The Death Panels Cometh...

Nice lie.

Republicans have tried tort reform to prevent lawyers from driving up the costs of healthcare on everyone, Democraps stop it.

Republicans have pushed for healthcare insurance to be sold across state lines, Democraps stop it.

Democraps want to drive healthcare off a cliff, then blame doctors, drug companies, insurance companies and Republicans so they can dupe more dumb motherfuckers like you to create socialized medicine.

Until republicans start talking about what, exactly, they will do different other than just sabotage the ACA into failure they are blowing hot air and leading dumbasses in a dangerous direction. What are they intending to do make sure medical care does not become a scarce luxury item.

No, it’s not a 'lie' – and you’ve got to be kidding.

Tort ‘reform’ will have no overall effect on the cost of healthcare:

Health care costs are rising; however, medical malpractice litigation has nothing to do with it. According to the Congressional Budget Office, medical malpractice amounted to less than 2 percent of overall health care spending.

Tort Reform Myth: Myth: Health care costs are rising and doctors are unable to practice due to litigation. | The Legal Examiner Honolulu
Selling insurance across state lines will also have no effect, as prices will generally remain uniform across any given market. If a family can’t afford a premium of $1500 per month, they’re not going to be able to afford a $1400 per month premium after ‘shopping around.’

Add in the cost of medical malpractice insurance and what number does the CBO come up with? This article from 2007 and the increases in the cost of malpractice insurance has continued and put some Doctors out of business. Others merely raised their fees to stay in business, hence the high cost of health care.

ByJaime Holguin
Dr. Paul Tudder figures he's delivered about 4,000 babies in 21 years, and in that time, he's never been sued.

Yet, as CBS News Correspondent Sharyl Attkisson reports, his
malpractice insurance has gone through the roof
. His premium was $23,000 in 2002. Then it jumped to $47,000. This year, he got a quote for $84,000.

"It puts me on yearly notice," says Tudder. "This year I think we can survive, but next year I don't know."

The insurance industry claims all OB-GYNs are paying the price for what they call out-of-control malpractice awards, far beyond what victims deserve. They support limits on how much money victims can win in court.

"Medical malpractice costs are all about lawsuits, settlements and jury awards," says P.J. Crowley, an insurance industry representative.

Copyright 2007 CBS. All rights reserved.
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Ahhh the old Fivilous lawsuit meme. Yeah, lawyers are the reason why healthcare costs are going up. I mean they leave a scalpel or their glasses inside someone they shouldnt have to pay for that because if they do, our healthcare costs will go up. Doctors shouldnt do better, people should just stop suing when they screw up :thup:

well for sure we should just sue ourselves into oblivion..and lets make sure all them lawyers get rich in the process

Oh no! Lawyers get paid! This must be stopped! You've convinced me by playing one group against another. Lawsuits are bad :D

This is an excerpt from a New York Times article.

Positive Aspects of Tort Reform

The goal of tort reform is to reduce jury awards for medical malpractice law suits. This reduction of excessive jury award would, in turn, allow medical malpractice insurance companies to reduce their excessive premiums. This logic is based on the theory that insurance companies would pay less money on doctors’ insurance claims because juries would award plaintiffs less money. Then, the lower insurance premiums would lead to a larger quantity of good doctors entering the health field, no longer fearing extreme insurance premiums.

To an extent, this logic may be true. According to a recent article in the New York Times, physicians are flooding into Texas because of the state’s recent approval of a constitutional amendment limiting medical malpractice awards. Further, physicians noticed that the state of Texas experienced an average 21.3% decrease in medical malpractice insurance premiums during the four years following the tort reform legislation.

According to the article, the number of medical license applications in Texas has increased 18% in the four years since the state legislature enacted the caps. Many doctors cite the friendly malpractice climate as the reason for their move to Texas. Those physicians agree that Texas laws make it easier for doctors to care for patients with complex illnesses without fear of a frivolous law suit.
Anyone that doesn't believe increasing the demand for healthcare in our limited supply of doctors and the rising costs of healthcare doesn't lead to cutting off certain people to certain procedures is a LIAR or a dumbfuck.

Granny isn't going ot be allowed to live 10 more years from an expensive surgery, she will be told to take pain pills to live out her life 1-3 years.

Mentally/physically handicapped children/adults will be put in a different category for medical care compared to the so-called healthier people in this country. Afterall, liberals have always wanted to kill off those kinds of people via abortion so this is the slow abortion method once they escape the first time.

Who says the supply of Doctors is limited?

We import doctors from around the world. Ever been to an emergency room?

