The debt and annual deficit, ideas on potential solutions

What ideas do you have for fiscal sanity

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Wry Catcher

Diamond Member
Aug 3, 2009
Here are a couple of ideas, not mine, but good ones. Let's tax everyone of the financial transactions on the stock exchanges .25 cents. Million of transactions occur every working day and night on exchanges, foreign and domestic.

The use of the income would be applied to reduce or potentially eliminate annual deficit spending. Only ideology prevents this very practical method of curtailing the massive debt incurred by Congress each year.

However, giving more money to a Congress, no matter which party is in power, would simply be foolish. Thus the second part of the idea, and the most difficult, would be to provide the POTUS the line-item veto. A veto which could be overridden by The Congress. Checks and balances as foreseen by the Founding Fathers.

Of course the line-item veto will require an Amendment to COTUS.
My Idea is to cut spending and force the Gubmint to live within it's means. It's so crazy it just might work.
Why is a lefties answer always taxes? Why not cut a bunch of needless, unconstitutional bullshit?
But I will say I don't see a problem with a 25 cent tax on transactions. At all.
Here are a couple of ideas, not mine, but good ones. Let's tax everyone of the financial transactions on the stock exchanges .25 cents. Million of transactions occur every working day and night on exchanges, foreign and domestic.

The use of the income would be applied to reduce or potentially eliminate annual deficit spending. Only ideology prevents this very practical method of curtailing the massive debt incurred by Congress each year.

However, giving more money to a Congress, no matter which party is in power, would simply be foolish. Thus the second part of the idea, and the most difficult, would be to provide the POTUS the line-item veto. A veto which could be overridden by The Congress. Checks and balances as foreseen by the Founding Fathers.

Of course the line-item veto will require an Amendment to COTUS.

Let's tax everyone of the financial transactions on the stock exchanges .25 cents. Million of transactions occur every working day and night on exchanges, foreign and domestic.

That's an excellent idea!!
It would absolutely crush American exchanges.

provide the POTUS the line-item veto. A veto which could be overridden by The Congress.

That's actually a good idea. Are you feeling okay?
My Idea is to cut spending and force the Gubmint to live within it's means. It's so crazy it just might work.

I agree, it is crazy:
  • cutting spending cuts jobs
  • cutting jobs slows the economy
  • a slow economy losses jobs
All of which results in a depressed economy creating despair, increasing crime and harming millions.
Here are a couple of ideas, not mine, but good ones. Let's tax everyone of the financial transactions on the stock exchanges .25 cents. Million of transactions occur every working day and night on exchanges, foreign and domestic.

The use of the income would be applied to reduce or potentially eliminate annual deficit spending. Only ideology prevents this very practical method of curtailing the massive debt incurred by Congress each year.

However, giving more money to a Congress, no matter which party is in power, would simply be foolish. Thus the second part of the idea, and the most difficult, would be to provide the POTUS the line-item veto. A veto which could be overridden by The Congress. Checks and balances as foreseen by the Founding Fathers.

Of course the line-item veto will require an Amendment to COTUS.

Let's tax everyone of the financial transactions on the stock exchanges .25 cents. Million of transactions occur every working day and night on exchanges, foreign and domestic.

That's an excellent idea!!
It would absolutely crush American exchanges.

provide the POTUS the line-item veto. A veto which could be overridden by The Congress.

That's actually a good idea. Are you feeling okay?

I doubt it would crush American Exchanges, how do you come to that conclusion? The fee could be charged to the buyer, the seller and the brokerage. The exchange would not have any expense, since the records are already collected and published.

Of course there will be those who will try to cheat, but laws and regulations can be established to make cheating over 25 cents only the felon stupid would attempt.
Why is a lefties answer always taxes? Why not cut a bunch of needless, unconstitutional bullshit?
But I will say I don't see a problem with a 25 cent tax on transactions. At all.

"lefties"??? LOL, "death and taxes" two sure things. We now pay our taxes and money is spent on boondoggles and interest on the debt. There is a better way for our dollars to be used, even you and I can agree on that point.
Here are a couple of ideas, not mine, but good ones. Let's tax everyone of the financial transactions on the stock exchanges .25 cents. Million of transactions occur every working day and night on exchanges, foreign and domestic.

The use of the income would be applied to reduce or potentially eliminate annual deficit spending. Only ideology prevents this very practical method of curtailing the massive debt incurred by Congress each year.

