The Gateway Pundit slams Ron DeSantis for not condemning Trump's possible indictment: "The silence is deafening"

Desantis just knocked it out of the fucking park.

There are comments to the Cult Media that are home runs.
This one today was an 8 bagger.
If you go to the really conservative sites in the noise machine, the kind you get banned on for saying anything even slightly anti Trump, there is all this stuff they know, they have proof of, the truth is right there, almost within reach. Then the mean old Demmicrats snatch it away. Don't spend more than a hour of two in there, it smooths out the wrinkles in your brain if you stay too long. But it is interesting and you read something on those sites, you soon see it on this forum. They are still dittoheads.

which sites?
I have never seen one like that.
Conservatives' most loved fake news outlet – the source of conservatives’ lies, spreader of misinformation and conspiracy theories.
I think there are many. I am not sure which on is favorite. Are we including Info Wars?
As I already stated, I'm condemning THIS STALINIST BULLSHIT!!!!!!
"Show me the man, and I'll show you the crime".
Fuck YOU and your acceptance of a fucking TWO-TIERED bifurcated "justice" system!!!!
This petty "charge" being pursued in NY is FIRST OF ALL, out of jurisdiction, and SECONDLY, the same bullshit has been ignored when it came to Hillary AND Obama and countless OTHERS!
That's called HYPOCRISY you mindless DRONE!
Such is the right’s contempt for the Constitution and rule of law.
"Why arent you sticking up for that guy who slams you at every rally?" :laugh:

The next president is either Trump or DeSantis. Any suggestion to the contrary is just silly nonsense.

The real interesting part about the next election is getting to see how deluded Trumpers react to being shown, yet again, how thoroughly the rest of the nation has rejected them.

The real interesting part about the next election is getting to see how deluded Trumpers react to being shown, yet again, how thoroughly the rest of the nation has rejected them.
Bro, read the fucking room already. Biden is a god damn trainwreck who has ZERO shot at reelection.
Bro, read the fucking room already. Biden is a god damn trainwreck who has ZERO shot at reelection.
You should try getting out of the room and reading the nation.

It is hilarious that you thin Trump has a better shot than Biden.
Conservatives' most loved news outlet is calling out DeSantis on his silence.
When will Ron speak? This is it good for Democrats because Desantis is doing very strong in polls against Biden.

If Trump supporters get angry and begin hating Desantis, he will be one less obstacle in 2024.

I don’t know why it’s important for desantis to speak. I know the left want it because it creates division in the Republican Party.

I say, desantis can make up his own mind as to if he wants to talk about trump and he shouldn’t let anyone force him one way or the other. It’s not an obligation for him to do so.

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