The Death of The NFL

Sure were a lot of empty seats at the LA Coliseum.

I can't understand why LA hasn't had a team in 20 years or so, then gets 2 teams in one season. The owners clearly think they can make more money with the Chargers AND Rams in LA. I guess we'll find out when the new stadium is complete.
this guy knows what he is talking about,i dont see the NFL lasting more than ten years at the most.Goodel more than anything is to blame for having his head up robert krafts ass all these years.

Sure were a lot of empty seats at the LA Coliseum.

I can't understand why LA hasn't had a team in 20 years or so, then gets 2 teams in one season. The owners clearly think they can make more money with the Chargers AND Rams in LA. I guess we'll find out when the new stadium is complete.

empty seats at NFL stadiums is the norm for many teams right now,thats going on everywhere. The owners have killed the game with all these relocations. they were that stupid to not understand moving a team away to another city would hurt their fan base in each of these three cases here below.:rolleyes:

First they had no idea how they were going to destroy the league so badly letting the Rams leave LA in the first place,the most moronic decision ever letting them go to a no name hicktown that never embraced football :lmao:

They are paying for it now because people in LA were deprived of an NFL team for so long they found other things to do on sundays.there is plenty of stuff to do in LA so they are back at rebuilding all over again trying to win a fanbase back they left.:rolleyes:

The Rams can fix things with attendance next season with how they are winning because THEY have the history there in LA.Chargers are a hopeless cause though even if they win.

the niners and chargers are going through the exact same problem the rams did most their time in st louis,having half empty stadiums with most the fans being from the opposing teams.:D

They were as equally as moronic letting the niners go to santa clara because it is mostly fans from the opposing teams who up for those games in that half empty stadium all the time,they priced out the loyal fans the blue collar workers and are paying for it.

Now to their stupidity,they let the chargers go to LA. the chargers and niners are having the exact same problem the Rams had the majority of their time they were in st louis,with half empty stadiums with most of then being from the opposing fans.

the ONLY team move that was justified was the Rams going back to LA but as i said,they are even paying for that trying to get fans in LA interested again, with them winning they should be in good shape for next year though with a packed stadium again. their slowly getting bigger crowds there each week.

spannos and goodel are in denial mode,they dont get it that it does not matter if they win,that nodboy in LA will ever see the chargers. a couple years from now when they see the attendance has not improved,they will wise up and demand that spanos take them back to san diego but that wont do any good because the fans there wont go to a game again as long as he is the owner.

so the NFL has fucked themselves losing a great market in the process.the chargers are nobodys team now,nobody in SD is driving up to see the games and nobody in LA wants them there.:biggrin:
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You can't quantify "way down." My definition of "way down" might be different than yours.

So the fact that politifact was so stupid as to attempt to say an unquantifiable fact was "mostly false" is about as stupid as arguing with someone who thinks a particular car is "really ugly." When you only think it's a little bit ugly.

Well, you go on and keep it locked on The Alternative Fact News Network


Airplane mechanic points out the utter valuelessness in saying that 'way down' is an unquantifiable opinion and your response is to put up an irrelevant 'alternative facts' pic and pretend there was a valid point to PolitiNoFacts bilge.

Lol, you really are an idiot.
People watch or go to football to root and take a break from life
A handful of social justice warrior horseshitters think their misguided "protest" over non existent police brutality toward minorities is meaningful when in fact it is a grossly out of place and trite
It can't happen soon enough, because the only thing oppressing the black crybabies is the natural results of the violent crime epidemic everywhere these humanoids go. It would educationally behoove guilty white liberals if they started reading black cyberspace, so they would see the gargantuan levels of hatred and stupidity this race is about. Blacks don't care about equality, they simply want revenge on whites! That's why they're never, ever, ever grateful or happy with anything whites give them.

I'm the fairest racist I know, I have the exact same level of seething hatred for Crybaby-Americans that they have for white males. Fair enough?
Liberals can never accept that Americans are so TIRED of being scolded how WAAAAAAYCIST they are when we're the only white-majority nation in history that elected a black leader and per the Civil Rights Bowel Movement, there is not ONE legal right I have that Crybaby-Americans don't.
Liberals can never accept that Americans are so TIRED of being scolded how WAAAAAAYCIST they are when we're the only white-majority nation in history that elected a black leader and per the Civil Rights Bowel Movement, there is not ONE legal right I have that Crybaby-Americans don't.