However, giving more money to a Congress, no matter which party is in power, would simply be foolish. Thus the second part of the idea, and the most difficult, would be to provide the POTUS the line-item veto. A veto which could be overridden by The Congress. Checks and balances as foreseen by the Founding Fathers.

Of course the line-item veto will require an Amendment to COTUS.
It's an interesting idea. However, you realize the major impact would be on small investors who trade often in lots of a 100 to 1000 share or odd lots. Large financial institutions tend to trade relatively small numbers of huge lots.
Here are a couple of ideas, not mine, but good ones. Let's tax everyone of the financial transactions on the stock exchanges .25 cents. Million of transactions occur every working day and night on exchanges, foreign and domestic.

The use of the income would be applied to reduce or potentially eliminate annual deficit spending. Only ideology prevents this very practical method of curtailing the massive debt incurred by Congress each year.

However, giving more money to a Congress, no matter which party is in power, would simply be foolish. Thus the second part of the idea, and the most difficult, would be to provide the POTUS the line-item veto. A veto which could be overridden by The Congress. Checks and balances as foreseen by the Founding Fathers.

Of course the line-item veto will require an Amendment to COTUS.

Let's tax everyone of the financial transactions on the stock exchanges .25 cents. Million of transactions occur every working day and night on exchanges, foreign and domestic.

That's an excellent idea!!
It would absolutely crush American exchanges.

provide the POTUS the line-item veto. A veto which could be overridden by The Congress.

That's actually a good idea. Are you feeling okay?

I doubt it would crush American Exchanges, how do you come to that conclusion? The fee could be charged to the buyer, the seller and the brokerage. The exchange would not have any expense, since the records are already collected and published.

Of course there will be those who will try to cheat, but laws and regulations can be established to make cheating over 25 cents only the felon stupid would attempt.

I doubt it would crush American Exchanges, how do you come to that conclusion?

How much do you feel it would raise?
Here are a couple of ideas, not mine, but good ones. Let's tax everyone of the financial transactions on the stock exchanges .25 cents. Million of transactions occur every working day and night on exchanges, foreign and domestic.

The use of the income would be applied to reduce or potentially eliminate annual deficit spending. Only ideology prevents this very practical method of curtailing the massive debt incurred by Congress each year.

However, giving more money to a Congress, no matter which party is in power, would simply be foolish. Thus the second part of the idea, and the most difficult, would be to provide the POTUS the line-item veto. A veto which could be overridden by The Congress. Checks and balances as foreseen by the Founding Fathers.

Of course the line-item veto will require an Amendment to COTUS.
It's an interesting idea. However, you realize the major impact would be on small investors who trade often in lots of a 100 to 1000 share or odd lots. Large financial institutions tend to trade relatively small numbers of huge lots.

It might have some impact on small investors, but .25 cents isn't going to have a a major impact on anyone's investments. Maybe day trader, but they are a volatility problem and might be more circumspect if there was a fee.
Here are a couple of ideas, not mine, but good ones. Let's tax everyone of the financial transactions on the stock exchanges .25 cents. Million of transactions occur every working day and night on exchanges, foreign and domestic.

The use of the income would be applied to reduce or potentially eliminate annual deficit spending. Only ideology prevents this very practical method of curtailing the massive debt incurred by Congress each year.

However, giving more money to a Congress, no matter which party is in power, would simply be foolish. Thus the second part of the idea, and the most difficult, would be to provide the POTUS the line-item veto. A veto which could be overridden by The Congress. Checks and balances as foreseen by the Founding Fathers.

Of course the line-item veto will require an Amendment to COTUS.

best idea is to simply make debt illegal. Republicans have tried this 30 times in American History and liberals have killed every effort. In short, liberals are totally irresponsible and should in effect be made illegal by a Balanced Budget Amendment.
Here are a couple of ideas, not mine, but good ones. Let's tax everyone of the financial transactions on the stock exchanges .25 cents. Million of transactions occur every working day and night on exchanges, foreign and domestic.

The use of the income would be applied to reduce or potentially eliminate annual deficit spending. Only ideology prevents this very practical method of curtailing the massive debt incurred by Congress each year.

However, giving more money to a Congress, no matter which party is in power, would simply be foolish. Thus the second part of the idea, and the most difficult, would be to provide the POTUS the line-item veto. A veto which could be overridden by The Congress. Checks and balances as foreseen by the Founding Fathers.

