn cherry picked that study.

Here is the actual PEW study fore those three questions that were asked. If you notice the overall scores of the top 4, which were NPR, The New Yorker/Atlantic, Hannity and Colmes...and Hardball....all did better that Hannity's audience.

Can't post URLs here it]Who]Who Knows News? What You Read or View Matters, but Not Your Politics - Pew Research Center Knows News? What You Read or View Matters, but Not Your Politics - Pew Research Center

Does this make Hannity viewers "gigglers" compared to Hardball viewers?
Your Bozell collumn cherry picked that study.

I take it that you turn to Gilligan's Island for ALL your news, right?

So Hannity did better than Colbert or Stewart...

News Interest and Knowledge | Pew Research Center for the People and the Press

Well, maybe you can stop getting your news from Comedy Central, and turn on "The Real Crack Whores of DC" to be informed?
I don't watch Stewart, Hannity, or Colbert because I don't have cable TV. I have too much respect for my mind to subject it to the MSM or conservative media. I read history books written before 1970, and I read legislation directly from the House and Senate web sites. I've read the entire healthcare reform bill...something politicians in Washington say is impossible. Even CSPAN seems biased to me. When I used to watch Stewart and MSNBC, I found that it tended to make me hostile and irritated comparitively. one of my favorite think tank/pollsters. You can use the study we're talking about right now to come to all sorts of intellectually sloppy conclusions. That's all I'm saying.
I don't watch Stewart, Hannity, or Colbert because I don't have cable TV.

I don't watch Stewart, Hannity or Colbert because I have no interest in any of them.

It doesn't change the fact that despite his lies, Hannity viewers are better informed than Stewart viewers.

Look, those who get their news from a comedy show have GOT to be morons.

I have too much respect for my mind to subject it to the MSM or conservative media. I read history books written before 1970,

And that keeps you up on current events?

I've read the entire healthcare reform bill...something politicians in Washington say is impossible.

Incomprehensible at the very least. one of my favorite think tank/pollsters. You can use the study we're talking about right now to come to all sorts of intellectually sloppy conclusions. That's all I'm saying.

The study says what it does.
I don't watch Stewart, Hannity or Colbert because I have no interest in any of them.

It doesn't change the fact that despite his lies, Hannity viewers are better informed than Stewart viewers.

Look, those who get their news from a comedy show have GOT to be morons.
I'm not disagreeing that in that study...Hannity's viewers answered those three questions correct in higher percentages...but that's not the "bee all end all" litmus test for intelligence between the two groups, and I certainly wouldn't go as far as saying that Hannity viewers are "better informed" than Stewarts, or Hardball's viewers are "better informed" than Hannity's. Which is exactly what that crappy web site you got that article from did, and that's typical biased kah-kah.

And that keeps you up on current events?
Here is the problem...cable news and talk radio don't keep you up on current events, they tell you how to think about current events.

The study says what it does.
I don't follow...
Do you feel just as outraged at all the Conservative "watchdog groups" that are also tax-exempt, like and Media Research Group?

Who did Bozell's Media Research Center declare war on?

Is it 'war' that he exposed you leftists who get your "news" from comedy central as uninformed and ignorant?

{In the real world – outside Stewart’s smug bubble – this is garbage. A 2008 survey by the Pew Research Center asked media consumers three questions: which party was in control of Congress (Democrats), who was the secretary of state (Condi Rice) and who was the prime minister of Britain (Gordon Brown).

Let’s document how the viewers of “Hannity &Colmes” were better informed than Stewart’s “Daily Show” gigglers on basic political facts. Hannity viewers beat Stewart’s on the Democratic majority (84 percent to 65 percent correct answers), Condi Rice (a dramatic 73 percent to 48 percent gap) and Gordon Brown (49 percent to 36). Overall, as a percentage getting all three questions right, Hannity won 42-30. }

Jon Stewart vs. Fox Facts

Hey, those who relied on "Gilligans Island" for their education on the constitution and turn to Jon Stewart for news WILL vote for Barack Obama, but informed they are not.

What does Jon Stewart have to do with whether or not MMA is "federal funded" or a 501(c)3?

Why are you changing the topic?

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