The Deafening Silence

On the day Trump was inaugurated, the US debt stood at $19,947,304,555,212.

11 months later, it is $20,602,414,047,303.

The GOP has owned Congress for three years.

After bitching and whining and moaning and thrashing themselves silly over the climbing debt on Obama's watch, the pseudocons have been completely silent while Trump runs up the tab.

And since Trump is pushing a fake reform tax bill which will add another $1,500,000,000,000 to the federal debt, once can't help but detect the stench of hypocrisy before a psuedocon even comes over the horizon.

Do you now how to do math?

At that rate in 8 years it would be 5 trillion compared to Obama's 8 trillion.

And we still don't know what he spent the money on .
Much of that debt was due to the recession which fortunately, trump was not straddled with.

And the rest of the 10T Obama debt, was because of poor decisions.
On the day Trump was inaugurated, the US debt stood at $19,947,304,555,212.

11 months later, it is $20,602,414,047,303.

The GOP has owned Congress for three years.

After bitching and whining and moaning and thrashing themselves silly over the climbing debt on Obama's watch, the pseudocons have been completely silent while Trump runs up the tab.

And since Trump is pushing a fake reform tax bill which will add another $1,500,000,000,000 to the federal debt, once can't help but detect the stench of hypocrisy before a psuedocon even comes over the horizon.

Do you now how to do math?

At that rate in 8 years it would be 5 trillion compared to Obama's 8 trillion.

And we still don't know what he spent the money on .
Much of that debt was due to the recession which fortunately, trump was not straddled with.

And the rest of the 10T Obama debt, was because of poor decisions.
Loon... Obama didn’t even add $10t to the debt. Maybe you should consider putting the bottle down?
/-----/ You're right because Reagan and Bush I and II had to rebuild our military after Buffoons Carter and Clintoon decimated it. President Trump has the same task. Libtards hate the military and want the USA defenseless.
Our military was NEVER "decimated." Just another in the endless list of Right-wing lies. The US still can destroy the entire world 4 times over.
Thank you president Obama.
It sure as hell was. I recall before Reagan got elected stories on the evening news about how the US Airforce could only put a fraction of it's force on paper into the air because of lack of spare parts and maintenance.

/-----/ You're right because Reagan and Bush I and II had to rebuild our military after Buffoons Carter and Clintoon decimated it. President Trump has the same task. Libtards hate the military and want the USA defenseless.
Our military was NEVER "decimated." Just another in the endless list of Right-wing lies. The US still can destroy the entire world 4 times over.
Thank you president Obama.
It sure as hell was. I recall before Reagan got elected stories on the evening news about how the US Airforce could only put a fraction of it's force on paper into the air because of lack of spare parts and maintenance.

The same news you call fake? So which is it snowflake, fake or true? Or is it only fake when it suits your pathetic needs?
/——-/ read for yourself. I was 30 at the time and had friends in the military. I heard the horror stories. The disastrous defense cuts of the 1970s and 1990s

I heard the same story. Had a friend in the airforce at the time. I believe that something like 60% of the planes weren't flyable because of the lack of spare parts and maintenance. They would canibalize the parts off of one plane to keep another in the air. The troops were getting paid so little that a lot of them qualified for welfare. The Navy was downn to 300 ships.

Fake news, see how that works. If you do not like what is reported you simply label it fake news. I had family in the navy when Raygun first took over and they said that was drastically over stated. I to was in the service in the mid to late 80's and it was the same then!
read for yourself. I was 30 at the time and had friends in the military. I heard the horror stories. The disastrous defense cuts of the 1970s and 1990s
Do you mean the Nixon/Ford defense cuts and the Reagan/Bush I defense cuts?
Why yes you do.

On the day Trump was inaugurated, the US debt stood at $19,947,304,555,212.

11 months later, it is $20,602,414,047,303.

The GOP has owned Congress for three years.