Where in Obamacare does it say mentally and physically handicapped will be in a different category? If anything, they will be able to get coverage for preexisting conditions


And Arizona is ahead by several body counts.
The Death Panels are coming, in obamacare.

Arizona Governor Jan Brewer pulled funding for 2 operations.

Both those people died.

And that had nothing to do with "ObamaCare".

That's what Republicans want for America.

Can't pay?

Anyone that doesn't believe increasing the demand for healthcare in our limited supply of doctors and the rising costs of healthcare doesn't lead to cutting off certain people to certain procedures is a LIAR or a dumbfuck.

Granny isn't going ot be allowed to live 10 more years from an expensive surgery, she will be told to take pain pills to live out her life 1-3 years.

Mentally/physically handicapped children/adults will be put in a different category for medical care compared to the so-called healthier people in this country. Afterall, liberals have always wanted to kill off those kinds of people via abortion so this is the slow abortion method once they escape the first time.

Who says the supply of Doctors is limited?

We import doctors from around the world. Ever been to an emergency room?

Where in Obamacare does it say mentally and physically handicapped will be in a different category? If anything, they will be able to get coverage for preexisting conditions

and who pays for this coverage? the unicorn?:eusa_eh:

its never ceases to amaze me, the Lib/Proggie bizs haters have found what every biz owner in the world would give their eye teeth for or be able to do;

- increase customer base
- increase product production
- no concomitant increase in cost(s) at any end
- no lapse of product resources

yea, right.......:rolleyes:
The Death Panels are coming, in obamacare.

Arizona Governor Jan Brewer pulled funding for 2 operations.

Both those people died.

And that had nothing to do with "ObamaCare".

That's what Republicans want for America.

Can't pay?


Good for her. There needs to be limits on how much the state/government should lay out.

If however you have the funds to pay for the things you want feel free to do so.
Anyone that doesn't believe increasing the demand for healthcare in our limited supply of doctors and the rising costs of healthcare doesn't lead to cutting off certain people to certain procedures is a LIAR or a dumbfuck.

Granny isn't going ot be allowed to live 10 more years from an expensive surgery, she will be told to take pain pills to live out her life 1-3 years.

Mentally/physically handicapped children/adults will be put in a different category for medical care compared to the so-called healthier people in this country. Afterall, liberals have always wanted to kill off those kinds of people via abortion so this is the slow abortion method once they escape the first time.

Who says the supply of Doctors is limited?

We import doctors from around the world. Ever been to an emergency room?

Where in Obamacare does it say mentally and physically handicapped will be in a different category? If anything, they will be able to get coverage for preexisting conditions

and who pays for this coverage? the unicorn?:eusa_eh:

its never ceases to amaze me, the Lib/Proggie bizs haters have found what every biz owner in the world would give their eye teeth for or be able to do;

- increase customer base
- increase product production
- no concomitant increase in cost(s) at any end
- no lapse of product resources

yea, right.......:rolleyes:

There is an endless supply of sick and injured people. Republicans prefer a system where only the privileged can receive care and blame the rest for their inability to afford care
The Death Panels are coming, in obamacare.

Arizona Governor Jan Brewer pulled funding for 2 operations.

Both those people died.

And that had nothing to do with "ObamaCare".

That's what Republicans want for America.

Can't pay?


wipe your chin dude...I posted links before to cases one of whcih was in that mecca of liberalism, San fran where in doctors would not operate on a illegal alien without a guarantee of payment........

see, that Independent Payment Advisory Board ? those 15 high exalted individuals?

once they get going, they won't be deciding shit for me or mine. we'll head to a fee clinic overseas or Mexico where in they will spring up like wild flowers if obamacare runs on.......we'll get taken care of....:cool:

you? well, bring a lawn chair for that line outside the doctors office and suck it up. you can sing L'Internationale while you wait. Maybe the Board will deign to allow treatment for you....or, maybe not.

BUT, you can always drink water from that vase of wilted flowers on the window sill in your room, IF it hasn't evaporated...or order a $15 bottle of water if you can get a nurse and pay cash.......good luck on that.
Who says the supply of Doctors is limited?

We import doctors from around the world. Ever been to an emergency room?

Where in Obamacare does it say mentally and physically handicapped will be in a different category? If anything, they will be able to get coverage for preexisting conditions

and who pays for this coverage? the unicorn?:eusa_eh:

its never ceases to amaze me, the Lib/Proggie bizs haters have found what every biz owner in the world would give their eye teeth for or be able to do;

- increase customer base
- increase product production
- no concomitant increase in cost(s) at any end
- no lapse of product resources

yea, right.......:rolleyes:

There is an endless supply of sick and injured people. Republicans prefer a system where only the privileged can receive care and blame the rest for their inability to afford care

I rest my case. :lol:
Nice lie.