Of course the line-item veto will require an Amendment to COTUS.

Let's tax everyone of the financial transactions on the stock exchanges .25 cents. Million of transactions occur every working day and night on exchanges, foreign and domestic.

That's an excellent idea!!
It would absolutely crush American exchanges.

provide the POTUS the line-item veto. A veto which could be overridden by The Congress.

That's actually a good idea. Are you feeling okay?

I doubt it would crush American Exchanges, how do you come to that conclusion? The fee could be charged to the buyer, the seller and the brokerage. The exchange would not have any expense, since the records are already collected and published.

Of course there will be those who will try to cheat, but laws and regulations can be established to make cheating over 25 cents only the felon stupid would attempt.

I doubt it would crush American Exchanges, how do you come to that conclusion?

How much do you feel it would raise?

I tried to establish the average or mean number of trades per year, but all I could find were trades in dollars which was generally 2-6 Billion dollars per day, or DARTS traded***, which would likely be less than the actual number of trades.

DEFINITION of 'Daily Average Revenue Trades - DARTs'
A common metric used in the investment brokerage industry that represents the number of trades from which a given broker can expect to generate revenue through commissions or fees on any given day.

Read more: Daily Average Revenue Trades - DARTs Definition | Investopedia Daily Average Revenue Trades - DARTs
Here are a couple of ideas, not mine, but good ones. Let's tax every one of the financial transactions on the stock exchanges .25 cents. Million of transactions occur every working day and night on exchanges, foreign and domestic.

The use of the income would be applied to reduce or potentially eliminate annual deficit spending. Only ideology prevents this very practical method of curtailing the massive debt incurred by Congress each year.

However, giving more money to a Congress, no matter which party is in power, would simply be foolish. Thus the second part of the idea, and the most difficult, would be to provide the POTUS the line-item veto. A veto which could be overridden by The Congress. Checks and balances as foreseen by the Founding Fathers.

Of course the line-item veto will require an Amendment to COTUS.

best idea is to simply make debt illegal. Republicans have tried this 30 times in American History and liberals have killed every effort. In short, liberals are totally irresponsible and should in effect be made illegal by a Balanced Budget Amendment.

Do you have an idea what a budget is?
Do you have an idea what a budget is?

sure, can the liberal tell us why he wants to know if I know what a budget is???????

Apparently you don't. I'm not surprised.

A budget is a plan. Period. A balanced budget amendment would handcuff our country because ever eventuality can not be predicted. If an event, or a series of events occurred which required an immediate response by the government, a balanced budget would slow the distribution of funds which might be necessary to save live and or property.
A budget is a plan. Period. A balanced budget amendment would handcuff our country because ever eventuality can not be predicted. If an event, or a series of events occurred which required an immediate response by the government, a balanced budget would slow the distribution of funds which might be necessary to save live and or property.

actually BBA's obviously have emergency exceptions. Don't feel embarrassed, you're a liberal and actually proud of your ignorance. Please feel free to shoot your liberal mouth off some more!!
A budget is a plan. Period. A balanced budget amendment would handcuff our country because every eventuality can not be predicted. If an event, or a series of events occurred which required an immediate response by the government, a balanced budget would slow the distribution of funds which might be necessary to save live and or property.

actually BBA's obviously have emergency exceptions. Don't feel embarrassed, you're a liberal and actually proud of your ignorance. Please feel free to shoot your liberal mouth off some more!!

Oh, thanks for sharing your bullshit, now provide proof that a BBA has emergency exceptions, and the manner in which such an exception can be promulgated. By POTUS alone? Where are the checks and balances?; by Congress alone, same questions?. Or maybe in the regulations promulgated by each member of the cabinet.

Oh, and by the way, FO; your posts are the product of a magical thinking (and I use the word thinking loosely) child.
Oh, thanks for sharing your bullshit, now provide proof that a BBA has emergency exceptions,

Gee its so hard to constantly crush a fool liberal in a debate:

Balanced budget amendment - Wikipedia
Wikipedia, the free encyclopediaBalanced_budget_amendment

A balanced-budget amendment is a constitutional rule requiring that a state cannot spend more ... Most balanced-budget provisions make an exception for times of war, nationalemergency, or recession, ... The Basic Law permits an exception to be made foremergencies such as a natural disaster or severe economic crisis.
Europe - ‎United States - ‎See also - ‎References

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