The debate has taken up much of our time but we need to fear the capacity of Russia, China and their allies in the world of cyber technology.


Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2012
When I repeat that "China is going to win", it is a tantamount to their effective intelligence agencies. The social engineering they have perfected and applied to Western governments, politicians and institutions has been very impressive.

There is also the cyber realm though. This is a domain that Russia in particular has excelled at. What frightens me though is that China is very good also, but they aren't viewed on the same level as Russia. What frightens me about this is that they may well be, but we don't hear the stories.

As an example, there are world famous hacking competitions that are open to anyone and China forbids their citizens from joining them. Some suggest it is because they don't want the world to know what exploits and vulnerabilities that have found in Windows/Mac/Linux.

Then there is Iran and N Korea. Again, heavily focused on the cyber sphere.

We need politics out of the lives of citizens so that creative, driven men have the floor. Musk shouldn't be a target, he should be allowed to speak and motivate citizens. These advantages the West have developed over decades is threatened by political ambitions of some Party members. The West needs to win in the cybersphere, I am understanding this more than ever before.

Neither politicians nor moderators ask about these key issues. Much of the public seems unaware, yet, there are countless stories of scammers and randsomware experts from these countries, just search youtube. The threat to National Security is real
When I repeat that "China is going to win", it is a tantamount to their effective intelligence agencies. The social engineering they have perfected and applied to Western governments, politicians and institutions has been very impressive.

There is also the cyber realm though. This is a domain that Russia in particular has excelled at. What frightens me though is that China is very good also, but they aren't viewed on the same level as Russia. What frightens me about this is that they may well be, but we don't hear the stories.

As an example, there are world famous hacking competitions that are open to anyone and China forbids their citizens from joining them. Some suggest it is because they don't want the world to know what exploits and vulnerabilities that have found in Windows/Mac/Linux.

Then there is Iran and N Korea. Again, heavily focused on the cyber sphere.

We need politics out of the lives of citizens so that creative, driven men have the floor. Musk shouldn't be a target, he should be allowed to speak and motivate citizens. These advantages the West have developed over decades is threatened by political ambitions of some Party members. The West needs to win in the cybersphere, I am understanding this more than ever before.

Neither politicians nor moderators ask about these key issues. Much of the public seems unaware, yet, there are countless stories of scammers and randsomware experts from these countries, just search youtube. The threat to National Security is real
It would not even surprise me that at the end of the vote count for President this year that Xi wins.
You don't think the United States does any of this? ... the chips themselves have this technology embedded within by the Chinese, per American requests ... then the computers/laptops/telephones made with these chips fall into terrorists' hands and we can track their reign of terror ... isn't safety more important than freedom or privacy? ...

Be afraid, be very afraid ... trust government, they're the only ones that can save us ... George Orwell was wrong in his book 1984 ... we desperately need Big Brother's protection from ... weather and non-whites I guess ...

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