Republicans have tried tort reform to prevent lawyers from driving up the costs of healthcare on everyone, Democraps stop it.

Republicans have pushed for healthcare insurance to be sold across state lines, Democraps stop it.

Democraps want to drive healthcare off a cliff, then blame doctors, drug companies, insurance companies and Republicans so they can dupe more dumb motherfuckers like you to create socialized medicine.

Until republicans start talking about what, exactly, they will do different other than just sabotage the ACA into failure they are blowing hot air and leading dumbasses in a dangerous direction. What are they intending to do make sure medical care does not become a scarce luxury item.

Everyone is entitled to his own opinion, but not his own facts.
Daniel Patrick Moynihan

  • Tort reform is a STATE issue, not a federal issue. And, malpractice costs account for less than 2 percent of health care spending

  • The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PACA) includes provisions that allow the purchasing of health insurance across state lines.

The Death Panels are coming, in obamacare.

Arizona Governor Jan Brewer pulled funding for 2 operations.

Both those people died.

And that had nothing to do with "ObamaCare".

That's what Republicans want for America.

Can't pay?


wipe your chin dude...I posted links before to cases one of whcih was in that mecca of liberalism, San fran where in doctors would not operate on a illegal alien without a guarantee of payment........

see, that Independent Payment Advisory Board ? those 15 high exalted individuals?

once they get going, they won't be deciding shit for me or mine. we'll head to a fee clinic overseas or Mexico where in they will spring up like wild flowers if obamacare runs on.......we'll get taken care of....:cool:

you? well, bring a lawn chair for that line outside the doctors office and suck it up. you can sing L'Internationale while you wait. Maybe the Board will deign to allow treatment for you....or, maybe not.

BUT, you can always drink water from that vase of wilted flowers on the window sill in your room, IF it hasn't evaporated...or order a $15 bottle of water if you can get a nurse and pay cash.......good luck on that.

The Facts About the Independent Payment Advisory Board

Key to these savings is a proposal to strengthen the Independent Payment Advisory Board – IPAB, which was created by the Affordable Care Act. Here’s how IPAB works:

  • 15 experts including doctors and patient advocates would be nominated by the President and confirmed by the Senate to serve on IPAB.
  • IPAB would recommend policies to Congress to help Medicare provide better care at lower costs. This could include ideas on coordinating care, getting rid of waste in the system, incentivizing best practices, and prioritizing primary care.

  • IPAB is specifically prohibited by law from recommending any policies that ration care, raise taxes, increase premiums or cost-sharing, restrict benefits or modify who is eligible for Medicare.

  • Congress then has the power to accept or reject these recommendations. If Congress rejects the recommendations, and Medicare spending exceeds specific targets, Congress must either enact policies that achieve equivalent savings or let the Secretary of Health and Human Services follow IPAB’s recommendations.
Anyone that doesn't believe increasing the demand for healthcare in our limited supply of doctors and the rising costs of healthcare doesn't lead to cutting off certain people to certain procedures is a LIAR or a dumbfuck.

Granny isn't going ot be allowed to live 10 more years from an expensive surgery, she will be told to take pain pills to live out her life 1-3 years.

Mentally/physically handicapped children/adults will be put in a different category for medical care compared to the so-called healthier people in this country. Afterall, liberals have always wanted to kill off those kinds of people via abortion so this is the slow abortion method once they escape the first time.

And sometimes that expensive surgery will kill granny in a week.
Seen many dementia patients made to have hip replacements and die within a few weeks.
My great grandmother died two weeks after having knee surgery. Never made it out of the hospital.
Anyone that doesn't believe increasing the demand for healthcare in our limited supply of doctors and the rising costs of healthcare doesn't lead to cutting off certain people to certain procedures is a LIAR or a dumbfuck.

Granny isn't going ot be allowed to live 10 more years from an expensive surgery, she will be told to take pain pills to live out her life 1-3 years.

Mentally/physically handicapped children/adults will be put in a different category for medical care compared to the so-called healthier people in this country. Afterall, liberals have always wanted to kill off those kinds of people via abortion so this is the slow abortion method once they escape the first time.

And sometimes that expensive surgery will kill granny in a week.
Seen many dementia patients made to have hip replacements and die within a few weeks.
My great grandmother died two weeks after having knee surgery. Never made it out of the hospital.


You get a different perspective working in the industry don't you?

At some point the word "no" needs to be said. At some point a cap must be put on the amount of money used.

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