After bitching and whining and moaning and thrashing themselves silly over the climbing debt on Obama's watch, the pseudocons have been completely silent while Trump runs up the tab.

And since Trump is pushing a fake reform tax bill which will add another $1,500,000,000,000 to the federal debt, once can't help but detect the stench of hypocrisy before a psuedocon even comes over the horizon.
Oh, and here I thought the booming economy was Obama's doing.
Booming my ass... It's very similar to what it was under Obama which is solid growth until the GOP screws with it...
President Trump Approves 2-Week Govt Funding Extension - Executive Gov

President Donald Trump on Friday signed another continuing resolution that would fund the federal government at current spending levels through Dec. 22, Bloomberg reported Friday.

Not one tard started a topic to show their moral outrage the GOP and Trump are spending more than they take in.

Because the right doesn’t give a shit about the debt. They never have. They never complained once when Reagan tripled it. They never complained when Bush Sr. was on his way to tripling it. They never complained when Bush doubled it and they never complained when Bush started giving us trillion dollar deficits. They really don’t even care that Obama doubled it because they don’t care about the debt. They only feigned outrage over it as a tool with which to criticize Obama.
The reign of Obama proved that the left doesn't give a rat's ass about the debt.
On the day Trump was inaugurated, the US debt stood at $19,947,304,555,212.

11 months later, it is $20,602,414,047,303.

The GOP has owned Congress for three years.

After bitching and whining and moaning and thrashing themselves silly over the climbing debt on Obama's watch, the pseudocons have been completely silent while Trump runs up the tab.

And since Trump is pushing a fake reform tax bill which will add another $1,500,000,000,000 to the federal debt, once can't help but detect the stench of hypocrisy before a psuedocon even comes over the horizon.
Oh, and here I thought the booming economy was Obama's doing.
Booming my ass... It's very similar to what it was under Obama which is solid growth until the GOP screws with it...

1.8% is not "solid growth."
Our military was NEVER "decimated." Just another in the endless list of Right-wing lies. The US still can destroy the entire world 4 times over.
Thank you president Obama.
It sure as hell was. I recall before Reagan got elected stories on the evening news about how the US Airforce could only put a fraction of it's force on paper into the air because of lack of spare parts and maintenance.

Our military was NEVER "decimated." Just another in the endless list of Right-wing lies. The US still can destroy the entire world 4 times over.
Thank you president Obama.
It sure as hell was. I recall before Reagan got elected stories on the evening news about how the US Airforce could only put a fraction of it's force on paper into the air because of lack of spare parts and maintenance.

The same news you call fake? So which is it snowflake, fake or true? Or is it only fake when it suits your pathetic needs?
/——-/ read for yourself. I was 30 at the time and had friends in the military. I heard the horror stories. The disastrous defense cuts of the 1970s and 1990s

I heard the same story. Had a friend in the airforce at the time. I believe that something like 60% of the planes weren't flyable because of the lack of spare parts and maintenance. They would canibalize the parts off of one plane to keep another in the air. The troops were getting paid so little that a lot of them qualified for welfare. The Navy was downn to 300 ships.

Fake news, see how that works. If you do not like what is reported you simply label it fake news. I had family in the navy when Raygun first took over and they said that was drastically over stated. I to was in the service in the mid to late 80's and it was the same then!

Fake news. A link to an article was posted detailing the sorry state of our military then.
President Trump Approves 2-Week Govt Funding Extension - Executive Gov

President Donald Trump on Friday signed another continuing resolution that would fund the federal government at current spending levels through Dec. 22, Bloomberg reported Friday.

Not one tard started a topic to show their moral outrage the GOP and Trump are spending more than they take in.