Calling it the civil rights bowel movement is proof positive that you're not a racist, that's for damn sure.
I guess people are getting tired of watching big negro men smash into each other. These tree dwellers are getting paid millions of dollars and they frankly don't have the collective IQs of a slice of Wonder Bread.
Let them continue to shit in their own nests.
A couple of years from now they'll all be living in fucking cardboard boxes.
NFL HELL: Empty Seats Trend Moves into Week 12 in Stadiums Across Country as Anthem Protests Continue (PHOTOS)
What you fail to understand you moron is that these apes, these tree dwellers, GOT PAID....THEIR CONTRACTS ARE LOCKED IN.....the only people hurting today are vendors, rednecks, owners and YOU!!!....and decreasing the odds for white women to marry into money, guess they'll have to get rich the old fashion way, marry a hard working tax paying white man to live if that's making you upset, gotcha!!
I guess people are getting tired of watching big negro men smash into each other. These tree dwellers are getting paid millions of dollars and they frankly don't have the collective IQs of a slice of Wonder Bread.
Let them continue to shit in their own nests.
A couple of years from now they'll all be living in fucking cardboard boxes.
NFL HELL: Empty Seats Trend Moves into Week 12 in Stadiums Across Country as Anthem Protests Continue (PHOTOS)
The hate in your heart is palpable. You might want to soothe that before it kills you.
Using the Ravens as an example since they're playing in Baltimore tonight. They have a wait list for fans to purchase PSLs which looks to be about 3000. That means all those empty seats you may see on TV tonight have already been sold. The NFL isn't taking a hit on those seats. Regardless, it isn't good news for the NFL. Like Typsycatlover said, the real hit comes when they can't sell the season tickets.

Baltimore Ravens | Tickets | Wait List
No, the real hit comes when their sponsors wont pay over priced charges for advertising time when there are fewer and fewer people watching.

With a 20% slide over two years in TV audience, what advertiser is going to pay top dollar on a five year contract for air time?
MSNBC's negro 'White Waana-Be' Joy Reid called the pizza sponsor who pulled his advertising the maker of "shit pizza".
News flash Joy. No matter how many times you check in the mirror you'll never be white!

Seahawks vs 49ers

yep like i said,because of the stupidity of the owners,NFL relocation has fucked the attendance for both the niners and chargers AND got fans around the country not interested to tune in to see two teams that had an identity with their CITIES.

.this is what they get all the time there because they priced out the loyal blue collar workers,the die hard loyal fans who showed up every sunday win or lose in SAN FRAN.

people are mistaken that if they start winning things will change.Errr no it i mentioned in SF,when they were the joke of the league,that did not matter,they ALWAYS packed them in.:biggrin:

I laughed so hard when a friend of mine told me he saw one of their games at a resteraunt and he was not even aware of the attendance problems they were having so when HE told me he saw a lot of empty seats on the tv set,i laughed my ass off.:lmao:
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ESPN has sent a directive to all NFL TV producers to make sure to not show the empty seats during the game's coverage.
I'm the fairest racist I know, I have the exact same level of seething hatred for Crybaby-Americans that they have for white males. Fair enough?
"Fair racist" is an oxymoron by definition.

The sole purpose of racism and bigotry is to justify being unfair to individual people.

Seahawks vs 49ers

the owners are to blame for the half empty seats/as i said,this NEVER happened in SAN FRAN even tin the lean years when they were horrible.they always packed them in. as you can all see,this is going on in carson with the chargers as well.

the chargers went to having regular crowds that looked like this every sunday in San Diego

to these crowds every sunday now this year and always will as long as they are in carson.

In Maryland if the Fed Fex Field isn't sold out and has many empty seats next year, the ex Governor Paris Glendening, had made a deal with billionaire, Dan Snyder to bring the "Redskins" to Maryland. The empty seats would be picked up by the Maryland Tax Payers... Can you believe that? A liberal giving a billionaire corporate welfare? Bwaaaahhhaaaahhhaaaaa. Too fucking funny.
The Redskins already play in Maryland. Where do you think FedEx Field is?

FedExField - Wikipedia

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