Because the right doesn’t give a shit about the debt. They never have. They never complained once when Reagan tripled it. They never complained when Bush Sr. was on his way to tripling it. They never complained when Bush doubled it and they never complained when Bush started giving us trillion dollar deficits. They really don’t even care that Obama doubled it because they don’t care about the debt. They only feigned outrage over it as a tool with which to criticize Obama.
The reign of Obama proved that the left doesn't give a rat's ass about the debt.
Nonsense. We cared about the debt. We knew it was mostly due to The Great Recession Bush handed Obama in combination with trillion dollar deficits.
President Trump Approves 2-Week Govt Funding Extension - Executive Gov

President Donald Trump on Friday signed another continuing resolution that would fund the federal government at current spending levels through Dec. 22, Bloomberg reported Friday.

Not one tard started a topic to show their moral outrage the GOP and Trump are spending more than they take in.

Because the right doesn’t give a shit about the debt. They never have. They never complained once when Reagan tripled it. They never complained when Bush Sr. was on his way to tripling it. They never complained when Bush doubled it and they never complained when Bush started giving us trillion dollar deficits. They really don’t even care that Obama doubled it because they don’t care about the debt. They only feigned outrage over it as a tool with which to criticize Obama.
The reign of Obama proved that the left doesn't give a rat's ass about the debt.
Nonsense. We cared about the debt. We knew it was mostly due to The Great Recession Bush handed Obama in combination with trillion dollar deficits.

ROFL! I see. You rationalized it to yourselves. It's never your fault, is it, snowflake?
President Trump Approves 2-Week Govt Funding Extension - Executive Gov

President Donald Trump on Friday signed another continuing resolution that would fund the federal government at current spending levels through Dec. 22, Bloomberg reported Friday.

Not one tard started a topic to show their moral outrage the GOP and Trump are spending more than they take in.

Because the right doesn’t give a shit about the debt. They never have. They never complained once when Reagan tripled it. They never complained when Bush Sr. was on his way to tripling it. They never complained when Bush doubled it and they never complained when Bush started giving us trillion dollar deficits. They really don’t even care that Obama doubled it because they don’t care about the debt. They only feigned outrage over it as a tool with which to criticize Obama.
The reign of Obama proved that the left doesn't give a rat's ass about the debt.
Nonsense. We cared about the debt. We knew it was mostly due to The Great Recession Bush handed Obama in combination with trillion dollar deficits.

ROFL! I see. You rationalized it to yourselves. It's never your fault, is it, snowflake?
Great, attack me and not my position. Really shows how vacuous your own position is. Thanks for the concession. :thup:
President Trump Approves 2-Week Govt Funding Extension - Executive Gov

President Donald Trump on Friday signed another continuing resolution that would fund the federal government at current spending levels through Dec. 22, Bloomberg reported Friday.

Not one tard started a topic to show their moral outrage the GOP and Trump are spending more than they take in.

Because the right doesn’t give a shit about the debt. They never have. They never complained once when Reagan tripled it. They never complained when Bush Sr. was on his way to tripling it. They never complained when Bush doubled it and they never complained when Bush started giving us trillion dollar deficits. They really don’t even care that Obama doubled it because they don’t care about the debt. They only feigned outrage over it as a tool with which to criticize Obama.
The reign of Obama proved that the left doesn't give a rat's ass about the debt.
Nonsense. We cared about the debt. We knew it was mostly due to The Great Recession Bush handed Obama in combination with trillion dollar deficits.

ROFL! I see. You rationalized it to yourselves. It's never your fault, is it, snowflake?
Great, attack me and not my position. Really shows how vacuous your own position is. Thanks for the concession. :thup:
Aren't personal attacks one of your specialties?
Because the right doesn’t give a shit about the debt. They never have. They never complained once when Reagan tripled it. They never complained when Bush Sr. was on his way to tripling it. They never complained when Bush doubled it and they never complained when Bush started giving us trillion dollar deficits. They really don’t even care that Obama doubled it because they don’t care about the debt. They only feigned outrage over it as a tool with which to criticize Obama.
The reign of Obama proved that the left doesn't give a rat's ass about the debt.
Nonsense. We cared about the debt. We knew it was mostly due to The Great Recession Bush handed Obama in combination with trillion dollar deficits.

ROFL! I see. You rationalized it to yourselves. It's never your fault, is it, snowflake?
Great, attack me and not my position. Really shows how vacuous your own position is. Thanks for the concession. :thup:
Aren't personal attacks one of your specialties?
I've already accepted your concession -- no need to keep surrendering.
The reign of Obama proved that the left doesn't give a rat's ass about the debt.
Nonsense. We cared about the debt. We knew it was mostly due to The Great Recession Bush handed Obama in combination with trillion dollar deficits.

ROFL! I see. You rationalized it to yourselves. It's never your fault, is it, snowflake?
Great, attack me and not my position. Really shows how vacuous your own position is. Thanks for the concession. :thup:
Aren't personal attacks one of your specialties?
I've already accepted your concession -- no need to keep surrendering.
It sure as hell was. I recall before Reagan got elected stories on the evening news about how the US Airforce could only put a fraction of it's force on paper into the air because of lack of spare parts and maintenance.

It sure as hell was. I recall before Reagan got elected stories on the evening news about how the US Airforce could only put a fraction of it's force on paper into the air because of lack of spare parts and maintenance.

The same news you call fake? So which is it snowflake, fake or true? Or is it only fake when it suits your pathetic needs?
/——-/ read for yourself. I was 30 at the time and had friends in the military. I heard the horror stories. The disastrous defense cuts of the 1970s and 1990s

I heard the same story. Had a friend in the airforce at the time. I believe that something like 60% of the planes weren't flyable because of the lack of spare parts and maintenance. They would canibalize the parts off of one plane to keep another in the air. The troops were getting paid so little that a lot of them qualified for welfare. The Navy was downn to 300 ships.

Fake news, see how that works. If you do not like what is reported you simply label it fake news. I had family in the navy when Raygun first took over and they said that was drastically over stated. I to was in the service in the mid to late 80's and it was the same then!

Fake news. A link to an article was posted detailing the sorry state of our military then.

Bbbbbut the MSM is fake news, I know this because you RWNJ's have told us this. So which is it, fake news or the truth. You can't have it both ways.
1.8% is not "solid growth."
It sure is! Boom and Bust is not only not "solid," but also the bust invariably ends lower than where the boom started. 1.8% steady growth end over end yields greater LONG TERM growth than boom and bust. The boom and busters only point to the booms and ignore the long term effects of the busts.
1.8% is not "solid growth."
It sure is! Boom and Bust is not only not "solid," but also the bust invariably ends lower than where the boom started. 1.8% steady growth end over end yields greater LONG TERM growth than boom and bust. The boom and busters only point to the booms and ignore the long term effects of the busts.

Do you know anyone who is happy with the economy under Obama? 1.8% isn't even enough to compensate for population growth, and if you want to see better wages and a better standard of living for your children, then 3% is about the minimum . 4%-5% would be much better.

Government causes the boom and bust by meddling in the economy. The last time it was the result of politicians trying to provide "affordable housing."
On the day Trump was inaugurated, the US debt stood at $19,947,304,555,212.

11 months later, it is $20,602,414,047,303.

The GOP has owned Congress for three years.

After bitching and whining and moaning and thrashing themselves silly over the climbing debt on Obama's watch, the pseudocons have been completely silent while Trump runs up the tab.

And since Trump is pushing a fake reform tax bill which will add another $1,500,000,000,000 to the federal debt, once can't help but detect the stench of hypocrisy before a psuedocon even comes over the horizon.
You do realize we are pasted the point of no return? Shit for brains
1.8% is not "solid growth."
It sure is! Boom and Bust is not only not "solid," but also the bust invariably ends lower than where the boom started. 1.8% steady growth end over end yields greater LONG TERM growth than boom and bust. The boom and busters only point to the booms and ignore the long term effects of the busts.
/----/ That's the dumbest, most twisted excuse I've ever heard for Obozo's crappy economy. Even Obozo didn't make that claim.

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